Creating Multiple/duplicate Records For Output

Mar 13, 2007


I am writing mini database which will produce labels for boxes. I want to be able to produce a sheet of labels based on the 'number of labels' to print field. I can output one label or many on the page/s depending on how I structure the query and how many records are in the query.

My Question:
I need is a query which takes an individual record and duplicates it by the integer in the 'Number of Labels' field

any ideas?


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Queries :: Multiple Records Appear In Output Of Query

Mar 4, 2015

i have got 2 tables i am trying query against. in table 1 i have a list of records which only appear once in the table under 1 field. in table 2 list of records which may have the same record appear under the same field numerous of times with different data in other fields on the table. i have created the reationship between both tables but i am getting multiple records appear in the output of the query where i only want the record to appear once in the output.

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Creating And Assigning New ID To Duplicate Records

Mar 8, 2012

There is currently a database which contains location information on a variety of different samples, each which is identified by a unique sample number (the primary key). However, when these samples are processed, they are split it half and each is assigned a second identifier for each half (in this case, an A or a B). Therefore, if originally there was sample 1, it will be split into 1A and 1B. My task is essentially to create a second database with further information for each sample half (1A or 1B), while maintaining a link to the main sample database to reflect any changes to the sample location information. So far I have been using a make table query that pulls from the linked table which links back to the main database and combines with another table that simply has one column called "Piece" which has an 'A' in the first row and a 'B' in the second row.

I am quite new to using access, but I have found this task fairly frustrating so far because it feels like I am trying to force access to work in ways that it was not designed. Essentially I would like access to create a duplicate entry for each sample in the original database, and force in an 'A' or a 'B', and combine these fields to create a unique identifier. However, I am running into a lot of issue when trying to append data from the original database etc.

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Forms :: Underlying Query In Subform Creating Duplicate Records On Form

Jun 18, 2014

I have an "Returns" master form that contains two subforms. The subforms contain items that we are returning back into our inventory. The underlying queries in each subform show only those records where the "Return Date" is null. The query(s) works fine, except that if there are 3 items that need to be returned there are 3 records that show in the master Returns form. I tried the Totals option in the query but the I need that Return Date on the subform. I only want one Returns master form to show the 3 records (not 3 records of the same master form).

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Retriving Duplicate Records With Multiple Queries

Aug 18, 2005

when running the attached report I am getting duplicate records. If using the protocol specified tc02026 there should be 8 records total. When running the report it pulls from both queries which have select criteria. How do I limit the report to only give me the 8 records and eliminate the duplicates? When I run each query it only gives me the 8 records I am looking for. Each Sample# in the report is a unique number(to help see the replicates).


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Reports :: Multiple Duplicate Records In Subform

Mar 9, 2015

I currently have a report which contains a subform. The master/child fields used to link them are called 'StudentID'.

In the table on which the subform is based, it is possible for multiple records to be associated with a single StudentID: in this case, the subform shows the locations where a student is studying, therefore if a student is based in three different locations the subform will display all three.

This seems to be resulting, when I run the master report, in three identical iterations of the same report being displayed (at least this is the only reason i can see why these duplicates would be displayed; it doesn't happen if a student only has one record in the subform).

Clearly, as a single instance of the report shows all three records in the subform anyway, I don't want to be seeing these duplicates.

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Prevent Duplicate Records Based On Multiple Fields

Nov 15, 2005

how or what function (DLookup) should I use to prevent duplicate records based on multiple fields? I want to look at data in three fields that can't match existing data in those three fields. It's ok if one or two of the fields match but not all three.

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Duplicate Table Records Multiple Times According To Condition

Apr 4, 2012

I have one table like:

ID Type No
1 FL 2
2 DL 3

I need the following table to be created using first table , each record should be duplicated according to value in No field:

ID Type No
1 FL 2
1 FL 2
2 DL 3
2 DL 3
2 DL 3

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Delete Duplicate Records Based On Multiple Criteria

Sep 21, 2015

I need developing a new delete query criteria to add onto existing delete duplicate queries for deleting duplicate values. I need the new delete duplicate query to take precedent over the other two so that those values retained in the first query are kept retained after going through the second and third delete queries. Attached is a document laying out the request.

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Queries :: Get Rid Of Duplicate Records That Show Different Data In Multiple Columns

Sep 8, 2013

I have 10 tables linked in one query. 9 tables are linked to one main table (one to many relationship).I want to get rid of duplicate records that show different data in multiple columns. I want only one record of this but retain with different data under different columns to be separated by commas. For example: I want this...

Employee # Name Course Start Date Completion Date
1 John Smith MS Office Training 1/1/2010 5/1/2010
1 John Smith Python Training 1/30/2011 4/1/2011
1 John Smith Leadership Development 6/27/2013 9/1/2013
1 John Smith Sensitivity Training 9/5/2010 -
2 Hank Joel MS Office Training 8/1/2010 10/1/2010
2 Hank Joel Sensitivity Training 8/1/2010 10/1/2010
2 Hank Joel WHMIS Training 11/15/2010 12/1/2010
3 Jane Doe Leadership Training 7/18/2011 9/26/2012

To turn like this:

Employee # Name Course Start Date Completion Date
1 John Smith MS Office Training, Python Training, Leadership Development, Sensitivity Training 1/1/2010, 1/30/2011, 6/27/2013, 9/5/2010 5/1/2010, 4/1/2011, 9/1/2013, -
2 Hank Joel MS Office Training, Sensitivity Training, WHMIS Training 8/1/2010, 8/1/2010, 11/15/2010 10/1/2010, 10/1/2010, 12/1/2010
3 Jane Doe Leadership Training 7/18/2011 9/26/2012

I am using two tables to find the data (main - "employee tbl" and "courses tbl")I have been trying to follow Allen Browne`s method, but I`m unsuccessful. This is the code I've put in SQL of this query:


SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Courses]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl]
SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Start Date]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl]
SELECT [Employee #], ConcatRelated("[Completion Date]", "[Courses tbl]", "[Employee #] =" & [Employee #]) from [Employee Tbl];

However, I am prompt with "Syntax error in query expression".It also prompts another expression to be in error when I include the above but it runs okay when I don't do the above:


WHERE (([Employee Tbl].[Employee #]) Like [Enter Employee ID or leave blank for ALL employees] & "*")

I placed the following in VBA module:

Public Function ConcatRelated(strField As String, _
strTable As String, _
Optional strWhere As String, _
Optional strOrderBy As String, _


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Creating Multiple Records From One Field

Dec 17, 2004

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone had code to split a field by semicolums, to create multiple records.The field has the first line of address for each property with a particular postcode.
For instance

field name:
Craven House; Ample Mansion; WHSmith; Bulevard Terrace.

I want to be able to split fields like the one above with these properties by the semicolums so they become seperate records, but share the same other fields e.g. postcode, city...

Thanks in advance,


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Creating Multiple Records From One Field 2

Dec 21, 2004


still not sure how to split one field therby creating multiple records from it.
For instance:
split field:
Craven House; Ample Mansion; WHSmith; Bulevard Terrace.


Craven House
Ample Mansion
Bulevard Terrace.

I have made it a little clearer on the attached word doc.

The plan is to prompt the user to enter a postcode, then based on postcode an sql statement splits the fields of the field metioned with the criteria on a query. Any help very much appreciated, Thanks in advance.


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Getting Duplicate Records In Split Form Datasheet When Using Combo Box With Multiple Selections

Jan 30, 2015

How to correct the issue below. I created a split form and I have 2 combo boxes that allow multiple selections. The one combo box for LOB (line of business) works perfect and does not create duplicate records in the datasheet view of the split form. The 2nd combo box with multiple selections creates duplicate records in the datasheet depending on how many selections are made.

I have checked this in the underlying table and there are no duplicate records, it is only in the split form datasheet. I have checked settings and configuration between the 2 combo boxes that are reacting differently and they appear to be identical...

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General :: Creating Multiple Records (with Queries)

Jul 19, 2012

I'm working on a contact database for my company's sales efforts. It tracks interactions with prospective customers and assigns them to employees here. My question is this: For mass contact efforts (such as mailings), is there a way to create mass entries to my "Interactions" table so that no one has to enter a mailout interaction 1000+ times?

Structure of the relevant bits of the database is as follows:

Contacts Table
Interaction Table

Contacts Table is linked with Interaction table via ContactID

Queries are run to narrow Contacts by various criteria (ex.: by the employee they're assigned to).

So if I run a query to get all the contacts assigned to me, and there are 450 of them, and I send a mailout to all of them, and I want to add an interaction to those 450 people, is there an automated way to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Creating Multiple Records Using Button - Text Box To Say How Many To Create

Jul 22, 2015

I am looking for a way to enable a user to fill in a number of fields on a form press a button(CreateButton) and duplicate the records how ever many times is stated in a text box(TxtQty). I also need this to increase the serial number by the amount of times stated in the text box.

There will need to be another text box (TxtNextSerialNumber) stating the next first available serial number

For Example:
TxtNextSerialNumber = AD-Oracle-00010
TxtQty = 5
Press CreateButton to create 5 records
TxtNextSerialNumber = AD-Oracle-00014

5 new records created with the below fields duplicated and the above happening.

I will then need a message box informing the user of the serial numbers created:

'You have created serial numbers AD-Oracle-00010 to AD-Oracle-00014'

Table Name: ADOracle
Form Name: ADOracleTestData

Fields Names:
CustomerName: Duplicate
PartNumber: Duplicate
OrderNumber: Duplicate
OrderDate: Duplicate
HoseKit: Duplicate
Returns: Duplicate
Comments: Duplicate
SerialNumber: + the amount shown in TxtQty starting on next serial number available.

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Multiple Queries Output To Be Displayed In The Form

Dec 15, 2004


I am trying view the query output's in different text on the form and I do not want to see them again in query window.How do I hide this.. comments

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Reports :: Output A Report To Multiple PDFs

Feb 6, 2015

I have several reports that creates price sheets for all of my customers. It is a report with multiple subreports within, and I am trying to create a process to seperate them and export them all into [Customer Name].pdf. I have tried to scrap some code together from various forums, and it has been unsuccessful.

For example, one of the reports "rptPriceSheetQuarterly", has a field "txtCustomerName", that feeds the queries for the other subreports. I would like to create a new PDF when that field changes.

I understand I need some sort of looping code that will cut the report up dump them all into one folder, but I am totally out of my element here.

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Creating Duplicate Values Error

Mar 29, 2006

I have a table with one primary key (ClientID) which is an autonumber (cannot be duplicated), and another field which is a number field which is set to a random 6 digits (also cannot be duplicated) whenever a new client record is created.

Now, the main database is on a desktop, and my partner and i are connected to this main database through our laptops whenever we're in the office. For the last 6 months, I had only the ClientID in the form (from the Client Table), and everything would work fine whenever we created a new record in the Form, even if we created a new record at the same time on our personal laptops, the numbers would automatically be increased by one w/ no error.

I just added the other field now, the regular 6 digit random number field, and sometimes (only sometimes) when we both have a different client and start a new record, we get error messages that says we're creating duplicates. When that error message comes up, one of us has to close down the form completely, and reopen and start a new record again. Not sure why this is happening. Here is the error message.

Any help appreciated.!!

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Output A Zero When No Records Are Found...?

Jun 15, 2005

Hey everyone,
Even though I'm going to feel like a moron for not knowing this I'm hoping there is a simple answer. I'm far from a master at access, and seem to be having a little trouble when it come to formatting the output of my query. I have a database made the keeps track of about 200 hundred crime reports. I want to be able to do a query that will output the 15 possible crimes as rows, and then have 4 columns which are the locations of where the crimes happened. And then for the results have how many of crime where commited there. Pretty much in an excel format (see below example). However there are some crimes that have never happened. So there are no records of them. Unfortunatly when i do my query since there are no records, they are not even listed. I need them to list the crime, and place zeros if there are none. Since this probably isn't to clear I'll put a little example below.


Robbery: 4 on campus, 5 off campus, 6 in city, 0 in apartments
Rape: 0 on cmpus, 3 off campus, 4 in city, 0 in apartments
murder: 0 on campus 0 off campus, o in city, 0 in apartments

When i do my query it looks like this

*********On Campus****Off Campus****In City

Rape********************3 ***********4

*Notice it doesn't even list the apartments since there are no records that match, the same with murder.

I need the output to look like this:

*****On Campus *****Off Campus ***In City****apartments

Robbery****4 ************ 5********6 ********0
murder *****0*************0 *******0********0

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Querying A Table Multiple Times Based On Output

Feb 12, 2006


I need to run a parameter query in which you enter a product number and the query (a) returns the list of components and (b) then automatically reruns the query for these components. In other words, I enter an input (a product number) the query gives me outputs (component numbers) and then reruns the query with each of these outputs as the input (i.e. I want to know what are the sub-components of these components). This process stops when all the components are raw materials -- this will be easily identifiable.

Does anyone know how to set-up this type of query?



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Queries :: Multiple Nested IIF Statements - Output In One Field

Mar 25, 2013

I am trying to get the output of several nested IIF expressions to show in only one filed in the table created. The output needs to be captured in a table. I am staring with create table to get it to work before I go ahead and use the sql to update the original table (the table the data is from)

I can get each to run fine independently and the whole thing runs too, the issue is it wants to put each expression in a new column, thus it is forcing me to label the expression.

Can I change this to only output in one column or add some more sql to do so?

Here is the SQL (table and filed names have been changed to protect the innocent)

BTW, I cannot change the Table the data comes from, I am stuck with the single table structure (BOO).

************************************************** *************
IIf([TABLE1]![PROJ_ACTUAL_D_DATE] Is Not Null,"Tier 1",
IIf([TABLE1]![APPROVAL_D]="Y","Tier 2",

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Creating Query Without Repeating Duplicate Relationships

Feb 13, 2014

I have two tables that look like this:

Table 1

1.12 ,100
1.13 ,100
1.14, 12
1.15, 12
1.16 ,150
1.17 ,150
1.18 ,100

Table 2

A , 12
B , 12
C ,100
D ,12
E ,100
F ,100
G , 150

I would like to do a query that Joins the "Size" in each table, and then matches an "Item" to a "Location". However, because of how a normal join works, I cannot seem to figure out how to limit the "Location" field from producing duplicates in the match.

I only want to have 1 location for every 1 Item.

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Modules & VBA :: Error Message On Creating Duplicate Record

Jul 25, 2013

I need to be able to produce an error on a form where the user attempts to create a new user that already exists. The error needs to be produced when the save button is clicked.

See below for the existing code on my save button which exists in form, 'frmAddEditUser':

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
If IsNull(cboManagerID) = True Then
MsgBox "Please select a manager", vbExclamation, "Details Missing!"

[Code] ....

Currently, if I attempt to create a user with the same Payroll ID as an existing user, my 'User details saved' message box is displayed and to the user it looks like a new record has saved successfully which isn't the case.

I need a message box to appear displaying something like "Payroll ID n already exists" where n is the 'PayrollID' of the duplicate record. (Is it possible to combine a value from a certain control and ones own custom text?)

Note: PayrollID is a combination of letters and numbers, i.e. two letters, followed by 5 numbers, e.g. JD12345.

For reference, the table/field and and control are called, '[tblUser].[PayrollID]' and 'txtPayrollID' (on 'frmAddEditUser') respectively; it is from this field and control that I want the error to be produced if the user is entering the same values which are existing in 'tblUser'.

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Need Count Query To Output 0 (zero) When There Are No Matching Records

May 21, 2007

I have a form where a user reviews information input by another user, once they have done this they sign it off by selecting their name from a drop down list. On this form there is a scrolling message which tells the user how many un-signed entries there are. This works fine until there are 0 (zero) entries to be signed off.

The scrolling message is linked to a count query which basically counts any records that does not have a name entered in the required field. I have done this with ' Not Like "*" '

Like I say it works when there is one or more entries to count, but as soon as there are none the query does not output a zero it is just blank. This is the problem.

I need some sort of statement to say if there are no matching records please display a zero.

Any help would be much appreciated!

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How To Output Records Into List Box With 3 Coloum Headings

Apr 28, 2005

Hi every one. i want out put records into a list box with 3 column headings named as playerno, initials and name. The way i created the list box is by putting list value for the row source type and name the list box as lstPlayers. But unfortunately get all the the records Fields one after one not one row at a time. I be happy if some one tell how to fix this .Thanks

Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()

Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
cn.Open ("Provider=MicroSoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source=C:db.mdb")

rst.Open "select playerno, initials, name from players order by name, initials", cn

Do Until rst.EOF
lstPlayers.RowSource = lstPlayers.RowSource & ";" & _
rst("playerno") & ";" & rst("initials") & ";" & rst("name")

'TextBox = lstPlayers
'MsgBox (playerno)
End Sub

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Forms :: Creating Duplicate Record With Specific Fields Blank

Jul 21, 2014

I'm working on a form with almost a hundred various fields (it's what my employer needs). He wants to be able to create new records with much of the same information as the old ones by clicking on a button that will copy the information to a new record, then clear certain specific fields (or some process that will safely create the same result). I don't need specifics on how to write the same line of code for each and every field I wish to clear.

Say I have a form with 5 fields: part_number, part_owner, procedure, file_name, and date.

How could I copy the record to keep the fields part_owner and procedure the same, but clear part_number, file_name, and date?

All of the fields are from the same table (no, it's not normalized...).

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