Crosstab Limitations

Oct 6, 2005

Does anyone know what the maximum rows & columns are for a crosstab query as I cannot find them anywhere?

When I create one that is too big, it just gives the message of how many columns I have rather then how many I'm allowed.

Any help would be greatly recieved.



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DLookup Limitations?

Mar 4, 2008


I have a unbound textfield which is defined as a MEMO as i need the capacity the memotype gives. When i use DLookup to retrieve text from a tablefield it seems like the DLookup function can't retrieve all the text from it. The capacity is there when i use bound relations (not using DLookup), but not with it. Does anyone know how i can get around this?

Thanks in advance :)

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Combo Limitations?

Dec 27, 2005

Can a combo box, used to auto fill fields on a form, use a memo field? My selections seem to be cutting off at the 255 character limit, eventhough the underlying table is set to memo field. Is there a work-around for this issue?

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ASP And Access Limitations

Oct 28, 2006


My website keeps going down. We run an Access database with ASP coding. I have been told that the problem is from Access having limitations. I read in another posting here that there is a limit of 255 concurrent users, something that we would reach.

I want to know what is the best way forward. Would I need to upgrade to MS sequel? Could I switch to MYSQL? What is the best option and how would I go about doing it? Any other tips or pointers would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Memo Field Limitations

Mar 26, 2005

I have a form with a memo field. This field is based on a table with a field set as a memo data type. The problem is that although the form field lets you type endlessly, it only saves 255 characters. A memo field is supposed to let you enter up to 64000 characters. Has anyone else ever had this problem, if so what was the solution?

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Nested Tables/drill Down Limitations...?

Jun 16, 2005

Hi there,

I'm using access 2000 for starters.

I have created one to many relationships for each of 10 cascading tables dependent on related records in each preceeding table and was expecting to be able to drill down into them in the standard database window prior to creating a data access form to work with.

However i have found that tables 1 through 7 are visible, but access doens't give a little "+" in the corner of table 8 to get to tables 9 and 10. i.e, i can't seem can't seem to drill down beyond table 8 to view related records in tables 9 then 10.

Does this mean that there is a limit to how far you can drill down through table relationships within access?


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Nested Tables/drill Down Limitations...?

Jun 16, 2005

Hi there,

I'm using access 2000 for starters.

I have created one to many relationships for each of 10 cascading tables dependent on related records in each preceeding table and was expecting to be able to drill down into them in the standard database window prior to creating a data form to work with.

However i have found that tables 1 through 7 are visible, but access doens't give a little "+" in the corner of table 8 to get to tables 9 and 10. i.e, i can't seem can't seem to drill down beyond table 8 to view related records in tables 9 then 10.

Does this mean that there is a limit to how far you can drill down through table relationships within access?


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Anyone Have A Guess As Access 12 Size Limitations?

Apr 21, 2006

I've got a database that is about to blowup with Access' 2GB limit. Just wondering if I should wait for Access 12.

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Access 2000 Limitations Question

Feb 13, 2005

Hello All,

I just had a couple quick questions. My first question is access limited
to a certain amount of records per table, or limited on how big (disk space wise)
a database can be. The reason why I asked was I think I read access 97 had a
limitation on the db could be no more then 2 gigs, or so many records per table, or both.


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Scope & Limitations Of MS Access And SQL Server

Apr 24, 2008

Hello everybody

My office gave me assignment to find out the scope & limitations of the two Microsoft database applications - MS Access and MS SQL Server. After the findings, we have to chose the more appropriate database for our new project, which will have a humble start but may grow big in a year or two.

I will apreciate the info in facts & figures (not only in general).

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MS Access Multi-user Limitations

Sep 25, 2006

We are planning a database application for a client that will need to be accessed remotely by their consultants. We will initially host this application on one of our servers for a few months, and then the client will take it over and host it. The problem we are facing is that this client wants to use ms access as the database, and doesnt want the interface to be web based. The plan was to use data access pages, and let their consultants use a remote desktop connection to access these pages. I don't use access, but I was under the impression that access couldn't really support multiple users hitting the database in this format. Is this correct?


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Limitations Of Using Access With Multiple Users On Intranet

Mar 24, 2006


I would like to use an Access database over an Intranet. What are the limitations of doing this? I want multiple individuals to be able to open forms and enter data. I would also want others to be able to run queries and reports on the database. Would I need to upsize to an Oracle database to run with multiple users? Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

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Tables :: Student Database For Daily Attendance - Column Limitations

Dec 31, 2012

I'm in the process of constructing a student database for my school which would track (in addition to detailed student information) the daily attendance of over 270 students.

It is my understanding that there is a limit of 255 field names per table, so I can't use the student names as field names, nor can I really use dates as this would not quite cover even a year.

Student ID and AttendanceDate as field names is also not really a feasible strategy, as each week this would eat up 1300+ rows, so I would run out of space in that direction as well.

My question is ultimately am I better off building this in excel 2010, or is there a way of doing this in access that I have overlooked?

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Crosstab Query Based On Crosstab??

Sep 21, 2007

Hi all, I am utterly unsure if what I want to do is even possible:

I have two crosstab queries, qryRewCOCredit and qryWrapCOCredit which show the changeover (CO) times for the specified machine when they are NOT zero. (all zero entries don't show up).

There are many cases when there is a CO for the Rewinder on a specific day, but not for the Wrapper, and vice versa.

I want to make another crosstab query which performs a calculation. To keep it simple:

If (RewCOCredit>WrapCOCredit) Then
Else 'WrapCOCredit>RewCOCredit

Please help!!!

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Crosstab Help

Mar 23, 2006

I have a table that holds review information on staff:

StaffID (Number)
ReviewDate (Date/Time)
Completed (Yes/No)

Everytime a review is carried out it is added as a new record, however, I need the information to be presented in a crosstab so it looks something like this:

StaffID Review1 Review2 Review3
17 01/01/2006 04/04/2006 05/05/06
20 01/01/2006 04/04/2006 05/05/06
25 01/01/2006 04/04/2006 05/05/06

Other then creating a table and playing with a bit of vba does anyone have a solution?

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Help Using Crosstab

Sep 16, 2007

Im trying to use crosstab to help me out count how many pages are within a document...
for example
in my "break" field. there are records that contain D's(d=document), and blank records(blanks=pages) trying to use crosstab to help me count how many are within each document....but for some reason, its not coming out right...can anyone help me?

i keep getting this error when i try running my crosstab query...
"Too many crosstab column headers(21521)"
is it possible since i have so many records...i cant perform this task??

heres a cpy of my db

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Crosstab Help

Nov 26, 2007

I want to combine the data from 2 tables in a report. I think I need to do this through a crosstab query, but I've no idea how as it needs to calculate it's data.

The row heading needs to be [DateWorked] from the "Hours" table.

Each Column heading needs to be every [StaffPIN] from the "StaffData" table.

I want it to display the number of hours each staff member worked for a perticular day. The "Hours" table holds each staff member's start and finish time. I have a function called workedHours that, given the start and finish time it will return hours worked (a shift can overlap 2 days so DateDiff wouldn't work).

Can anyone help?

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Crosstab Help?..

Dec 19, 2007


I have a table with the following info:
ID, CSR, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, all the way to option 12.In the Option fields, you can enter a number from 1 - 12. What I'm looking for is a summary report that will give the number of times each number appears for each field. Something like this:

Option 1: 1 = 20 times, 2 = 5 times, 3 = 15 times
Option 2: 2 = 5 times, 2 = 10 times, 3 = 0 times

So on and so on. Would this be done with a crosstab query, or am I way off?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Crosstab Query

Aug 17, 2005

Hello All,
Your Help Required. I have send you a Database, in which I have used Crosstab query, I just want when I select the report from switchboard, and enter the datefrom / dateto (fields names) than click the preview report. Required report is open.

I have faced following problems
1-When I have selected the report and click the preview button. Report is not opened.
2-I have used cross tab query and link with the switchboard. But when I have run the query this msg is appeared “Microsoft Jet engine Does not recognized these field(name)”


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Crosstab & Forms

Dec 15, 2006


I have never tried this, it seems easy enough but in fact... I simply cannot find the answer.

I want to display a crosstab query as a (sub)form. The basis of this is that a form requires the columns to be fixed. The crosstab will offcourse grow and grow in the number of columns.

I would like to show the form as a datasheet to support this purpose.
I was thinking maybe I can dynamicaly add the (new) column(s) before opening the form, but how do I do that?

Greets & Thanks


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Crosstab Query

Sep 23, 2005

I am am wondering if it is possible to create a crosstab query that displays alphanumeric values and not numeric (computational) values.

Table contains the following details:

Name Branch
Bob 111
Bob 222
Joe 333
Pam 444

I want to use a crosstab so I can view the data as follows:

Name Branch1 Branch2
Bob 111 222
Joe 333
Pam 444

Is this possible? I've been playing around with it and it doesnt look doable. Perhaps there is a better way of getting the data into this format? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Super Thanx.


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Crosstab Query

Oct 2, 2005

Hi all

I'm trying to create a crosstab query with criteria that refers to a combo box on a form to allow me to filter data before the query is created. However when I refer to the combo box (e.g. = forms!frmSite!CmbSiteName) I am told that access does not recognise this as a 'valid field name or expression'. With a normal select query I dont have the same problem. Is there a way around this?



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Crosstab Query

Oct 4, 2005

Hi, I have a crosstab query I have set up, calculating the cost of a product per month

it should look like
1 2 3 4
gek22 £55 £66 £77 £88
er44 £99 $100 £101 £102
tt66 £103 £104 £105 £106

but instead it looks like

1 2 3 4
gek22 £55 £88
gek22 £66
gek22 £77
er44 £99
er44 $100 £102
er44 £101
tt66 £103 £106
tt66 £103
tt66 £104 £105

Admittedly this is my first time doing a crosstab query, but I have both my column and rowe headers set to group by, I kinda assumed this would group them in much the same way a pivot table does in excel

Any help on this would be great

Hmm, doesnt want to keep the spacing in it :( hopefully you can get the idea

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Crosstab Qry From Union Qry

Dec 6, 2005

I have a UNION qry in which I have Out, Incoming and internal invoices as RELATIONSHIPs, and based on it a CROSSTAB qry, and now there are 2 new categories which are goods that were returned - and there are 2 because:
1. is return from Internal and
2. is return from Outgoing invoices.
I need to calculate the current InStock (based on articalNumbers) with this in mind:
InStock = Incoming - OUTgoing - Internal + returnfromInternal + returnFromOutgoing

However, I cant seem to get a returns to the same crosstab qry in order to include them in calculation

the real names of variables are not important but the principle on which I should base my qry is the problem for me (please have in mind that I first started working in access about 2 months ago)
Is there anything wrong with the principle of my work here?
t i a...

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Crosstab #Name? Problem

Jan 20, 2006

OK, been awhile since I posted anything here. I have a weird one, hope there is a solution.I have a form that uses a crosstab query for it's data. The problem is the crosstab query has a column heading that (in my example) represents warehouses of which there are ten. So when the form was originally created it had ten text boxes for quantity values by product for each warehouse. The problem is depending on when the query is ran there will be times when there are no values for one or more warehouses, when this happens the crosstab query does not show those warehouses at all as column headings, therefore the text boxes on the form do not have a corresponding field on the query and, because of that it displays the - #Name? in the text box.:mad: How would one go about dealing with this situation??Thanks!

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Crosstab Group By On Value

Mar 29, 2006

Hi there I have the following predicament,

I want to run a crosstab query on a table that looks like the below:

1, 123, 2006-03-30, Name, Tony
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Position, Baron
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Name, Simon
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Position, Mgr
1, 321, 2006-03-30, Name, Sarah
1, 321, 2006-03-30, Position, Analyst

The crosstab query as it stands only pulls back the first and last records as it wont allow grouping on the value field, which in this case is the response field. All other fields are row headings.

The report looks like this:
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Tony, Baron
1, 321, 2006-03-30, Sarah, Analyst

Any ideas on how I can bring back both reccords, eg Group on the all fields? It should look like this:

1, 123, 2006-03-30, Tony, Baron
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Simon, Baron
1, 321, 2006-03-30, Sarah, Analyst

Thanks for your time!



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