Crosstab Null Value Help

Sep 16, 2004

What's up?

I have a crosstab query with which i need help. The query takes all of the individual sales from 94 on and sorts them into total sales by year (the past 5 years 1999-2004) for each customer. After that, you can break the total sales for each customer down to the total sales for each category of product for the past 5 years. For example, you have ABC Co. that bought $20,000 last year total and bought $5,000 of category EN, 10,000 of category PS and 5,000 of category DS. My problem is that if ABC bought 5,000 in 2003 of EN but nothing of EN in 2004, the null value of 2004 does not appear as a zero, but as a blank. This obviously screws up my calculations and i need to know how to replace a null (blank) value with a zero. PLEASE HELP!!!!

if u need any more info i'll be happy to oblige.


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Crosstab With Null Values

Aug 9, 2005

I currently have a crosstab query that compares data for two years. The results look like this.

month 2004 2005
January 98% 95%
Decemeber 98

What I am getting at is that the query returns null values for the fields that do not have data recorded for the months in 2005 because we have not reached them yet. Is there a way for me to make sure that at least the value 0 is entered in the null value areas?

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Replace Null With Zero In Crosstab Query

Jan 9, 2006


I have a simple crosstab query, which is designed to give a monthly total (numeric) and a yearly total for the value of orders placed by a number of customers.

The query is based on another query which simply extracts order records for a particular year.
For some customers, certain months will be blank as there were no orders placed.
I would like to use the crosstab query on a report, and I would like to replace the blanks with zeros.
I have searched for examples of query expressions using the nz function and attempted to apply some. I have, however, had no success in converting the blank monthly totals to zeros.

Can anyone help me achieve this?

The query is as follows :

TRANSFORM Sum(AmountQueryLastYear.SumOfAmount) AS SumOfSumOfAmount
SELECT AmountQueryLastYear.DeliveryName, Sum(AmountQueryLastYear.SumOfAmount) AS [Total Of SumOfAmount]
FROM AmountQueryLastYear
GROUP BY AmountQueryLastYear.DeliveryName
PIVOT Format([ShipmentDate],"mmm") In ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");

An example of expressions I have tried is :

Expr1: NZ([SumOfAmount],0)

In it's own column in the query design grid.

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Null Values In Crosstab Queries

Apr 24, 2006

Hi there, instead of blank fields in my crosstab query, and hence my report, i would like a standard comment, such as 'No Booking'.

My crosstab is something like this:

.........A...........B..............C............. D


3...................X............................. .X

(Ignore the dots, obviously)

Currently, when i try to open the report based on this query, it fails unless each column has data in it for at least one record.

I've tried using the Nz function but haven't been able to make it work. Thankyou in advance! :)

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Crosstab Query Based On Crosstab??

Sep 21, 2007

Hi all, I am utterly unsure if what I want to do is even possible:

I have two crosstab queries, qryRewCOCredit and qryWrapCOCredit which show the changeover (CO) times for the specified machine when they are NOT zero. (all zero entries don't show up).

There are many cases when there is a CO for the Rewinder on a specific day, but not for the Wrapper, and vice versa.

I want to make another crosstab query which performs a calculation. To keep it simple:

If (RewCOCredit>WrapCOCredit) Then
Else 'WrapCOCredit>RewCOCredit

Please help!!!

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Modules & VBA :: Switch Function - A Null Makes Whole Column Null

Nov 16, 2014

I do not understand what is happening here. I have foll0wing line in a calculated query field:

m: Switch([EmpID]<5,1) ' run Query 18 in attached example, A2007/2010

this produces 1 for all EmpID<5 and Null for all other EmpID's. All as expected.

But if I do this:

m: Switch([EmpID]<5,1,[EmpID]>=5,Null) ' run Query 19 in attached example

then the entire column is set to Null

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Modules & VBA :: Invalid Use Of Null With No (obvious) Null Values

Jul 5, 2013

It might be an easy one but I just wasted the past hour deciphering through my code in order to solve the run-time error '94' that I'm getting when trying to execute the following code:

Private Sub cmdUpdateDates_Click()
'This sub aims at combining the timesheet date and the start and end time into the fields [Start Time] and [End Time].
Dim intCounter As Integer
intCounter = 0
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

[Code] ....

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Query With Is Null Returning Not Null Records

Apr 18, 2006

Hello all,

A bit of a weird one, I've got a query and the criteria for showing records is that one particular field is null. However the query is showing records with the values in the field chosen for the Is Null.

Not sure why this is happening, has anyone come across this problem before?


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Combo Criteria If Not Null Or Is Null

Apr 3, 2008

I am having problems with setting up a set of combo boxes.

What I am trying to do is if combo Productline is empty then in combo PartNumber would show all products but if combo Productline has a value selected then in the combo partnumber would only be able to select the partnumbers in that productline.

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Invalid Use Of Null ? How To Assign Null

Nov 16, 2006

Hi, I have some problem with assigmnet with date and string variable. what i wana do is get data from Forms textboxes into variable and then by insert query send to history table.

the problem occurs when there is blank textbox its says invalid use of null.

myStringVariable = Forms!myform!EmpName
myDateVariable = Forms!myform!EmpDOB

this code is behind the update button which i press when ever i want to shift data to History table

so when the fields are empty the invalid use of null error arrise

any idea how to handle this null specially in date

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Field Criteria: Is Null; There Are Null Values In That Field; No Records Are Returned

Nov 16, 2007

I think the title pretty much sums it up....

I have a query where data is first sorted by user input; first field's criteria: [fieldname], then by another field's criteria: Is Null.

I know there are records containing null values in the second field, as I have run a select query with the criteria: Like "*", to make sure they are null, and not zero-length-strings.

The query is refusing to return any results...

Any ideas?

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Crosstab Help

Mar 23, 2006

I have a table that holds review information on staff:

StaffID (Number)
ReviewDate (Date/Time)
Completed (Yes/No)

Everytime a review is carried out it is added as a new record, however, I need the information to be presented in a crosstab so it looks something like this:

StaffID Review1 Review2 Review3
17 01/01/2006 04/04/2006 05/05/06
20 01/01/2006 04/04/2006 05/05/06
25 01/01/2006 04/04/2006 05/05/06

Other then creating a table and playing with a bit of vba does anyone have a solution?

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Help Using Crosstab

Sep 16, 2007

Im trying to use crosstab to help me out count how many pages are within a document...
for example
in my "break" field. there are records that contain D's(d=document), and blank records(blanks=pages) trying to use crosstab to help me count how many are within each document....but for some reason, its not coming out right...can anyone help me?

i keep getting this error when i try running my crosstab query...
"Too many crosstab column headers(21521)"
is it possible since i have so many records...i cant perform this task??

heres a cpy of my db

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Crosstab Help

Nov 26, 2007

I want to combine the data from 2 tables in a report. I think I need to do this through a crosstab query, but I've no idea how as it needs to calculate it's data.

The row heading needs to be [DateWorked] from the "Hours" table.

Each Column heading needs to be every [StaffPIN] from the "StaffData" table.

I want it to display the number of hours each staff member worked for a perticular day. The "Hours" table holds each staff member's start and finish time. I have a function called workedHours that, given the start and finish time it will return hours worked (a shift can overlap 2 days so DateDiff wouldn't work).

Can anyone help?

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Crosstab Help?..

Dec 19, 2007


I have a table with the following info:
ID, CSR, Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, all the way to option 12.In the Option fields, you can enter a number from 1 - 12. What I'm looking for is a summary report that will give the number of times each number appears for each field. Something like this:

Option 1: 1 = 20 times, 2 = 5 times, 3 = 15 times
Option 2: 2 = 5 times, 2 = 10 times, 3 = 0 times

So on and so on. Would this be done with a crosstab query, or am I way off?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Crosstab Query

Aug 17, 2005

Hello All,
Your Help Required. I have send you a Database, in which I have used Crosstab query, I just want when I select the report from switchboard, and enter the datefrom / dateto (fields names) than click the preview report. Required report is open.

I have faced following problems
1-When I have selected the report and click the preview button. Report is not opened.
2-I have used cross tab query and link with the switchboard. But when I have run the query this msg is appeared “Microsoft Jet engine Does not recognized these field(name)”


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Crosstab Limitations

Oct 6, 2005

Does anyone know what the maximum rows & columns are for a crosstab query as I cannot find them anywhere?

When I create one that is too big, it just gives the message of how many columns I have rather then how many I'm allowed.

Any help would be greatly recieved.



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Crosstab & Forms

Dec 15, 2006


I have never tried this, it seems easy enough but in fact... I simply cannot find the answer.

I want to display a crosstab query as a (sub)form. The basis of this is that a form requires the columns to be fixed. The crosstab will offcourse grow and grow in the number of columns.

I would like to show the form as a datasheet to support this purpose.
I was thinking maybe I can dynamicaly add the (new) column(s) before opening the form, but how do I do that?

Greets & Thanks


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Crosstab Query

Sep 23, 2005

I am am wondering if it is possible to create a crosstab query that displays alphanumeric values and not numeric (computational) values.

Table contains the following details:

Name Branch
Bob 111
Bob 222
Joe 333
Pam 444

I want to use a crosstab so I can view the data as follows:

Name Branch1 Branch2
Bob 111 222
Joe 333
Pam 444

Is this possible? I've been playing around with it and it doesnt look doable. Perhaps there is a better way of getting the data into this format? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Super Thanx.


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Crosstab Query

Oct 2, 2005

Hi all

I'm trying to create a crosstab query with criteria that refers to a combo box on a form to allow me to filter data before the query is created. However when I refer to the combo box (e.g. = forms!frmSite!CmbSiteName) I am told that access does not recognise this as a 'valid field name or expression'. With a normal select query I dont have the same problem. Is there a way around this?



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Crosstab Query

Oct 4, 2005

Hi, I have a crosstab query I have set up, calculating the cost of a product per month

it should look like
1 2 3 4
gek22 £55 £66 £77 £88
er44 £99 $100 £101 £102
tt66 £103 £104 £105 £106

but instead it looks like

1 2 3 4
gek22 £55 £88
gek22 £66
gek22 £77
er44 £99
er44 $100 £102
er44 £101
tt66 £103 £106
tt66 £103
tt66 £104 £105

Admittedly this is my first time doing a crosstab query, but I have both my column and rowe headers set to group by, I kinda assumed this would group them in much the same way a pivot table does in excel

Any help on this would be great

Hmm, doesnt want to keep the spacing in it :( hopefully you can get the idea

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Crosstab Qry From Union Qry

Dec 6, 2005

I have a UNION qry in which I have Out, Incoming and internal invoices as RELATIONSHIPs, and based on it a CROSSTAB qry, and now there are 2 new categories which are goods that were returned - and there are 2 because:
1. is return from Internal and
2. is return from Outgoing invoices.
I need to calculate the current InStock (based on articalNumbers) with this in mind:
InStock = Incoming - OUTgoing - Internal + returnfromInternal + returnFromOutgoing

However, I cant seem to get a returns to the same crosstab qry in order to include them in calculation

the real names of variables are not important but the principle on which I should base my qry is the problem for me (please have in mind that I first started working in access about 2 months ago)
Is there anything wrong with the principle of my work here?
t i a...

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Crosstab #Name? Problem

Jan 20, 2006

OK, been awhile since I posted anything here. I have a weird one, hope there is a solution.I have a form that uses a crosstab query for it's data. The problem is the crosstab query has a column heading that (in my example) represents warehouses of which there are ten. So when the form was originally created it had ten text boxes for quantity values by product for each warehouse. The problem is depending on when the query is ran there will be times when there are no values for one or more warehouses, when this happens the crosstab query does not show those warehouses at all as column headings, therefore the text boxes on the form do not have a corresponding field on the query and, because of that it displays the - #Name? in the text box.:mad: How would one go about dealing with this situation??Thanks!

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Crosstab Group By On Value

Mar 29, 2006

Hi there I have the following predicament,

I want to run a crosstab query on a table that looks like the below:

1, 123, 2006-03-30, Name, Tony
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Position, Baron
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Name, Simon
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Position, Mgr
1, 321, 2006-03-30, Name, Sarah
1, 321, 2006-03-30, Position, Analyst

The crosstab query as it stands only pulls back the first and last records as it wont allow grouping on the value field, which in this case is the response field. All other fields are row headings.

The report looks like this:
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Tony, Baron
1, 321, 2006-03-30, Sarah, Analyst

Any ideas on how I can bring back both reccords, eg Group on the all fields? It should look like this:

1, 123, 2006-03-30, Tony, Baron
1, 123, 2006-03-30, Simon, Baron
1, 321, 2006-03-30, Sarah, Analyst

Thanks for your time!



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Crosstab Query

Jul 6, 2006

I have a report based on a crosstab query and the data changes every time the report is run even though the data is not updated. Can anyone shed some light?

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Crosstab Queries HELP!!!

Aug 30, 2006

I have a crosstab query where I can compile the totals per day that I want. What I need to do is then group these days into weeks by the following Sunday for a week ending total. How can I link each day for its corresponding week ending date. I attatched an image if it helps.

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