Crosstab Queries HELP!!!

Aug 30, 2006

I have a crosstab query where I can compile the totals per day that I want. What I need to do is then group these days into weeks by the following Sunday for a week ending total. How can I link each day for its corresponding week ending date. I attatched an image if it helps.

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Queries :: Method For Combining Crosstab Queries With Same Criteria From Multiple Fields?

Dec 2, 2014

I have 3 cross tab queries that are completely identical with the exception of the field that they pivot. Each field is searching for the same values just in different columns, with the end goal being to get the sum of the values for each pivoted column. I'm wondering rather than having 3 almost identical queries is there a way to use a crosstab to sum the values from each of the three fields rather that having 3 queries which then have to be aggregated in a fourth?




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Queries :: Crosstab Queries - Export Command Ask To Enter Date Parameter Twice

Feb 24, 2015

I have a crosstab queries which uses the date query parameters. However, when I go to my Export command (code is below), it ask me to enter the date parameters (start date and end date) twice. What do I have to do so that the system will ask me to enter once only?

On Error GoTo Err_cmdTest_Click
'Must 1st set a Reference to the Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim strExportPath As String
Const conOBJECT_TO_EXPORT As String = "qryEXPORT"

[Code] .....

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Queries :: How To Export Crosstab Queries By Date Parameters

Feb 23, 2015

How can you export cross tab queries by using date parameters (for example: Jan 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014)...

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Queries :: Crosstab Queries Columns Heading Limitation

Apr 30, 2015

I was wondering how to do a crosstab query and have to column headings

I need the Organization Number and the Org something like this

4005 4010

Office of HQ Office of Accounting

Is this possible?

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Queries :: Change Merge Crosstab Queries?

Dec 10, 2014

I have a list of 20 hospital patients that I am trying to use to try and establish a list of supplies or services billed on Day of Surgery, Post Op Day 1, Post Op Day 2, Post Op day Three and Post Op Day 4. My problem is when I ran Crosstab Summaries on their accounts the column headings were the actual dates of services. The dates range from January 2014 to July 2014. Is there a way I can change the dates object to the text objects listed above and then merge the accounts so the items and quantities are tabulated. If I can't do this with Access I'll have to tabulate them manually by either creating a new table and data form or by setting up an Excel Spreadsheet.

Current Crosstab
Item # Description Total Qty Jan 1 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 4 Jan 5
201 Gauze 3 2 1
203 Misc 1 1

What I want is:

Item # Description Total Qty DOS POD1 POD2 POD 3 POD 4
201 Gauze 3 2 1
203 Misc 1 1

Keep in mind that there are 20 accounts with varying dates that have to combined into one table or query.

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Queries :: Using Dynamic Crosstab Queries In Forms

Jan 21, 2014

I am building a database which tracks tasks assigned to employees. I want to have one of my forms displaying a view which shows at a glance which tasks are assigned to whom at what times of the day, with a click opening a task for editing. My current attempt is to create a crosstab query with the employees as the column headings ("dynamic crosstab" query) and a table of time values for the hours of the day providing the row headings, with the task as the value.

I then created a form based on the query with Datasheet view as the default view (apparently necessary to set properties/event handlers to query values. I got the idea from the Northwind sample database) However, the form fields do not update to reflect changes to the employee list and therefore the onClick handlers are not applied to newly added employees. What to do, besides for programmatically setting the event handlers?

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Crosstab Queries With Criteria

Feb 8, 2008

New to this site. very impressing

I am trying to create a crosstab query, but can get it right.

Table1 = input Table
__________________________________________________ ___________
name StartDate date Present
A 1201 1201 P
B 1202 1205 P
C 1203 1206 P
D 1204 1207 P
E 1206 1209 P

Can get this result with Crosstab Query;

TRANSFORM NZ(First([Table1].[Present]),"a") AS FirstOfPresent
SELECT, Table1.StartDate
FROM Table1
GROUP BY, Table1.StartDate

__________________________________________________ ____________
name StartDate 1201 1205 1206 1207 1209
A1201 P a a a a
B 1202 a P a a a
C 1203 a a P a a
D 1204 a a a P a
E 1206 a a a a P

But am looking to add NA for StartDate > Header Date(1201,1205,1206,1207,1209). See below. Does anyone have a solution or an alternate method

Looking to get this type of results
__________________________________________________ ____________
A1201 Paaaa
B1202 NAPaaa
C1203 NAaPaa
D1204 NAaaPa
E1206 NANAaaP

NA=Non Applicable

Thanks Tony

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Using Crosstab Queries With Forms

Nov 23, 2005


I have a form and its source is a query. There are only 5 things on the form that can be modified, the rest is just displayed.

the 5 things are within a table b. In my design view i link up table b with the already made crosstab query. (everything within the crosstab query are just for display on the form). Within the design view I put * from the crosstab query (everything) and then the fields from table b (all 5 of them).Everything on the form is working and is linked up properly, but when i go to type in them it is locked. (well they arn't within the property), but i cant type in them. This is for all 5 fields on the form.

When i then go back into the source and remove the crosstab query, i can then type into the fields.

Any ideas?

** p.s When i create the same query normal it doesn't allow me to type in the datasheet view either **


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Queries :: Variance In Crosstab

Sep 16, 2014

Ive tried DVar but maybe Im not understanding the function correctly. I have a crosstab query that will only ever return 2 columns of data (sales for the current month and the previous month).

I want to add a column that will show the variance between these 2 columns. I can add a 'Total' column but can I add a variance column?If not a built in function any other custom function?

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Null Values In Crosstab Queries

Apr 24, 2006

Hi there, instead of blank fields in my crosstab query, and hence my report, i would like a standard comment, such as 'No Booking'.

My crosstab is something like this:

.........A...........B..............C............. D


3...................X............................. .X

(Ignore the dots, obviously)

Currently, when i try to open the report based on this query, it fails unless each column has data in it for at least one record.

I've tried using the Nz function but haven't been able to make it work. Thankyou in advance! :)

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Excluding Zero Values In A Crosstab Queries

Jun 8, 2006

Hi all, I know this is a real easy one, but I am not the smartest when it comes to access. Can you help me out.

I am running a crosstab query to count and sum records in my database. I have a fied called "Amount". In my form the user is not always required to enter an amount. When I run the query, I would like the results to exclude the records that have a null value or $0.00 in the "Amount" field.

How do I format the query to exclude those records?

Thanks in advance.

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Crosstab Queries Parameters Problems

Feb 5, 2008

I am running Access 2003
I am get the following Error "Run Time Error 3001 Invalid Argument"

What I am trying to do is append data to a table based off a crosstab query and then open a form which its record source is the table I just append. The code as follows.

Dim qr As QueryDef
Dim dtDate As Date
Dim intPayment As Integer

'Delete old data from temp table
DoCmd.OpenQuery ("qryDeleteTempDrillDown1-Detail")

dtDate = Forms![frmBalance].txtDate
intPayment = FindPaymentCycle(Forms![frmBalance].txtDate)

'append data
Set qr = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryDrillDown1-Detail")
qr.Parameters("PaymentCycle") = intPayment
qr.Parameters("DateBalancing") = dtDate

DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmDrillDown1-Detail")

The append query is made up of a crosstab query which is made up of a union query, which is made up of 14 separate select queries. 7 of the select queries have the same parameter and the parameter is defined in each of the query. 2 of the seven queries have a second parameter that is the same, which is also defined in their query. I also have the parameters defined in the crosstab query. And I have the parameters defined in my append query.

I don't know why I am getting the error other then my parameters are not being feed through. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

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Crosstab Queries?...Is There A Way To Create More Than One Column?

Nov 12, 2004


If there was a way I could get the crosstab query in Access to allow more than one column I would solve a major problem. Is that possible? anyone?

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Queries :: Setting Zero Value In Crosstab Query

Jun 19, 2014

I have a crosstab query to summarise the counted string values from another query: E.g.;

TRANSFORM Count(Table1.Viable) AS CountOfViable
SELECT QryTable01.productName
FROM QryTable01
GROUP BY QryTable01.productName
PIVOT Table1.Viable;

As there are some null values returned (ie blank cell in the pivot table)

I used the Nz function to make this zero but when the query results are used in a report I want to add the rows to get row totals... but the result is as if they were string values;

So if I add a text box in the report with = [viable] + [Not viable]
Then the report row with the values:

Viable Not viable
14 12
displays as 1412

So how do I add the values in the rows???

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Queries :: Data On 1 Row Crosstab Query

Sep 17, 2014

Below is the SQL view of a Crosstab Query I am running. However I am lost at how to keep it from creating a serpate row for the same data on the column. For instance in the row data if I have an ATM batch come in for 1111 on 9/16 and then one come in for 1111 on 9/17 instead of keeping it on the same row it drops 9/17 down to the next row. Is there a way to keep the data on the same row?

PARAMETERS [forms]![frmReporting]![txtDatefrom] DateTime, [forms]![frmReporting]![txtDateTo] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(Query1.CountOfATM) AS SumOfCountOfATM
SELECT Query1.ATM, Query1.Store, Query1.Type, Sum(Query1.CountOfATM) AS [Total Of CountOfATM]
FROM Query1
WHERE (((Query1.[Date Stamp])>=[forms]![frmReporting]![txtDateFrom] And (Query1.[Date Stamp])<=[forms]![frmReporting]![txtDateTo])) OR (((Query1.[Date Stamp]) Is Null))
GROUP BY Query1.ATM, Query1.Store, Query1.Type, Query1.[Date Stamp], Query1.[Date Stamp]
PIVOT Format([Date Stamp],"Short Date");

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Queries :: Crosstab Query With No Aggregation

Apr 16, 2013

I have the table "tblProductionForecast" with the following fields:


I want to show this in a report, similar to an spreadsheet, with:

ProductionForecastProductId = Rows
ProductionForecastMonth = Columns
ProductionForecastQuantity = Data

I thought of using a crosstab query like this:

TRANSFORM avg(tblProductionForecast.[ProductionForecastQuantity]) AS AvgOfProductionForecastQuantity
SELECT tblProductionForecast.[ProductionForecastProductId]
FROM tblProductionForecast
GROUP BY tblProductionForecast.[ProductionForecastProductId]
PIVOT tblProductionForecast.[ProductionForecastMonth];

but I don't want the average of ProductionForecastQuantity. I want the actual value!

Is a crosstab query the wrong method to use?

If no, how do I show the actual value of ProductionForecastQuantity

If yes, how should I create the report?

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Queries :: Calculation As Value Parameter Within Crosstab

Jul 14, 2014

I have the following database, in my query I am trying to do a calculation as the value parameter within the corsstab.

Ultimately I an trying to get month as the Row Header (from date) and Category as the column header. The Value inside the table I am trying to calculate is A/(B-C-D)...

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Queries :: Sum Data Across Crosstab Query?

Nov 12, 2013

I have a crosstab query that I would like to sum data across. Each row is a seperate experimental product, and each column is a test phase that each product goes through. The data is the number of days each product was in each test phase. What I need is the sum total of days that all products were in all phases. Think of this table as a single item, and each row is a slightly different version of the item to test. So what I need is essentially how many days this item has been in testing across all variations.

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Queries :: Function As Crosstab PARAMETER

Jan 9, 2015

I have a report based on a crosstab query with a subreport based on a second crosstab query both the crosstab queries have the same 3 parameters (2 as string, 1 as boolean) which I pass through a dialog form that closes after the report is opened (in preview).looks like everything works fine at least for the first page of the report but when I try change page, it prompts me to re-enter the parameters. Of course, if a do not close the parameters form I will not have this problem but that is a popup dialog which I do not want to close manually after the operation is done

So I tried to pass the form input first to a Public variable then to a Public Function but I was not able to reference neither of them in the PARAMETER statement of the 2 Xtab queries..As a function, each of the following declarations prompts for input at runtime::

MyFunction, [MyFunction], [MyFunction()], [=MyFunction()]
while the following are not accepted (syntax error)
MyFunction(), =MyFunction()

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Queries :: Sorting Month / Year Within A Crosstab?

Jul 7, 2014

I have a crosstab where I want year and month in the header so I have formatted a variable MTHYR to be of the form mm/yyyy.

This works well as Access only wants one variable in the column header. My problem is that it is not sorted nicely and with my data being between Aug 2013 and Jun 2014 the headers look like this.

1/2014,10/2013,11/2013,12/2013,2/2014, not a very nice order.

Is there a way I can reformat MTHYR or a completely different solution?

My current code is

TRANSFORM Count(VOR_CALD_REGION.[Case Number]) AS [CountOfCase Number]
SELECT VOR_CALD_REGION.[Dealer Name], Count(VOR_CALD_REGION.Case Number]) AS [Total Of Case Number]

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Queries :: Crosstab To Convert Rows To Columns

Sep 16, 2014

I have data like:


SubjectID VisitID VisitNum VisitDate VisitDetail Rspns
1 5 1 2/10/2001 Fever_1 Yes
1 5 1 2/10/2001 Age_1 12
2 7 1 5/08/2010 Fever_1 No
2 7 1 5/08/2010 Age_1 18
2 8 2 9/30/2010 Fever_2 Yes
2 8 2 9/30/2010 Age_2 18

I need to convert it to a non-normalized wide format, like this:

SubjectID VisitDate_1 Fever_1 Age_1 VisitDate_2 Fever_2 Age_2
1 2/10/2001 Yes 12
2 5/08/2010 No 18 9/30/2010 Yes 18

If I didn't have to worry about the VisitDate, a simple crosstab would do the trick:

TRANSFORM First(MyTable.Rspns) AS FirstOfRspns
SELECT MyTable.PatientID
FROM MyTable
GROUP BY MyTable.PatientID
PIVOT MyTable.VisitDetail;

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Queries :: Sort Row Headings For Crosstab Query

Feb 26, 2015

I have a created a crosstab query which gives me the results I need, but I want to sort the row headings differently. These are not numbers, but machine sizes which range from 4 Metre to 20 Metre. Currently, the crosstab gives me:

10 Metre
12 Metre
14 Metre
17 Metre
20 Metre
3 Metre
4 Metre
5 Metre etc

But I need to show it as:

3 Metre
4 Metre
5 Metre
10 Metre
12 Metre
14 Metre
17 Metre etc.

The field is short text data type and data comes from an ODBC linked table to SQL server table, and I am using Access 2013.

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Queries :: Crosstab Query With Fixed Row Headings

Apr 23, 2014

I've setup some crosstab queries with good success and set column headings that appear with blank spaces when there's no data as expected, but I have 1 report that is formatted with set row headings (its a specifically formatted report that i need to produce, that i can't just change).So I need to basically do the same but with the row headings set (I have got the crosstab working, just not showing the rows with no data as yet).

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Queries :: Crosstab Query Using Dates For Next 12 Months

Jun 23, 2014

I want to create a cosstab query with dates for the next 12 months accross the top as columns and employee names down the side as rows. I then want to populate with data showing what each person is programed to do under the dates. For instance trainer 1 is delivering training from the 23/06-30/06 then designing a course from 02/07-10/07. that type of thing.

I could represent an activity using a colour i.e. yellow for delivery, green for design etc.

Also do I need to create a table with all the dates? Is there a quick way of doing this?

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Queries :: CountIf Between Dates In Crosstab Query

Nov 4, 2013

I have generated a table using a crosstab query and it gives the information as below

12/10 12/11 12/12 13/01
Part 1 1 2
Part 2 4 4 4
Part 3 5

So basically part, qty used, year/month used - it works fine up to this point.

Now I want to either add more columns to the crosstab query to count number of times Part 1 was used in last 12 months & 24-13 months


Create another query to do this.

But I want the count function to start counting from current month to last 12 months and from month 13 to month 24 (in another column).

The problem I am having is that this query will run every month and I don't want to update the column headers (in query property sheet) instead I want query to pick this up automatically.

I use the design view to generate queries.

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