Crosstab Query Change Value To Text

Jan 31, 2008

I would like to know how to display or change the value in crosstab query to text instead of numbers. I understand that the value must be numeric. Is there another method?

I would like to create in the folliwng format....

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Change Column Position Of Crosstab Query

Jun 18, 2006

Hi :

I have a question,


Company, Start Month, End Month, Fees, Calc
ABC_________Mar-05___Mar-05____7 ____1

I used crosstab to make this format

Company, Start Month, Fees, Mar-05 , Apr-05
ABC_______Mar-05 _____7_____1_______2
ABC_______Apr-05______5 ____________4

I want to change column position as following order:
Company, Start Month, Mar-05 , Apr-05, Fees
ABC_________Apr-05____________4 _____5

I tried to use this code:

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim qd As QueryDef

Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd = db.QueryDefs("report_crosstab")

qd.fields("Fees").OrdinalPosition = 4

It doesn't work for crosstab query.

Can anybody tell me how to change the column position of the query?

Please let me know, thanks.

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Crosstab Query With TEXT Values?

Nov 14, 2007

This is almost a cross-forum post. I started a post in the reports forum to see if it were possible to sort/group the data by field values. Everyone knows this can be done row-by-row, but I was looking for a way to do it horizontally as well.

2005.....Relevant Fields........Winter Stuff..................Spring stuff................Summer Stuff

It should look something like that where the years are values of [year] field and the seasonal quarters are values of [quarter] field.

I have been searching for something that will help me do this when I ran across information on the "crosstab" query. This, in principal is what I am looking for BUT I am not dealing with numeric data here. Is there still a away to make a crosstab query/report with text fields where there would normally be numeric data?

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Vertical Text Direction/Orientation In CrossTab Query

Jan 7, 2007

I am fairly new to developing with Access.

I would really value some advice on changing text direction in crosstab query column labels.

I have just created a crosstab query to function as a training matrix. It has rather long column labels (there are good practical reasons for this), which makes the query very wide and difficult to print one one page.

Is there a way to change the text direction of the column headings so they are printed running up the page?

I know how to change text direction in Word or Excel, but not Access.

At the moment I am copying the query results into Excel and manipulating the text direction in Excel, but this is rather cumbersome.

Thanks in anticipation of any help. :cool:

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Trying To Get A Query To Change Text

Mar 26, 2007

I have a report based on a query

and it hase a [Product] and a [Quantity] field

Quantity Product
80 F2 1.25" Fiberglass Sucker Rod
60 F2 1" Fiberglass Sucker Rod
80 1" coupling
60 7/8" coupling

what i am trying to do is multiply the quantity by 37.5 if [Product] equals one of the items that are sold by the foot and leave the other items the same

this is the way it needs to display on the report

Quantity Product_Name
80 (3000') F2 1.25 Fiberglass Sucker Rod
60 (2250') F2 1 Fiberglass Sucker Rod
80 1" coupling
60 7/8" coupling

thanks for any help

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Queries :: Change Column Headings Crosstab

Aug 17, 2015

I have a Graph that uses a crosstab query to generate the data. Its only a simple query. One of the fields is project type, but in the query this changes to a number instead of text? I would like to have this as text but don't know how to go about it. I have searched forums and tried Allen Browne's suggestion on specifying column headings but no luck.

I have attached the initial query and the crosstab query in the screen shot as well as the graph. My aim is to get the project names in the legend, instead of 1, 2 as shown.

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Change Text To Date/Time Field In A Query

Feb 7, 2008

I have created a table called - "Test"
The properties of the table is listed below

Table Name: Test
Field Name: ADMDAT2 (Text)
DISDAT2 (Text)
Operation Date (Date/Time)

I have written a query to populate a field where the Operation Date is between the ADMDAT2 and DISDAT2

Expr1: IIf([ADMDAT2] Is Null,"",IIf([Operation Date]>=[ADMDAT2] And [Operation Date]<=[DISDAT2],"Match"))

Unfornately it returns and ERROR message... I believe this may be because, the data type of the field, matching a Text with a Date/Time, I have rerun the query using a sample table where all the fields are Date/Time, and it work perfectly.

What i need help with how do i convert a text field into a Date/Time in a query?

So i can place that in the query before i populate the Test table. therefore it all should be date/time

thanks in advance

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Queries :: Change Query Column Name Based On Text Box Value

Nov 8, 2013

Is there a way of using a text field value as the heading for query column?

ie change...

Column header: FieldInATable


[form1].[field2]: FieldInATable?

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Crosstab Query Based On Crosstab??

Sep 21, 2007

Hi all, I am utterly unsure if what I want to do is even possible:

I have two crosstab queries, qryRewCOCredit and qryWrapCOCredit which show the changeover (CO) times for the specified machine when they are NOT zero. (all zero entries don't show up).

There are many cases when there is a CO for the Rewinder on a specific day, but not for the Wrapper, and vice versa.

I want to make another crosstab query which performs a calculation. To keep it simple:

If (RewCOCredit>WrapCOCredit) Then
Else 'WrapCOCredit>RewCOCredit

Please help!!!

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Forms :: Change Text Color On A Form If Text In Field Contain Certain Word

Jul 12, 2013

I have a Form Display Data in my Access Database, which is working really well. However, users was asking if there is a way we can make Font Color Could/would change if The text in A field or Any field in my display form contained the word "SAD or MAD". Is there code for such thing in display form?..

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Queries :: Change Merge Crosstab Queries?

Dec 10, 2014

I have a list of 20 hospital patients that I am trying to use to try and establish a list of supplies or services billed on Day of Surgery, Post Op Day 1, Post Op Day 2, Post Op day Three and Post Op Day 4. My problem is when I ran Crosstab Summaries on their accounts the column headings were the actual dates of services. The dates range from January 2014 to July 2014. Is there a way I can change the dates object to the text objects listed above and then merge the accounts so the items and quantities are tabulated. If I can't do this with Access I'll have to tabulate them manually by either creating a new table and data form or by setting up an Excel Spreadsheet.

Current Crosstab
Item # Description Total Qty Jan 1 Jan 2 Jan 3 Jan 4 Jan 5
201 Gauze 3 2 1
203 Misc 1 1

What I want is:

Item # Description Total Qty DOS POD1 POD2 POD 3 POD 4
201 Gauze 3 2 1
203 Misc 1 1

Keep in mind that there are 20 accounts with varying dates that have to combined into one table or query.

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Change Value To Text

Feb 7, 2008


I have an option group on my form. In my query it uses numbers like 1, 2, 3 and so on.

Is there a way in the query to show say Done where 1 and Not Done where 2 and so on.

On my reports I use the following

=IIf([Status]=1,"Not Satisfied",IIf([Status]=2,"Partially Satisfied",IIf([Status]=3,"Satisfied",IIf([Status]=4,"Waived",IIf([Status]=5,"Client",IIf([Status]=6,"Attorney Consult",IIf([Status]=7,"Attorney Approval")))))))

I am exporting the data to EXCEL and the numbers mean nothing to the end user they want to see what it represents.


Fen How

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Blank Fields In Crosstab Query Based On Previous Query

May 31, 2006

I am trying to help someone with a complex problem (so it seems to me) but I will first ask about what should be a simple thing....

First goal: to COUNT the number of times a TYPE of visit is made.
There are several different TYPEs but only interested in tracking 2 of them.

When a crosstab query is created - if one of the 2 parameters are not "met", a blank is returned. I have been reading posts about using NZ and IIf IsNull, etc to get past that - but none of them make any sense to me and the Access help suggestions do not work. Hope someone can make it clear with this information: (can't give more specifics to keep privacy intact)

The SQL was written by Access not by me. :)

Here is an example of the Crosstab SQL (which is using a previous query):

TRANSFORM Count([qryTest2.TYPE]) AS CountOfTYPE
FROM qryTest2
PIVOT qryTest2.TYPE;

qryTest2 SQL: (Grouping by to remove dups)

FROM tblM LEFT JOIN tblC ON tblM.[M#] = tblC.[M#]
GROUP BY tblM.CID, tblM.[M#], tblM.LNAME, tblM.FNAME, tblM.YMDBIRTH, tblC.ClDOS, tblC.TYPE
HAVING (((tblC.TYPE)="Out" Or (tblC.TYPE)="In"))

Thanks for you time! :)

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Queries :: Query Error When Data Changes In Crosstab Source Query

Aug 12, 2014

I have a database which among other things records how jobs are received i.e.: Telephone, Email, Mail, Facsimile or Web.For each client I want to identify the percentages of each method of receipt against the total of jobs received and during different time periods.I have created a make table query for all jobs received between variable dates for a client entry of the name of the client and the start and finish dates are required to run the query.

I have a crosstab query set up to count each method of receipt and a final query to work out the percentages using the total from the crosstab query fields divided by the total of all methods.I have a macro set up to replace the table with new data when I want the stats for a different client between new dates, therefore the different methods of receipt may vary for the less active clients i.e.: they may only have telephone and email .

My problem is if I choose a client where we have not received a job by a particular method (say web or facsimile), the last query working out the percentages has fixed names to cover each method but naturally produces an error when it cannot find a corresponding method of receipt. I have experimented with NZ() without success.My question is can I either have preset standard names of the column field in a crosstab query? Alternatively in the query calculating the percentages, can I include code to ignore a non-existent field in the crosstab query.

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Change A Number To Text?

Apr 12, 2007

Is it possible to actually change a number to text? I cant seem to figure out how. I have 2 proprietary systems one uses a number and one uses text for the same item. I know how to change the text to a number however the more efficient way for me to do this is the other way around. Its the differnce from 300 to 400 record change vs 4M. Any help would be great thx.

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Font Change Within Text

Sep 7, 2005

How do I change font withing a text string?

for example, to issue a message in which one word is bolded such as...

MsgBox "This macro will not work on Wednesdays"

where I would like to display the word "not" in bold, or even a different colour.

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Change Color In A Text Box

Nov 21, 2005

On a form how can i get the text to change to red if the number is Greater than 500 and blue if the number is less than 500, the text box is populated via a query


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Change Text Colour

Feb 8, 2006


I would like some help with my form.

I would like the following:

If txtname is null (without data), then txtdob font is changed to colour white.

Any help?


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Change Text To Date Dd/mm/yyyy

Sep 12, 2006

After having to take on the work of someone else and finding that the dates were stored as text in the format I would like to change it so it is dd/mm/yyyy and stored as a Date.
I was thinking about using an update query rather than go through 10000 odd records!

Any ideas?

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Change Text Color In A Combo Box

Feb 5, 2006

I have a report card program that I use in my classroom. The program calculates letter grades for various sub categories.

For example, under the Primary Category Math, the computer will calculate a letter grade based on assignment scores and place the grade into a combo box for the sub category "Able to use a graphing calculator."

If I override the grade the program calculated for a student, I would like the text in the combo box to change to red for that student only. Then I can go back and quickly see which grades I have manually changed.

I just cannot seem to figure out the logic to use VBA that would check to see if a user has changed individual combo boxes.

Thanks ahead of time for any ideas.

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Change Button Color Text

Sep 8, 2004

I have an option group of buttons. Is there a way to change the text color of the chosen button?

Thank in advance - John

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Change Background Color Of Text Box?

Aug 26, 2003

I need to change the background colour of a text box after a change to the field has been made?


Make: IBM (Background Color Grey - Default)

User makes a change to Make ..

Make: Toshiba - (Background Color changes to Yellow )

I'm trying to code this with the OnChange option on the TextBox but can't see to find the right code.

I was using Application.SetOption"Background", colour value with no success

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Tables :: Change Text Format To Yes / No?

Aug 30, 2013

I came into a database where the forms have checkboxes connected to table fields that are in text data type. I see that when the checkbox is checked, the value in the field is still -1 in the table. Is there a reason to change these fields to Yes/No data type or just keep them as they are? Are there limitations or problems to having Yes/No values (-1) in a text field?

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Forms :: How To Change A Default Value In A Text Box

Aug 28, 2014

In a text box, [OrderDate], the default value is set to Date(). Now I wanna change the date without changing the default value and the new input value would be carried over to the next record until I say otherwise. Is there any way to do that?

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Crosstab Query

Aug 17, 2005

Hello All,
Your Help Required. I have send you a Database, in which I have used Crosstab query, I just want when I select the report from switchboard, and enter the datefrom / dateto (fields names) than click the preview report. Required report is open.

I have faced following problems
1-When I have selected the report and click the preview button. Report is not opened.
2-I have used cross tab query and link with the switchboard. But when I have run the query this msg is appeared “Microsoft Jet engine Does not recognized these field(name)”


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Crosstab Query

Sep 23, 2005

I am am wondering if it is possible to create a crosstab query that displays alphanumeric values and not numeric (computational) values.

Table contains the following details:

Name Branch
Bob 111
Bob 222
Joe 333
Pam 444

I want to use a crosstab so I can view the data as follows:

Name Branch1 Branch2
Bob 111 222
Joe 333
Pam 444

Is this possible? I've been playing around with it and it doesnt look doable. Perhaps there is a better way of getting the data into this format? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Super Thanx.


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