Currency Querys???

Dec 7, 2005

Hello All,

I'm only fairly basic when it comes to Access, and I need some help with a query. Im running Access 2003 on XP Pro, and my current database is in a one to many relationship with Staff and Activities. A part of the Activites field involves the expenses of that particular activity. I have a field in my Activities table saying total expenses. The expense formats are in currency (including total). When I go to make a query, I'm using the following critera for the TotalExpenses field. "FoodExpenses"+"OtherExpenses". However, when I go to run the query, it tells me that there is a data type mismatch in the criteron expression. I changed the field formats to text and it will run. Can access 2003 support currency based querys and if so how? It would be really handy to know.

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Tables :: How To Change Default Currency In Access 2013 To A Foreign Currency

Dec 20, 2012

how to change default currency in Access 2013 to a "foreign currency" (i.e. to Indonesia Rupiahs) without changing control panel (Region/Language>currency) - now setup as USA ($US)?

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Sep 24, 2007

I have created a cbo box that I am using to selects locations (citys) in a field. I have used "Distinct" to elimate the duplicates but I also want to elimate three locations. They are Verdun, Lasalle, and Montreal. In my query I have tried the following statement in the Critera location. Not "Verdun" Or "Lasalle" Or "Montreal". The query returns the following statement: <>"Verdun" Or "Lasalle" Or "Montreal" this statement does take out the first location "Verdun" but the two others still remain in the field. How do I solve this problem?

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Forms And Querys

Aug 2, 2006

I have a form which has a subform on it and this performs a query and displays a list of courses only done by a particualr provider which changes when you change the record i now have buttons beside each course and want to be able to get it to open up another form and then display dates for that particualr course and whos attending whats the easiest and best way to do this as im really stuck and need to get this finished.

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Querys And Switchbords....

Jun 19, 2006

I have to do a query that uses as condition a row from a switchbord.... Is that possible?? Can u help. (I created my switch bord with the Access tool).

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Querys With Subforms

Sep 7, 2006

Hi guys
The question i am looking for help with is.....

i have a database with a form(form1) and a subform(sub1), when i query this it will only desplay information that has all boxes filled in. i want it so that if there is info in form 1 but no info in sub1 i will still display the info from form 1. At the moment it just ignores the whole thing and does not give certain records from form 1.

any ideas?


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Disable Ctrl + C In Querys Or The Whole Db

Apr 24, 2007

Hey, I have a database and a login panel and I need to stop some users from using ctrl + c in query's or through out the database. The way I have set the db up is if a user logs in correct then they get directed to the appropriate switchboard. I have already disable all toolbars therefore disabling right click and on my forms I have vba to stop ctrl + c but can't figure out how to do it on queries, I have tried search and searching Google but if I have missed a post please include a link, any help would be appreciated THANKS :)

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Convert Querys To Views

Nov 2, 2007

Is there a tool that converts Access querys (jet syntax) to sql views and procedures (sql server syntx)?


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Creating Charts From Querys

Feb 4, 2008

Hi, I have done a search before posting but cannot find what I am looking for.

At work I use a database to record incidents (work that I do). I have written a query for incidents for 2007 and 2008 and I can do a line graph for each year showing the monthly incidents by doing Insert, Form, Chart Wizard

What I am trying to do is a line graph for 2007 and 2008 together to compare performance but i can only ever choose one query for my graph, either 2007 or 2008.

Is there a way I can get both years on one graph so as i can compare performance.

Any help/guidance appreciated.

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Current Date Querys

Jun 2, 2005


I have about 1500 records in a table. We use a form to search through the records to find info on certain accounts. We now want to only search through accounts that are current, so I made a query to see only current accounts. I switched the search form from going off data right from the table to the new current date query. Now when you load the form it says "running query" and the application stops responding. The query seems to load up quick in raw format.. how come the application freezes when searching using the query instead??


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Expressions In Cross Tab Querys

Mar 6, 2006

i'm struggling here

i have a simple cross tab query. i'd like to put a parameter value as criteria. lets say i hard code the criteria with 2006 it works fine. but when i reference it to the value in a form e.g forms!frm_navmaster!txtyeardate then i start having problems. i don't know to start. i've tried using the expression and where values in design view....uuggghhh.

any ideas are appreciated

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Can't Show Tables And Querys

Jan 15, 2008

Hi to all

I have a .mdb Files. If i doubleclick this file the database opened but i can't see the tables and Querys. It's a program that start automatically.
I can only see the source code if i enter Alt + F11.

What i must do for see the Querys and the Tables?


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Hardcoded Parameters In Querys--can I Find All?

Jun 21, 2005

We have a tbldepartments. At this point (has been a few years)...many dept. have merged or changed names. We want to 'change' the names of some and delete or add others.

Ok on the delete/add.

However, in many of our queries, we have the dept. name/number hardcoded in. And trust me, there are tons and tons of them...this is a big database.

Short of going through each query, is there a way to 'search/replace' either in each query or in all? To update these easily?


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Jun 13, 2006

I have set up a number field to enter in the amount of money we have spent on a particular project, and when I enter, say £645.18, once I press TAB to move to the next field, it reverts to £645....

I have the decimal places thing set at 2, and the format on currency......

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Currency For The Games

Aug 21, 2006

Hi ,dear friend, which games have you ever played? Here are some good news about games for you, You can focus on this website. and this website can give you a hand in time, when you are in trouble. I think if you want to play the game well, you must have good weapons, right ? so if you want to buy the gold, it is one way you can buy the gold to buy the weapons. we deliever gold vvvvvery fast and provide excellent service
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Rounding Currency

Jan 19, 2005

Hoping someone can help. I have looked for an answer and can't quite grasp what I need to do. I am using Access 2000.

Basically, I have a quote form that adds together all job related services and totals them using a currency field. Sales would like to have the option of quoting the job two decimal places or going out to three. So, I need to round to the two different cost options. I can't figure out how to do this. So, my question is:

1) Am I using the correct data type?
2) If currency is most appropriate, how do I show results such as:
$12.327 and $12.33.

If I only change decimal property (therefore, the display) for the fields, the form shows: 12.33 and 12.330. Have tried using the Round function different data types and not having any luck.

Hope this makes some sense. Thanks!

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Currency Format

Mar 24, 2005

This is probably the easiest question to answer if you know where to look but I don't.

Working in the UK with Access 2000 I need to set the field in a table to show Dollar $ USD however the only values I have are £ GBP and € as defaults.

Now I thought that I could get this to change if I changed my regional settings but then it occurred to me that if I do that and it changes then surely it would mean that who ever used this database in our global organisation would end up with a currency shown in their own local currency. Whilst this may not seem like a problem it is if you don't realise and quote a figure to someone in your local currency.

i.e. at present the UK £ = nearly $2 USD

So if someone in the UK read the figures and it dispalyed £400,000 and quoted this to a person in the USA when in theory the figure was meant to show $400,000 it could cause all sorts of issues.

Can someone tell me the correct way of choosing $ without it affecting anything else.

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Convert To Currency

Jun 3, 2005

Hi All.
In my calculation in a query:
Cost: Sum([Cost]/12*(DateDiff("m",[StartDate],Now())))
Cost is Currency;
StartDate is Date.

The result look like Numeric format I would like to have Currency format. Is it possible?

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Selecting Different Currency

May 1, 2006

Hi to everyone. I have this form that my let's say clients should fill in. In one drop down list I need the client to be able to choose different currency i.e. euros or pounds or dollars. But I need the symbol to appear in the list and since the field is currency type I can't use the lookup wizard to decide what values should appear in that list.

How is this possible? Should I make an extra field of text type to choose the currency and on another field of number type to place the value I need or is there another way?

Hope I am cleaar enough...


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Currency Validation

May 6, 2006

Me again. :)

Basic outline: I have a form that lets me select items from drop down boxes, and attached to these items are prices. There's 11 items on the form that need to be selected. Quick diagram.


[Item 1]
[Total of 1+2]
[Item 2]

[Item 3]

[Item 4] [Total of 3+4+5]

[Item 5]

[Item 6]

[Item 7] [Total of 6+7+8]

[Item 8]

[Item 9]

[Item 10] [Total of 9+10+11]

[Item 11]

[Total of the 4 Total Boxes above]


They've all been set to currency, and what I'm trying to do is to have it so that the final total box there at the very bottom cannot exceed a certain value without giving the user a warning and not allowing it to be accepted.

I guess the problem is that I can't get it to work. Here's the code I'm using to do it:

Private Sub TxtTotal_Change()
If Val(TxtTotal) > 85000000 Then
MsgBox "Total over allowed limit. Change selection."
End If
End Sub

I should note that on this form I had to use 'Val' infront of the boxes names, as when I was adding up the totals it was putting the prices side by side and not totalling them. For example if I added 2+2, it would give me 22 in the box instead of 4.

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.

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Formatting Currency

Jan 26, 2006

Hi all!

I have an unbound text box (txtInstAmt) that needs to be displayed from a table (tblLoan.fldInstAmt). Both the fields in the table as well as the text box have been set to Currency.

However, my code doesn't seem to work.

I get an error msg saying that the value isn't valid for the field when I set the decimal places to 2 in both the table and the form. When the decimal places are set to Auto, I get a Data Type Mismatch.

Can someone please tell me what's wrong with this code?

Code:Private Sub cboLoanSN_AfterUpdate()Dim DAOdb As DatabaseDim DAOrs As DAO.RecordsetSet DAOdb = CurrentDb()Set DAOrs = DAOdb.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblLoan where fldLoanSN='" & Me.cboLoanSN & "'")With DAOrsMe.txtInstAmt = .Fields("fldInstAmt")End WithMe.cboDateRepay.RequeryEnd Sub

Thanks a lot!

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Wher Did The Currency Formatting Go?

Jan 29, 2006

Hi everyone,
My query concerns Currency in that i have declared some variables as Currency but when i try to output them they appear only as if they are formatted as numbers i.e. £0.50 as a currency variable when displayed in a MSgbox displays as 0.5 not a big problem you might think but i am trying to output these numbers to a retail printer as part of an Epos application. i can add a £ sign to the beginnning but adding missing zero's to the end is proving a little more tricky. I have cheked that the international settings on the PC are set to English, £, 2 decimal places ETC

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Importing, Currency And Decimals

May 22, 2006

I'm having a problem getting imported data to display what I want. I'm importing a fixed width file and one of my fields is a currency amount. The field value in the file is 12 characters with the last 2 as the cents (000000544990) I have my access field type as currency with 2 decimals (and I've tried many other settings auto,0 etc.) When I do my import it displays my data as $544,990.00 If I tell it no decimals it displays $544,990 It should be displayed as $5,449.90 somehow it keeps adding 2 characters and uses them as the cents instead of using the last 2 from my file.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for helping me out.


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Convert Currency To Text

Jan 25, 2007

I really need to convert fields with currency data into text values AND still keep the decimal point and the numbers after it.
But how?


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Changing Currency Values

Nov 3, 2005

I am setting up a db for a ecomm site and the vendor prices are in 4 different currencies. I currently have the price fields data type as a "number" (long integer). Can the data type "currency" handle different currencies all in one table? Do I need to set up a seperate price table for all the products in each currency? Any help is appreciated.

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Custom Currency Indicator

Apr 7, 2006

I'm currently setting up a data base in which I want to store price with a Japanese Yen Currency indicator. Is this possible? The Format allows for either Dollars or Euro. I like to use preferably ¥ or JPY as the currency indicator.

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