Customer Returns

May 17, 2007

Hi, I am new to access and have just started to build our first database. We are an engineering company who sells automotive components. I have set up the database to process customer orders. Some of the products we sell are remanufactured and sold on an exchange basis. So, once a unit has been sold at some point in the future the customers original unit comes back to us to be remanufactured - but this is not the case with all products we sell.

The exchange units are booked in using a tracking number and then given a unique reference number. I want to create a database that enables me to book an order and be able to enter a courier tracking number for the old unit when a return is required. The tracking number is given to us by our couriers. I want my staff to be able to enter the tracking number and the original customer order to then appear, they then need to enter the unique number given to the return unit.

The problem I have with this is that the exchange unit is normally returned weeks after the original order was sent, and that not every product requires an exchange. Is there a simple way of dealing with this?

Any help is much appreciated


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General :: Create Check On A Field (customer ID) Of Customer Table In MS Access?

Sep 7, 2012

create a check on a feild(customer id) of customer table in MS Access , as "Customer ID is of 8 characters, the first 4 are alphabets and the last 4 are digits"

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Add Customer Name Into Table Each Time Unique Customer Added To SaleTable

Dec 11, 2013

I have a Table Sales - that lists customer and order information

Most of the customers are new - is there a way to populate Customer Name Table with a new entry each time a new customer is input into the Sales Tale

(Without having to add the custome to Customer Name Table - then going to Sales Order)
Failing that - is there a way to use a list box that points to Customer Name Table (and if it doesn't find the one you want, will allow you toadd a new record) In the SAME form as you use to add to Sales Table.

Date (textbox linking to form.Sales) Customer Name (List Box linking to form.CustomerName + adding the info to form.Sale)

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Combining Customer And Customer Contact Tables

Dec 24, 2011

I have a DB set up with a debtors table (Customers) and a Customer Contacts table, I was thinking of combining these two tables into one.Most of the Debtors are companies, but a few are actual people. With the current setup, i need to have both a debtor and a customer in two different tables, but with exactly the same data.

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Customer Db

Sep 3, 2005


I'm creating a db for customers and each customer can have many service orders.

In the customer form I have two buttons, one to create a new service order and one to open existing service orders.

Both buttons work as they are supposed to although I am doing this with custid, so both the customer and serviceorder tables have a field called custid and when the button is clicked to show existing service orders it matches both custid's and shows the corresponding records. However it onlt works at the moment with me manually entering the custid in the field in the serviceorder table. When a new service order is created I need the custid to be entered in both tables.

I hope this makes some sense, any help is grately appreciated!!

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Dealing With Returns

Dec 14, 2007

I have a database that has the basic tables of products, accounts and orders.

I need to figure out how to deal with returns.

Do I create a separate table and link that to the orders table for returns?

I haven't made such a large database file so I was curious if anyone had any information on how to lead me in the right direction. Or if there were any examples. (I've looked around but haven't completely figured out the best way to handle this.)


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Returns Notification

Apr 13, 2005

I need to make a returns notification if people bring back there rentals back late in my database for a rental place like blockbuster. Please any help would be appreicated. Sorry I rushed this post If you need any more information reply

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Customer History

Nov 1, 2005


I currently have a "customer" form (which displays client details from a table - name, address etc) I would like to add history comments for each customer.

Does anyone know how i would go about doing this.

I image i could press a button on the current "customer" form that will open a history form which after typing a comment would be displayed on the main "customer" form, with date, time and comment.
I would obviously be able to add lots of comments to each record.

i would be greatful for any kind of help


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Customer & Supplier - What If They Are Both?

Aug 14, 2006

Currently my design consists of a table for customers and a table for suppliers. At first it seems logical. Or so I thought!

As my design is evloving I have noticed a problem. What if a supplier calls and says "I want to purchase a..." they then also become a customer!

Obvoius I know but do I leave the design (attached) as is or disolve the supplier table and then just add one field called [CustSupp] and have three options to choose from "Customer", "Supplier" or "Both"

I could then base any other forms like the [FrmCustomers] on a query that looks at the [CustSupp] field and has a Like "Customer" criteria

Whst is the best method. Any advice greatly received.

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Using 2 Customer Ids In One Table

Nov 27, 2006

i cant do this.. its too long..

basically i have a job table and a person table..

jobid, job date, job details....

personid, personname, person details...

the job table needs to store who BOOKED the job, and who was the PASSENGER in the job.

i want to use the person ids in the job table..

im having trouble here with the whole relationships and forms..

i need my user to be able to simultaneously add a booker and a customer to the person table and assign them both to a job and i dont know the best way to do it..

a few rules

job1 can be
booked by person 1
have passenger as person 1

job 1 can be
booked by person 1
have passenger as person 2

also the booker and/or passenger may be unknown.. which is why i want to create an unknown person in the person table.. with id 1 for example.. and anytime the booker or passenger isnt known my user can just type in id 1

someone help me.

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Customer Database

Jan 21, 2008

hi all,

first time posting so please excuse the newbness.

i need to create a customer database, which i would like to be able to generate invoices from, nothing fancy or complicated, just name, address phone number etc. with a button to put this detail into a template word .doc file.

i would also like to be able to import all names and addresses at the end of the year to send a christmas card maybe or promotional e-mail.

how difficult is this to do? i kinda remember doing something similar at school years ago but can't remember how i did it.

any help/information would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance

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Top 5 Products Per Customer

Jan 22, 2008

Hi There,
I have created this query and i want to return the top 5 suppliers per LOB. It is returning something but it is not the top 5. I want to limit only to return the top 5. Pls. help and thanks. See attached file.

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Customer Log Sub Form

Jul 16, 2005

Thanks in advance for any help with this situation.

I have a table that contains all my customer information. Name, address, phone etc. The primary key for the table is an account number I assign to each customer. I am trying to make a section on my form where it displays a list of each interaction I have with my customer. A date and an interaction or case number. I made a second table with the same account number as a primary key to link them.

I have a tabbed form, on the first tab is all the information from my first table (name, account number, address phone etc.) and on the second tab I want to display the interactions for only the customer who's account number appears on the first tab of the form.

I tried putting a subform under the second tab, when I scroll through to records on the first tab, the interaction records for that account number do not appear on the second tab subform.

Any idea of how to do this?

Thanks very much,

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Deleting A Customer

Apr 15, 2005

I currently have four tables:Customer, Timepurchased, Ideas, and Projects. Is it possible to have a form or something that would allow me to choose a customer by their email address(which is the unique identifier in each one) and delete them completly from the db. Thank.s

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Val Function Returns Zero Not Missing

Sep 19, 2006


Im using the Val() function to return numeric data from stored text strings.

My problem is that the function returns zero where the data are missing (i.e. a space character at the desired position within the text string).

This is very problematic for me, as the numeric data I am pulling out are in themselves response codes, where zero means something very different from missing.

Is there a way I can use this or another function to pull out numeric values, but return missing/null where appropriate.

Many thanks


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DLookup Returns Null!!

Nov 26, 2007


I wrote the code below in a module. The text box that this part of the code is getting its value from has a DLookup in its control source. The problem is that when the DLookup does not match the criteria it looks for, it returns Null. The code tries to assign Null to a variable of type currency and that returns an error. Is there anyway to convert the Null to 0?

What do you suggest?

Returns DLookup value:

All the function:
Public Function CalculateDepositPlusVO()
Dim vAgreedPrice As Currency
Dim vtxtTotalVO As Currency
Dim vtxtAgreedPricePlusVO As Currency

vAgreedPrice = Forms![frmHouse]![qryHouse4].Form![AgreedPrice].Text
vtxtTotalVO = Forms![frmHouse]![qryHouse4].Form![txtTotalVO].Text
vtxtAgreedPricePlusVO = vAgreedPrice + vtxtTotalVO
Forms![frmHouse]![qryHouse4].Form![txtAgreedPricePlusVO].Text = vtxtAgreedPricePlusVO
End Function

Any help will be very much appreciated,

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Simple Query Never Returns

Feb 25, 2008

The following query never returns, even though there is an index on the name field in the Patient table:

SELECT p.Name FROM sheet4 AS s INNER JOIN Patient AS p ON p.NAME LIKE s.LASTNAME + ', ' + s.FIRSTNAME + ' %'

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Query Returns No Records

Aug 30, 2005

Obvious neophyte issue here, sorry...

I have a table, PURCHASE_ITEMS with 3 fields: ID, TYPE, NAME
Another table, ITEM_TYPES with 2 fields: ID, TYPE

TYPE in both tables is a text field and there is a one-to-many relationship between them.

When I run a query on PURCHASE_ITEMS, I can see all 25 records. When I set a criteria for TYPE to one of the types, no records appear, even though there are 5 or 6 of that type.

Can anyone help me with this absurdly simple problem that I can't seem to get my brain around?

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Query Returns 2 Results Instead Of 1

Nov 26, 2006

I am creating a database for a hyperthetical car hire company. A customer hires a car from and until a certain date. If a new customer decides to hire a car i want to generate a list of cars that he can choose on depending on the other dates from which other cars are hire from and until. I have created a query that generates all of the cars that the new customer can not use.
I have also generated a list of all of the cars, in the database.

I have created a new query takes the numberplates of all the cars and subtracts the numberplates of the cars that are being used.

This is where i hit a problem. For some reason the query is generating the list of number plates twice and then subtracting the numberplates that are being used. This leaves me with with 2 values for every numberplate that can be used and 1value for every numberplate that cannot be used. Can you help me?

Please post your email address so i can send you the zip file as the file is too large to upload. The query that i am having problems with has the title:SEARCH FOR AVAILIABLE CARS.

Thank You

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Error When SQL Returns NULL Value

Nov 30, 2006


I have a webpage which shows some results upon executing some SQL statements. However, i will met with some problems when the SQL statements return a NULL value therefore i would like to do some error checking such that when the SQL statement returns NULL, i will direct the user to another page.

Is it possible for me to try sth such as:

if strSQL = SELECT .. FROM .. WHERE .. = NULL then
response redirect ...

Was wondering if anybody would be able to give me some advise.

Thank you.

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Query Returns No Results

Feb 7, 2007

Hi all,

I think this could be another one of my stupid moments. Here is my query expression -

IIf([WHAT TEAM?]=1,[strCurrent_Team]="FINANCE",[strCurrent_Team]<>"FINANCE")

When run, the user is prompted to enter a team number. If they enter 1, then by my reckoning the query should return all records where [strCurrent_Team] = "Finance".

However, no records are returned.

strCurrent_Team is formatted as text.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here?



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When Query Returns No Records In Set

Jul 29, 2007

I hope this doesn't sound too simple for this forum, I'm only a newbie!
I have a select query that will display the recordset that meets the criteria (OK I know that's not a big deal) but...I want to know if, when there are no records that meet the criteria, can I open a form (dialog box maybe) that will say there are no records found instead of showing a blank recordset. Once again I hope this is not so blindingly obvious that I have to start watching my coffee intake

Thanks in advance

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Query Returns Every Possible Combination

Mar 5, 2008

Hi, i'm hoping someone here might be able to help me. I have come to a bit of a dead end with a database application i am working on.

The database is a delivery newspaper management system for a newsagents. Basically i need it to link customers to the paper they wish to receive, organise them into delivery rounds, and produce a bill for each customer based on the newspaper they get delivered.

The problem I am currently having is when it comes to the billing.
I have:
a table that stores customer details
a table that stores newspaper details (inc. price)
a table that stores the customerID and then the NewspaperID for each day of the week. (since not all customers get a paper everyday of the week)

If a customer gets two papers then two entries are made in the requirements table under there CustomerID)

Now to fetch the price of the newspaper the customer is down to receive each day and then add these all together is where i have been having trouble.

After many different attempts the solution i am currently using is this. I have a query for each day of the week. Each query take the customerID from the requirements table, then the newspaper price from the table storing newspaper details.
The problem here is that the query returns the CustomerID next to every newspaper in the database. I found the solution was this. I added the newspaperId from the newspaper details table and in the criteria stated "[tableRequirements].[NewspaperID]" And this worked perfectly.
Untill i added a customer who gets two papers. As far as i can tell the query is returning all the possible combinations of which newspaper the customer should get.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance.

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Crosstab Query Max X Returns

Nov 3, 2011

I am trying to find an Access solution to handling the MAX 2/3rds (I.E. 2from3 or 8from12 etc) returns from a series of "Scores" of a league table which will have many players, playing in many matches. I have created a crosstab query which delivers the total scores for each player from each game and played around with a make table query and a report output which I have used in excel to deliver the best 2/3rds of the scores. As others will be using the completed data base I would like to keep the solution within Access but I cannot work out how or if this is possible. Below is a limited output from the crosstab query showing the Total of all games played which I wish to turn into best 2/3rds.

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Sample Customer Satisfaction DB

Jul 15, 2005

I checked the sample DB section, but could not find what I am looking for: a anonymous customer satisfaction database. Just a shell I can build upon. Does anyone here have anything similar I might be able to use?

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Customer Database Tutorial

Jul 5, 2006


I am new to Access and would like to learn by taking on small projects.

Does any body know any good tutorials for beginners that could show how to start a database for a list of customers or something similar?

I have looked at the ones that can be created with the Wizards but obviously this doesn't help you understand the mechanics.

I would like to learn the 'nuts and bolts' so that I can expand the database and create new ones the more advanced I become.

Any good suggestions would be appreciated.


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