Customer Database Tutorial

Jul 5, 2006


I am new to Access and would like to learn by taking on small projects.

Does any body know any good tutorials for beginners that could show how to start a database for a list of customers or something similar?

I have looked at the ones that can be created with the Wizards but obviously this doesn't help you understand the mechanics.

I would like to learn the 'nuts and bolts' so that I can expand the database and create new ones the more advanced I become.

Any good suggestions would be appreciated.


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A Thorough Tutorial That Helps One Make A Mean Database

Oct 24, 2006

Hello all!

I have been searching online for the past couple of days for a thorough tutorial that aids the user to make his/her own detailed database based on example data (that does not necessarily have to be adhered to) supplied as the tutorial progresses.

As a student participating in an advanced computing class, I feel that this would benefit me as I can do as the steps ask and see how certain things are done. I am not a complete Access mug... I have a basic knowledge of the fundamentals, but stumbling accross an in-depth tutorial that details all of the standard features (tables, queries, forms etc) along with possibly some example modules would be excellent and beneficial.

All I have found so far is various snippets - "SQL basics" and "Macros: what they do and how to implement them" for example - these miss the bigger picture I am looking for. Surely a step-by-step tutorial on "Designing and working a fully-featured database from the gound up" is not that rare!

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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Looking For Good Tutorial On Feeding A Site With A Database.

Oct 25, 2004

I am very new to ASP and Access. I need to learn how to create a database full of images and text to feed dozens of webpages for a new site I am doing. I have googled many times and can't really find what I am looking for. I've come across ADO several times. Is this similar to what I am looking for? Thanks.

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Create A Tutorial That Tracks Progress For A Specialized Access Database

Apr 13, 2007

We are working on an access2000 database that will incorporate various "tutorial" or "training" elements in the db on how to use the db (mostly links to outside PDF files, etc.); the training elements guide users on how to do various data entry tasks, report generation, etc.

Is there a way, in Access, to track which "step" of the procedure a user is on? For instance, if they make it through Exercises 1-5, is there a way we can add some sort of indicator that lets them know, when they come back to it a week later, that they left off on Exercise 6? I have seen this done in various software tutorial packages, but I'm not sure how it is accomplished?

Any suggestions?

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Customer Database

Jan 21, 2008

hi all,

first time posting so please excuse the newbness.

i need to create a customer database, which i would like to be able to generate invoices from, nothing fancy or complicated, just name, address phone number etc. with a button to put this detail into a template word .doc file.

i would also like to be able to import all names and addresses at the end of the year to send a christmas card maybe or promotional e-mail.

how difficult is this to do? i kinda remember doing something similar at school years ago but can't remember how i did it.

any help/information would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance

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HELP! Customer Database, Quotes, Etc.

Jan 31, 2007

A friend pointed me in the direction of this site, and I sure hope someone can help. I need to build databases that will primarily be used for creating sales quotes. I know my way around, a little bit, but I am having trouble building this database. Would anyone be interested in helping me?

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General :: Create Check On A Field (customer ID) Of Customer Table In MS Access?

Sep 7, 2012

create a check on a feild(customer id) of customer table in MS Access , as "Customer ID is of 8 characters, the first 4 are alphabets and the last 4 are digits"

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Add Customer Name Into Table Each Time Unique Customer Added To SaleTable

Dec 11, 2013

I have a Table Sales - that lists customer and order information

Most of the customers are new - is there a way to populate Customer Name Table with a new entry each time a new customer is input into the Sales Tale

(Without having to add the custome to Customer Name Table - then going to Sales Order)
Failing that - is there a way to use a list box that points to Customer Name Table (and if it doesn't find the one you want, will allow you toadd a new record) In the SAME form as you use to add to Sales Table.

Date (textbox linking to form.Sales) Customer Name (List Box linking to form.CustomerName + adding the info to form.Sale)

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Help With Customer Care Type Database

Oct 5, 2004

I am having problems with a customer care type database. I used VBAUNBOUND to update information from one table onto a form.

If you select the combo box on the form, it reads the info from the one table, and updates 3 other text boxes in the form, but it doesn't update the main table in the database.

Contacts - Customer problem details
tblcustomer - Branch details

qurycustlisting - Reads info from tblcustomer (used in form Contacts)

Contacts - Manually input details. Select branch name in combo box (reads from query - qurycustlisting) and then updates the rest of the branch details on the form. But the info insn't updated into Table Contacts

Pleas help

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Creating New Database On Customer Quotes?

Jul 13, 2012

I am assigned to create a customer quote database for our company. Now it is in excel and already have 40,000 records and increasing average 25 records everyday. The way they want to send quotes are:

- The number of items in the quote are varied from 1 o 15.

- Each item has six different prices, depends on the order qty and want to mention in different adjusent lines.

- Each item has different delivery time depend on order qty.

- Company's sales Terms and conditions need to be printed at the end of each quote in separate page. (two full pages)

How do I create the table to accommodate all these fields? Is it possible to accommodate all items/sub items in one table under one qutoe id. I have customer table, product table etc ready and little confused to create the Quote table.

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Best Option For Grouping Areas In A Customer Database?

Feb 16, 2006

Hi all, just wondered if anyone would have an idea of the best way to implement this? I have a customer database, the relationships are below, and currently have done searching by town/city, street, purchase date, and also searching by area. But now the person i created it for wants to be able to search by 'groups of areas'. He has written how he would like to be able to search and they often include 3, 4, or 5 areas grouped together as one, and in only one or two instances he has included a small town aswell as a few areas.

Basically, it's been a while since i actually made the database (a year or so) and have not been using access much at all, so i'm having a bit of trouble working out how i'm gonna go about it and would like some idea's :D . I'm sure once i get back into the swing of it i'll be ok, but i feel like a newbie again at the moment :o :rolleyes:

Many thanks for any help you can give.

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Access Database - How To Autopopulate By Selecting Physician Name Or Customer ID#

Apr 15, 2008

Hi...I'm having issues.

I have a project trying to manage some patients.

I have a table with all patient information ~1000 patients. However, not all patients will be case managed. I have another table where I will add all the patients that need to be case managed ~ 100-300 patients. I'd like to be able to autopopulate the 2nd form (the case managed patients) by selecting the Patient ID.

I'd like the patient ID to pull the patient info from the 1st table and populate it into the 2nd table.

Same for physicians. I have a physician file with around 2000 physicians. I'd like to type in the physician ID in my form and have it pull all the demographic information for the physician and populate those fields...

Any thoughts? I am sick of cut/paste and retyping all this info that could easily be pulled for seperate existing tables.

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Combining Customer And Customer Contact Tables

Dec 24, 2011

I have a DB set up with a debtors table (Customers) and a Customer Contacts table, I was thinking of combining these two tables into one.Most of the Debtors are companies, but a few are actual people. With the current setup, i need to have both a debtor and a customer in two different tables, but with exactly the same data.

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SQL Tutorial

Oct 20, 2006


I am trying to learn how to use SQL. Can ayone please tell me where to download/view a comprehensive and easy to use tutorial?

Thank you very much.


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VBA For Access Tutorial

Jun 4, 2005

Does anyone knows a good VBA for Access tutorial or documentation i can download so i learn how to write the Event Procedures in MS Access?

Thank you for your help.

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Need A Good Tutorial

Jan 26, 2006

I have been selected to do a project by my department head. It involves programming an Access database to do various things. It has to have forms and all that good stuff. I'm trying to get the higher powers to get a web server for me to do this as a web application, but I may need to fall back on the Access idea. So I need a good tutorial on programming in an Access environment. I know it uses VB and I am pretty decent when it comes to programming with that language. What I need help with is how to do certain things like close a form using an onclick event or to print a report. There's a lot I need to be able to relearn so if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it much. I'm doing this for a Commander in the US Navy...(several ranks above me ) I need to be able to pull this off!!

Thanks much,


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Access Tutorial With Exercises

Sep 21, 2005

Hi All

I have just spent 30-40 minutes reading through this forum. So many solutions. Excellent.
Smile I am just starting Access and I want to find a course where there are exercises which will take me to a reasonably proficient level.

If anyone has done come across a book CD or online that they would recommend then I’d be most appreciative.

All the Best
Jacky Kenna

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Looking For A Chart Creating Tutorial...

Apr 17, 2007

Anyone know a good site w/ help creating charts in Access 2k? I have a few queries id like to display as charts but just playing w/ the chart feature is getting more confusing by the minute. Any tutorial would be great. TIA!

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Access Tutorial Videos

Nov 11, 2007

Sorry, couldn't let the world go without these instructional videos. It's not much, but it's a good place for beginners to start:

Access Instructional Videos

This might be a good sticky

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Expression Builder Tutorial Or FAQ?

Oct 13, 2006

Now I have been working for a few months with ACCESS but one thing that keeps giving me trouble and that is the "Expression Builder". I look at the Microsoft Help and it is not good in explaining this part of ACCESS. I have Access books and they are not good with explaining this aspect of Acess. Is there anyone with a good source to point me in the direction to learning the Expression Builder better then I know now?

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Recommend A Tutorial To Print Records Please?

Mar 8, 2007

I'm using Access 2000.
I currently use a form to enter my customer details. As soon as the info is entered I need to send out a "thank you for joining" letter, but I can't figure out how to print out a single field, it prints them all.

Ideally I'd like to have a button on the form so I can print it out on a template.

Can anyone recommend a good tutorial on how to do this, or offer any advice please?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks

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Screen Scraper - Help Finding Example Or Tutorial Please.

Jun 10, 2007

New member here. I've searched this forum and the internet but came up dry and sure could use some guidance.

There are plenty of references to being able to use Access 2003 VBA to open a separate program (in this case it will be Internet Explorer 6.0) and scrape data from the window, importing it into a table. But all of the references only mention that it can be done, not how to do it. Apparently, it is such a common thing that pretty much everyone except me already knows how to do it.

Can anyone please point me toward a tutorial that walks step-by-step through the process of using VBA to open IE and extract data? If there isn't an online tutorial, maybe someone has an example I could use to figure it out.

Any and all help is appareciated.



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Online Tutorial For Form Design?

Jun 4, 2005

I am new to Access and not a sophisticated user of computers. I've been given the task of redesigning some forms on an existing data base. I understand how to put the new fields I'm adding into the table associated with the forms I'm working on, but I've having a hard time actually moving stuff around the screen and getting it lined up.

Is there an online tutorial or reference I can go to that will teach me the layout basics?

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QBF (Query By Form) Advice/tutorial/example Appreciated!

Jul 7, 2006


I have some basic VBA and ADO recordset exposure, and would like to create a form, that:

- allows a user to search 4-5 fields (client & business name based information)
- return options of records to view that match that data
- allow user to make a selection, which then provides another form with full details of that client's record(about 20 fields)

Can anyone provide an example or perhaps guidance on a good tutorial, that will take me through this process gently (and help me understand the process)!

Regards and thanks


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Beginner-Tutorial For Retail/inventory Table(s) Set Up

May 5, 2007

Access Guru's:

I am a beginner at best with Access. (I'm using Access 2003) I have a small in home business as a second job making silk flower arrangements. I am now to the point that I need to track my inventory, quantity used, COGS, etc. Most of my arrangements are in gift shops on consignment.

In lieu of buying Quickbooks Manufacturing ($$$), I want to start tracking everything with Access so I can at least get some nice reports at tax time.

The problem I am having is I cannot translate the tutorials that Microsoft supplies to this application, they only cover setting up basic tables. (ie: in a retail/inventory application - do I set up 1 table, 1 table & subtable, 2 tables????)

I set up a table so far with 4 basic inventory fields:
Item description (record includes: flower, vase, foam, etc) / Color / Qty on Hand / Cost. Then (on the same table) finished goods fields of: Qty Used / Arrangement # / Qty Left / Sold for. While trying to figure out how I am going to track how much each arrangement cost, I'm not sure this set up will work.

I probably went into too much detail for my question, but I wanted to give some kind of background. Is there a CD/Book/Tutorial that specifically guides one through setting up a retail/inventory table?

Sorry so wordy.


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Password Protecting A Form - Microsoft Tutorial Error

Jul 22, 2005

I was using this form tutorial to password protect my administrative tools. When I went to run it I received this:

"User defined type not defined" and the line Dim rs As DAO.Recordset was highlighted.

I have little experience with VB and I was wondering if someone here had any idea if it was their code that was wrong, or if it was something I did...

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