DAP Help!! -- How To Change Color Of Background

Sep 21, 2006

I have a Data Access Page that I need some help with some of the code.

I need to do a comparison to see if the TimeStamp Control is less than one hour old. If it is, it should have the background turn red. If not it should stay white.

Form = BLine_Messaging
Control = TimeStamp

Code:<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onload or=window><!--If (BLine_Messaging.TimeStamp.value > DateAdd("H", -1, Date)) THEN BLine_Messaging.style.backgroundColor="white"else BLine_Messaging.style.backgroundColor="red"end if --></SCRIPT>

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Way To Change Background Color

Aug 26, 2015

I have installed Windows 10 & Office 13.The Background color of MS Access 13 is white in color which is irritating. Is there a way to change the background color?

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How To Change The Background Color Of A Selected Row

Oct 25, 2005

:confused: <b>Hi all, can Access highlight the selected rows in table just like the spreadsheet in Excel??

Many thanks,

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Change Background Color Of Text Box?

Aug 26, 2003

I need to change the background colour of a text box after a change to the field has been made?


Make: IBM (Background Color Grey - Default)

User makes a change to Make ..

Make: Toshiba - (Background Color changes to Yellow )

I'm trying to code this with the OnChange option on the TextBox but can't see to find the right code.

I was using Application.SetOption"Background", colour value with no success

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On Click Change Form Background Color?

Apr 30, 2006

I searched around but i couldnt really find or atleast understand how to do what i want to do. I want upon the user clicking on a checkbox for the background of the form to change to a set color?

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General :: Change Access Background Color

Aug 18, 2014

I'm using the changebackgroundcolor.zip sample that I found here at Lebans site. URL....I'm trying to find a way to keep the color that I picked after the database closes. I tried to follow the example here URL....but couldn't get it to work.how to get the color to stay on the color that was picked from the dialog box?

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box Does Not Want To Change Background Color

Mar 1, 2015

I have some code to check a combo box if a date field is filled in, then the combo box can't be empty.I can make the error message appear, but the combo box does not want to change color and it does not recognize any other than value..This is the code that I have, and it does not work like I wish it could.(I took the database over from some one else and need to make improvements on it. the field names where not created by me).

Private Sub cmbCurrentStatus_AfterUpdate() '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Working on >>>>>>>>>>>>>
If IsNull(Me.[STEP 1 4 check current status]) And Not IsNull(Me.[Checked__date_]) Then
MsgBox "Checked (date) can't be empty if Current Status is filled in!", , "Incomplete Form!"
Me.[STEP 1 4 check current status].Value = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Me.[STEP 1 4 check current status].BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If
End Sub

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Change Background Color Of Form Based On Data

Mar 6, 2008

Just wondering... is this possible.

I have a database with 200 clients. If a user pulls up a record and the customer's insurance has expired, is it possible to change the background color of the form so that this automatically alerts the user that this customer needs to be contacted and the record needs to be updated?

Or are there any other suggestions that may serve the same purpose?

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Forms :: Textbox Background Color Change Dependent On Value

Oct 3, 2013

I have a question related to a textbox on a form.

In my table (tbl_data) I have a field named Rating. This can be anything from 1 - 10.

On my form (frm_input) I have a textbox (created using the wizard so at the moment I'll call it txt_Rating).

What I would like to know how to do is:

If the value in the textbox is 0-5 leave the background colour of the textbox white with black font.
If the value in the textbox is 6-7 turn the background colour pale yellow with black font.
If the value in the textbox is greater than 7.1 turn the background colour Red with white font.

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Modules & VBA :: Report Background And Foreground Color Change

Jun 21, 2015

how to change background color of MSAccess Reports using VBA? How can I do border coloring. What are the vba codes for all color options like light green, light blue etc. How to change the font type to bold etc using vbaI did some changes to text box coloring in Detail Section on format click event.

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Forms :: ListBox - How To Change Selected Row Background Color

Mar 24, 2014

I have a listbox and whenever I clicked on a row it will highlight black background and white font color. How can I disable this or change the formatting?

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Queries :: Change Background Color Of A Query Cell If Certain Criteria Met?

Aug 14, 2015

Is it possible to run a query and have the background color of the query field be highlighted if a certain criteria is met?

I'd like to use the expresion builder if possible.

For example if the values in field A and field B do not match, then field C should be a yellow background.

If this is possible, how is it done?

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Forms :: Change Font And Background Color Based On Date?

Mar 28, 2013

I would like to change the Font and background color based on dates.

-I have a text box (Training Event) on a form populated from a field (Training Dates) in a query.

- I need the font and/or the background in that text box to change to red when the date is 12 month past, yellow 11 months past, white 10 months past and green for 9 months past.

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Forms :: Change Background Color Double Click Event?

Jul 13, 2015

I am using a continuous form and would like my users to be able to change a field background color to a light red by double-clicking. The user would also be able to change it back to white by double-clicking again.

The code I am using (below) changes the field background color for all records. I need my code to only change the field color of the current record and cannot seem to find how to do that. The field name is [System_CurrentStatus].

Private Sub System_CurrentStatus_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = vbWhite Then
Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = RGB(234, 154, 160)
ElseIf Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = RGB(234, 154, 160) Then
Me.System_CurrentStatus.Backcolor = vbwhite
End If
End Sub

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Change Field Background Color Based On Query Results

Jun 24, 2014

I would like to change the background color of a field that is the result of a Unique Values query. I am trying to get a list of invoices where all the line items are approved. I can't seem to get it to work the way I want because if even one invoice line item is approved it will show up as approved.

Is there a way to change the background color of the invoice field to red if ANY of the Approved line items are = False

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Forms :: Continuous Form - One Field Change Background Color / Current Record

Jul 28, 2014

in a continuous form i want to click on one record and have the one field change the background colour to highlight it. When I use the code: Field. BackColor = vbYellow it changes the background on all the records. Is there a code to say only for the record with focus?

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Background Color

Dec 13, 2006

hi every one

i have an application and the user was asking me to give him the ability to change the backcolor of the main form
i had done that with one color option.

but now he wants to mix two colors together
any one can help me with that , if code or sample would be posted, that would be appreciated .

thanks in advance

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Tab Control Background Color

Mar 6, 2006

How do I change the background color of a tab or can you? The form that I am looking at has a tab button, but it looks like a normal form for the background. It has the grid and has a color for the background. I have designed a new form and added a tab control. But the background is grey and I would like to change it. Please help, if you can. Thanks.

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Background Color Problem

Jul 10, 2006


I want to change the background color to a plain white color. So I used the coloring bucket to fill it in. The problem is that it does not have any effect. In the picture you can see that the greyish color with the white dots remain.

This is some kind of standard template. Is there anyway I can remove it so I can fill in plain colors?

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Can't View Fields With Background Color

Feb 8, 2005

When I set the background color of a "rectangular box" to Normal (not transparaent), there are some fields that do not display - they are hidden behind the box. If I move the box, delete the hidden fields and add them back in, they appear fine. Is there a way to set the box color to allow all fields appear in front without having to delete and re-add all fields?


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Changing Background Color Of Tab Form

Apr 5, 2005


I have design a form using the tab control. I need to add in color to make it more professional. Is there a way I can do it. I realised the filled /Back color icon is faded in color in design view.

Appreciate any help in this. Thanks.

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Controls With Translucent Background Color

Sep 1, 2005

In an effort to refine the looks of my database, I was wondering if anyone could tell me a way of setting the Background Color of a control to Translucent, i.e. Textbox, Label, or Rectangle.

I want it to be partially transparent so I could then overlay it on top of an imported picture. I would then place the description of the photo on top of this translucent overlay.

Another possible solution may be to use an image as the background if someone knows how to make an imported image translucent.

So far as I can see, my only options in Access are tranparent or opaque. Any way to do something programmatically

Any thoughts would be great,


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What Numeric Value Is The Tab Control Background Color?

Sep 27, 2005

I don't want to get fancy with changing the colour of tab controls (a la S. Lebans), I'd just like to be able to duplicate the default gray color. Does anyone know the numeric expression to enter in the tab control's Background Color box?

Many thanks.

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Different Background Color On Diff. Computers??

Jan 4, 2005

Does anyone know/how my forms' background colors are different from one computer to another? The computers that are showing the correct color are both XP and Access 2002 (one is a laptop and one is a desktop)... but then someone else.. on a laptop (with XP and access 2002).. the forms' background colors are not good (purple)... vs. blue on my laptop and the desktop. Thanks!

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Reports :: Fill Certain Rows With Background Color

Sep 27, 2013

I'm trying to create a report that has certain rows filled with a background color. In excel, the fill color is complete across the row. That is, there are no gaps between cells. In Access, each individual "cell" or field is filled with the color but inbetween each cell/field there is white space. I tried changing the control padding to "narrow" but there is still too much white space. Changing control padding to "none" changes the alignment of the cells to look off. They aren't exactly lined up in a row anymore. It looks terrible.

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Reports :: If Statement That Checks Color Of Background

Sep 11, 2013

I have a report. In this report I have a start date and an end date. I also have a date that is going to be checked. The report checks to see if the date the user entered on a different form is between the start and end date of an individual. if it is, a txt box at the end of the line will turn red. If it isn't the box will stay default of green.

What I would like to do is not even show the lines that have a green box. I want to just show the lines that have boxes as red.

I looked into If statements but I'm not quite sure what event I should put them on, nor am I certain I have the syntax right.

I had it:
If (lblAvailability.BackColor = "#CCB13D" Then
txt1.Visible = False
and so on... making all the txt fields invisible. I would rather have them not even show up because I'm pretty sure invisible things still take up room.
End If

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