I have searched for days and not been able to find an answer to a supposedly easy question.
I have a continuous form "Entry_Form" based off a table called "Today". I want to add additional criteria to the table using the form and have created a combo box that is based on a separate table called "Reason_Codes". "Reason Codes" has two fields "ID" and "Description".
When selecting the combo box "ID_Selector" I populate one of the fields on the form which then populates the corresponding field on the table. This works.
My problem is that I want to have a text box on the form called "Description_Code" populated automatically the "Description" based the ID chosen.
I have created the following DLookUp equation and placed it into the Control Source, but nothing is populated in the "Description_Code" field.
What I am trying to do is put a subform within a subform. The trouble is I want both forms to be continuous forms.
when I put the subform within a subform, access comes up with the following message:
************************************************** ******************** A form with a subform object cannot have its DefaultView set to Continuous forms.
You tried to add a subform to a form in design view. MSAcess will reset the property to Single Form. ************************************************** *********************
which it does my higher level form becomes a form only showing single records at a time whilst the subform is a continuous form.
I want to use buttons on a form to change the sort order on a continuous form. In the buttons click event I am using a public function (named Sort_1) to change the sort order. The first element of the event call is the name of a generic query (named Sort_1_Query1) and the query field to sort (LAST_NAME OR FRIST_NAME, depending on the button.)This is the Click Statement.
This is the Public Function Public Function Sort_1(SortName As String, FieldName1 As String) DoCmd.ApplyFilter SortName, FieldName1 & "between 'A' and 'Z'" End Function
I think the problem is in the use of quotation marks or trying to pass the query field name to the Do Command or the use of an ampersand.
I have a continuous form in which I put a command button for each record called "detail". I would like to click on the "detail" button and make it open another form containing all (and only) the info on this record.
At first I refused to use an "id" to link both forms, but finally I added the "id" in the table... however still does not work.
continuous form: "04 - GASTOS_BUSQUEDA" id field on continuous form: "Gastid"
pop-up (details) form: "GASTOS_EDITAR" id on pop-up (details) form: "editar_id"
This is what I have tried on the "click" properties of the "details" button field (called "btn_editgs"):
4) Private Sub btn_editgs_Click() On Error GoTo btn_editgs_Click_Err Dim strWhere As String strWhere = "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , strWhere btn_editgs_Click_Exit: Exit Sub btn_editgs_Click_Err: MsgBox Error$ Resume btn_editgs_Click_Exit End Sub
The Ignore, OverTime, AnnualLeave fields are bound to a I, O, A checkboxes respectively in this continuous form. The ExtraValue bound to a EV textbox in this form.
What I want is that when the user check O or A checkboxes, the EV textbox is enabled only for this form record NOT all the form records, when the user check I checkbox, the EV textbox is disabled only for this from record, NOT all the form records.
The problem is that whenver the user check, all the form records EV text box is affected by this action.
I have a continuous form which I have placed a unbound text box. For some reason when I place a value in the box it duplicates the value in all the correponding records! Any ideas why!!
The function returns a null except for certain values of SecCode. The value of SecCode ranges from 0 to 99999999. Some values of the code work but most do not. When I do get text returned, it does not match the document section. Is there a counter that needs to be reset or re-indexed?
The problem is that I have a recordset Rosters. Fields are ShftDay, A, B, C The ShftDay is distinct field. I have continuous form mapped to this recordser. This continuous form have 4 text boxes, each is mapped to one of the recordset fields. The user can edit these fields. What I want to do is when the user enter the value "Na" in one of A,B or C textbox, I want the backcolor property of this textbox to become pink. What I face is that for example if I enter the "Na" value in the A textbox, all the cells of the A textbox are converted to pink. What I want is only the cell in the edited record, not all. Please Help Me.
I have a subform in continuous mode which has a list of people. I have created an unbound field which has a dlookup into a telephone number table.
What I want to happen is for each person in the list to have their telephone number displayed (not recorded - just displayed) on the form alongside their name. On a single form this works fine, but on a continuous form it displays the same phone number on all the rows (presumably the first person in the lists number).
Can anybody advise how I can get the dlookup working for each record in the continous form.
I am building an application for my marketing dept. that will track their mailouts. So far I can handle it; however, they want a thumbnail displayed of each piece of creative. I can do this if they only wanted to see one record at a time, but they want all records w/in a certain date range and the pic that goes with it. I am currently storing the path to the image so not to gorge my db to explosion.
pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces
where pic is the thumbnail. I have built it with a continuous form so I can display all the records but I am up to change if needed. I have read other posts and they all deal with single forms and the onCurrent event is not really working for me.
Hi All - It must be the early hour or something, my brain is dead.
I have a continuous form of Pharmacy items that belong to a specific customer. At the end of each row I have a TickBox.
I have a button that prints a report on the form and when it prints the report I want the TickBoxes to then be ticked automatically. When I put the code
Me.Tickbox = -1
it just ticks the first item and not all the tickboxes.
How can I get it to do the rest? (I have searched but found nothing yet of help)
I have a continuous form setup that has a check box field (Yes / No) I also have a command buttom to preview data. How can I code the command button for each record so that is the check box = No then the command button is not visible. I had code in the on open but it seem to either make the command button visible for all records on invisible for all.
I have a continuous form, which is used as a sub form in a main form. How can i put some code on a control which will work only, if the focus is on the last record (the event i would like to use is onKeyDown). I have tried using:
I am going to retype this as perhaps my original explanation was too wordy.
I need to display data from 2 tables in a continuous form. Sure I can do this with a query and a join, but the user needs to be able to add records to the form as well. When adding a new record, only one field need be entered (actually selected from a combo box) and the other 2 fields would auto-fill based on the selection.
Is there a way I can requery a continuous form. Basically my form runs from a query. If when certain criteria become true I want that record to move to a different form, (working on another query) Basically I am saying is that if checkbox1 = true then I want to hide that record. Does that make sense?
On a continuous form, i have discovered how to enable/disable fields by checking/unchecking a box, but is there a way of enabling/disabling the fields for only the relevant record and not for all records?
Also in a continuous form, i would like no further record additions after the first record until a button is clicked on. Is this possible?
I've searched the forum, couldn't find an answer. Is it possible to give each record in a continuous form a different backgroundcolor?
For example:
-------------------------------------------- Record 1 has a light yellow bgcolor -------------------------------------------- Record 2 has a light blue bgcolor -------------------------------------------- Record 3 has a light yellow bgcolor -------------------------------------------- Record 4 has a light blue bgcolor -------------------------------------------- And so on...
I have scanned through the forum but have not found an answer for the above..
How do I do a requery only for the combo box of a particular record in a continuous form? To be brief...the user has to select the pimary sector for a project . After, this, I want the next field to show up all sub-sectors based on the value selected in the previous primary sector combo box.
When I do a requery using the following code,
all the records in the form get requeried.
All the field are bound field.
There was a similar post in the form but was not complete.
I have a continuous form. On that form, I have a link (label) that a user can click to bring up a new form containing more info on the current record. The problem is that when the form opens, the first record is selected. If the user scrolls down to another record, and clicks the link, the form opens with info on the first record.
It seems that I need to set the record to the record that the link was clicked from, but I'm not sure how. Any help?
Hi, i've attached an image so it would be easier for you guys to understand my problem. I'm currently using continuous form to display my records and my problem is that i would like to have the second field in my "Rec Qty" column to retrieve the value from the first field of the Total Bal column whenever i create a new record. Is this possible?
Now, what I want to do is the following: I want a form that will display all orders with all products.something like this:
IdOrder | CompanyName | Products
1 | ABC | ComboBox with products 2 | XYZ | ComboBox with products
How do I do it? It's easy with everything else, the ComboBox gives me headakes. I can't seem to link the Products to the correct Order so that each combobox displays only the items for that specific Order.
This is probably a stupid question and I expect the answer is no but here goes.
I have a continuous subform showing records sorted to show the latest first.
I would like the empty new record to be sitting at the top of the list rather than the bottom, so my users don't need to scroll down to enter a new record.
Is this possible, and if so what is the setting I need to use.