Daily Macro

Sep 14, 2005

Hi all - How do I run a daily macro? I have a macro with an OUTPUT TO command that exports a report as a text file on my c: drive. I've tried using the MS Scheduled Tasks but when it opens MS Access to run the macro, the macro doesn't run. I think it's because the Access program is flashing and not in focus. When I click on the Access pgm, the macro runs just as planned. The only way around this is to have the macro print something before my OUTPUT TO command, but printing something every day isn't reasonable for me.

Any help would be great. Thanks.

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Modules & VBA :: Write A More Complex Macro That Will Start Another Macro At Preset Time

Dec 8, 2013

I am trying to write a more complex macro that will start another macro at a preset time, however I am getting stopped at the first hurdle - getting a macro to run another macro.

Here is the code i am using at the moment, all I want to do currently is click the first button, then get the second macro to execute. But no luck, getting error 2157 "cannot find the procedure"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "1st macro running", vbExclamation, "Note"
Application.Run "teststart1"
' Application.OnTime TimeValue("19:55:00"), "teststart1"


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Daily Record Creation

Jun 26, 2006

i have a table..


i want to have a feature in my database like the following..

these are basically day to day clock in times for my staff..

is there a way that everday.. a new record will be created..

eg.. on 04/06/06... i turn on my pc for the first time.. and when i view the timesheet form.. a record for today is automatically created.. then throughout the rest of the day, this form will be displayed..

when i turn on my pc on 05/06/06, the database will know its a different day, so it creates a new record for today... then i can just move back and forth throughout the days to see the details..

if i then turn my computer off for 5 days, then turn it on at 10/06/06, it still should have made records for 6,7,8, and 9th June, but they will be empty, and the record im shown is for the 10/06/06,

how can i make this?

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Execute A Form Daily

Dec 11, 2007

Hello again!

Does anyone know if it is possible to execute a form daily?? Like a winows scheduled task or something??

The form I need to run daily basically takes the information from one .txt and keeps it into a table.

Thank you!

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Daily Total Query

Sep 7, 2006


I have a database, in which I need to add up the total number of entries made at any point of the day. I have started by creating a query with the entry's SerialID (unique) and the date it was entered, however I am stuck already.

Any help would be appreciated,


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Grouping Daily Data By Week

Nov 2, 2005

Hi all,

I currently have a table that holds 2 months of data. Let's just use January/February 2004 as an example.

The field name is [DateReceived] and goes from '1/1/2004' to '2/29/2004'. I need to group my records in 7-day spans for a future query, so anything from 1/1 to 1/7 would be grouped, etc.....

I have no idea how to do this. Any help would be great.


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Driver Daily Log (Default Problems)

Mar 18, 2007

Hi all
Im trying to put together a Drivers Log that HGV drivers use on a laptop in there truck rather than having to fill in piles of paper work. The problem is you have to fill in your name, flt No: and regestration on every sheet, so I have decided to put together a db where as you fill as little information as possible which will be defaulted to every sheet (Form) and with a small portable printer in the truck, print out all the sheets, I have asked several questions about my db on this forum and they have been solved but Im having a problem with a default. Table1 (Form1) is the drivers details, it has a field "Drivers Name" Im wanting to default the field to the other tables in the db, The table 1 will not be open as when a driver fills in his details it will be saved and closed, My question is it possible to do this?????
Thank you

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Calculating Daily Values For A Month

Jul 7, 2006

Hello all. I hope someone can lend a helping hand here. I am trying to create a query that will calculate a 24 hour value for every day of a month. For a month a go out a read meters. I need to get the difference of two readings by subtracting the first day from the second day and so on until I get to the end of the month. So, Day2-Day1=24 hour value, Day3-Day2, Day4- Day3... I have this in a spreadsheet but can't seem to grasp it for a query in a database. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.:confused: :D

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Query Date For A Daily Report

Sep 24, 2004

I need to generate a report with records generated on a daily basis and I am looking how to write the query expression. For example, my Access database generates record on a daily basis and I an using a query to generate the report. I only want to report the records created on that day, and then each subsequent day. So, in the query, I am looking for the correct expression to grab only those records generated that day. (Hope its not confusing, I'm new at this)

Thanks for any help in advance!


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Making Daily Backup Of Database?

Oct 29, 2013

As my database is growing and hold more and more data i want to make a daily backup to the local hard disk (it works on a network now) automatically.The way i want it to work is as follows :

When a user quits the application i want to check if there is a copy already existing with the date of today.

If it does it skips the copy process and just quits.

If it doesn't, i want it to make a backup in a directory. if the directory doesn't exist it must be made.

The backup file name must hold the date of today off course.

I realize that i have to have a procedure to delete obsolete (outdated) backups as well, but ill worry about that later.

Off course Ive tried this a few times, otherwise i wouldnt ask it here. But i seem to fail every time..

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Is A Backup System Necessary When Server Is Backed Up Daily?

Apr 11, 2006

Hi everyone,
Do I need to have a backup system with my database for the backend? The backend is stored on a server that is backed up everyday and tapes are kept for a week. There will be 2 maybe 3 main users writing to the database.

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Forms :: Daily Memo For Users To View

Jun 17, 2014

I am currently updating our old Access DB 2003 to 2013 and wanted to make a few modifications along the way.I would really like to allow users to leave notes for each other on a front page. This front page form does not have any underlying table to it as it is only used as a switchboard.My question is, is it possible to have some sort of memo or text box that users can enter notes into that can be easily viewed from the front switchboard and then they can delete/update the notes as required?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make Daily Stock Inventory

Jan 5, 2014

I have an inventory app, how to make daily opening stock /closing stock.I want the system done automatically,that is as users exit,closing stocks & next day opening stocks as users log in.Then daily stock reports can be generated.

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Tables :: Daily Import From Excel - Current Only

Jun 11, 2014

I'm working with an A/P department that is using "legacy technology" and has no capability for maintaining notes on invoices due, etc. I'd like to give them a database that would provide them with the features they need, but I'm running into a conceptual snag.

I am able to extract from their database system all open invoices each day. For each invoice, the A/P person will make notes from day to day on approvals to pay, any problems with the invoice or related inventory or service, discussions with the vendor, etc. So, let's say on Monday they make notes on a particular open invoice. On Tuesday, they'll pull all open invoices from their system and import that set of invoices into the Access database. Some will be new, but many will already be in the table. Using the Vendor Number and Invoice Number together as the table key, I can avoid duplication into the table. But, some already in the database will not appear in the new extract because they've been paid.

So, my question is... how do I get to a point where they can do this import each day and see only the invoices that are currently open AND maintain their previously-entered notes? I thought first that there would be a query to run each day, but I don't know how to keep consistency regarding table names in the query, etc, so the query doesn't have to be edited for each new import. Would this be an append to get the new ones? If so, how do I drop the ones that are not in the newest extracted data?

A complication, of course, is that I want them to be autonomous and able to do this without my input each day.

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Tables :: Set Up Table To Add Information On Daily Basis

Feb 4, 2013

I am tracking extreme useage on account numbers. I've set up a table to add the information on a daily basis.

Currently the table has the following Fields:

Report_Date / Account / Usage / Sent / Received / Comments / Notes
(the Sent and Received fields are Y/N)

I've gotten a report to send working as I want, but I am running like 6 queries to put all the data together correctly. For example; if an account was flagged today and sent today I do not want to send another notice for the next 5 days; but I still want to log the data in the table for historical reasons... Again, this all works. Just that it is not pretty..

The part that I keep fighting is the responses. When I receive a response I want to log that. Right now, I check the Received flag, and add in any comments the customer sends back. This is easy. But I also want to print that information out on the report - just the latest information. For example, if I send a notice out on 11/1/12, 11/18/12, 12/14/12, and 1/10/13 and I have responses back from all of these logged in the table, when this account number gets printed again - say today - I want to add to that report JUST the comments from the 1/10/13 report.

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Modules & VBA :: Automating Daily Import Of CSV File

Aug 10, 2013

We receive a daily csv file from another database and we are trying to automate this process as much as possible.

At the moment, the other system will extract any new records, save a file as importddmmyyyy.csv in a specified location e.g. c:importpendingimportddmmyyyy.csv and then make a call to open access giving access the file path as follows

masaccess.exe "C:mydatabase.mdb" /nostartup / Excl/ cmd Filepath="c:importpendingimport09082013.csv"

I have configured access to automatically open a form, "ImportForm" when it opens, and I have configured this form to automatically run an event procedure on loading "importdailyfile".

My problem lies in writing this procedure. Basically I need it to run the Transfer Text command (I have already create an import specification)

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "myimportspec", "table to append the data to", filepath, true

The problem I am facing is that as the filepath changes on a daily basis given the naming conventions (which i cannot change) and my knowledge of VBA s pretty basic, I don't know how to make the procedure pick up the filepath that the other system is providing in the call to open access.

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Reporting Time Fixed As A Daily Variable

Mar 18, 2012

The previous problem stands solved i.e. ReportTime field shows 9:50 always.But it has created another problem as under

The Formula for ReportTime : Format(Date(),"m/d/yyyy") & " 9:50:00 AM"

The formula for ReportedAt then becomes as ReportedAt: Format(Now(),"hh-nn ampm")

And the next step LateByMinuts:=IIf([StatusID]=1,DateDiff("n",[ReportTime],[ReportedAt]),0)

Where stutusID is

1. Present,
2. AbsentExcused.
3. LeavePrivelege etc.

is correct for the first time.That is when at the first time the Reported time (system time) is recorded it works fantastically but when next time the Form is opened the saved "LateBYMinuts" field is changed with the system date thus disparaging the previous save data.

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How To Create Daily Table From Monthly Data

May 23, 2012

How do I create a daily table from monthly data? I have a monthly table and want to split it into a daily table by dividing each monthly value by the number of days in that month. I need this so I can compare the new daily values to other daily values.

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Making Daily List Of People From Database?

Feb 14, 2013

I have created a database of club members in Access 2010. Each day I need to generate a report of who comes to the club. Up to this point I have been using an Excel spread sheet of members that I copy and paste to new daily spreadsheets each day. how to do this.

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Automate Import Of Daily Report From Another Source

Oct 30, 2014

The multi-user application I'm making uses data from another system. I get reports in csv format e-mailed to me in zip format. Since it's a multi-user system, I have to create a table with the records from the csv I get an error message that someone is viewing the data if I try viewing it while someone is viewing it.

When I get the e-mail with the latest version of the csv, I unzip it and replace the older file in the folder location that the Access database is linked to. I have a sub routine that deletes everything from the table and inserts the records from the latest csv. I execute the sub by pressing a button.

Is there a way to automate unzipping the file, extracting it to the folder and running the sql code in VBA?

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Printing Daily Report For Existing Members

Aug 11, 2015

I have a kids club which do lots of functions for kids, to monitor the members and who is in and out I did a small access data base with details of Start date of the function and end date for each member.

I want to make a daily report showing only the active members in today date only for example:

Jack have swimming every Saturday, Monday and Wednesday Between 14 July 2015 till 14 August 2015
Jill have swimming every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday Between 14 July 2015 till 14 August 2015

today is 11 August 2015 and I want to report to mention just who is active today only.

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Importing Excel Spreadsheet To Access Database Daily

Jun 1, 2006

I need some help on this one. :confused: I have two Crystal Report generated Excel spreadsheets that are auto-updated on a daily basis. One spreadsheet contains computer assets, type, model, locations, etc. The second spreadsheet has users assigned to them, phone numbers, etc. I need to import these in to existing tables with numerous filters into my Access database weekly. They don’t change a whole lot but I need the changes to be reflected in my database.

The way I have it setup now is through a linked table, then I use a “Make table query” to filter the data.

My problem is the filtered table has relationships set up that I have to delete then recreate every time I need to run the “Make table query” because it has to delete the old table first.

Is there a better way to make this happen?

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General :: Query For Daily As Well As Cumulative Production For Month

Jan 28, 2013

I have a production application in which i have a table named daily_production with fields as ( prod_id, date, productname, qty ). Now I want a daily production query as

date : xx-xx-xxxx
productname | qty | monthlysum(for thsi product) | daily average |

I want this on a single query so that i can make a report out of this .

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Queries :: Query With Daily Fields Based On Parameters?

Feb 11, 2014

I am trying to create a query that will provide a field for each day of a month. However, I want the query to be able to work for any month that I want to run on based on a parameter. Basically I want this:

Day 1: Sum(IIF([ReleaseDate]=#[# of Month]/1/[# of Year]#,[GamesSold],0)
Day 2: Sum(IIF([ReleaseDate]=#[# of Month]/2/[# of Year]#,[GamesSold],0)
and so on for 31 fields.

This is not currently working.

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Modules & VBA :: Daily File Import Timestamp Shift

Mar 17, 2014

I have a daily file to import. If I hard code the entire file name my code works. My problem is getting around the daily name change of the file.The owner has an automated process that creates the file so the name every day is slightly different due to the timestamp. Here's an example

Today's file is "mydailyfile_20140317_1035.xls"
Tomorrow will be "mydailyfile_20140318_1033.xls"

I can account for date using "sFileDate = Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd")".The hour/minutes is never the same.is there a wildcard solution??

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General :: Code For Bringing Daily Data Into Excel

Jun 22, 2015

I am trying to transfer daily data that I get from three different queries all into one Excel sheet. I take it that you have to make one over-arching query which I have made called Awaiting Base.

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