Data Calculation Expression - New User

Jun 20, 2006

I am just learning how to use Access and have created a basic form. I am stuck though on getting my form to calculate the Age (from Date of Birth) in Years and Months.

The info on this forum I have tried the following Expression:

=DateDiff("yyyy",[DoB],Date()) & " years and " & DateDiff("m",[DoB],Date())-(DateDiff("yyyy",[DoB],Date())+Int(Format(Date(),"mmdd") & lt;Format([DoB],"mmdd")))*12 & " months "

But my problem is that it tells me:

''The expression you entered contains invalid syntax
You omitted an operand or operator, you entered an invalid character or comma, or you entered text without surrounung it in quotation marks''

Can anyone let me know what error I've made and how to fix it?
It would be much appreciated.

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Data Calculation Expression - New User

Jun 20, 2006

I am just learning how to use Access and have created a basic form. I am stuck though on getting my form to calculate the Age (from Date of Birth) in Years and Months.

The info on this forum I have tried the following Expression:

=DateDiff("yyyy",[DoB],Date()) & " years and " & DateDiff("m",[DoB],Date())-(DateDiff("yyyy",[DoB],Date())+Int(Format(Date(),"mmdd") & lt;Format([DoB],"mmdd")))*12 & " months "

But my problem is that it tells me:

''The expression you entered contains invalid syntax
You omitted an operand or operator, you entered an invalid character or comma, or you entered text without surrounung it in quotation marks''

Can anyone let me know what error I've made and how to fix it?
It would be much appreciated.

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Convert Expression Calculation Into Data Table?

Jan 1, 2006

Hello all, I'm quite new to Access. I've read many Access tutorials and site but I have yet to found the solution for my problem. So here it is (pardon my english):

Field AmountTotal is

I manually input AmountSubTotal, AmountSH and Discounts. I expected an automatic calculation for AmountTotal.

In "Form view" I get the result of AmountTotal that I wanted. But the calculation result doesn't get recorded in my field data table AmountTotal. It just shows blank.

How do I record this automated results into my original table?

Thanks in advance!

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Count Expression/ Calculation

Oct 30, 2007

I'm a little newbie here so please bare with me.

I'm doing a query for a call centre that is to calculate the number of calls for locations over 100k Square foot. However, I want to normalize the calculation by 100k SF. So the calculation should count the call centre work orders and then multiply it by 100k and divide it by the location Area.

I have no clue where to start, below is where I'm at. the new expression that i've added "wo" is where I want to count the total ([CallID]*100000)/[Area]. this isn't working.

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Date Difference Calculation In Expression Builder

Oct 8, 2015

I'm trying to add a calculated field which will be the time difference between two other date/time fields.

When I try to make a Calculated Field it does not recognize the DateDiff command.

Is there a preferred method to create a calculated field based on date/time differences? One would think this would be an easy thing to do.

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Tables :: Field With Calculation Expression - Round Function

Jul 28, 2014

I create e field with calculation expression and I need to round the results. I insert the following expression:


I have back the following error message: Could not find field 'Round'.

I do not understand why, because Round is not a field, but a function.

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Tables :: Auto Calculation In Sum Field After User Input (numbers) In Fields

Dec 28, 2012

I have a table, at the table I'v got these fields:

ID | num1 | num2 | sum

I want that the user put numbers at 'num1' and 'num2' fields and then the 'sum' field will calculate automatically the operator (sum=num1+num2).

I've tried to put any combination at 'Default value' of the sum field (all the fields are numbers , also tried to change the sum field to text...nothing works).

I'm getting a message that 'num1' field is not recognize at the table

(I tried =[num1]+[num2], without the '=', num1.table+num2.table , ...nothing works)

I also tried to do it with SQL command but it dosn't work.

There is any way to do it, is it possible? Or other way to do it at least at Form or at Report ?

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Queries :: Expression Field - Update User Inputted Date On A Form

Apr 10, 2014

I created a query with one expression field that updates a user inputted date field on a form. The expression adds a certain amount of time to the field (usually six months) so I know when the next inspection should take place. Everything works great except when I put a parameter in the expression field. It will not return the property dates. If I simply remove the expression, and input the date manually, it works just fine. Am I not allowed to use date parameter with an expression? It returns every date within the correct month, but will give me future years as well.

The expression is - NextInspectionDate: DateAdd("m",12/[InspectionFrequency],[LastInspectionDate])

The parameter is - Between [Forms]![Preventative Maintenance Dates]![Sta

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How Do I Save The Data From A Calculation.

Apr 11, 2005

On my form I have calculated fields based on information from my sub forms. I have the calculations all working fine however I can seam to figure out how to save them in the table that my form is linked to as my control source is the calculation. Should I be using my calculations in an area other than the control source?

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Minumum Data Set Calculation

Nov 20, 2007

I am thinking, probably not, but always worth "putting it out there"!

Is there a way that I can define a minimum data set (ie fields which ideally should be completed (but I cannot make them compulsory since the information may simply not be available) and then have a sort of bar thingey (like a progress bar but static) that says "Your minimum data set is x% completed".

Simplistic example - if age, gender, hometown and mothers age are the (ideal) minimum data set and three of these fileds are completed then there would be a field (probably doesn't even have to be a graphic - maybe just a label) that says "Your data is 75% complete"

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Calculation Using Table Data

Apr 3, 2013

I am trying to build a Fitness tracking database, where i am trying to input a calculated item. there are two inputs and i want an out put, i put in Height and Weight, and then i have a TBL that has Height then the maximum weight that applies to that height...

TXT BOX 2 = current Weight
TXT box 3 = MAX Weight

my tbl looks like this

58" 131lbs
59" 136lbs
60" 141lbs
61" 145lbs

What im trying to do is have the form read automaticaly what i put in TXT BOX 1 and enter in automatically the MAX weight for that height.

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Forms :: Saving Specific Data From Data Entry Form Depending On User Selection

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to save specific data from a data entry form to a specific depending on what the user selects from a dropdown/combo box.

So if the user selects "test company from the combo box, that data (from that form) will save to the Test company data table.

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Expression For Data Not To Show If Same

Jul 5, 2007

:confused: Running Access 2000. Have a table with Employee number and data, another with training (number ID's) that also has the Employee number.

Therefore the employee number is shown numerous times throughout the table.

What I want to do is bring up a list of employees who have NOT got a specific training ID only.

Hope this makes sense.

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Data Definition Expression

Sep 5, 2007

I generally use Cognos for my queries, so the overly user friendlyness of access is confusing me and im not proficient enough in sql to just go in and edit the code...

How do i generate a query that groups data in unique ways in the result, but does not change the data in the originating table.

For example:

I have the column tbemployment.dept . In a crosstab query i want everybody that isnt tbvoter.dept='BELLS' to be counted as 'other'.

In Cognos i would do this in the 'data definition' window for that field and use 'if (tbvoter.dept<> 'BELLS') then ('other') else (tbvoter.dept)'

How do i do this in access?

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Need Help With A Calculated Expression/data Table.

Mar 30, 2007

I am very inexperinced with Access, please be kind.
My problem is that from the form view the simple division of 2 #'s are placed in the correct text box I selected, but I am unable to get the value to enter into the data table. Please help.

Thank you

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Expression Builder In Data Macro

Nov 13, 2012

I'm facing an issue when I'm creating a Data Macro After Insert in Access 2010. In the value for the SetField, I use the expression builder. I wanted to use the DateAdd function but it not showing, also I cannot see my user define function (Module).

This behaviour seem to occur only in the instance of Expression Builder while in the Data Macro, everything is fine anywhere else including macro.

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Modules & VBA :: Fine Calculation - Supply Data For Mail Merge

Mar 18, 2014

I am currently working o a Library Management System. most of the work is done but there remains two major problems.

I want to calculate the fines that a member will have automatically on a form. i have a basic pseudocose which is

IF Loan.returned=0 AND ReturnDate<Today{note- i.e. date()Today(), etc.}
THEN Loan.fine_BDT=20*(Today-Loan.ReturnDate)
Note2- The form has the following fields from a query which is connected to table loan-

2. The other one is with the Mail merge. i Want to use a query to supply the data for a mail merge. However, since the database id encrypted with a password it cannot be reached.

I am currently using Access 2007.

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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Jul 18, 2005

I am getting the error "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" when I put sorting on the following field in a query:

3 Month Date: DateAdd("m",+3,[Current Date])

If I remove sorting the query works fine. When I add sorting to this column in the query design grid, I get the error message.

Any ideas?


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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Apr 11, 2006

can someone tell me why I getting this error when I try and run this query:

select distinct case_id

sys_curr_date between '01/01/2005' and '12/31/2005'
and aft_case_status = 'O'

and not exists
( select 1 from NOLDBA_RPT_CASE_CHG_IND X
where X.case_id = G.case_id
and X.aft_case_status = 'C'
and X.sys_curr_date = G.sys_curr_date )


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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Apr 3, 2008

Hi All

I would be much obliged if someone would help me here.

I have the following code which takes a value from a combobox and uses it in an sql statment to find a certain record and then it populates the GUI with that recordset , however I get the following error "Data type mismatch in criteria expression"

Please help


Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()

Dim sql As String
Dim rsUpdate As New ADODB.Recordset

On Error GoTo DbError

sql = "SELECT * FROM ServiceReport WHERE CallReferenceNo= " & Me.cboSearchRef.Value

rsUpdate.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rsUpdate.LockType = adLockOptimistic

rsUpdate.Open sql, remoteConnection, , , adCmdText

If rsCategories.EOF = False Then
Me.txtDate = rsCategories!Date
Me.cboModel = rsCategories!Equipment
Me.txtHK = rsCategories!HongKongFaultNo
Me.txtInvoice = rsCategories!InvoiceNo
Me.txtRef = rsCategories!CallReferenceNo
Me.txtSerial = rsCategories!SerialNo
Me.txtSite = rsCategories!Site
Me.cboClient = rsCategories!Client
Me.chkCompleted = rsCategories!Completed
Me.chkHK = rsCategories!HK
Me.chkRepaired = rsCategories!Repaired
Me.chkSpares = rsCategories!Spares
Me.chkTested = rsCategories!Tested
Me.cldComp = rsCategories!CompletedDate
Me.cldExp = rsCategories!ExpectedDate
End If

MsgBox "Record Found.", vbInformation


Exit Sub


MsgBox "There was a freakin error finding that record, go figure." & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description

End Sub


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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Feb 8, 2006

hi guys, here is my problem.the error in the title appears when i try to update a record.the field MODON in the table is defined as a short date and an input date 00/00/0000.Here is the code where i insert and update the records: Option Compare DatabaseOption ExplicitPrivate Sub Command4_Click()On Error GoTo Err_Command4_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "frmCalendar" DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCalendar", , , , , acDialog, & ";modon"Exit_Command4_Click: Exit SubErr_Command4_Click: MsgBox Err.description Resume Exit_Command4_Click End SubPrivate Sub Command15_Click()Dim str1 As DateOn Error GoTo Err_Command15_Click 'DoCmd.SetWarnings False If DCount("[comment]", "comments", "[change_id]=" & Me.Task_Num & "") = 0 Then MsgBox "insert" DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into [comments] (change_id,modon,comment,modby,modif) values (" & Me.Task_Num.Value & ",'" & Me.modon.Value & "','" & Me.Text10.Value & "','" & Forms!Login!username1 & "','" & Now() & "');" DoCmd.SetWarnings True Else MsgBox "update" MsgBox DLookup("[comment]", "comments", "[modon]='" & CStr(Me.modon.Value) & "'") DoCmd.RunSQL "update [comments] set comment='" & Me.Text10.Value & "' where change_id=" & Me.Task_Num & " and [modon]='" & Format(str1, "dd/mm/yyyy") & "';" DoCmd.RunSQL "update [comments] set modby='" & Forms!Login!username1 & "' where change_id=" & Me.Task_Num & " and [modon]='" & Me.modon.Value & "';" DoCmd.RunSQL "update [comments] set modif='" & Now() & "' where change_id=" & Me.Task_Num & " and [modon]='" & Me.modon.Value & "';" End If DoCmd.SetWarnings True Exit_Command15_Click: Exit SubErr_Command15_Click: MsgBox Err.description Resume Exit_Command15_Click End SubPrivate Sub Command16_Click()On Error GoTo Err_Command16_Click DoCmd.CloseExit_Command16_Click: Exit SubErr_Command16_Click: MsgBox Err.description Resume Exit_Command16_Click End SubPrivate Sub Command4_Exit(Cancel As Integer) If IsEmpty(Me.modon) Then MsgBox "Please, select a date for the minute" Me.modon.SetFocus Else Me.Task_Num.Visible = True End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Me.Text13.Visible = False Me.Text10.Visible = False Me.Label12.Visible = False Me.Label9.Visible = False Me.Task_Num.Visible = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub task_num_AfterUpdate() If IsEmpty(Me.Task_Num) Then MsgBox "Please, select a task Number" Me.Task_Num.SetFocus Else Me.Text13.Visible = True Me.Text10.Visible = True Me.Label12.Visible = True Me.Label9.Visible = True Me.Text13 = DLookup("[description]", "newchange", "[change_id]=" & Me.Task_Num & "") Me.text10 = DLookup("[comment]", "comments", "[change_id]=" & Task_Num & " and [modon]='" & Me.modon.value & "'") End IfEnd Subthx in advance....

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Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression. Where?

Feb 26, 2006

I am trying to set a recordset, and I keep getting this data type mismatch error, but I cannot see what the problem is. Here's my code:

Set rstAccounts = dtbCurrent.CreateQueryDef("", "SELECT [Account ID], [Balance] FROM tblAccounts WHERE [Account ID]='" & txtAccountID.Value & "';").OpenRecordset

txt.AccountID.Value is 1, and when I hard code the value as 1 it works, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I've tried using CStr() to convert it to a string, CInt() to convert it to a integer (even though it already is one), with using both quotes, with only double quotes, and with only single quotes. It's driving me crazy, because i'm sure it's something really simple, but I'm not sure what else to try.

Thanks in advance.

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Adding Data Range Criteria To Expression

Nov 3, 2011

I am using the following expression in access 2007

=DSum("[jqty]","SHIP","[jprod#] = '" & [pn] & "'")

I need to add a date range criteria to this expression that looks at the field [expr1] and sums anything between the two selected dates.

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Can Use A Find Expression To Parse Data In A Table

Jul 9, 2012

I've got a Table with a string of data delimited by an "*". The first part of the string before the "*" can be variable in length, so if I use a LEFT expression to break apart the 2 parts of the string on each side of the "*", my results are incorrect. In MS Excel, I can use the following formula to solve the problem:


You are just substituting the number of positions with a Find command that looks for the "*", and returns anything left of the "*". Unfortunately, the brilliant programmers at Microsoft, once again, don't have an Excel function in Access. how to recreate that functionality in a table in Access?

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Modules & VBA :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Nov 8, 2014

The error I'm getting is "data type mismatch in criteria expression".

Private Sub BtnAddBooking_Click()
Dim CustomerID As String
Dim StaffID As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Dim BathValue As Integer
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim RemainingBookingExists As String
Dim RemainingBaths As Integer
Dim RemainingBathsExists As String


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Queries :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Apr 29, 2014

I have a query which runs fine until I set a criteria (of True) in the field

chase_it: prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date()

So without the criteria, I have

SELECT prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date() AS chase_it, practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date
FROM practice_bacs
WHERE (((practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date)>#1/31/2013#));

and in the query results I see 0 and -1 as expected for the 'chase_it' expression BUT When I add True (or -1, or 0) as a criteria for 'chase_it', I get the "Data type mismatch in criteria expression" error.So the sql that fails is

SELECT prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date() AS chase_it, practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date
FROM practice_bacs
WHERE (((prevwd([practice_bacs_submission_date])<Date())=True) AND ((practice_bacs.practice_bacs_submission_date)>#1/31/2013#));

In case it's relevant, my function prevwd is:

Function prevwd(dt As Date) As Date
10 On Error GoTo prevwd_Error
20 dt = dt - 1
30 While Weekday([dt]) = 1 Or Weekday([dt]) = 7 Or IsBankHoliday(dt)


and this function is used extensively and always works perfectly. I have tried using DateAdd instead of dt = dt - 1, but that made no difference.

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