Data Entry/Import - Advice?
Apr 26, 2006
Hi There,
I'm building a database for a friend's company.
My query is really to do with the best way to add new records to their database.
The database has four tables:
[Species] which is linked to multiple loci in the [Locus] table. For each Locus their are multiple alleles in the [Allele] table. Additionally, there is the [Reference] table, each reference can be linked to one or more loci in [Locus].
Users could add a new species, it's loci, the alleles for each locus and select the reference for each locus from a list (or add a new reference) using the Form used to view the data. However, this is very time-consuming when there are a large number of species to add but is easiest for me, as it requires little or no extra coding.
The other way I was thinking, would be to do a kind of batch update from an excel file. This would suit the users better as their data are already in this format.
The problem is that I guess I can't do a simple import spreadsheet due to the one-to-many relationships, as there would be no primary/foriegn keys in the excel sheet.
Would the best way around this be to add the first species, then for this species add the first locus and its alleles, then the next locus and so on.. then the next species? This way I could use the keys as they are generated..
Alternatively, I could get excel to generate the keys, and query the Access database to make sure it is not generating keys already in use. Then I can do a more simple import procedure...
I can do either using VB. Which do you think would be 'best'? Or should I just tell the users they'll have to enter stuff by hand the long way?!
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Jan 5, 2006
Hi. I am developing a db for juvenile salmon-focussed fishery survey data and have encountered something of a conundrum which I could use some advice on. Apologies in advance for the length of the post.
Juvenile salmon move from freshwater to saltwater. During this transition they require time to adapt physiologically and are thought to seek out nearshore areas with intermediate salinities, or with freshwater overlaying the saltwater. They also experience problems with elevated temperatures.
We are interested in tracking salinity and temperature information at each site where we sample for fish to aid in interpreting our catch results.
Data Collection
Our convention is to collect temp/salinity at the surface and at 3-feet below the surface wherever we beach seine (or just at the surface if the site is shallower than 3-feet). However, we use a depth-temp-salinity data-logger attached to the lead-line of a lampera net for openwater sets. The logger provides measurements of depth/temp/salinity every 5 seconds during the set, down to depths of 20-30 feet.
So, for some 'sets' we have one or two measurements of depth/temp/salinity, and for other sets we might have over one hundred measurements.
1.How best to get that data entered into the db?
2.I'm just starting to get my toes wet with VBA
Ideally, I could directly enter the values into a subform for sets with only one or two measurements, but could instead 'import' the extensive data for those sets where the logger was used. Entering the logger data manually would be ridiculously time-consuming.
Existing DB Setup
Records for temp/salinity subform/table linked to other set information by a unique Set_ID field.
Subform for depth-temp-salinity information bound to a dedicated depth-temp-salinity table. The subform is currently viewed as a continuous form.There would be one excel file for each set where a data logger was used, but no excel files for sets where no data logger was used..
My thoughts so far.
Somehow create a subform with the ability to enter up to two records manually or else click a button that imports the data from an excel file. One thought is to pop open a window to navigate to the excel file that contains the data for that set. However, I'm thinking that if I place all such excel files into a particular directory and name them using the appropriate Set_ID number convention, that maybe clicking the button with be able to find the file directly, without navigation required, and bring in the records automatically.
Is this possible? How would I go about creating a subform that provides both an 'import data' button and allows for manual data entry of up to two records?
Can anyone show me a similar example for both the data entry (form) and for how to automate the importing of data from excel files to append to an existing database table?
The eventual goal of this is to have a command button that could be clicked on the form/subform that would produce a popup window containg a scatterplot graph of salinty versus depth. another button to produce a scatterplot of temperature versus depth. A third button to open a line graph with time on the x-axis, and temperature/salinity series on the y-axis. Before I can get there, however, I need to get the data into the table somehow.
I would appreciate any input/advice on this matter, (especially custom code! ;) ) As, I mentioned, I'm just starting out in VBA and I have a lot to learn. I know how to open a MsgBox, but have no clue on what the command is to open an explorer 'window'.
I hope the problem is sufficiently interesting to generate some response.
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Sep 21, 2005
Hi there, long-time lurker, first-time poster.
I'm working on an Access project at work, and I was hoping I could get some pointers/tips on my data modeling. Basically, attorney information is being kept on an Excel spreadsheet, and I ported it over to an Access database. About half of the firms have a contact attorney, the other half doesn't, but regardless of attorneys there is still data for each firm.
In many cases, one firm can have multiple locations across the United States. Also, there are unique records that pertain to a firm that are spread out across each of their locations, and there is also information that is unique to each individual location within the same firm entity.
Here are my tables:
My thought process is the following. Each attorney has a location ID, pertaining to a location in tblFirmLocationAttributes (LocID). There is a FirmID key in tblFirmLocationAttributes that connects a location to the firm it belongs to, which is done via the FirmID key in tblGlobalFirmAttributes. Many attorneys can work in the same location, and there can be many locations that pertain to the same firm, and I set up my relationships accordingly.
Attached is a picture showing my relationships. If you guys can offer some tips and/or advice, it would be greatly appreciated! This is my first time using Access extensively, so i'm all ears for suggestions/constructive criticism. Thanks!
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Jan 29, 2006
I'm currently putting together a database for a medical NGO in Cambodia ( and am looking for some advice. The simple database is for logging client referral cases by Cambodian doctors to a team of international doctors. I haven't used access in 10 months and despite programming in access for 5 years progress is very slow. At the moment I'm designing the input and search forms. I was thinking that a more logical approach would be to convert the forms to access data pages and put the database online. I haven't used data access pages but from what i know their fairly limited?
The goal would be the ability to log/search the data with auto updated pull downlist based on the actual data. Ultimately I want the data compiled and emailed to a email list from withing the website. The trouble is I have no idea how to do it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Mar 6, 2008
Not sure if anyone can help but I have an issue I would love to sort out.
Each week I load several excel spreadsheets into an access database (one table) in order that I can check for duplicates across previous weeks and that week (with in excess of 20,000 records on each excel sheet). I created a find duplicate query to identify the records so I can use it to obtain credits. Unfortuantely I am not in control of the data coming to me (or else I would prevent duplicates at source)
Im not sure if this is the best way to try and do this or not. Any comments are greatly appreciated.
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Mar 9, 2006
First I would like to give thanks to all the knowledgeable folks here who have helped me with my DB to date. It is working and every one is very happy and I have learned a lot.
So now I would like to add some more functionality to this existing project.
My DB is for data input of customers for a drawing. It has the following fields: Id, account number, first name, last name, date/time, score1, score2.
I t is taking a great deal of time for the users to enter in hundreds of entries a day. Most of the entries are customers who are already in the DB. I would like to get the fields to auto fill the data for existing customers say after the account number is entered. So after you put in the account the name and any other pertinent data would shows up saving users from typing it in again.
The first problem I am having is that this is still a data entry form and I can’t figure out how to be able to see the account information and still add new data to the record? The new data is a daily score they get.
Second I haven’t figured out how to call up the customers information from just the account field.
I’ve googled this and haven’t found anything terribly helpful.
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Mar 5, 2015
I an trying to create a data entry form (IndividualsEntryFm) to input data for fields such as (First Name),(Birthdate) etc., these to be saved to the (IndividualsTbl)
I also have another table (NamesTbl) which has family names etc. The two tables are linked by a (MainID) field. I want a combo box on the individualsEntryFm so that I can select the family name. Then I wish the empty fields for the IndividualsTbl to be available to enter data.When I press the save button I then want this data saved, together with the MainID from the combo box to the IndividualsTbl.
I have set the IndividualsTbl with a (PersonID) field as an auto number each individual therefore has a unique PersonID but may well share the MainID. I'm trying to link many people to the same address.
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Feb 9, 2015
I want to use the same form in datasheet mode for data entry and retrieval. When retrieving, all controls are disabled and locked. I am trying to enable and unlock them for modifying but that isn't working.
DoCmd.OpenForm "PO_Practice Data", , , , acFormEdit, acHidden
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!PO_Name.Enabled = True
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!PO_Name.Locked = False
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!Practice_Name.Enabled = True
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!Practice_Name.Locked = False
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Dec 18, 2014
I am trying to save specific data from a data entry form to a specific depending on what the user selects from a dropdown/combo box.
So if the user selects "test company from the combo box, that data (from that form) will save to the Test company data table.
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Feb 18, 2015
My aim is to have my forms open to a new record, which I have done, but if my users need to then update or edit data in previous entries, they can click a button that allows this.
My thoughts were to add a button, then put in code so that the necessary properties changed the form from displaying a new record or records entered since opening it, to showing all records in the associated table....
As an example there is a table for purchase orders. When clicking on this from the main menu form, it opens up the purchase order form to create a brand new PO. At times though, we will need to revisit an order to attach a copy of an invoice, or update the cost of whatever was purchased.
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Jan 5, 2013
My question is this: I have a table where I'm entering employees' hours worked. Basically, it's something like this:
ID WorkerNumberDateworkedTimeStartTimeEnded
121/2/201310:00:00 AM3:00:00 PM
221/3/20132:00:00 AM11:00:00 AM
321/4/201312:15:00 AM11:30:00 AM
421/5/201310:25:00 PM11:00:00 AM
531/2/201311:00:00 AM3:30:00 PM
631/3/201312:00:00 PM10:00:00 PM
731/10/20137:00:00 AM4:00:00 PM
I have a query that (easily) determines how many hours an employee has worked on any given day. What I can't figure out at all, is how to write a query that can figure out how much time an employee had off in between shifts.
Thus far I'm able to run a query that separates this main table into individual workers by their id numbers, but can't figure out how to determine time off between shifts - as the last hour worked one day, and the first hour worked the next day are on two different lines (they are two different table entries).
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Sep 28, 2014
My db has multiple linked tables. As time passes and work on a project continues data needs to be added to a separate table that is linked to the first table to be populated.
i.e., Initial design data is entered first, when drilling is complete more data is added to a linked table, when drilling is surveyed yet more data is added to the second table.
What I want to be able to do is to query for a particular set of existing design data, display this on a form and on the same line enable data entry to other fields from other tables which are linked to the existing design data.
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Aug 1, 2007
I have a database that I import data from an excel spreadsheet into multiple times daily. The table that this data is imported into has several key fields that if the data already exisits in the table, and I attempt to import data that is the same except for one or more of the key fields is different. At this time the database it creates a different record. I am trying to get the database to overwrite the data in the database.
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Jan 5, 2015
I was assigned by my manager to design an Access database system that is able to import all data from excel file monthly and creating charts & tables to analysis how each sales people and industry perform.
We originally have a big excel master sheet that has more than 10 sheets. I tried to import the current excel into access, but then i realized that this is not gonna work. because for next month, there will be new data and I can't do the whole import process over and over. Plus, after this system is designed, the users will be someone who has no knowledge in access, so i need to create a user-friendly system for them to use.
My questions is:since the data is always cumulative number, if I imported current excel file into access, when the next month comes, how to update the new data into excel. p.s. EXP. Mike's sale volume is different each month, and with the access system, for that column, it will be a cumulative number, like the total from the month of November to this month. how do i achieve this kind of update/import goal?I tried to link the excel to access, but by doing that, I will not be able to set relationship or change the attributes of any data type in access.
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Mar 5, 2008
I have a shared db where there is a requirement for more than 1 user to enter data in the same form and hence the same table. Up till now there has only been 1 data entry clerk so there has not been a problem.
Would accessing the same form by different users cause a problem, assumming they are inputting different records?
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Jul 6, 2005
This has most definitely been asked before but I really cant find anything on the forum! Ive created a data entry form which has a save button which the user must click each time to save the record. However how do I refresh the form i.e. empty all data from the previous record without exiting the form. Ive tried to combine the undo macro but that simply deletes the previous record. Any help please!!!
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Apr 15, 2007
Hi, i am a new comer. i have a table for students' comment for the first semester. however, in the 2nd semester i want to replace them with import data from excel to this table, but on the same student there are 2 rows of records (1 is 1st semester and 1 is 2nd semester).
how can i replace the new data to the old data? or how can i delete all the old data in the exsiting table so that i can import a new excel file?
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Apr 19, 2006
How do I make data entry required, I've sent it to be in the table but it doesnt seem to work in the formI've tried the below with no luck Private Sub Command14_Click() If tbName = Null Or tbTelephone = Null Or tbAddress = Null Then MsgBox "Please complete all details.", vbExclamation Else DoCmd.Close DoCmd.OpenForm "frmInvoice" DoCmd.MoveSize , , 5100End IfEnd SubCheers
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Jul 18, 2006
I'm looking for opinions on how people like to enter information into a many to many relationship.I understand how a many to many works as well as a Main Form/Sub Form.
Subforms is what I currently use. Would you do anything different? Below is a sample of fields I currently have. Any advice? I keep wondering if there is a better way. I'm not a huge fan of sub forms. I also build lookups from the Junction. Is this correct?
ProjectID PK
ProjectID PK FK
ManagerID PK FK
ManagerID PK
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Mar 9, 2005
Good Afternoon
I'm trying to import some data from an excel sheet to a table in my database. The import wizard won't allow me to import the data into an existing table, only into a new one which is a nuisance. The data formats are the same. Any idea's what might me wrong Please.
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Feb 21, 2006
I'm importing data from a spreadsheet to a new table in access. After the import, there are 10 empty records added at the end of the table. I think this has happened before but I don't remember why. Any ideas? Thanks!:confused:
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Sep 14, 2006
I want to import data into a table from a csv file. The table is failry lengthy but to try this out I have the following:
tblTest - the table I want the data to end up in
tblTestcsv - the intermediate table I empty then put the csv data into
test.csv - the csv file (obviously)
I have used somde code which gets the data into the tblTestcsv OK but then doesn't move it into the tblTest - I get an error each time.
Dim sSql As String
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "tblTestcsv", sFileLocation, False
sSql = "INSERT INTO tblTest (forename,surname,phone) " & _
"SELECT F2,F3,F4" & _
"FROM tblTestcsv"
CurrentDb.Execute sSql
Any help as to waht I am doing wrong would be gratefully received.
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Feb 17, 2008
so i need to keep 2 DBs with the same forms (But different data) for the purpose of single/double data entry. i have to constantly import forms from DB1 to DB2 because of the form changes, how do i keep the existing data and import it?
when i try to use the import wizard, it always imports the tables as duplicates. so here is the scenario if it helps to explain better:
1: import FORMS/TABLE structure only from DB1 to DB2
2: DB2 is EMPTY, no DATA, just forms/table copied from DB1
3: enter some data into DB2
4: DB1 forms is updated, so I have to re-import the forms to DB2
5: new DB2 is again EMPTY. how do I re-import JUST the DATA portion from previous DB2 version into new DB2?
hope this makes sense. please provide a step-by-step if possible. like what fields to check and how to use the import wizard. thanks very much!
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May 18, 2005
I've got two tables, Properties and Valuations. Every six months the properties are revalued. I want to have a datasheet list of all the properties with a blank field for the new valuation so that the user can just go down the list and enter the new amount without having to select every property individually. Can I do this?
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Jan 31, 2006
Hi everyone,
I have a relationship between Market data table and Trade table which is One to Many. Market on the One and Trade on the Many.
However I just found out that I am unable to enter information into the Trade Form without entering information into the Market Form first.
I would like to enter info. into Trade Form/tables independent of whether I enter info. into the Market Form/table, but I still need to have the relationship of One Market data to Many Trade date.
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Aug 3, 2006
I want to have my records in my form show the latest entry, not a completely new form. The user will click on the new record button to create a new record but I want the user to be able to see the last record. Anybody know how to do this?
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