Data Format

Aug 8, 2005

I have a string "HICX106-StandardTop-Venderedstest", I only want the first 30 letters or numbers ie "HICX106-StandardTop-Vendereds". Can anyone help, guess this is really easy!!!!!!!!!!

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Data Format

Jun 28, 2006

hello, Not sure if this is right placeto post.

In the subreport, I calculated a difference between budget and actual. I want to present this difference in a way that if it is positive, then just show it the way it is, but if it is a negative number, I want to show it in a (). FOr example, if it is -123, I want to show it as (123).

Can anybody help me with it?

Thank you.

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Field Data Format

Oct 11, 2006

I want my PRODID (PK, AutoNumber) field to have "PROD-" before the number, i thought it could be done by seting format to "PROD-"# but that only displays it inside MS A, when i use sql queries through php it only retreives the number. How can i avheve this?

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Required Data Format

May 18, 2007

I'm using an input mask of:
This allows three Characters, followed by a "-" followed by three more characters, followed by optional three more characters.

My problem is that the "-" is not actually part of the data. It is only there for viewing. I would like (need) it part of the actual data becuase I use this information else where (VBA, exports to excel, etc...).

How can I define a field that required the hyphen as part of the real data.

I'm posting this in both VBA and Tables because I don't know if the answer is via a mask or code. Either way is fine

Thank you

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Extraxt And Format Data From Txt File

Jun 28, 2006

Does Access able to extract and format data from Access such as follow:

abc/d e4.5% 0216 010203 USD22.35 - extract 'abc', '010203', '22.35'.

abc - it's always in front, it's either 'abc' or 'wxyz'. If 'abc' is not shown, just input 'wxyz'.

'010203' - it will be in the middle, it may appear as abc010203 or abc222010203, always in 6 digit.

22.35 - always at the back, after three alphabet, if it's not shown, just input 0.

I have been able to do it in Excel, but I am wondering if it can be done in Access so that I can eliminate the process to import the text file into Excel.

Please advise and thanks.

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How To Transform Data To Crosstab-like Format?

Apr 1, 2008

May i reach following function by Grid Query design or by SQL

Factory 1-----------Product A
Factory 1-----------Product B
Factory 1-----------Product C
Factory 1-----------Product D

Factory 2-----------Product D
Factory 2-----------Product E
Factory 2-----------Product F

Factory 3-----------Product D
Factory 3-----------Product E
Factory 3-----------Product F

Factory 1-----------Product A,Product B,Product C,Product D
Factory 2-----------Product D,Product E,Product F
Factory 3-----------Product D,Product E,Product F

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Format Existing Columns Of Data

Sep 18, 2007

I have an old table that has many, many records. One of the columns lists the Date of Birth. Here's my problem:

Users have entered data into this column as "71462" This representing July 14, 1962. Is there a way to automatically format all data in this column so that it is more palatable - e.g. 07/14/1962?

Changing the column Data Type to "Short Date" in Design View would delete all existing data in that column, so this is not an option.

Thanks for your help.

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Data Format For Query Input

Oct 17, 2005

I have a query which is pulling its data from a form, which in turn is pulling data from a table. When I select 0.82 on my form, my query runs fine. But when I select 0.826856 from my form the query does not return any result.

0.826856 is available in the table and the pull down list in the form. The data format for all my table, form and query is General and decimal places is set to 8.

Could you plz tell me why I am not able to run the query using 0.826856 ????

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Convert Query Data To Other Format

Nov 13, 2005

I am getting the following from a query


How can i convert this data this


Best Regards

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How To Format A Number Data Type

Dec 15, 2012

I am trying to format my Number data type to look like this: 0001 / 2013 where "0000" is the prefix, 1 is the number and " / 2013" is the suffix.

Tablename: tblclients
Field Name: DelNoteNo
Data type: Number

Control Name: DelNoteNo
Control Source: DelNoteNo

I am searching on this forum but I can't get it working.On the Before Up date procedure i have:

DelNoteNo = Nz(DMax(DelNoteNo, "tblClients"), 0) +1

but its is giving "invalid use of Null "

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How To Set A Format On Strings Upon Data Import

Mar 8, 2012

I have a database where I need to import data from an excel file.

What my employer needs me to do is upon appending the data to a table which I named properties, under the field which I called owner, all the names should follow the correct format. Most of the inputted data does not follow the correct format.

The correct format of the names should be:
K. CURTIZ -> Where K is the initial of the First Name, it should have the '.' and a space before the Family Name

Here's an example of a data that is inputted incorrectly:
R OTTESON -> it should be R. OTTESON

another example where there are 2 names of 2 different persons, it should be inputted this way:

Mostly inputted incorrectly this way:
J&T BOTIFAN -> it should be J. & T. BOTIFAN

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Date Format When Passing Data To An Email

Aug 31, 2005

I have a button on a form that creates an email and inserts fields from my database. I have a field that is set to Long Date format type, but when it populates the email, it shows as a Short Date format type. Is there anyway to retain the Long Date format?

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Format Dollar Data In Access 2000/03

Jan 3, 2007


How do I format data in my report to display with a dollar sign?

I am using the following format $#,##0.00;($#,##0.00), but somehow I get a Format$ paramater to enter value.



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Format Text Field Data As Date

Oct 6, 2006

Well I have been searching but have not exactly found the answer I need so:

I have a linked table in my database. One of the fields on the source table is a date field but the data type is Text. So there is data in the field that represents dates but they are formatted as text like this:

I need the field data to behave as a date, any ideas? I can't change the source data type. some point I want to produce a query that shows all records with a date earlier than the current days pointers in the right direction on that will be appreciated also.


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Append Query Pass ID Format And Data

Jul 20, 2007


Is it possible to pass a AutoNumber Format variable and data to a new table using an Append Query? If not does anyone know what I can try?


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Export To Excel Seems To Format Data Incorrectly

Aug 29, 2006

I have a standard form with header, detail, and footer sections.
The detail section has a range of calculated boxes and the footer section also has a range of calculated control boxes.

There is a button on the form, which runs the following code:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "Divisions", acFormatXLS, "C: ester.xls", False

This works as far as exporting the Detail section of data. However, as soon as it trys to export the footer section, it just appends them onto the end of the rows.
For example, the report lists:
ABCD 10 20
DEFG 20 30
Totals 30 50

The excel spreadsheet after export lists
Controlbox name Controlbox name Controlbox name cbn cbn
ABCD 10 20 30 50
DEFG 20 30 30 50

Is there a way to:
(a) correct this in the export;
(b) format the spreadsheet;
(c) alternative, e.g. drag the data in from a sppreadsheet ?

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Date Format Changing When Saving Data

Jan 19, 2004

I'm using a web based form to store dates (and other records) in an access database. I use the dd/mm/yyyy date format (europe. go figure)
Anyway, the problem is that when submitting an ambiguous date, as in 11/01/2004, access sees it as 01-NOV-2004 rather then 11-JAN-2004, as it should.

Why does this happen, and how can I fix it. I have no problem doing the fixing in the access file itself or in the SQL command that populates it- whatever works best.


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What Is Best Control To Display Data In Grid Format?

Jun 30, 2006

I have a search page and would like to display the search results in a grid/table format. User will be able to select a row to go to a detail screen. What is the best component type to use for this?

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Reports :: How To Keep Data Type In Number Format

Mar 7, 2013

In my report, I have combo boxes that display numbers (for example min_revenue and max_revenue).

In case of a "0" or "999.999", I would like to display "n/a" within the combo-boxes.

I would like to avoid doing this within the table, because I would like to keep the data type in number format.

Remark: I confused "combo-box" with "text box". I'm using text boxes, which are supplied with values from a table

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Queries :: Data To Display In Matrix Format

Feb 5, 2014

I am trying to get this data to display in a matrix format.How can I get it to display multiple entries in there, such as Fiona and Chloe in the FR box?

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Tables :: Data Entry In Matrix Format

Nov 25, 2012

I am designing a little database to hold physical activity log info for 2 school districts, required by a grant. Four-five times each year every kid (2000) will complete a log form for 3 days that lists separately for 34 intervals (1/2 hour each, from 7am - midnight) in which physical activity s/he engaged (59 options) and the level of effort of each (4 options, from light to very hard).

The log sheets look like a datasheet with 5 blank columns: #1 enter the activity code (1-59) and #2-5 mark an "X" in the column describing level of effort (light to very hard). There are 34 rows, each labeled from 7am thru midnight in intervals of 30 minutes. The kids **have to** enter an activity code and a level of effort on every row. They do this for three days in a row, 4-5 times during the year. (believe it or not ... federal grant requirement)

.........................#1 .......... #2 .........#3 ........#4 ....... #5
TimePeriod ......ActivityCode .Light ....Moderate .Hard ...VeryHard
7-730........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |
730-8........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |
8-830........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |

I am maintaining survey responses (also 4-5 times a year) in this same database. I have a basic demographic table (Id, name, grade level, school). I am also maintaining eating habits (4-5 times per year) from food logs, like the activity logs, but these are for 5-7 days at a time. Finally, I will be importing number of steps walked for 4-7 days (also 4-5 times each year) from pedometer downloads, one per kid.

I have all tables and data entry forms except for this activity log set up, all data entered for the baseline period. What I would like to do with the activity log is something like a main form showing kid name, ID. I think I want to enter each row of the log (34 rows) into something like a datasheet, each row with a date field (I will use CTRL-' to copy down for one page of the paper log), and an activity code field (1-59 as codes) and a level of effort field (1-4, light to very hard).

What I think I want is one table for activity info, each record with these fields:

Time_Interval (these are the 34 rows, 7am - midnight, in 1/2 hour intervals)
Activity_Code (options 1-59)
Level_of_Effort (options 1-4)

I can see this in a datasheet format, but entering 2000 kids * 3 pages * 4-5 times a year [* 3 years] into Excel does not seem to be an efficient solution.

If I could open a form on the screen with a combo box to pick a kid and then pick a date, then fill in 34 rows of activity codes (1-59 as options) with a level of effort for each (1-4 as options), that would be great.

My obstacle right now is how to display 34 empty rows already loaded with an index related to the time interval, so that I don't have to enter that for each row -

Hence my subject descriptor, "data entry in matrix format". I am using Access 2007, Windows XP Pro (all service packs etc. up to date).

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Query Criteria - Capturing Data In A Certain Format

Mar 19, 2012

in a query, I would like to capture data that is in the following format:

123456 (6 digits) AND
A12345 (1 letter and 5 digits) AND
AB1234 (2 letts and 5 digits)

The letter could only be at the beginning of the abbreviation.

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Tables :: Format Property - Time Data Type

Jul 6, 2013

I have a date/time field. I would like to:

Enter time this way and have it show in the form as:
Enter 5 - show 5 PM
Enter 515 - show 5:15 PM

I would like it to default to PM and not have to select or enter the PM. How do I enter this format in the table?

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Queries :: Cannot Format Data From A Pass Through Query From SQL Server

Jan 10, 2014

I get a result set from a pt qry from a sql server 2008 in vba. Me.Total is an unbound field in the report foot( correct translation of german "Berichtsfu"??)

Private Sub Berichtsfu�_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
SELECT SUM((DATEPART(hour, Calctime) * 60 + DATEPART(minute, Calctime)) * Price / 60) AS TtlPrice ...
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryPT_TtlPrice")
Me.Total = rs("TtlPrice ")

On the access report I can format me.Total as currency, decimal, integer whatever I want (unless it makes no sense exept currency) and it works.


SUM(((DATEPART(hour, Calctime) * 60 + DATEPART(minute, Calctime)) * Price/ 60)* (case when CompanyID=1 then 1.66 else 1 end)) AS TtlPrice

The detail should be multiplied with 1,66 when the record belongs to company 1, for all others ist remains the same. In the Management Studio the results of both looks similar, same in the debug window of VBA editor, but I cannot format the result or lets say, the formating is wrong for the second example.

Neither in VBA
Me.Total = format(rs("TtlPrice "), " 0.000,00") or
Me.Total = format(rs("TtlPrice "),"0.000,00")

nor in the report int the properties of the field I can avoid this result: in the debug window of access the result looks OK, for example 29555.670000 (don't know where all the 0 come from), which should read as 29.555,67. But on the report the result with formated curreny in field property (currency, 2 decimals) shows 29.555.670.000,00

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General :: Date Format In Table - Filtering Data

Jan 19, 2014

I have a table having column as date, format as mm/dd/yyyy and i update the column as now() using VBA.

However some places the date is in mm/dd/yyyy and in some mm/dd/yyyy nn:mm:ss are appearing which is making the filtering of the data ambiuge.

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Invalid Format? Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression

Jan 30, 2008


I am trying to insert a text box value into a text field value in a table. I am checking to see if the value is already in the table but come across an error on the second click. The first click enters the number, and the second click gets error. I know where the error is but I'm not sure why or how to fix it.

Code:Dim db As DAO.DatabaseDim rs As DAO.RecordsetSet db = CurrentDb()Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("CVHOLD", dbOpenDynaset)If Not rs.BOF Then rs.MoveFirstrs.FindFirst "[Batch Number] = " & Me![Batch Number]'Error here on second passIf (rs.EOF) Then 'Seems to insert new record properly 'No Batch Number in Table yet. rs.AddNew rs("Batch Number") = Me![Batch Number] rs("Date Closed") = Now() rs.Update rs.CloseElse 'never enters, jumps to Error label 'Batch already listed in table MsgBox ("Batch already in table. Updating Closed date")End IfErr_cmdHoldStatus_Click: MsgBox Err.Description

This is what the debugger outputs for my values
Code:Me![Batch Number] : 81697 : Object/Textbox rs("Batch Number") : "81697" : Object/Field rs.BOF : False : Boolean rs.EOF : False : Boolean

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