Data Calculated On Forms Not Transferring Back To Tables

Nov 27, 2006

I understand that any data that is inputted into a form is always transferred back to the table in question.

In the form I created, I had

4 subheading scores added together to form another subheading named function =([1]+[2]+[3]+[4])/4 was the formula that I put into the control source. The calculation worked fine on the form giving me the correct name. However, this number did not transfer back to the table simple being labelled as zero. Can someone please advice!

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Forms :: Transferring Data From One Form To Another

Mar 3, 2014

I have one form that is serving as a popup while the parent form remains open... in my code for the popup I'm trying to transfer the value of a textbox to the actual textbox on the parent form... seems easy, but I get this message: "You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus" with this code:

Private Sub btnExportData_Click()
[Form]![Worksheet]![txtBookedNotBanked] = Me.txtTotal1.Text
End Sub

... also is there a way to code this so the popup closes when the transfer is made?

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Forms :: Transferring Data From One Form To Another

Dec 14, 2014

I have a form (frmJob) that has a combobox (cmbCompany). If a new company is not in the table the NotInList code opens another form (frmCompany) and a new company is added into the textbox (txtCoName).

The code below is the code that closes the frmCompany after entering new company.

The first part of the code (Add new company into table) works and adds the new company into table but the second part (Add new company into frmJob) does not, and the new company does not appear in the cmbCompany combobox. Note: frmJob remains open while data is entered into frmCompany.

How can I get the second portion of the code to work?

Public RemCompany As String
Private Sub cmdCloseCompany_Click()
"FIRST PORTION - Add new company into table
Dim dbCom As Database
Dim recCom As Recordset
Set dbCom = CurrentDb

[Code] .....

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Tables :: Data In Linked Back End Tables Not Saved From Front End

Jun 19, 2015

I have split database (B/E is in the SharePoint library, F/E has users on a local PCs). Sometimes, when I update/add data (does not matter if it is via form or directly in the table) it looks OK, but when I re-open the database, the data are gone.

Problem is that I cannot catch the moment when data were not saved (sometimes data are saved, sometimes not). I can point out this: if I re-enter the missing data, primary key continues subsequently, it looks like the data have never been entered. I tried to use script

If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

on "On Close" form event, does not work.

B/E is linked by VBA code and it looks OK (no error, Link Manager shows correct path). I suspect interrupted connetion to the SharePoint but I don't know how to check it. I implemented VBA script co keep open connection to the SP but the issue persists.

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Tables :: Calculated Fields As Data Type In Tables - Calculating Total?

Apr 23, 2013

I am using calculated field as a data type in access 2010.

They are working fine.

However, I added a new field and now the final calc won't work.

I have Subtotal adding loads of fields together. Works fine.

Then I have a VATunit field which is a double integer, so enter 20 and my next field is VATTotal calculates the SubTotal + the VATunit by doing (Subtotal/100)*VATunit. This calculation is fine and gives me the correct amount.

The next field is a Total field. Which adds Subtotal and the VATTotal together. Howver, the Total is the same as Subtotal. It is not adding the VATTotal to it?

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Linked Tables Not Pulling Back Field Data Correctly

Jun 13, 2012

I'm a bit new to Access but have managed to build a very simple database.

I have a main table which I need to add 4 columns onto the end of, the data for which comes from 4 tables linked to it. Below is how they are linked.

Main table------> Table 1
Main table------> Table 2
Main table------> Table 3
Main table------> Table 4

All 4 relationships have a join type of 2 (Include ALL records from 'Main table' and only those records from 'Table1/2/3/4' where the joined fields are equal)

However, 3 of them pull back the correct data when I refresh the Main table, but the 4th one doesn't - which appears to be to be set up in the exact same way. It does bring back data, but it's the wrong data or in the wrong order.

For example, if the related field in the Main table is "Sarah" - It needs to bring back "Programme", but some Sarah's pull through Programme, some are blank and some are another option altogether. Table 4 has no duplicates or typos etc and I've tried deleting it, loading it in again and creating a new relationship but nothing seems to work.

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Include Permissions When Transferring Tables

Jan 15, 2007

I am using DoCmd.TransferDatabase to transfer 2 tables from one database to another. This works fine, however, the user permissions for those tables do not carry over with the table and I have to go into the database and set them as they were in the original database.

Simply, I want to allow complete access for all users to the tables in the second database.

Does anyone have a solution to this?


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Data Not Transferring

Apr 6, 2008

Hi, I'm running 2 append queries to my existing db to update fields in one table with data from 2 sources - basically plucking some fields from one and some from the other (using a client ID number as the common identifier - the data is fed into the parent table). However, it would appear that some of the data is not transferring into the parent table even though it is visible in the source file (.xls). I know that this seems like a broad request but I'm just wondering if there may be a potential simple error. Any ideas?


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Data Not Transferring

Apr 7, 2008

Hi, I'm running 2 append queries to my existing db to update fields in one table with data from 2 sources - basically plucking some fields from one and some from the other (using a client ID number as the common identifier - the data is fed into the parent table). However, it would appear that some of the data is not transferring into the parent table even though it is visible in the source file (.xls). I know that this seems like a broad request but I'm just wondering if there may be a potential simple error. Any ideas?


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Transferring Data To An Access DB

Jul 16, 2007

Does anyone know if it is possible to transfer data from an old MSDos database into an Access 2003 one?

If so any idea how you would go about doing this?

Thanks in advance.

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Transferring Data From One Table To Another

May 2, 2005

Hi all. Hopefully this will be a simple thing...What I have is one main table (RFA Main) and two related tables (S/R Disposition and Suppliers). RFA Main has a two check boxes (ScrapRewrk and SupActs) that I am using to trigger append queries that append the following SQL statement:
Suppliers table
INSERT INTO Suppliers ( LogNum, Originator, ReportDateOp, PartNum, PartNumDesc, ProbDesc, CustRtn, RmaNum )
SELECT [RFA Main].LogNum, [RFA Main].Originator, [RFA Main].ReportDateOp, [RFA Main].PartNum, [RFA Main].PartNumDesc, [RFA Main].ProbDesc, [RFA Main].CustRtn, [RFA Main].RmaNum
WHERE ((([RFA Main].SupAct)=True));

S/R Disposition table
SQL the same except for the WHERE statement reads ((([RFA Main}.ScrapRewrk)=True));

First, what kind of statement would I use to trigger the append query when the boxes are checked? Currently, the users are doing these append queries manually by clicking command buttons.

Second, is there an easier way to do it?

Thanks in advance


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Transferring Data To A Second Form

Dec 15, 2011

I have created a database that deals with inventory control. My next step that I have been approaching is to click a command button that opens up a separate from but takes specific information from FORM 1 into the new FORM that I just created.

So if a specific Employee takes out 4 aprons from a total of 50 and there are now 46 left, I would like the submit button to transfer that data over accordingly to Inventory control form in the correct text boxes.

Specific Example: If employee John Doe takes 4 aprons from a total of 50 which now leaves 46 how can I transfer that data into the other form showing specific information like 'Product ID' taken, 'Date' it was taken, 'Product Description', 'Employee' who took it, 'Amount Taken' and, 'total' left. I need the extended information to show up in the text boxes on form 2.

Is there a certain code that does this? Here are screen shots so you can get a visual....

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Transferring Query Data To Excel

Mar 28, 2008

Not sure how easy this one will be but here goes.

I currently have a database which collects details of event effecting our business and am using a simple query that displays events within a defined date range.

I have also set an excel sheet which on the main worksheet appears as a calender format for a particular month which is updated by data in the access query. At the moment I tranfer the query to excel and it appears as a new sheet which I then have to link to the master calender.

Is there any way when exporting to excel to tell access to send the data to a particular sheet and cell range and even more advanced tell it were to put certain dates information? i.e send 1st March info to cells A1 to A4, 2nd to A5 to A8 etc.

Hope someone has some ideas on this one - even being able to send all data a specific cell range would be useful

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Transferring Same Data To A Field In All Records?

Aug 10, 2006

I suppose that´s easy, but I only accomplished one by one by selecting a specific record.


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Transferring Data From Word To Access?

Sep 6, 2011

Is there a way to transmit data from an MSWord Form to an Access table?

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Tables :: Syntax Error When Transferring Records With Checkbox Filter?

Jan 8, 2014

I'm trying to transfer records from a table in one subform to another subform (on same form) using a checkbox as a filter:

Private Sub TransferAndReview_Click()
Dim db As dao.Database
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Forms![Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Input Subform1].Form[(QuantityUsed[, HoursUsed])] VALUES (QuantityUsed[, HoursUsed]) FROM Forms![Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Checksheet Table Subform] WHERE [Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Input Subform1].Form[EquipmentUsed]=True;"
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End Sub

The Main form is: [Extra Work Report Checksheet]

Subforms are: [Equipment Input Subform1] & [Equipment Checksheet Table Subform]

Checkbox field is: [EquipmentUsed]

I keep getting the error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement" which points to 'db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError' and I don't understand why. Neither of the fields [QuanityUsed] or [HoursUsed] are lookup fields, etc.

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General :: Transferring Data From Table To Another Under Conditions

Feb 22, 2013

I have 3 tables :

table 1 empno Employee Nomber
empname Employee name
salary basic Salary
iddate month nomber

table 2 is bonus table id
bonus amount

table 3 is deduction tableid
deduction amount

Now i need is to transfer the data from bonus table and from deduction table to the table 1 if the empno and iddate are equal on the both tables

What I mean for ex if i create query and when i enter the employee number directly it will give me his bonus if he has and his deduction also if he has, so how can i do it?

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Transferring Data From MS Excel To MS Access 2013

Mar 27, 2014

I am setting up a database using Access 2013, and am trying to test downloading files from Excel. For some reason it is not allowing me to have more then 4 columns in the excel file, it gives the error "Subscript out of range". I thought it was the type of variable at first, but when I tried deleting different columns on both files, the transfer always worked with 4 columns. How do I allow more columns to be transferred?Also, is there a way to not include the row numbers of the excel file as an ID column and only include the ID given in the first column?

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Transferring Data To Another Access Database (before Delete)

Aug 16, 2013

I have a database with a main database that has 2 related problem is that i only keep data that i really need, in the main table. My problem is that i sometimes need to go back to old data that i erased. so i have to keep old data too. but i can;t on the same database. so i need to move the old records from the main table and all the related data to another database that will keep all the erased data, so if i need to find something i will search on the "deleted records" database.

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Forms :: Insert Data Into Table By Calculated Files?

Mar 12, 2014

I have calculated files in a form which is summimg the working hrs of each employ�es for a particular data.

I am able to show the same in the form but want to add this value in the table.

Is is possible to add this data from the form to the able?

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Forms :: Save Calculated Subform Data To Table

Oct 20, 2014

What I'm trying to do: I have created an unbound field within a subform's footer to calculate the average of the displayed record values. The subform is in datasheet view. The records are returned based on a query with a relationship between two tables. I need the calculated data (which I currently have displayed on the main form) to populate within the master table.

I can't figure out how to automatically do this. I created a simple command to get it there, but I'd like the user not to need a button to display a calculation.

Main form based on TableA; subform based on TableB.

Here's how I have it set up (Btw, I suck at SQL I just figure this is easiest to read):

Query SQL looks like this: SELECT tblB.Field1, tblB.Field2 FROM tblB.Field1 INNER JOIN tblA ON tblB.Field1 = tblA.Field1

Main form: unbound txtbox = [Forms]![frmA]![subfrmA].Form.[txtAvg]

The field that is averaged is tblB.Field2. There are potentially a bunch of records displayed in the subform.

I need that [txtAvg] field to save to TableA. My command button is simply Me.tblA.FieldName = Me.unboundtxtbox. I'd like to do away with that.

I tried to use the on current or on load event for the main form; but the calculated field value is 0 until it calculates it. It seems like there is a short delay before the value shows up on the form at which point the on current or on load events don't pick up the calculated value; just the 0 that is initially there.

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Tables :: Splitting Database - Front End Does Not Link To All Tables In Back End

May 28, 2013

I am splitting a database and have created the Back end already. When I create the front end and link to the tables on the back end... The front end does not link to all the tables in the back end. The list that comes up when creating the linkings does not show all the tables in the back end. What would cause this?

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Transferring Data From Form To Form When Starting New Record

Sep 7, 2011

OK so my situation is a simple 1 to many relationship where the main form has the primary key and the secondary input form needs the foreign key to be passed to it to link the 2 tables.

Say for example 1 Site has many sections (Plants). The main menu form can therefore select the Site and filter to another combo box containing the plants that are attached to that site. The user can then either edit the plant or add a new plant record linked to the site.

I have figured out how to edit the plant attached to the site using a macro that opens the form Plants with the site ID passed from the main form however when I want to enter a new Plant I still need the site ID passed to the Plants form however using the following code

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPlants", acNormal, , , acFormAdd

It simply opens the form as a new record and therefore will not transfer the SiteID

No doubt this is not the hardest thing to do I just can't work out how to do it

I have seen somewhere using code similar to this

stLinkCriteria = "[SiteID]=" & Me![SiteID]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

But I can't seem to get it to work.

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Tables :: Calculated Fields From Two Tables / Based On Relationship In Third Table

May 29, 2014

I have two tables of data, each relating to three business branches (branches A, B and C).

Table 1 shows the expenditure of each branch (by fuel, premises and wages).

Table 2 shows a number of units for each branch (mileage, floorspace and sales).

What I would like to do is calculate unit costs, based on the expenditure in Table 1, divided by a relevant unit in Table 2. The catch is that I want to have a third table which allows the user to specify which expenditure (from Table 1) is combined with which unit (from Table 2) to generate the calculated unit costs. I've been able to do this in Excel, and have attached an example. I've also attached an incomplete Access version with the first two tables. Given the complexity of my actual data, I feel this could be better handled in Access than Excel.

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Back Up Tables Inside A Server

May 12, 2006

I have 5 PC clients and a server.each user upon shutting down his PC,is prompted to send all the information inside a table "Patron" to a table inside the server.That way each user backs up his information to a table inside the server and at the end of the day,the table on the server side contains all the data from the 5 PCs.I am new to access,can anyone guide me through the steps I need to accomplish this project?
thanks in advance

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Tables :: Using Oracle As Back-end For Access?

Apr 23, 2013

I have written a few solutions in Access (using access 2007). Now I going to create a few new ones for my company. We use Oracle for our main database and was wondering what would be the advantages and disadvantages of using Oracle as my backend while Access is my front end?

Also, should I create the queries in Access or in Oracle?

finally, is there anything I need to do differently?


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