Data From Access Table To A Infopath Form....

Nov 27, 2007

Hi Guys,
I have an Access database which has many tables.
I have also created a Infopath form template and published it to Sharepoint server.
Now, My question is: How to get the existing data from
an MS Access Table to a Infopath form? I need to create a Infopath form for each row in the Access table(assuming the field names are same in both Access and Infopath)
Do i need to build a Infopath form on that Access DB or
Is this something that i have to work on Access?


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Unable To Modify Infopath That Access 2007 Creates From Table

Apr 10, 2012

I am trying to create a form on Infopath 2007 based on a table in access 2007. I want my users to be able to fill in this form and submit it back to me in such a way that it will directly populate the table in the database. I know I can do this. However, I am unable to modify the infopath that access 2007 creates from the table. I want to change the date format. By default it takes up the date as "date and time" and I want it to be the date only.

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Forms :: Update Data From One Table To Another Table Using Form - Access 2010

Dec 16, 2013

How to update data from one table to another table using form.

I have data coming from design team in Database 1 and using form i want search data and assign the job to a person and store it in the database with his name. I have to do this because database from design team is read only.

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Table Not Retaining Data From Form - Access 97

Oct 28, 2004


I'm relatively new to Access and have just created a database and am wanting the database to calculate the total of two fields and store this information in the underlying table.


Field 1 - £10
Field 2 - £15
Field 3 - TOTAL of above - I have used the calculation =([Field 1]+[Field 2])

This works fine in my form but the total value doesn't fall through to the table. It is just blank.

I am using Access 97 and wonder if this is somehow possible. I have attached a screen shot of the properties for this field (which is called 'Total' in the underlying table).

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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Retrieving Data From Excel Into An Access Form/table

Aug 3, 2005

Hopefully someone can help me this (and hopefully the solution isn't staring me in the face)

I am trying to export data from a cell in a worksheet to a field in an Access database that I am building. The database has two tables, tblCompanies and tblQuotes. It works through a macro accessed by a command button, which should export the total of a quote into the field Quote_Price in the tblQuotes table, which the users will access through a form. The problem is that if I export the data from Excel, I get an error message saying, "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'tblCompanies'. The code looks like this:

Sub NewQuote()

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset, r As Long
' connect to the Access database
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:Documents and SettingsDJEdwardsMy DocumentsTest Foldermarketing.mdb;"
' open a recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "tblQuotes", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
r = 55 ' the start row in the worksheet
Do While Len(Range("I" & r).Formula) > 0
With rs
.Fields("Quote_Price") = Range("I" & r).Value
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub

I can import the cell contents from Access with no problems, but I would like the user to be able to do it from Excel to simplify things.

I'd be grateful for any help!


Dave, England

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Forms :: Access Sub Form Not Showing All Data From Table

Jan 14, 2014

I am relatively new to Access 2007, I am having an issue with a sub form not showing all the data from a table.

Basically I have 2 tables: Headers and Line Details, they are linked via an order number. The headers will only ever have 1 record per order number but there can be multiple records on the line details table.

I have imported the data into both tables. When I open my main form, all the data from the header file is all visable and all correct for all records. However when I look at the data in the sub form, it is only showing data for some of the records.

I have checked and the data is correctly linked, and if I change the "source object" to point directly at the table in the sub form it shows the record is there. When I point it back to my sub form it is blank.

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Add Timer In Access Form And Store Data In A Table

Dec 2, 2012

How to insert a timer in the PropertyFrm Form in the Access Database attached to this message. When a user opens the PropertyFrm form I want the timer to record the number of hours, minutes, and seconds each user spend time on a record including the current dateand have the data stored in the Timer table.

When a user goes to another record, I want the timer to reset and store the hours, minutes, seconds, and current date on another record in the Timer Table and so on. If the fields and data types in the Timer table is not created properly.

I do not want the time and current date to be displayed on the PropertyFrm Form. I want the information to be stored in the Timer table.I do not want the user to see the hours, minutes, seconds and current date information on thePropertyFrm Form.

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Import Excel Data To A Table In Access Through Form

Sep 25, 2014

I wanted to import data in a access table using a form in access. The form should contain a browse button to browse the file and then a command button to start importing.

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Forms :: Access Form To Insert Data In Sql Server Table

Jan 21, 2015

how to create a form in access to insert/update/delete data from a table in sql server?

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Stop Access From Changing Format / Value Of Data Entered From A Form Into A Table

Oct 7, 2012

I have a database (split into front and backend). Users populate the table using a form on the front end. Recently, it has been pointed out that some of the data entered into one specific textbox is being changed on the table. The data entered is always has a minimum of a letter and number value i.e. "A1", "A2" etc. Upon examining the table, this has changed into numeric values i.e. "1291", "1061", "852"... etc. Looks like it is translating them into both 3 and 4 digit numerical values by the looks of things. Where more complex data is entered such as "2(A1, A2)" these seem unaffected.

The field is set to text, I have set no validation rule, format or input mask. Just can't see why access is changing these values. It seems to be translating them, but I can't see a pattern.

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Access 2010 - Getting Form To Show Update Data To A Table When Two Tables Referenced

Jun 27, 2012

I have a form with two tables referenced. I am using the form only to update one of the tables. I am using the other table to pull a reference field. When I add my second table using the query builder, it makes it to where I can't edit/add in my form. I assume its because of the SQL insert statement, but I don't see this statement and can't find where it is to edit it. How to have the form only update one of the tables, while just using the second table as a reference for a field?

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Tables :: Access 2003 Table Data Import Into Access 2007 Table

Apr 26, 2015

i have a database in access 2003 when i open it with access 2003 it shows data in table but when i open same table in access 2007 it shows only header rows , no data

how can i see this data into access 2007 or excel 2007.i want to link these table data with excel 2007 or access 2007 but with above problem i can't do it

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Data In Sheet1 Using Sheet 2 And Access Table Data?

Aug 5, 2014

I am using Excel/VBA as a frontend and Access backend. The sheet2 stores the queue name and Queue number. We have to update the sheet1 from column L to column O by looking for the values from the Access table for the date selected from the comboboxes. Now In sheet 2 , it says Queue number and in actual in access table it is the combination of Type & Type1 & Type2. So we have to look for Type & Type1 & Type2 in the table and find out total Batches ,Total Envelopes,Total documents and total pages and then store the values in the ExcelSheet1 from column L to column O.

The following formulas will be used in the select statment:

Total Batches = count(BatchNo) for date selected
Total Envelopes=sum(Envelopes) for date selected
Total Documents=sum(Cases) for date selected
Total Pages=sum(Pages) for date selected

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General :: When Transfer Data From Table In Excel To Table In Access / It Loses Format

Jan 29, 2015

When I try to transfer (ctrl c + v) data from a table in Excel to a table in Access it loses format.

Exemple: $ 1.000,00 (Excel) become 1000 (Access).

I need to keep the format to make sure that the code works properly.

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General :: Copy Data From Local Access Table To Linked SQL Server Table?

Jan 13, 2014

I have an MS Access accdb with linked SQL Server 2012 ODBC tables. I am working on a procedure to copy data from local tables to these linked tables (identical schema). I did a simple


DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO linkedTable SELECT * FROM localTable"

This works, but is very slow. Way too slow. (INSERT copies the data one record at a time).

I would like to copy the data in a bulk operation, or operations that I can execute programmatically.

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Extracting Data From Linked Db2 Table Using Access Make Table Query

Aug 29, 2006

I am extracting data from linked db2 table using access make table query. First I create a select query and can view the linked db2 data, but when I change to a make table query I get an error message, "invalid argument", when I run the make table query. There is no selection critera specified. Has anyone had this happen? and Do you know a solution?

Thanks for your support

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Queries :: Append Data In Access Pivot Table To A Table (or Requery On It)

Jan 22, 2015

Is there a way to append a pivot table to a table or possibly make a query based on a pivot table? I need to get a count of Part Numbers and I need the average price for all these parts. Additionally I want to ignore a count of less than 3.

Also I am having trouble filtering on the count in the pivot table... haha, so I was gonna Query on it later on.

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Queries :: Filter Data From A Table Using Query (from Data Input Form)

Dec 30, 2014

I would like to filter data from a table using a query (from an data input form). The objective is to output all results if input form field is empty and to output results higher or equal to the type in the field if field is not Null. The query code is as follows:

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Form2]![MaxDiffInput]);[Maximum operational pressure (bar)];[Maximum operational pressure (bar)]>=[Forms]![Form2]![MaxDiffInput])

However, is not providing any result when the input field (MaxDiffInput) as a value.

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Data Tranfer From One Form To Another Without Storing Data In Db Table

Jan 12, 2006

:confused: Hi
I have some 100 questions for which user must answer by selecting any of the options provided using option buttons.

As i cant fit all 100 qtns in one form am splitting it into soem 10 forms.

User answers the qtns in 1st form and clicks on next button to goto to nxt form
thn agn he answers the qtns in tht form and clicks on next button to goto nxt on.. until he answers all the qtns in the last form.

I want to transfer the answers selected from 1st form till the last one..where all the answers are stored in one table whn a submit button is clicked.

please let me kno ASAP if thr is anyway i can do it.
thnk in advance

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Data Tranfer From One Form To Another Without Storing Data In Db Table

Jan 12, 2006

I have some 100 questions for which user must answer by selecting any of the options provided using option buttons.

As i cant fit all 100 qtns in one form am splitting it into soem 10 forms.

User answers the qtns in 1st form and clicks on next button to goto to nxt form
thn agn he answers the qtns in tht form and clicks on next button to goto nxt on.. until he answers all the qtns in the last form.

I want to transfer the answers selected from 1st form till the last one..where all the answers are stored in one table whn a submit button is clicked.

please let me kno ASAP if thr is anyway i can do it.
thnk in advance

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Forms :: When Pasting Data In Table / Some Of These Data Appear In Form But Some Are Not

Mar 13, 2013

I am new to access (2007), There is a datasheet in the form where we enter our time in/time out. We enter data using the form but that is one data at a time only. So I tried to paste multiple data (records) from excel into the access table. After pasting into the table, the data appears in the query, but not in the form.When I go to the form to check if the data I pasted into the table will appear in the form's datasheet...some data appears but some does not.

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Making Form Open With Data From A Table Based On Date And Time In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

How to make a form open with data from a table based on a date and time in the/a table?

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Tables :: Multiple Table Data To Save To A Different Table From A Form

Mar 6, 2014

I have three tables: Vehicles; Vehicle Reallocated; and Vehicles Retired. I have a form that runs a query to find all the info in the Vehicles tbl that is not "Retired", not visible in the form. I then have the option to toggle to a Reallocated or Retired form. When i toggle to the reallocated form, i have the like fields in that table (ie Van #, Vin, Make etc) pulling the info from the hidden subform with the vehicle query, so i do not need to fill in repeat data. However, when i add a reallocated date and the new clinic that vehicle is for, i get the record ID for the vehicle reallocated table as expected, but when i save none of the data moved over from the query saves in the record?

How to get all the data on the reallocated form to save?

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Move MS Access Table Data

Aug 26, 2004

I am working on a calibration database which keeps track of measurement equipment and their scheduled calibration date. There are several gages that become "In-Active" because they are old, lost, or whatever. I have two tables that have Active and In-Active gage listings containing all of the pertinent information regarding that gage. I would like to put a button in the Active gage form which in the event the gage becomes "In-Active", pressing the button moves all of the information in the "Active" page to a new page in the "In-Active" table. So essentially one can look at Active gages and In-Active gages depending on the switchboard button that is clicked.

I know that is probably a crazy question but any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Data From MS Project Into An MS Access Table

Jul 12, 2006

Is there a way to copy columns from MS project into an MS access table? Right now doing a manual copy and paste a column from MS Project into a column in a MS Access table, I was wonder if this can be automated by some macro, vba, etc.

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Yes/No Data Type In Access Table

Jul 17, 2007

Is it possible to set the yes/no data type fields in an Access table to behave like radio buttons? In other words, if they click yes in one data field, it automatically prevents them from clicking yes in the next data field. If so, how?

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