Data Mix In The Database...

Jul 6, 2006

I have a problem with my database. When I'm writing in my data to the database via the forms, the data isn't in the correct order when I start the database up again. Its mixed up. I am using 6 tables and combining data. Why?
I have no relations in the actual tables, but some relations like queries.
What should I do? I am going crazy...hehe

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How To Pull Data From Database

Nov 14, 2006


I'm totally newbie so please go easy on me, I finally learnt how to make database and tables by reading online tutorials. I'm now able to create a simple database in access, using tables and stuff. I want to ask, say i put 500 entries in my database and then i want to search for some specific data, how do i do that?

Say I'm making a database of model's agencies, and i want to pull all the models working in same agency and stuff like that, how do i do that. Do i have to create queries or forms? i'm confused, please help.


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Data 'disappears' From My Database

Apr 23, 2007

I inherited this database and I can't figure this out so I'm looking for some causes.

the database is in one .mdb file, the interface in another and links to the database via the linked table manager.

The tables aren't normalized, nor was there any attempt at relational integrity (Strike 1). Thats obvious

But what isn't so obvious is that data in fields just disappears, it'll get entered, verified and a couple weeks/months later, its just gone and no one claims responsibility for taking it out (and in 99% of cases, we wouldn't)

It is a multi user database but there are only 10 people in the office and I doubt more than 3 are ever connected at once. And most of the time is only one of us at a time based on our schedules.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm going to advise the bosses that we take the time to start over with sql server, normalize the tables and take better care of developing the forms (in .net)

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Take Data From A Table In One Database To Another

Jun 27, 2007

Is it possible to take data with all the same fields and put it into another database with the exact same fields, etc. ??? Thanks for your help in advance!!

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How Do I Validate Data That Is Already In The Database

Nov 22, 2007

Dear all,
I have a lot of data already in my database and i need to validate to ensure that Various fields are populated correctly. how can i do this please?


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Database Will Not Accept Data!

Dec 27, 2004

Dear Access Gurus:

Help! I have creadted a basic foirm to collect data. The problem is when I switch to form view, the "add data, delete data" butons are disabled. I tab thorough the fields and I cannot add any data??????????????

I have checked and rechecked the data properties of the form tab and allow additions and allow deletions are set to yes.

I am at the end of the rope and I am completely lost. Do I have to reinstall Access?

Any help is most welcome..........please



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Retrieving Database Data

Nov 18, 2005

In my employee attendance database each record contains an employee id#, a number corresponding to an attendance infraction, and a corresponding date. Each week a clerk queries the database to pull up records for all employees who have a yearly 'total number' of infraction values over a certain numerical limit.
Any suggestions as to what is the best way to:
1 - Calculate that yearly 'total number' for every employee.
2 - Retrieve the date of the most recent attendance infraction for each employee that has a total value that is over the limit?


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Use Database To Remove Data From Another?

Jan 20, 2012

I want to use one database to remove data from another e.g. use a list of telephone numbers to remove remove any entry with one of those telephone numbers in another database.

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Database Design And Data Entry Help..

Nov 29, 2005

Greetings.. I am attempting to teach myself Access but I am having trouble trying to figure out how to implement into my database the features I need my enduser to have.

Basically I am trying to create a Contacts database and I want the "form" that my end user enters data into to look like this (all examples are minimalist because I am looking for specific logical answers to solving my problems, not field suggestions):

Name: [textbox]
Phone: [textbox]
Email: [textbox]

Now I need to have Phone and Email each in their own tables, or in some way seperated so that I can retrieve a list of emails or phones without duplicates.

My initial attempt was to create the tables:


Phone (related to PHONEtable.Phone)
Email (related to EMAILtable.Email)



Now the problem with that setup is that I cannot create a new entry into NAMEtable unless the specific Phone AND/OR Email are ALREADY listed inside their respective tables.

What I need to be able to do is give my user the ability to use a "form" with 3 fields, that will do the following:

Allow a new Name without a Phone or Email.
Allow a new Name WITH a Phone and/or an Email.
Allow a 2 different Names to have the same Email, but pointing to only 1 instance of that email in a different table.
(which it already does all if the Email and Phone already exist in their tables, I need it to be able to create new entrys into those tables from the form if they don't already exist). I also need to be able to enter in new Emails from a different form2 that dont have any relation to any persons in Name (which isn't a problem either at the moment since I just open the Email table and enter data).

I am unsure how to execute this first forms dilema though, I am assuming my database design is fine and it has something to do with some formality or code that I am missing to be able to do what I want. If so could someone help me out and make some suggestions? Or if my design is way off and there is a better way to be able to enter and store a Name, Email, and Phone from a form that relates back to a single contact and prevents duplicates then please let me know. Thanks

Also here is another post I made in a different forum but wasn't able to get quite the answers or help I was looking for.

"Name [textbox]
Email [textbox]

if the email the user is entering isnt already in the database it will not create a new row in and then link to that specific

for example if

contacts NAME , EMAIL
row1 = bob , row1
row2 = bobswife, row1

email Email
row1 =

then I open a form that will have 2 members, both pointing to the same email.

1 of 2
Name: [bob]
Email: []

2 of 2
Name: [bobswife]
Email: []

Ok, lets say I go to create a new member

I can do this just fine:

3 of 3
Name: [bobsson]
Email: []

What I can't do but need to be able to do is:

3 of 3
Name: [bobsson]
Email: []

It will return an error stating that the email isnt in the email table. I need to know how to get Try2 to do what I want so that when I enter 3 of 3 my database looks like this:

contacts NAME , EMAIL
row1 = bob , row1
row2 = bobswife, row1
row3 = bobsson , row2

email Email
row1 =
row2 ="

Anyways.. thanks again for any help.

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Pasting Data From A Spreadsheet To Database

May 23, 2006

Hi there,

I have a spreadsheet which has a large amount of data. It is organised by database structure. I'm aware of primary keys etc but what I want to avoid is creating each field as new.

For example I would like to copy the fields from excel and paste them to create feilds in access. I'm aware that I would have to manually input any special parameters. This would save me a couple of hours.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Data Entry - Not Always Taking In Database

Jul 27, 2006

I am having a problem where I have a form that I enter data into. Sometimes when I enter the information it will add a record to the table and sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't put the information in the table more times than it does.

I have tried to enter the information outside the form and it still does the same thing.

Do you have any suggestions of what I can do to fix this.


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Database To Record Training Data

Feb 9, 2008

Hi All

I am trying to setup a database to record details of who and where I trained staff. The ones I have found all include grades and marks which I don't want.

Does anyone have a sample database that can help get me started please.


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How Can I Make The Database Take Data From Another Column?

May 20, 2007

I have 5 columns in ms access. They are as follows:

date_from, date_to, season_price, normal_price, actual_price.

However, I want to check if the sysdate is greater than date_from and less

than date_to then the value in the actual_price should be taken from the

season price for that record else the value should be taken from normal_price.

So, i would like to know how can do this? do i need to use visual basic?

I have no idea about visual basic. So, would like the complete way to do it.


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Combo Box Displays Data ... Database Does Not

Jun 20, 2006


I have created a combo box on a form using the combo box wizard. The combo box is linked to a table, and the combo box user's selection is supposed to be entered into a table so I can use it in reports, etc. The form works great. However, when I go to the table field that is supposed to have the newly entered combo-box selection, it contains only the record number, not the field contents chosen (by-the-way ... the record number and the record ID are the same ... maybe it is showing the ID??) Either way, why won't the table show the correct user choice from the form?


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Insert Into Mdb From Selected Data From SQL Database

Sep 14, 2004

My application extracts data from a SQL server according to some filters and put it in a local database (MS Access), I actually do it in two steps, data extraction and loop tru the data sending it to MS Access with insert values instruction, is there a better way to do it (the routine is too slow for large databases, the string convertion make it slow I beliebe)?, I was thinking on something like "Select into", but I am not copying a database and I need to add 2 more columns to the database (add fields that you have at the moment to make the select but aren't on the database and were needed to make the selection).


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Queries :: What Query - Add Data From One Database

May 24, 2015

What query do I use to add data from one db [same file names] to another db?

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General :: Merging Data From One Database Into Another

Jun 20, 2014

I need to merge data from one DB into another.I have a split database with front end DBcompanyFE and back end DBcompanyBE. BE is on the server so users at company (3 users) can access it with their own FEs.I also have 2 users that are working at some other location (geographically) and they have identical BE of database (DBcompanyBE) and their own FEs.Now, my problem is, that at each location there is different data entered, but on both locations all the data is needed. What would be the easiest and mybe most automated way to merge/combain those data.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Data From One Database To Another

Mar 28, 2014

I have two databases, both have mysql backened and access frontend.

In first database, I'd like to access the second database, check if that person has an entry in the second database and then fetch that data into the first database. To make it easier, data come from different tables (though I'd probably access only one entry in each table)

Not sure where to start, the only idea I have is to link tables from both databases into the frontend ad then it's kinda easy (would have to rename the tables).

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General :: How To Transfer Data From One Database To Another

Oct 30, 2013

I recently designed a new database according an old database in order to replace it. I found that I have trouble transferring the data from old to new database.

Only transferring data from one table to another

Database A: [table]![customer]
Database B: [table]![Client]

Field name on both are different

Table Customer:

Table Client:

How can I transfer from "Database A/table customer" to "Database B/table Client"?

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General :: Need To Add Data To Read Only Database

May 7, 2015

I have read only access to a database maintained by a vendor. I am using an append query to search for new records in that database every time my database opens through a macro. This adds any new records to my table. I then add additional information to each record in my table. This is newly acquired information, not calculated, and it is different for each record.

My question is can I keep my table up to date with the vendor table without running the append query macro at open every time as my database may remain open for extended periods of time during updating of records.

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Queries :: Update Data From One Database In Another One

Aug 23, 2013

I'm relatively new to MS Access (using MS Access 2013 but the db should work on 2010, too) and try to develop a database for an NGO I'm working in. [...].

However now I start to create forms and later reports for the actual user. The database will store information about clients and track consultations and assistance the NGO gives to them. There will be around 50.000 to 70.000 clients in the main table. Every client has a specific Individual ID and is member of a family which itself has another specific Group ID.

So now, I am almost done with forms (at least I want to believe that). But I ran into an issue I would love to have your comment and different approach on:

The Database I create is projected on another, significantly bigger database! The one I create is a kinda light version for other field offices with only the information they need to have, and additional tables for them to gather their own data and track their own activities. This being said, the light database needs to be updated every month once by the big (mother version). Both DBs cannot be connected!!!

So we will send to the field offices altogether 5 tables in one mdb-file every month. These 5 tables exist with the same structure ( name, field data-types, etc.) in the light version.

I now want to make an automatic update option (by pressing a key and select the "update-file"), i.e. based on the the respective Primary Key of every table the entry in the smaller DB should be updated!

Update for me means the following three things (Assume big DB is A, small DB is B):

1) If Primary Key (PK) exists in both tables of A and B, update the rest of the fields in B belonging to that key based on the specific record of A

2) If PK does not exist in A but in B, delete record from the database B (case: record was deleted in A after last update)

3) If PK does not exist in B but in A, add the record to database B (case: record was added to database A after last update)

I would like to show you what I already found in the internet on solving task 1) but I cannot post links due to my status.

Both links basically describe how to update one table by another in importing or linking the update-source table in the current DB, create a query with both tables, link the PKs of both and then using the Update To Criteria [UpdateSourceTable].[Field] for each field that I want to update.

But I wanted to ask before I implemented that if I should make a complete different approach since I also have 2) and 3) as tasks....

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Query Append Data From Another Database

Mar 15, 2012

I have a database X, I want to append data from tables in another database Y, into database X (tables in both databases have the same name: [Y].[Names] into [x].[Names]).

My question is:
How to make this happen by allowing me to search for Database Y (like if i want to save a Word file, a window will open searching for the folder i want to save the Word file in).

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Combining Data From 3 Locations Into One Database

Aug 19, 2011

I've been given the task of combining data from three locations into one database in Access, something that is relatively new to me. I'm trying to decide whether to have the locations enter data into an Access database or into an Excel spreadsheet at each location. Regardless of the program used to enter data, I would probably like to link each of the files to my main Access file and combine the three into one database there. I do not want the locations to add data directly to the main database if possible.

My question is, would this be done by an append query? If so, how? Also, my thought is that the data at each location would be added to every day. I would need to be able to add the NEW data only to the database without duplicating the previous day's data.

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Approving Data Entered Into Database

Apr 17, 2012

For my work I have created an incident reporting database based on the Desktop Issue tracking database that can be downloaded in MS Access 2007 from the MS website.

I have made a fair few changes to it and it seems to be working well. Managers now want their staff to be able to enter their own issues but have them approved by the manager before being saved into the database. How do I go about this?

The DB does get the username of the person who is logged into the pc.

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Limit Data That Users See In Database

Feb 10, 2015

I am creating an Action Item Database that will be located on a Sharepoint portal so multiple users can access and I'd like each user to have a login/ password to

1) keep unauthorized users out of the database and
2) limit what users can see.

This login/ security should ideally work so that user "Bob Smith" logs in with his assigned login/ password and he will only view/edit/ run reports for those Action Items that he has generated (field named "GeneratedBy") or have been assigned to complete ("ResponsibleLead") which are both fields in table "tbl_ActionItems". I can not tie the security levels to a users network login; this has to be security within the database. I don't necessarily need specific code at this point so much as I need a logical starting point for setting this up.

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Import Data In Database From Snapshot File?

Apr 30, 2005

I want to import data in access or excel from snapshot file- *.snp. Can I?

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