Database CD Distribution

Jun 7, 2006


Apologies if this is in the wrong place, but I've looked around and can't find anywhere else that's relevant.

Essentially, I have a large reference database that I'd like to send to a fairly large number of people, preferrably on CD. Copying and pasting information into another format, such as Excel isn't an option.

My question is, how could I setup the content of my CD so that everyone could access it, even if they don't have Access? Could I include a copy of Access Runtime on the CD? Would that enable people who don't have Access to view the data on the CD? If so, would there be licensing implications if I did this?

Sorry if that's convoluted, but I'm not technical.


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Distribution Of Database (without Access)

Aug 2, 2006

What's the best way to go about this?

Right now I have about 40 personnel using 40 different Excel files. Each day, each file needs to be copied and pasted into one large file. I've recently had luck replacing several of my personal Excel files with MS Access and now completely hooked on using databases. I would love to replace all of those Excel files with a Database on the network, at the end of the date, compiling everything together would be as easy as a query, and possibly an export (if we needed to send the Excel file out as we sometimes need to).

I've got the use of a Network, but here's the rub. I'm the only one with MS Access installed. I can not talk my boss into buying the additional licenses needed for Access on their computers.

My edition is also not a "Developer Edition" as I've seen where you can create a runtime version, so I guess that's out.

What would be a suitable "frontend" to do something like this. I'm pretty decent at Access, but certainly no expert. What is the best/easiest options that I should be looking at?

I'm willing to learn something new if I have to (which I probably will). I'm also willing to spend some of my own money to put something on my machine at home if it will help me develop something. I just need options because I don't know enough to make a decision about this.

Thanks in advance.

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Way To Have Multiple Distribution On One Field Without Creating Multiple Distribution Fields?

Mar 1, 2012

I am creating a CAD Drawing database / Distribution list. I can only seem to distribute one drawing i.e single field to one person.Is there a way to have multiple distribtion on one field without creating multiple distribution fields?

What I have is a database which contains Drawing Numbers - I need to create a report that shows where the drawing has been distributed to, with it's current revision status and the date is was sent.I am having trouble trying to use multiple revisions and mutiple people in the distribution list with one drawing.

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Front End Distribution

May 16, 2006

I have read every post here on "distribution" and "deploying" the front end to the users but can't seem to get how to do it. I see many posts regarding updating the front end and using the runtime version to distribute but can't seem to understand how to initially get the database out to my users.

I have a split db and need to distribute it to about 20+ people. The back end will reside on a shared drive that is mapped the same on everyone's machine.
I also have the FE on the same drive and am currently using a batch file run from a link on our website to open it, therefore we are all using the same front end which is what I am trying to eliminate.

Can I just zip up my FE and email it to my users? Will that maintain the links to the back end when they unzip it to their desktop?

Also, I would like to get some feedback on some software I am thinking of buying for pushing out my updated databases in the future. It is called Access Frontend Loader

Has anyone used this before? Would appreciate any thoughts on it or any other program you may have used in the past.


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Create Distribution Package

Mar 25, 2006

I have developed access application (front/backend) for my client. As client wanted they would be running on 3 comps on LAN. 1 comp would have the DB and the other 2 the frontends. How will I create installation (CD/package) so that it can be distributed in the clients site. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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Front End Updates And Distribution To Users

Dec 27, 2006


I split my db last week and put both front end and back end files in a shared network folder. I backup the db every day to a different folder on the network server and also to my laptop. I usually backup right after a form update so that the latest version of the form is available to users who want to update their local copy of the front end. I've been sending email alerts to the users.

My question is this: What is the best way to (1) make sure my backup updates the front end on the network server and (2) how can I automatically alert users to update to the latest version of the front end?

Thanks gurus!


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MS Access Distribution With MySQL Backend.

Feb 2, 2007

On my development machine everything works great, but I know that I'm going to run into problems with distribution.

I don't think there is a way, but I'll ask. Is there any way to get around not having to install the ODBC MySQL drivers on each computer? One of the reasons I'm migrating to MySQL for a backend is the fact that I'll be going from 10 users to 150 users, each of which has a "locked down" PC, which would mean logging into each with Admin rights to install the driver. Not an impossible task, but a pain.

Is is possible to have a "shared" source for the driver? I have only a rudimentary understanding of that process.

Thanks in advance for any help that someone can provide, or some answers pointing me in the right direction.

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Automated Per Record Report Distribution

Jun 11, 2015

automated per-record report distribution. In my system there is a report generated with a record for every person that must be sent out to them on a periodic basis. Ideally I would like to send them out in batch(5000+ records) so that each person receives theirs via E-mail. I am not too worried about the format. Each persons record contains their E-mail address so that should make things easier.

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Printing/printer Properties Distribution Issue.....

Nov 7, 2005

I hope I can explain this right(and its in the right forum)....newbie....How do you distribute microsoft access 97 front-end program to several users on a network, along with printer properties for multiple printers? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :o

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Create Relationships Within Document Distribution List

Sep 9, 2011

I am brand new to using access databases but I am in the midst of trying to set one up for controlled distributions of controlled documents.Essentially, I have three tables:

1) Listing of all our controlled documents and their properties (doc number, doc title, doc revision, doc type, doc status, effective date),
2) Listing of all our copyholders (name, location, phone number),
3) Document Distribution List which lists copy numbers, quantities, and medium to deliverable (paper, electronic, size, etc)

What I want to do is create relationships within the Document Distribution List (using 'add from existing fields') from the other two tables so when a request for a new controlled copy comes along, I don't have so much data redundancy.

For example, in Table 1, I have listed Document XYZ and copyholder Jane Doe from Table 2 wants to receive 1 copy of Document XYZ. I would like to have Table 3 have an added field from Table 1 where I can pull down the applicable document number, which when selected auto fills out it's corresponding details of title, revision, doct type, status and effective date in this Table 3. In addition, after I select the document Jane wants, I want to have another field added to Table 3 from Table 2 which lets me pull down Jane's name to assign her a copy number.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Email To Outlook Distribution List - To / CC Or BCC Parameters

Jan 4, 2014

Is there a way of doing the above? I have several distribution lists (some >100 recipients) defined in Outlook, and would like to use the Docmd. Send Object command to send messages to one or several of them. I cannot find a way of defining a distribution list as any of the To, Cc or Bcc parameters.

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General :: Divide Groups By Equal Distribution Of Merit / Talent?

Aug 9, 2013

I am with an educational organisation. Now we need to allocate various fields to students depending upon their merit, where the difference between the average percentages between any two groups cannot be more than 2% and that also implies equal distribution of talent. However, First few have to be given choice of field and also students recommended have to be given choice. The number of fields varies from 2 to 8. . Further the vacancies are also not equal in all fields. E.g. for 100 students to be divided in four fields the vacancies can be 35 for ZZSS, 24 for UYTE, 29 for OIUI and 12 for HGFT.

I need a solution preferably in MS Excel or MS access for the same with nil/ least usage of VBA.

Table examples

Name REg. No. Percentage

Aaa 986544a 89.3%

Bbb 547521j 87.2%

Ddae v44887y 95%

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Database Size Limited To 2GB / Query Multiple Database Without Linking Tables?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm trying to set up a simple query that links four tables. However, the tables are extremely large, all in excess of 1.5GB each so I had to split the tables up into four separate DBs. I've tried the following with no success:

1) Link the 4 tables in the DB which contains my primary key. This quickly inflates increases the file size above 2GB and won't let me go any further.

2) Build a remote query to connect the four tables. This looked promising until I tried to run the query and it became evident that it only knows to point to the last database source that you specified.

I'm running everything locally on my C drive. The data source are simple text files (1.6 million rows) from the FDA website.

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Forms Count Of Other Database Without Opening That Database Physically

Oct 7, 2005

Hello All...

Well, I am facing one my application; I need to show all forms / reports name of other database( .mdb ) file without opening the other database physically. I tried a lot but didnt succeded. I tried with below code..

Set AcApl = New Access.Application
Call AcApl.OpenCurrentDatabase(strfolder, True)
Set AcProj = AcApl.CurrentProject

Set frm1 = AcProj.AllForms

intCount = frm1.Count

But here wen the second line AcApl.opencurrentdatabase get executed at that time the database get open physically, and i dont want that..So is there any other way around..If so..please please help me..

Thanks in advance..!!

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Modules & VBA :: Open Database / Run A Query / Close Database

Aug 22, 2014

i have a database that runs updates from within itself.what i need is, this database to then open a another database run a update query, then close it.

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General :: Updating From Local Database To Central Database

Sep 12, 2012

Database: Access 2007

I have designed a touchscreen input system using Visual and this writes to an Access Database. Each Touchscreen has its database locally so it can still work even if there are Network problems.

Now what I would like to do is have all these local databases write to a central database say every minute but only write new records to the central database. The Central Database can either be Access or SQL.

What is the best way to do this?

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General :: Database For Metal Market Prices To Be Used In Another Database

Jun 24, 2015

I have been working on a database for over a month now, and my boss just threw a monkey wrench in my work. I believed that the Metal Market Prices would be entered once a week in the current DB. My boss informs me today that he wants an employee to go in every morning and enter that days Price for Each Metal with respect to many different markets.

There is a total of 12 metals, and 5 markets. I need the data to be stored first by date, then by either market or metal, and lastly by which ever isn't used second (Either: date-market-metal, or date-metal-market). I think the Latter of the two methods makes the most sense. Is it possible for my current DB to lookup values from the Metals Database based on date-metal-market?

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Jet Database Engine Error On Non-shared Database

Jul 7, 2005

I have a problem that seems to be happening on several users' databases and is causing a big problem. None of the databases is a shared database...they are all single-user databases on stand-alone computers. I have tried looking for help within previous posts, but all seem to be related to shared databases.

I am getting an error message: "The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time." The database cannot be opened, imported, repaired...nothing seems to work.

Again...these are NOT shared databases. I appreciate any help I can get. I created the database for all of the secretaries in our school district to keep up with absence data. It involves many tables, queries, forms and reports, and has generally worked well. However I am now seeing several that are getting similar errors as mentioned.


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Best Way To Import SQL Database To Local Access Database?

Dec 25, 2005

I'm new to Access and VBA, for the record. What I need to do is copy a SQL database (table structures and records) and save it as a local Access database, so that the user can query and make any changes on the local file without editting the SQL database.

Looking around, it seems like the best option would be to use the TransferDatabase method with the acImport option. Does this sound reasonable, or can someone with more experience suggest a better way to go about it? Thanks.

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Tables :: Create A New Database Y And Link To Database X

Aug 28, 2013

I am testing the security of my DB X on Acccess 2007. I could create a new database Y and linked to the database X. Unfortunately i could change the records on the tables. I don't want other DB that make connections to my DB to change my tables!

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Accessing A Table In Database A From Database B

Aug 29, 2005

Is it possible to access a table in one Database (Database A) from a separate Database (Database B) and if so how. I should clarify that this is an Access Database.

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Create EXE From Database And Have Several Project Using Same Database

Oct 24, 2013

I created a database with forms, querys, etc. Now I was thinking of creating a exe so everyone can use this database without having access to all the design functions.

the only problem I see about doing this is if we need to use the same database for different project, we need to always create a new exe for each project.

Is there a way to make a empty database exe with just the layout, querys etc but with no data on the tables and have a save, open and save as option. So we can have several projects using the same database?

I was thinking to create a VB code for the database to delete all data on the tables when the database is open.
and before closing the database exporting all the data to a txt file or something.

Then the next time someone opens the database goes to the main form which has a open bottom which imports the txt file into the tables.

This way we can have several txt file for several project and use always the same exe database.

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Linking To Another Database From On Database

Nov 20, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,

~Kilch :eek:

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How Can I Save My Database As A MDE Database.

Oct 2, 2007

The menu for make a MDE file is blanked out or grey’d out. The database is partly made using access 2000 then xp


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Launching Another Database From Within A Database?

Dec 21, 2013

I have a series of unrelated access databases and I would like to have one 'super menu' where i can click a button to go to different databases.

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Car Database Help!

May 24, 2005

I have a car dealership database and have a servicing section.

I want to create a form to service these vehicles.

The only vehicles which will be displayed on the from are the sold ones (because you cannot service a vehcile which hasnt been sold) which i have a query for.

I also want the form to display the customer who owns the car the service details (eg what they need), the parts availiable and the parts required for the service.

The calculations i need to make in this form are as follows

quantity needed (parts required table) - quantity in stock (purchasing customer parts table)

quantity needed (parts required table) * price (Parts Table) + labour (servicing table) = part/labour costs (servicing table)

any suggestions on how to do this would be fantastic

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