Database Creation And Testing Complete / Will Making It ACCDE Clear Everything Except Forms

Feb 7, 2015

I've created and tested my database. What step or steps do I take now to make it so it's a program that only shows the forms and menu's I created, not all the Tables, Queries etc and the formatting options? Is there a link that explains what to do step by step?

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Beta-testing A Database While Making Improvements?

Jul 23, 2015

I need to start using the database I've created (desktop database). However, I don't want my current version to be the final version.

Should I create another file to work in and use the old version for data entry? When I am ready to start using my new version, is it easy enough to transfer all the data from the old?

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Clear Data In A Complete Yes/no Column

Aug 12, 2006


I'm new here and I have a question:
In my db I have a yes/no tick, now I want to create a button that clears out all the ticks in that specific column, possible?
To clarify:
I have an address db with an gift table (tbl_gift) and a yes/no parameter for, lets say, 'did they gave me a present with christmas?' (col_gift).
Naturally I want to clear their records before next christmas, now instead of going through all the records and remove the tick, is there a fast-one-button-click solution for this?

Thanks in advance!
(btw: sorry for my English, I'm Dutch and damn proud of it!)

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Problem With Planning Database + Creation Of Forms

Aug 11, 2005

Hi guys
Quick question. im running a planning database which has got 3 tables Objectors, Representations and Agents. Ive put these together using a one-to-many join matching up the index fields from Objectors and Representations. Ive just constructed a form which has a main form being the Representations and the sub forms with Objectors and Agents. When I want to update or add records a message saying " you cannot add or change a record because a related records is required in table Objectors.

Can any one tell me how I can get around this or possible solutions to this is? Any comments or feedback greatly appreciated!


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General :: Creation Of Database To Replace Forms

Apr 1, 2014

I have been given a project from work and although I have built multiple databases before, for some reason this one is stumping me. I need to create a database to capture data which was previously being captured on multiple spreadsheets to simplify the statistics program at my company. Each spreadsheet captured key pieces of information, I've attached an example of each. Each sheet needs to be set up so that an individual can enter their information for their location and that one person (me) can enter the full company information. For example the hours form, from this form I need to capture the employee count and manhours, whereas from the district sheet I need to capture contractor hours, vehicle data (second tab), and performance data on a monthly basis. The final entry needs to be able to enter all of the counts on the counts link form in order to create a table similar to the link form.

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Core Testing Database

Sep 1, 2005


I hope someone can help me. Thanks ahead for taking the time to read through my post.

I am new to Access (I know the basics,) and will ask my question by hand of describing what I want to do with my database.

I work as a laboratory technician, where I need to test UTP cores (cores are what's called one of the 8 cables inside a UTP/Network cable.) I want to create a database where I can store these test results.

To make it easier to envision my database, I'll explain a bit about the actual testing. Cores are grouped together, and tested, according to batches. There are 40 cores in a batch. Each core has a unique job number. Further, the cores are divided into 8 different colors (Green, W/Green, Orange, W/Orange, Brown, W/Brown, Blue, W/Blue.)

A standard test procedure is done on EACH core: dimensions on the insulation on a X and Y axis; dimensions on the copper on a X and Y axis; a test to determine if the copper sits centre. There are thus 5 values I want to record.

My problem is: I want all 40 cores, each with their 5 values, on one form. I want to save this as one batch, or one record. How would I go about doing this? . It’s a bit more complex than your standard table-query-form-report database.

As I said, I am acquainted with the basics of Access. I can do tables, queries, forms and reports.

Thanks ahead.

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General :: Accessing ACCDE Database

Aug 11, 2013

I have created a database, with various forms, modules and tables. Cos this is to be used where I work I have created an ACCDE version. I can't get the original version to open so that I can make changes.

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General :: Error With Accde Database

Dec 23, 2013

I have a working database which runs fine in accdb mode. But when i compile it and run the accde file I get the error "The expression you entered has a function name that XXDB nameXX cant' find."The problem is that the autoexec macro cannot find the VBA public function that is called with runcode command.

The accde file is running in the same folder as the accdb. It is a split database, I am only working on the Front End..I have tried, amongst others:

- Creating a new vba module and copying all the functions across

- Renaming the target function

- I reckoned there was a corruption somewhere, so I created a blank database and imported all the form/code/etc across from the broken version, which imported fine. The accdb ran but the compiled version failed again

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Modules & VBA :: Split Database - Customize Links And ACCDE

Jul 25, 2013

I have a split Database into Back-End and Front-End. I want to hide the Access Customize Option in my Front-End. I have tried to make the Database ACCDE but the option still appears to Customize the Access Database.

I also want to know why is it that when i make a Database ACCDE - some of the codes are not working properly???

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Emptying A Database Aftre Completeing And Testing The Application

Feb 16, 2007

what is the best way to do it without harming anything.

is it also possible to reset autonumbers


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Database Complete Time To Distribute

Jul 27, 2007


I have finally completed my database project. It is a split database. Back End on a network server.

I want to distribute the front end to all users however I want to limit to the best I can what they can do to it. Can someone please advise me on the best way to wrap up and send out my front ends?

All security has been established. I am talking about the availability to see the tables, macros, control bars etc..

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Fen How

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Database Locking During Query Creation - Need Help!!

Oct 13, 2005

why is it that as soon as you fix one problem another one needs dealing with :mad:

OK, the problem i have is that i have a BE/FE configuration database in a multiuser environment. I have built all the tables and the relationships in the BE configuration. In the FE configurations i have built the main forms to input data. It has no come to the point where i have begun to create the queries to allow reporting and data searching. And this is where i have a problem. I am trying to create a simply query and i do mean simple (at the moment i simply want 2 fields from 1 table and 2 fields from another table) no calculations or anything i just want it to display the data. I have tried creating this query numerous times and i keep getting the same error.

"The wizard is unable to open your query in datasheet view, possibly because another user has a source table open in exclusive mode. Your query will be opened in design view"

the above is the error i get when i use a wizard to create the query, after getting this message and going into design view i try to view the results in datasheet view and get the following error "Type Mismatch in expression"

If i dont use a wizard and create it in design view, when i go to view the results i get the second error message everytime.

If i create a query from 1 table only the query works without errors, but i always get errors when i have more than one table in the query.

Also i am the only person with the database open so therefore it is total impossible for the database to be open by another user in exclusive mode.

Anyone know what the problem might be or how to fix. Your answers will be very much appreciated.

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ERD Creation Of IT Audit And HelpDesk Database

Dec 9, 2005

Hello forum!

Im pretty new to access and im trying to create a database for the company i work at so that to begin with they can log details on all hardware they have.

See the image attatched, at the moment i wish to store details on there computers and also on other hardware is it ok sofar?

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Forms :: Testing Subform Conditions

Sep 25, 2014

I do not want to allow the main form record to be submitted unless there is at least one subform entry.Initially I thought it would be as simple as a "Before Update" event which would test the record count of the subform. This works... kind of... not really. It does check successfully, however the conundrum is that if the user has completed the main form and tries clicking INTO the subform to add records, this fires the Before Update event and Cancels the update event.

How can I force a user to complete the subform without running into this issue? I dunno how easy this is to do considering you kind of HAVE to exit the main form to enter the subform, at which point the record HAS to be saved...

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Forms :: Save Datasheet Column Width Changes In ACCDE

Nov 28, 2013

In an .ACCDE I want to store the column widths when user closes a datasheet form (or subform) so that when opening it anew, the widths are as previously set by user. I could store this data in a dedicated table ( and userID, for the multiuser db), but is there a smarter way? Some array/ dictionary/ whatever as database or form property?

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Forms :: Assigning Matching IDs From One Table To Another - Compliance Testing DB

Nov 11, 2013

A while ago I was tasked with creating a compliance testing database for my company's internal processes. For example: Payments, Hiring, Project Management, etc. Right now it's all done through Excel and is structured like this:

Compliance Test 01:

Item1|GradeA |GradeB |GradeC |etc...
Item2|GradeB |GradeA |GradeC |etc...
Item3|GradeC |GradeC |GradeA |etc...

In short, a Test has many Items (based on company regulations, like "Has the project been approved by all superiors?"). For each Item you choose a few Samples ("Project A", "Project B" and so on), and for each Sample the user attributes a Grade ("In Compliance", "Not In Compliance", "N/A", etc).

In the Tests mainform, the user fills in the Test details (Tab #1), chooses which available Items he wants to include in his test (Tab #2), details the Samples which will be tested (Tab #3) and finally assigns a Grade to each Item/Sample combination (Tab #4).

Here's what I can't figure out:

In the attached DB, if we go into the "CT - Projects 2013" and check the Samples in Tab#3, we can see they match perfectly with the ones at Tab#4.

Now if we go into "CT - Projects 2014" and do the same thing, we can see that the Samples assigned to the Items in Tab#4 don't match up with the ones in Tab#3 at all. This is because the DB is checking only if the Samples' ItemIDs match with the ItemIDs in the test. But it also needs to make sure that the TestID, the Item's TestID *and* the Sample's TestID match, or it just won't work!

I attached a 2003 version of the database as the first upload used Access 2010.

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A Way To Clear The Tables In The Database...

Jul 19, 2006

Thanks for considering my question. I have developed a DB with about 60 tables, all related by one-to-many relationships. During development, I placed values in the tables, generated keys, etc. so things have gotten quite cluttered. Is there a way (vb program, access method, etc.) that I can use to remove all the entries from the table, and essentially start with a set of clean tables and no keys? I'd like to be able to run this from a control on a form.

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Forms :: Auto Complete Field Within Form

Jul 21, 2015

I have created 2 tables, one for direct customers and one for indirect customers. (I consider indirect a customers customer). The 2nd table has a field that links every indirect customer to a direct one. I also have a table for inserting credit notes. The credit note is either for a direct or an indirect customer. I am using a form for this one. So the form has 2 fields, one for each kind of customer. If the customer is direct, i only insert the direct customer field. If its an indirect customer i insert the indirect customer field. What i want is to create a combo box that when choosing an indirect customer, to display the linked direct customer and to save it to the direct customer field.

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How To Clear List Of Recent Database

Jan 25, 2012

When you first open Access 2007 you can see a list of recent databases on the right under the heading 'Open Recent Database.'How do I clear that list?

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Forms :: Autofill - Possible For Fields To Have Auto-complete Option?

May 20, 2014

I have combo boxes set up with the different choices for major, minor, year, etc. Is it possible for these fields to have an autocomplete option? For example, there are about 30 different subjects that students can choose for a major, so rather than having to look for it in the drop down menu, could the person entering the data just start typing "ant" and have it automatically fill with "anthropology" for example?

I should also mention that the reason I made these fields into combo boxes is because I built SQL in the row source so that it is bound to the primary key but displays the description instead (with the column widths set to 0; 1).

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Forms :: Auto Complete Form Field With Foreign Key

May 24, 2014

I am trying to auto populate a form from a table containing CustomerID, CustomerName and PCCID_FK

Now in the form I want to auto populate the field cmbPCC when I update the cmbCustomer

using dlookup I've managed to show it manually
=DLookUp("PCCID_FK","tblCustomer","CustomerName='T est'")

It gives the ID of PCCID_FK which is what I want. how do it I modify the expression to replace the TEST part with a value in a combo box.

or is there a better way of accomplishing this.

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Having Forms With Auto-complete / Combo Box Option For Cells?

Dec 18, 2012

I am building a database to store student assessment information. I have a table with student information, a table with teacher information, and tables which will store the student's scores on a certain assessments.

Q1: I have a field in the assessment table for Teacher ID and Student ID which are linked to their respective tables. What I want to do is create a form for inputting the assessment data but the fields for teacher ID and Student ID to auto-complete or be combo boxes, I don't care which. That is, when a person is entering a student's scores, and go to enter their ID, they won't have to type the whole number out and hope they dont make any mistakes, they will essentially have a list of choices to choose from. Or as they type, the corresponding number will filter down. I already have refferential integrity on so that they can't enter an invalid ID in either field but I want them to have the choice.

Q2: In an assessments table, there is a 1-1 correspondence btw student ID's because only one student can have one score on a particular assessment. However, clearly one teacher can be tagged to several student's assessment scores. Any better way to tag the teacher to multiple student's scores without having fields in the assessment table for teacher ID which is repeated multiple times.

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Modules & VBA :: Clear Data From Table In Another Database

May 13, 2015

I have an append query that adds data to a table in another database, but I want it to replace the data every time it's run. How do I clear the data before running the append query? The databases are not linked, and I don't want them linked.

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Forms :: Automatic Folder Creation

May 23, 2013

I currently have a database where users input new parts into a database using a part form. When they put in the part type, a tracking number is automatically generated. I would like a folder to be created for each part where we can store pictures and a report. How would i have it create a report to a certain area using the tracking number as the folder name? I also want to be able to upload pictures and eventually save the report in there but creating the folder is the first step.

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How To Make Creation Of A Record In A Table Trigger Creation Of New Table

Jul 17, 2013

I have a table that is a list of all of my events. Each record of events should have a child table that list all of the things that happened at the event. When a new record (event) is added how can I have a new child table created and linked to that record. Also I have a blank table to serve as a template for what each child should look like. How do I make sure this occurs? The child tables can have the same name as the index. I am just using numbers 1- for the index with 1 being the first event and so on?

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Forms :: User Creation Form - Get Primary Key And Use It In Subform

Apr 1, 2015

I am building a user creation form. I set it up like the screen shot in the first attachement. 3 different tabs.

In tab 1 you create the user which then gets a unique key (DocentenID).

Tab 2 you can input more information about the user (in a different table).

I want it to grab the primary key (DocentenID) and insert that into a field in the other table same goes for tab 3.

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