Database External User Not On Same Server And Securing Info
Mar 6, 2015
Is it possible for me to give them access to part or all of the database so that they can run queries to target venue mailshots etc if so how would i do this?Secondly my concern is that the database is valuable and I want to protect myself from potential theft of info, ie what stops them taking the database and using it for there own purposes?
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Jun 16, 2006
I don't have the database finished so I can't really comment on the structure. However, I know the database will be used by multiple people, very likely at the same time. I've heard it's a good idea to split the mdb into a frontend and a backend so I've already started that process. I have no idea how this would fit into a security scheme though. Do I have to set up user-level security on both ends? Without actually implementing it I kind of think it would be secure if the backend had a master password and the frontend had user-level access. What do you all think?
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Apr 29, 2006
On a webserver certian files are stored above the root directory. Therefor the user of the website can never access those files directly. But he is utlizing that file.
For example:
We use Hotmail to see our mails. but we never download the complete database.
So is there a method that we can secure the backend using roaming profiles or something else so the user has a link to the backend but cant directly access the backend.
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Sep 19, 2012
I am developing a database for a company with about 10 users of the DB each using the DB on their own PC/Mac.
The workplace does not have a network. All work is done and stored on their own computers. They do not have a server either.
They do have a BT Business Hub providing broadband both wired and wirelessly.
The database is built using Access 2010.
I need to set up user groups/permissions on the database so certain staff can only see certain forms/tables etc...
What are my options here?
There is money available to buy a server or whatever. But ideally if there is another way of storing it and doing it, then I would like to give that a try.
I was reading somewhere you can use the Hub to create a small network, is this possible? And if so, whats the set up process for this?
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Dec 29, 2006
Hello All
I am doing an assignment, which is fantasy football database and instead of entering the data i thought could i import the data from say another site which is updated regularly. Can it be done with VBA Access also wanted to link the database to a apache server. Any pointers on how to do this would be appreciated or if it is feasable. Have to have assignment in before Aprial.
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Apr 1, 2014
We have an Access frontend with a Sql back end on an external server in the cloud.One of the things I need to do is allow people to attach files/documents to a record. I have set this up okay with the document being copied and saved to a new location and the path string being associated with the record. This will only work for people in my office though. I need to enable people in other cities to be able to upload or view these documents. Each office has their own server.
My IT department said they had created a VPN for this. They gave me a web URL which enables me to log in to QNAP. From there I can click to open the 'file station' and use the 'folder window' that appears within the browser to click through to the relevant folder - and there are buttons for uploading and downloading documents.
I could try writing some code that will automate all these steps - maybe. I'd rather not, but I can't see any alternative. It looks like a real pain to go through the HTML elements (and I think there may be errors coming up about certificates)
The files can't be uploaded to the external host server the back-end is on incase any of the documents are confidential. They don't want it saved anywhere other than on their own servers.
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Jun 5, 2015
I have Access 2013, Win 7, Outlook 2010 (32-bit).I want to send an email from Access, but not through Outlook. Instead I want to connect to an external SMTP server. I've found a few examples that doesn't work for me. With code including for example
Set ObjMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
I get an "Error 429: Object can't be created in Active X-component" (My translation from Swedish).With code including this:
Dim oEMail As New CDONTS.EMail
I get "user defined type has not been defined" (my translation again).I have working code for sending email through Outlook, which works fine. But, Outlook adds a lot of span tags, making it impossible to read for certain screen readers used by visually impaired people, therefore I can't use Outlook.
I've tried to read up on the matter (CDO), and think that maybe the CDO library etc is not included on my computer?can I download it?
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Jul 24, 2007
I have two questions. All of my experience has been in Access 2003. My work just upgraded to 2007. I am ready to secure a database that I have now converted to a 2007.
1. Is it possible to set the db to open as read only for everyone on staff except for a few people?
2. How do I set security levels where some can view all tables and others can only view specific tables?
For example, I only want 2 people to be able to modify any data. And I don't want anyone to view the accounts receivables, but they need to see other data on the customers.
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 18, 2003
As I promised earlier, here is my suggestion to secure an MS-Access database. The explanation below is applicable for MS-Access 2000 and XP versions, I haven't tested it on Access 2003.
This way of securing a database is a bit different from the one I posted earlier, but more secure.
This explanation of securing a database is based on MY experineces. I mean I've been doing it in this way, and it worked OK for me.
I DO NOT say that there is no other method of securing a database.
I will NOT take responsibility for any problems caused by securing your databases either in this or in any other way.
Use this guide on your own risk.
Pre-reading notice:
Menu paths and commands may be different in the English version of MS-Access. I use Hungarian MS-Access, but I am doing my best to remember (or translate to) the English menus and commands.
Where I'm in doubt about the exact English menu path or command and there are more than one possible translations, I enclose the alternative between parentheses.
Menu paths are indicated like this: File -> Get external data -> Import...
Command buttons are indicated like this: <OK>
To secure a database:
1. close the database you want to secure.
BEFORE closing it:
- If a database password is set, then clear it.
- If the VB Project is protected then unprotect it. To unprotect the VB Project go to Tools -> [project_name] options... in VB Editor and click the Protection tab. Remove the tick from the 'Lock Project from viewing' check box and clear the password.
2. CREATE a new blank database;
3. Check and make a note of the path of the default Workgroup Information File (.mdw).
- to do this, go to Tools -> Security -> Workgroup Administrator, and read the file path indicated.
4. create a new .mdw file using the Workgroup Administrator, and stay joined to it.
- to create a new Workgroup Information File go to Tools -> Security -> Workgroup Administrator, and click <Create...>. Provide the required information, click <OK>, click <Browse...>, and type a name.
- I usually use the name of my database which I want to secure.
- Note: if you wish your .mdw file to be unique, then you need to provide a workgroup code.
- If you provide a workgroup code, it's strongly recommended to make a note of and keep it in a safe place. Should the the .mdw file be lost, you will need this information to create the "same" .mdw file.
5. create a User with your logon name and put this user to the group called 'Admins';
- to create a new user go to Tools -> Security -> User and Group accounts... Click <New...> on the Users tab. Type a logon name, and a PID.
- Note: users are identified by their PID, not by their logon name. Anytime you create a user, it's strongly recommended to make a note of the PID and keep it in a safe place. Should the the .mdw file be lost, you will need the PIDs to create the same users in a new .mdw file.
- It's enough to create a user account for yourself. You can create the other users' after the whole process.
- Don't forget to put yourself into the 'Admins' group.
6. Create a password for the default Admin user (which you are at the moment).
- To enforce users to provide a logon name and a password, you need to set a password for the default Admin user. If the default Admin user has a blank password (in other words: no password set for it), then Access automatically starts with the default Admin user, and does not require user authentication.
- To create a password for the default Admin user, go to Tools -> Security -> User and Group accounts... and select the Change Password tab. Leave the Current Password blank, then type & confirm the new password.
- The default Admin user does not need a difficult password, because this user will not have any permission on the secured database at the end. We need the password only to enforce user authentication.
7. Close the database.
8. CREATE an OTHER new blank database.
- If a password has been set for the default Admin user, it will prompt for a password.
- Delete the "Admin" and type the user name you just created. NO PASSWORD REQUIRED for this user, so just click <OK>.
- From now on, you are logged on as the user that you've just created. Note: if you haven't put this user into the Admins group, you won't be able to continue.
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: the reason of creating an other blank database instead of just doing the whole process WITHIN the database to be secured, is that the only way to take the ownership of a 'Database' object is to create it as YOU, and not as the default Admin user. As I experineced, 'Database' ownership CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY from the creator of the 'Database' object.
9. Go to Tools -> Security -> User and Group accounts... and REMOVE the user 'Admin' from the 'Admins' group.
- Clck Users tab, and select 'Admin' from the drop-down list. Select 'Admins' in the list box 'Member' ('Member of'), and click <Remove>.
- If you haven't added the new user to the Admins group, then you won't be able to remove the default Admin user from the Admins group because Access will not let you to have no users in the Admins group. At least one user must be in Admins group.
- If you can remove the default Admin user from the Admins group, then, from now on, you are the only user with administrative permissions for this database and in this .mdw file.
10. Set a password for yourself.
- How? See point 6.
- Memorize your password, because it can only be retrieved by using certain Password Recovery processes and softwares. As far as I know, there is NO WAY to retrieve a password via VBA or MS-Access for a normal user, it needs someone with deep hacking knowledge...
11. Import all objects from your database that you want to secure.
- Go to File -> Get external data -> Import..., and browse to your database.
- Select ALL objects: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros and modules, and click <Import>.
- If you haven't unprotect the VB Project, it WILL NOT import any VB code even behind the forms.
- From now on, the owner of the 'Database' object and all tables, queries etc. is YOU.
12. Run User Level Security wizard and make the permission settings.
- It's recommended to select all objects and grant only data modification rights to the 'Users' group.
- After running the wizard, it's recommended to restrict all rights of the default Admin user manually. This will ensure that if your database is opened with the default system.mdw file (which is automatically created when MS-Access is being installed), then the default Admin user will not have any permission to any data or object.
13. Join to the default Workgroup Information File, and close the database.
- to do this, go to Tools -> Security -> Workgroup Administrator, and click <Join...>, click <Browse...> and navigate to the default .mdw file you've hopefully made a note of.
After this process, if you just open your secured database then you will open it as the default Admin user. It will not require a password, because in the default .mdw file, the Admin user does not have a password. And, if you've restricted all permissions of the deafault Admin user, you won't be able to make any data or design modifications, and even open any objects.
The reason of it is that the default Admin user's PID is the same in all .mdw files. The default Admin user is automatically created when you create a new .mdw file. The default Admin user also CANNOT BE deleted. The default Admin user uses the same PID everywhere, so regardless of how many .mdw files you have on your system, Admin user logically is the same for all databases.
So then how to open your secured database?
You need to use the .mdw file you created. So open your database with the /wrkgrp switcher. Create a shortcut and use this in the Target field:
[drive]:[database_path][database_file] /wrkgrp [drive]:[mdw_file_path][mdw_file]
"C:MyDatabasesMyDatabase.mdb" /wrkgrp "C:MyDatabasesMyDatabase.mdw"
If you open your secured database in this way, then it will require a password (of course, because the default Admin user in your .mdw file has a password). Log on as yourself, and you now can add other users.
1. BEFORE starting the whole process ALWAYS make at least one backup copy of your unsecured database.
2. NEVER delete this backup copy UNLESS you're ABSOLUTELY SURE that everything is approved and tested and IS WORKING OK in your secured database.
3. DO NOT LET anyone to make any changes in data or design in your backup copy until you're absolutely sure that everything is working OK. Otherwise your backup copy will not be anymore a clone of your database.
Other notice:
I've been blocked out from my own databases many times while I was searching for a right way of securing. Unfortunately, HELP provides a likely poor aid.
If you encounter problems, I'll do my best to help you as my time allows me to.
I kindly ask the members that feel themselves more or less experienced to make a test and post any notes/suggestions/bugs/mistakes to this thread, PLEASE.
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Nov 7, 2005
This is my 2nd thread on the topic...I've searched the forums....
I have a database. It is on the shared folder on the server. I ran the security wizard and created a shortcut. On my machine it works perfectly...asks for a login, has a couple user groups etc...
When I run it off the server though, the shortcut doesn't work....refers to files on my machine?? and the database is unsecured.
Do I have to run the security wizard on every machine? Do I need to run the security wizard from the server? Or do I even need to run the security wizard at all??? My 2-day access course is failing me miserably...
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Jul 17, 2007
Have created a database that will be placed on a shared drive, giving access to others to add, delete, modify records. That aspect of it is fine -- but how to I prevent someone from deleting a field?
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Aug 23, 2005
for our company we have an access application we use to keep track of our customer-info.
The databse consists of 3 parts:
The (replicated) frontend
The databse holding the changing data
The database holding the unchanged data (lookup db)
We have the following problem:
somewhere in our front-end db is a bug that allows users to change the contents of the lookup db. In our case this can result in a major problem because the users are able to change the city-zip code table.
I have tried to figure out where things go wrong but so far no result.
We have picked up the idea of making the lookup db read-only for normal users. This will prevent them from modifying the contents, and will also result in error messages. Hopefully will these error messages point me in the right direction of the bug.
Problem is that the ldb, created when opening the mdb, inheritates the same security settings of the mdb. If we set the mdb to read only, the user gets an error-message stating it can not find the lookup db or that the lookup mdb is locked. This is because the user can not create or modify the ldb. On the other hand, if we set the security to create and modify for the mdb, the user still is able to change the data in our lookup db.
I have never worked with the security in access itself. and I want to try to avoid that. Is there a way of securing the data in our lookup db. So I'm able to figure out what really goes wrong.
Can someone help me out on this major problem.
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Feb 7, 2006
I've been fiddling around with the Tools>>Security settings but I can't seem to find a way where only I can make changes to the database and the users can't just use the switchboard. If you are regular user you don't need password but if you are admin you do.
How do I do that?
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Oct 14, 2005
I am experiencing a problem with the mousetrap sample after I secured my database.
When I save on my main form and I try to go to my subform I keep getting the "Please Save this Record! You can not advance to another record until you either 'Save' the changes made to this record or 'Undo' your changed."
I have saved but it is still preventing me from going to the my subform. I numbered the Save Required msgs so that I know which one I am getting and I am getting the one from:
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_BeforeUpdate
If Me.tbProperSave.Value = "No" Then
MsgBox "Please Save This Record!" & vbCrLf & vbLf & "You can not advance to another record until you either 'Save' the changes made to this record or 'Undo' your changes.7", vbExclamation, "Save Required"
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
If Err = 3020 Then 'Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate
End If
End Sub
Above it is checking if tbProperSave.Value = "No" and in bSave you have
Case vbYes: 'Save the changes
Me.tbProperSave.Value = "Yes"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
Me.tbProperSave.Value = "No"
So it's setting the value to no again?
I know it's not a permissions thing because I am admin and have full permissions on the forms.
Any suggestions?
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Dec 9, 2013
I have a split db with tables in the back end and my forms, reports, code etc. in the front end.
I encrypted the back end with a password. That worked fine.
I deleted and relinked my tables to the encrypted back end. That worked fine as well.
I have a function that will disable the shift key bypass. If I run that in my front end db then I can't save it as an accde because I can't get to the HOME screen. If I save it as an accde first then I can't run my 'disable shift key bypass' function because I can't get to the modules!
How can I secure a split Access 2010 database so that the user cannot execute shift bypass on the front end or make any changes to the code?
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Jan 21, 2014
I'm trying to secure my database so users can't edit tables, forms, reports, queries, etc.I'm splitting the database, making an ACCDE for users:
1. I inserted code to disable the bypass key.
2. I inserted code to hide the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in the On_Load sub of the form that opens with the DB.
3. Deselect Navigation Pane, Allow Full Menus and Allow Default Shortcut Menus are deselected
4. Then, I use the immediate window to show the QAT, I then create an ACCDE.
How do I link this ACCDE with the original ACCDB? Am I supposed to delete tables from the front end and link the forms/reports to the back end DB?
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Oct 7, 2012
By the way, my FO line manager wants an IT report, i am wandering if there is any possibility to search and export users. The report should show in the status column who are disabled, who are enabled, date created and date expired in date column in active directory windows server 2003 environment?
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Jan 22, 2006
:) Hi Guys,
I have a small problem, hope you can help me out. I have created a a form in Access for data entry. But I would like the form to capture the data and time and the user who's entering the data into the form.
How do I do that. Been trying to figure it out:rolleyes: . Hope you can help. Attached is the screenshot of the form I created. Thanks a bunch (
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Sep 2, 2004
Great forum
I am a virtual assistant and I have a client that wants to "share" their ACCESS database with me so that I can do data entry. How do we go about doing this? Is there a program that allows me to use the same database as my client and their office people? I would be working from a remote location.
Thanks in advance!
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Nov 14, 2006
This is probably very simple and I feel I should know how, but I'm drawing a blank. How can I launch an external database when I click on a button?
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Feb 19, 2006
I am trying to move data in one table to a table in an external database and Access isn't playing ball. Supposedly you can use the 'IN' clause to link to an external database but if I put it in then I get 'Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement' and if I take it out it works fine not that, that is what I want. It's syntax seems to be defined like below at the MS website - jet reference???
I've also got a parameter that I'm trying to feed it, that is the path to the database, which is correct! c:helpcontent.mdb
Here's the query
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Apr 3, 2006
Hi there I'm attempting to import records from an external database without losing the records that I currently have.
Eg if I have 3 records in my main database and 5 in the external one, I only want to append the 2 missing records and leave the other 3 alone.
Ideally what I want to do is the below
FROM [MS Acess;DATABASE=\pathexternal_data.mdb].[table]
Any ideas where I'm going wrong with the above?
Thanks for your help!!!
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Oct 3, 2006
I was wondering is there a way to open up another database from within a database? Not to combine but just to open another one up instead of looking for it on a drive....
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Oct 17, 2005
I have designed an application in Access with an SQL backend.
How do I determine the user logged into SQL from within my Access application.
Specifically what stored procedures can i use to determine
1. The user name
2. The user's group(s)
of the currently logged-in user.
I would appreciate any other techniques for solving this problem
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Dec 5, 2006
Hi all,I'm trying to attach some table from a Sql Server database, but when I take a look to the content, I see all the fields filled by the value "#CANCELLED".I supposed that the matter of such an issue could be the datatype used for some fields, a user-defined datatype. The only table content from the same Sql Server database I can see does not use that data type. I'm using a read-only account to access the Sql Server database. If I try to import the table, the data are imported correctly and the user-datatype is converted to text.Any suggestions for a solution / workaround ?Thanks Bye
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Apr 23, 2013
Using access 2010. Trying to set up an import table from an external database.
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", "Y:DevTestFolder2013 01 Some Data Name", acTable, "tblName", "tblName"
I get an error 3024 could not find the file Y"DevTestFolder2013....
The database I am importing from is a 2003 .mdb
I tried the brackets because the file has spaces in it but still get the same error.
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