Database Navigation

Aug 10, 2006

I have constructed a form to be used as a "Main Page" in the database with buttons linking all of the other forms to it.

There is an Issue Detail form, Covenants form, Syndicate Allocation form.

I have the buttons working, they open up the other forms (this is on the navigation form) but I want to make sure that when the database is opened that the navigator form is default to open simultaneously.

Does this make sense??

Please help me!!


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Cannot Get Database Options To Not Display Navigation Bar

Sep 17, 2015

I have set my options to protect my Db. I have unchecked "display navigation bar", "allow full menus", "allow default shortcut menus" and "allow built-in tool bars". After restarting , everything else is missing but the nav bar just wont go away. I have retried many times but, no go. I have even tried to change user levels on my login but it does not have any effect either.

Also, On my split Db FE, i created a new table 'USysRibbon' to set a default ribbon without the "options" function, but I can not see the new table on the tables nav bar. I remade the table, but it says it already exists. Why can't I see it. All the tables in my FE have the blue arrow next to them to show the redirect.

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Opening Database To A Windowed Navigation Form?

Mar 13, 2015

I want to have my users open the database to a windowed navigation form. Maybe a shortcut but how would I set it to when the database first opens it goes strait to that windowed(or dialog) box.

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Forms :: Search Button On Navigation Form In Database

Jul 30, 2013

How can I put search button on the navigation form to search all form in my database? I have eight form I would like to be able to search to be able to pull all information for one student worker.

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Modules & VBA :: Database For Data Entry - Update And Navigation

Oct 28, 2013

I have made a database for data entry, currently i have a challenge of getting it update and navigate.

On the form if the staff name is xyz it should only shows the records filled by xyz in form and navigate that records only. I am attaching the data base also....

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General :: Locked Database - Hiding Navigation Pane

Sep 3, 2013

I've got a database that is locked down for all users with forms so they can navigate the system and the navigation pane is hidden. On a couple of the forms there are buttons to print the form and when that button is clicked it unhides the navigation pane...???

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General :: Can Create A Navigation Form After Have Split Database

Jan 14, 2013

Can I create a navigation form after i have split my database and moved the background to my network

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Forms :: Create A Navigation Form On A Split Database With Front End And Back End

Apr 4, 2013

I am trying to create a navigation form on a split database with front end and back end.But Access is not letting me drag forms or reports into the navigation form. Why?

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Forms :: Not Able To Disable Navigation Button When Login Navigation Form

Nov 15, 2014

I am not able to disable NavigationButton when i login navigation form using login form. I am using MS access 2007 - 2010.i am using below code but getting error.

Forms![Navigation Form]!NavigationButton13.enable = False

Run-time error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method.

Any other method to disable NavigationButton.

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Using DAO For Form Navigation

Sep 5, 2006

Hi guys, I am new here in this Forum and in Access as well. I am wanting to use recordset on a form and two buttons that I want to program manually for navigation of Records. How can it me made possible keeping my code professional. I have tried to declare the Recordset as Public and it works but I have error if I use .movenext when the recordset moves to last one. Is this right approach to use recordsets as Public.

TO avoid this If I use While .eof My purpose does not get solve because I wanna navigate with clicks but if I use 'IF recordset.eof Then' , strangely enough my record count gives me the value 1. SO I am kind of stuck. Please Advice me that is this a good approach to use this programming way to navigate through recordset OR it is better to stick with standard given controls like subforms etc. I just find those controls limited or cumbersome.

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Form Navigation

Nov 19, 2006

I have discovered that I am a member of this forum. My last question is years ago. I haven't made much progress. However, I am using a msaccess db for subscription management of a magazine.
I have designed the db from scratch and it does its job to some degree. It is very unelegant, as I have to do much myself that I wish the db would do for me.

I have created a form for the table 'invoices'. I would like to be able to double click on the 'customer id' belonging to a certain invoice, with the result that the form belonging to the table 'subscribers' opens at that same subscriber the customer id belongs to.

I have created a macro that opens the form 'subscribers', but how do I tell it to open that certain subscriber.

I have taught myself access, and always found in the helpfile an answer which led further. Not in this case. I imagine this is a very simple, often used procedure.

I have a similar issue when writing invoices. On the form 'subscribers' there is a button that opens another form 'new invoice'. I would like it to display automatically the subscriber from where I opened the form 'new invoice'. At the moment I have to enter the user id again manually.

Do you know what I mean? Is there an easy answer to this question. Where could I find information about this kind of linking forms together?

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Navigation Buttons

Feb 26, 2007

I have a field (DueDate) that will blink (flash) if it passes its value

problem is the text to the right of the navigation buttons is not showing the number of records unless I navigate till end of the records.

I tried Me.Requery and Me. Refresh but with no success

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Navigation Screen

Jun 4, 2007


i build a navigation screen

the problem : i want to activate this in the tools-operation , but i can't (i dont see the name of the navigation screen there ...

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Navigation Screen

Jun 27, 2007

is there a way to put more then 8 button's operation in a navigation screen ?

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Disabling Navigation Bar

Mar 2, 2008

How can i disable the naviation i get on my form?
i have a form to add new records, if i accidently scroll the mouse i get previous records shown in the feild, so is it possible to disable the function?

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Record Navigation

Feb 1, 2008


How can I iterate over all the records in a table and get each value from a field in each record? I want to get each value from the field, do something to it, then add it to a combobox. Is there a way to do this simply?


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Navigation Buttons

May 16, 2005

First time user - so please forgive if this is already out there.

I want to hide the navigation buttons on a form and create a custom set of controls. I can create the buttons themselves but am having trouble with the "N of X", where:

X is the total number of records in the query, and
N is the current record showing in the form.

I can get X but how would I capture and display "N".

Any help would be appreciated.

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Navigation Buttons

Sep 27, 2005

I searched the forum on custom navigation buttons and found great posts about it. I downloaded 3 samples and the one that fit what I needed was SJ McAbney's sfrmNavigation ( I imported sfrmNavigation per SJ McAbney's on the post into my database.

I didn't want to start a new thread so I posted on the thread:
But I didn't get any responses.. I don't know if it's been overlooked.

I am encountering problems when I use dbNavSubForm in my database.

1. I made 2 copies of sfrmNavigation and I am using it on 2 of my forms.
On the main form that I am using it when I first open the database it shows record 1 of 1 when really there is more than 1 record. When I click on the next button it then goes to say 2 of 15.
How can I fix this so that when I open the database it will say 1 of 15 and not 1 of 1?

2. I have a Main form ex: frmMain and a subform on frmMain. I added the the subform (dbNavSubForm) onto my subform. Make sense? Here the navigation buttons do not work. When I try to add a new record it tells me "The object frmTOItems isn't open" When I try to click on the next or previous it tells me "Object variable or With block variable not set. How can I fix this?

I have captured a picture of my form so that you can see what I mean.

Thanks in advance

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Record Navigation!

Nov 10, 2005


i have a combobox with two subforms and 1 main form.

the mainform is based on a query
When i scroll, the records change, and the subforms corespond properly.
BUT, when i use the combobox to change the records, i cant select anything. I see the list in the combox, but when i click i get the message:
Cannot change value. Type autonumber.

please help

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Record Navigation

Dec 5, 2005


Can i get rid of the record navigation bar at the bottom of a form? if so i can have a control button that will go the next record but how can i stop 2 people going to the same record?

Any ideas?



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Forms Navigation

Jan 18, 2006

How can I stop a mouse (with a roller scroll) in the middle from navigating through records without me clicking on the forms navigation buttons.

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Navigation Bar Shows Twice

Mar 22, 2006

I just added my third record to my new form and it is gone. However, it shows up in the table. I think it is because there are two record selector bars on my screen. I have two subforms and each one has a record selector bar on them and then there is an additional bar at the bottom that is like for my main form, which is blank. (I don't use the main form. I just have subforms over it.) I think the second record bar is goofing things up? And where is my record I just added. It only shows as two records total. Should I get rid of the subforms record selector bars?

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Form Navigation

Jun 23, 2006


Just a quick question. I have a form of records, frm2, that gets opened via another form, frm1. Dependent on the content of frm1, frm2 is opened with a certain filter that shows only one record. I need to have it this way as there is too much data to show on just one form.

Frm2 does filter correctly to show only one record, and I've stripped away the navigation buttons, however, if you roll the mouse wheel it jumps to a new blank record. How do I disable this, so that the client can only see the one record and cannot navigate to the new blank record?


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Navigation Buttons

Apr 6, 2006

I have created my own set of navigation buttons for last previous next first and new records. How can I also create the box which tells you which record you are currently looking at, and the one which tells you how many records there are in total?

Also, an error message comes up when i click previous if on the first record and when I click next when on the last. How do I blank out the previous button when on first record, and how do I change the function of the next button to "new record" when on the last record?

I am trying to do this as I want to move the navigation buttons from the bottom of the screen so if anyone knows a way of doing this without creating all new buttons then that would be even better.

Thanks guys.

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Navigation Buttons

Jan 21, 2008

I have a form that uses command buttons to navigate from one record to the next. There is also a last record command button that when pressed will go to the last record, but the record indicator does not show the last record (i.e., Record 66 of 66), but show the same record that was active (i.e., Record 5 of 66) when the last record command button is clicked.

Is there any type of code that I can use that will update the record indicator to show the last record when the last record command button is clicked?

Thanks for any help

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Standard Navigation Buttons?

Apr 12, 2006

Does anybody know if it is possible to set extra code to any of the standard navigation buttons?

In other words, is there is Sub that corresponds to each navigation button that can be modified?

For example, for "Next>", is there a
Private Sub cmdNext_Click()
End Sub

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