This is technically not about Access I suppose, it's about an application called Simply Accounting, which uses the Jet Database engine. Please bear with me, because the expertise for Simply seems to be mainly about Accounting and not the the tech side.
If your not familiar with Simply Accounting ( SA from now on in this post ), it keeps its data in an .SDB file, which I gather is a renamed .mdb and it's security information in an .SDW file. An .LDB file pops up when users open the database, and disappears when the database closes. Sound familiar?
I'm trying to gather some information on how this security system works, as I have only an acquaintance with databases.
Basically my problem is that I have a SA database with 2 users, both of whom can log in to the DB independently but not concurrently. The database resides on one of the users computers, and the other accesses it from the network.
2XP Pro WS, MSOffice, MSWorks, Simply Accounting, Avast, AluriaAntispyware.Peer to Peer LAN.
Identical User Accounts and Passwords on both PC's, ie User1 has the same UID and PW on both computers as does User2.
The problem:
User1 on PC1 can open database in single user or muli-user mode. If User2 on PC2 attempts to login and open database while User1 is has it open, User2 get a bad username/password error.
However if User1 on PC1 logs off, User2 on PC2 can open the database (which resides on PC1 ) successfully.
This worked well on their previous LAN on their old gnarly slow spyware infested computers, however on the new computers it does not work. Inf act if I move a copy of the DB over the old computer, multiuser use works perfectly.
I'm thinking it has to do with the way tyhe password files work...something to do with SIDs maybe if users are connecting concurrently, the fact they are presenting SIDS from 2 different machines is screwing things up?
Perhaps the database is comparing SID from WS1 with SID from WS2 when User2 on WS2 tries to connect, and seeing they are different thinks it's a different person?
Anyway, if you know something about this, please please let me know
Firstly thank you for your help, this should be a simple one I hope, but is cracking my head on the wall. Have searched and searched and can't find an answer.
I have an Access Db that is not password protected, but is asking for a password. It opens on any other machine fine?
I think my version of Access is playing funny buggers with me, any suggestions?
I was trying to implement some security on this Db, which is why it happened I'm sure. I ran the security wizard, set-up two users and admin with passwords, I have the output file to "recreate" something too.
Issue is, I then copied this Db to another computer for use on there, it worked without a Password, so didn't need to worry about it, now I can't open any Db on my machine??
Hi, I have the SQL query below where I am JOINing two tables for two different databases. Both databases are password protected.
Query from MS Access SELECT T2.cl_ser_id AS Expr1, T2.cl_idno AS Expr2, T2.cl_name AS Expr3, T2.cl_surname AS Expr4, TL.SiteRef, TL.Date, TL.Time, FROM [db2.mdb].tablenames AS T2, [db1.mdb].TransactionLog AS TL
My problem is accessing the second database from the first one.
db2.mdb is password protected !
If I remove the password from the second database.. the query works perfectly. Although due to security reasons, both databases must be password prtected.
I am having a problem with a database. On one particular computer, a user tries to save data into a current database. The database prompts the user for a password. No password is set on the database. From what I have gathered from searching the internet, it appears that the database would be corrupt, but not so fast. About 20 other people use the same database and have no problems entering data into it without getting a password prompt. Even the same user that is having problems can enter data into the database from another PC, it is only this one PC that it is prompting the user for a password. Has anyone else experienced this problem and what can I do to fix this issue without re-imaging the PC? Thanks.
How can I hide the Database window with password protection?
For example, if someone attempts to access the Database Window, they would be promted to enter the password before they can see the tables and queries...
Hi Everyone, I am attempting to move a password protected database to a different folder on our shared drive but I am not sure the steps that are needed to do so. The database is already split. Can someone please assist???
I designed and distributed a database client to a bunch of users. They have asked me to password-protect it so that anyone can open the database and view the forms, but a password is needed to actually make any updates. I am trying to do this, but everything in Tools--Security is making my head spin. I have actually already managed to somehow lock myself out of my own database, although I have another copy.
How do I set the Workgroup Administrator Files so that they apply to anyone? It wants to put a separate file on my C: drive, but I don't use this database, I distribute it to people who do. (The server is on a share drive, can I put the Workgroup file(s) there?)
What settings do I modify to require *anyone* to need a password to update? Or is that even possible? I don't really want to break up the users into different categories.
If anyone could walk me through this process I would really, really appreciate it.
Hi, I'm trying to convert a access database in to a sql server. My client hasn't got the exclusive access or doesn't have a username password for the access database. I'm trying to import the data in the access to sql server and when I try to open it it says " This error is usually associated with opening or converting a security enhanced Access 97 or earlier database. If you are not the owner of the database, you most likely will not have the necessary access rights to open or convert it. "
I have a database with certain startup options for the end user. What I would like is for the database to prompt for a password ONLY IF the shift key is used to try and bypass the startup options, so that only an authorized person with the password can see the background of the database. If I simply set a database password from the Tools menu, it asks for that password with the startup options as well, and I actually locked myself out of a database that way! So there needs to be some kind of check for whether or not the user attempted to bypass the startup options, and based on that, ask for a password or not. I am not sure if I can do this through Access options directly, or I will require some coding, but either method is fine.
I am trying to open a database with a password (I know the password) from another database however I cannot work out how to do it. I have been using this code to do this to open databases without passwords for a while.
I am using Access 2007.
Code: Private Sub Command36_Click() Const cstrClientFEPath = "G:Templates" Const cstrFEFile = "db.accdb" Dim intX As Integer 'Utility var
I was exploring using User-level permissions on databases so I, the admin, can have full permissions to edit/change etc. the database and certain users can only add/edit data. But I inadvertently have now set Access to ask me for a password for any db I open. Even if it's my own personal one. Can I set up Access to only ask for login info on certain db's, not all. I know that 2010 did away with User and group level permissions but was able to add it back through customizing the ribbon and adding this feature back to it.
I have an error message or debug message in my code in username & password log in.. it has an error in if else statement
empname is a cobobox empass is a txtbox logempID is a autonum I.D usrnmpass is a table name
there's an specific record in a table of usrnmpass showing in the attachment
this is my code....
Private Sub Command1_Click() If IsNull(empname) Or empname = "" Then MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data" empname.SetFocus Exit Sub End If
I have a database already split and I wanted to put a password on the back end. When I open up the front end and try to navigate through the forms it says "Not a valid password".Is there somewhere I need to go / something I need to do to link up the two now that a password has been created?
is Access not like Excel where I can just put a password on the database table to prevent people from editing it? Excel is very simple to do this. however, it seems that Access you will have to do VBA scripting to get this task done.
I use a database that someone else set up and is no longer here. To get access to the database you need to enter a user id and password. I have a new user who has been getting into the database using an established user's id and password.
I went into the file and found the table with the users, their id's and passwords listed, and added the new person to the table, but I still get an invalid user message when trying to access the database with the new user's information.
I went through the Access Help and tried a couple things it said for adding users to a password protected database, but either I didn't do it right, or the way to add a user is different from what I am getting from Access Help.
Lastly, this database is different in that if I would add a report, it only shows up on my computer when I access the database, the report doesn't show up on anyone else's. That is odd to me, but it is how it works.
I have a Back end (with password) which resides in a netdrive while the front end is installed in each individual users desktop, the problem is, some of the users netdrive was mapped in a different way (different letters..some are J others are G). I'm looking for code that I can relink the database to the front end in runtime, I did try to look in the net but I can't find anything that I can put the password as parameter.
this sample code from Dev is good, but i got an error because the database requires a password.where i can put the password?
Function fRefreshLinks(NewDbName As String) As Boolean Dim strMsg As String, collTbls As Collection Dim i As Integer, strDBPath As String, strTbl As String Dim dbCurr As Database, dbLink As Database Dim tdfLocal As TableDef
I'm using the DoCmd.CopyObject method to copy a table from my front end db to my back end. My back end db is password protected and it keeps prompting me for the password. Can I somehow send the password in code so that the user is not prompted?
I have MS access database. The database is password encrypted. I do not own this database but it is critical for me to see the contens of this database. I do not want to edit the contents.
I have designed a split database( with back end and front end), I am just wondering what would be the best way to put a password for both of the back and front end.
I do not have a split db. I am prompted to enter my password when the db opens which is fine. However, when I close the db it prompts me to enter a password (not normal) and when I enter it it says invalid password. Also, when I try to change my password it says invalid password and when I try to compact and repair my db it say invalid password.
Just as the title describes, I can't seem to find a solution to be able to link the front-end to the back-end tables through the common file dialog when the backend is an accdb file that is password encrypted.
See the example attached. Here it should work just fine per the Article at :
I've found it works fine without a password encrypted back-end but not with a password encrypted back-end.
Anyone have any ideas? It would be nice to use this feature in Access as well as automating the relinking.
I have recently split my database and added a password to the back end. I am now trying to re-link the tables as I have seen in other threads, but when I do this I am not prompted for the password I just get the message 'Not a valid password'
I must obviously be doing something wrong, can anyone help?