Database Security. Please Respond ASAP

Sep 26, 2006

Hi all i'm really confused. I have tried to use the user-level security wizard to set my database security which works fine from my computer. However, when someone else logs into the database through my shared area where it is kept, they do not encounter any of my security settings that I set up for them. From this it looks to me that the security settings only apply when someone opens the database directly from my computer and not when they open it over the network from my shared area.

Could someone please explain to me why this is happening and offer a solution to it please. Your help will be greatly appriciated.

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Need Help With This Database ASAP

Nov 9, 2004

If there is someone out there that could help make the lane score sheet easier. or give an example you could send an attachment to

You are going to create a program that tracks the scores for a season in a bowling league. This program needs to be very easy to use. In fact, Access, SQL Server, or VB on top of Access is one good way to attack this program. Using a web interface to a CGI database is also acceptable. VB accessing text files will work as well. VC on top of Access/SQL Server is OK as well (wicked hard). VC has wizards that connect to databases just like VB. Check the Win 32 App Wizards.

The league meets every other week. The players bowl anywhere from 1 to 3 games (typically 3). Each week, the teams play each other and give handicaps based on total team average. The teams will win if their team total is higher than the other team’s total, including a handicap. With three games the league tracks wins/losses per game plus overall pins. This gives 4 games per week. The overall pins goes to the team with the most pins over the 3 games. As a note: the team names are the names of their captains.

The league bowls on lanes 17 through 20. This means that there are 4 teams with 5 players each.

Program flow
v The program should perform like the following:

Ø User inputs the week’s data

Ø Program validates the week’s data

Ø User then tells program to update the season data

Program output requirements
v Player data sheet

Ø Player average (sort by this)

§ Total pins divided by number of games

Ø Player high game

Ø Player low game

Ø Player high series

§ Highest total pins for a week

Ø Player total pins (subsort by this)

Ø Player number of games (subsort by this)

v Team Standing

Ø Sort by Wins, then losses
v Lane score sheet

Ø Two teams per player

Ø An entry for each player

Ø Three lines for scores for each player

Ø What alley the team is on

§ All teams must play on all lanes the same number of times in a season

§ You must determine a fair strategy to move the teams around

Ø The handicap

§ Difference in total team average

§ Whichever team has the lower average total will get the handicap

Ø Need a simple way to print different sheets for each week, based on the schedule

§ The code to automatically change the schedule based on the week is probably too much

§ A manual changing of team and lane assignments is OK

Program input requirements
v Weekly data

Ø User should be able to input player scores who bowled

Ø Program should allow you to skip players that did not bowl this week

Ø Program should account for players that bowl less than 3 games

§ Example: a player with 12 games bowled going into this week, can only bowl one game

§ Once the stats are entered, the program will reflect 13 games, and calculate the average based on 13 games, not 15

Ø Program should allow inputting of which team won or lost

§ Be advised that this code can get tricky

§ I will accept, without penalty, manual entering of wins and losses

§ There can be a maximum of 4 wins per team per week

v Interface

Ø The user should be presented with command buttons, in order, to do their task

Ø They should not have to type in 50 commands nor have to open certain queries in certain order

Ø Ie: you are coding for a non Access geek, you may assume an intelligent person, not Brenda

Program calculations
v Player average

v Hi game

v Low game

v Total pins per week

v Total pins overall

v Which team wins or loses

Ø You may force the user to enter this manually

Ø The amount of code to calculate wins/losses automatically is more than the amount of time to have the user calculate it manually.

v Wins/Loss percentage

Ø Number of wins divided by games played

v Total team

v Team Handicap

v More calculations may be necessary

Brenda Checks
All scores are between 0 and 300

Wins cannot be larger than 4

Two teams cannot be on the same lane

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Modules & VBA :: List Box Respond To Combo Box Selection

Dec 11, 2014

I am using access 2010

I am trying to get my list box to filter based on the selection of a combo box.

My Combo box cboOrgRole is on my main form and is bound to OrgRoleID - on form - frmOrgEntry

The unbound list box lstRoleList is in a tabbed subform - frmPersonnel

This is my data pull for lstRoleList

SELECT tbl00PersonRole.PersonRole, tbl01Orgs.OrgRoleID
FROM tbl00PersonRole INNER JOIN tbl01Orgs ON tbl00PersonRole.OrgRoleID = tbl01Orgs.OrgRoleID
WHERE (((tbl01Orgs.OrgRoleID)=[Forms]![frmOrgEntry]![OrgRoleID]));

This is the code I have on cboOrgRole AfterUpdate

Private Sub cboOrgRole_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

I have also tried Recalc - both throw a Compile error: Method or data member not found

My goal is to be able to select the role of the organization, (General Contractor, Architect, Engineer, or Client) and have it list the available titles for the specific organization type.

My "00" tables are library tables

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Need Help Asap

Aug 2, 2005

This seems like a mediocre problem but I can't think of any way of making it work. I have a table with a bunch of fields in it and one of the fields is called 'user'. Now all the other values in the fields remain pretty much the same except the User name. I want so when I try entering a new record using a form, all the fields are already filled except the 'User' field, thus allowing me to just keep filling the table up with different user names while not having to fill up the other fields.
Any help would be awesome.
Thank you

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Need Help ASAP Please!

Apr 24, 2005


I'm facing this problem whenever I try to click on any button on my access system. I get the following error message:

"" The expression on Click you entered as the event
property setting producedthe following error:

A problem occurred while Microsoft Office Access was
communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

* The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user
defined function, or [Event Procedure].

* There may have been an error evaluating the function, event or macro. ""

Note that the system works fine on another machine, but not on my computer!

any help will be very much appreciated!

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Need Help Asap

Aug 3, 2005

Hey guys,
So my boss needs me to do something with the form. I'll give you an example: Say the form/table has two fields Computer Name and User. Now one computer name can have multiple users and it can be any number of users (no set amount) she wants to be able to add one user at a time and not in the same field. She also does not want to have two different records with the same computer name but different users. The way I thought of doing this was to make a button in the form so when she needs to add more users to the form she can just click the button and another field would appear saying "user 2", "user 3"..etc. Is that possible or does anyone have a better idea?
Thanks in advance for the help guys


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Help With Database Security

Jul 13, 2005


I have a very basic Access Database that is a contact resource for vendors. I have a Switchboard manager form when you open the database with the option to take you to a Form for the supplier contact information or to 2 different reports.

I have set up security so that I have full access and then a Data Entry user is allowed to edit, add and delete data but no make changes to design of the database. I also have just the minimum toolbars showing.

I set up the security and work group file with no problems. It works great on my computer but when I try to transport it to another computer, I get an error stating:
"You do not have the necessary permissions to use H:/File Name.mdb. Have the system administrator or whoever created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you."

How do I set up the database security and still have the database be portable and be able to be used on any computer?

Also, is there a way to restrict the toolbars for the common users and have the full toolbars for the administrator?

Thanks for your help.

Lisa M

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Database Security.

Jul 27, 2005

Prior to MS Access 2003 a different workgroup information file (system.mdw) could not be joined unless the user had access to run the workgroup administrator utility with the file WRKGADM.exe to create a new or join another existing workgroup information file. With the 2003 version of Access there is now a command (Tools menu then Security then workgroup administrator) to run the workgroup administrator utility within the MS Access menus. This could allow any user, once they are able to log in to MS Access, to change the workgroup information file to one that doesn’t require them to log in and has no restriction on rights for users for any database. My question is: How can I make it so users can’t run the “workgroup administrator” utility from the menu? Note: If you remove it from the menu then any user can also customize the menu to bring it back so that is not a problem solver. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Security In The Database

Apr 19, 2006

I have an old Database which someone had created and they stopped using it. Now they would like to get the information from it. The problem is whenever I try to open it, it says

'You do not have the necessary permission to use the c:SGSS Database.mdb object. Have your system administartor or the person who created this object establis hthe approprirate permissions for you'

I have the secure.mdw file. when I open it all it has is a few queries with the usernames and the groups.

Is there anyway I am able to get into this database? I have looked around in the forums here, but I didnt' really get a straight answer or the solution was for a different circumstance.

Thank You

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Database Security

Apr 24, 2006

Hi, I'm working on a piece of coursework which is due in pretty much tomorrow. I've finalized everything except security. I need my database to prompt for a user name and password when a user loads up the database. If a user name and password is given that is correct, then it'll open up the database with that user's permissions. But if an incorrect username/password is given then it should deny access.The help files weren't very helpful on this, I'd be very grateful if anyone could tell me how to set up this security.[Edit] Also, I dont know how to make the database automatically open up an input form (in this case, the main menu form) when the database is opened. How do I do this?

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Database Security

Apr 4, 2007

Thanks to all the folks in this forum who helped me to develop my fist access database application. Access is a great product and I really enjoy working.

I need to put this db for full scale production use and I would like to brainstorm some of your experiences on the security issues I need to address. I have like 12-15 users and everyone has a standalone version of MS Access 2003 full edition installed on their local hard drive. We do have a shared network drive (s :). I have few questions as follows:

1. Is it a good idea to split the database into front end and back end and install only the FE on individual user machines or just run the .mdb file from shared ‘s’ drive? I don’t have any experience with how the BE and FE works.

2. Currently I don’t have any user workgroup and permissions set to run on the database. Anyone can just open the .mdb file like any MS office suite applications(.xls, .doc) and start using (navigate, input data into the table through forms, search database, print reports, access to DB window, etc). Can some one advise what kind of security level should I incorporate as a minimum?

3. Under Tools-Option-Advanced TAB, I have selected No Locks under Default Record Locking and also checked “Open databases using record level locking” option box. Is it safe to keep it this way? Is it possible to lock only few records on a table? I have a situation that on a particular project (this is a decision supporting db application) after the project (project here refers to a record) is done, I want to lock these data so that no one can modify the existing data. At the same time, if they are working on a current project (record) then the user should have add/edit/delete access to that particular record. I am not sure if this (record level locking on a table) can be done.

4.In future I know that I need to modify the table design, forms, reports, modules. Is it good idea still to consider creating MDE file?

Your input is greatly appreciated and thanks a lot for your support.


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Database Security

Jul 2, 2007

Help, please.

I have built a database for my employer which is held on a server and accessed by 8 terminals. This arrangement has been in place and worked well for 3 years. The database is secured and is accessed by users using individual user id's and passwords. Recently I have had to replace a faulty terminal. The new terminal has access to the main server but seems to bypass the security element as it gives access to the database without asking for user id and password. What do I need to do to correct this position? All the other terminals are working as they always have done.

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Security Of Database

Aug 15, 2007

How can I keep a user from accessing a database file from the directory? I've seen it before where if a user tries to open the database from the directory without being attached to the workgroup file it gives them a permissions error. I've set the users up with shortcuts to the database with the workgroup parameter but some users still go through the directory to open the file. When they do this, the currentUser property isn't captured. It logs them as the Admin. I want to keep this from happening. What can I do?

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Database Security ?????

Jan 20, 2008

Good Morning,

I have been searching your wonderful forum and I have found the answers to all my questions - or so I thought.

I have 5 people who need to use the database and I need to know who signed on and added/changed data etc etc etc.
So I looked up workgroup security and hey presto :) I have security when I open the database I need to put in my username and password.

However..... when I asked my co-workers to sign on to the database they can just open it :eek: - no questions no "hows the family" no nothing!!!!
So here I am the poor administrator having to put in passwords when the rest of the world can reek havoc on my defenceless database:D
Any help greatfully appreciated

My husband and children keep telling me humour is not my strong point and having read some of the other threads about how to ask etc etc I may well have fallen in the ignore category.

However I think I have found the answer to my question (for anyone interested) I used the User level security wizard - which has given me a shortcut to the database and identifies each user by virtue of their sign ons. (I had been warned off using this wizard previously).

So I can recommend to anyone who want to do control access to try this - make a backup copy of your db youself but the real beauty of this is it makes another copy for you as well.


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Database Security

Mar 6, 2008

If I make my database a MDE file, will it allow me to do maintenance? As I have a date query that removes records that are passed a curtain date and appends them to another table, which will be ok for this year but will need to modify the query next year. If the file is locked totally then I won't be able to modify when it is running.

So I need a way that the database design is locked off to normal users allowing them to use it but will need a password for design so they can't mess with it. The password which will allow me into the workings to modify queries ect. Is that posible?

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Security On A Database

Apr 14, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a database using Access 2000. I wish to put some security on it through a login screen.

Here are the users and permissions: 1-Jim, administrator , 2-Mary, read only and print, make queries, 3-Joe, same as Mary.

I have searched the "Security area of the forum, but I am competely lost.

Any help is most welome.


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Database Security

May 11, 2005


I have just upgraded the works network and software. INstead of using Access 97 i am now using 2003. I hav lost all of my security setting whilst converting it from 97 to 2003. I hav used the Security Wizzard to re-create the permissions. On my PC all usernames and permissions work fine 'But' when i go to another work station it doesnt ask me for any username / password. I hav got the database set to 'Shared' on a shared drive. The last time i did this i created it all myself and didnt use the wizzard and it worked fine.

ne ideas would b very appreciated.

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Database Security

May 23, 2006

i just created a simple access db with table, query, form, report. i want to distribute this database to different users at different location. i do not want to create workgroup.

i don't want to view/modify any of my object's design. i just want them to add new records in the form, view and print report only.

how can i do this? thanks

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Help Needed Asap

Aug 10, 2005

Hey I have a form/table that has the field name 'Type'..I want so that when a user types in 'Staff', he is able to type in a phone number, but when he typs in 'ISP' he is able to type in the name of the ISP. I have no idea how to go about this so any help would be appreciated.

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Access Database Security Help!

Jan 17, 2007

Hi there,

I recently used the access security wizard to setup user accounts etc.. and now I want to reset and go back to opening all databases without having to use a username & password.

I cant seem to find out how to do this!!

Can anyone help?? :)

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Huge Problem(s) Please Help!!!!! Asap

Nov 28, 2004

i've just delivered my program to my client and there are 2 MAJOR bugs.

bug 1: the first time program is opened, everything works fine. it goes to the switchboard, etc., everything's cool. however, if he closes the program (i think he closed it using the red X) and tries to get back in, only one item on the switchboard shows up from that point on. the thing is, this problem DOESN'T HAPPEN ON MY COMPUTER so i have no way of even attempting to figure this out. the way i have my program set up is i have an interface and a BE and an .mdw file all in the same folder. i've created a shortcut that uses a workgroup switcher so that he can open the program and use it w/the .mdw file.

i have no idea what could possibly be causing this to happen. i would think that the switchboard would open correctly every time.

bug 2: this one does happen on my computer.

setup: i have frmCustomers (outer form) with sfrmJobs (subform) with a subform inside of that named sfrmFinances. Everything in frmCustomers works fine, and everything in sfrmJobs works fine. The primary key (JobID) in sfrmJobs is entered manually. After the JobID is entered, sfrmFinances is accessible. sfrmFinances' control source is qryFinances, which has a few fields from tblJobs (control source for sfrmJobs). frmCustomers is linked to sfrmJobs by CustomerID and sfrmJobs is linked to sfrmFinances by JobID.

problem: a new customer is entered in frmCustomers. a job number is entered for the new job in sfrmJobs (JobID). the user then attempts to update a field (any field, but for example, ContractPrice) and a window pops up and says, "Field cannot be updated". you click ok and it pops up again, at least 10x in a row. then it finally lets you enter data, but when you try to save the record, it pops up with another window that says,

"The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again."

excuse me?? how could there possibly be duplicate data??? the funny thing is tho, when the user closes the form, and then opens it back up and tries to enter financial data w/the same customer, it allows it.


The first bug is more important than the second one, but any advice or ideas on either are EXTREMELY appreciated. thank you very much in advance.


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Pls Help I Need To Make This DB Work Asap

Aug 17, 2007

this DB should transfer records from table to another table and vice versa, somehow i cannot make the other command button works. it took me a week to figure it out what is wrong with the code.

pls help me with my DB.

Somebody out there!

ill attached the DB if someone replies my request.


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Moving Database Security Problem

Dec 29, 2006

I am attempting to move a secure database location. How do you change the location of the security since it is still trying to read off the old location. The database opens up fine with the passwords. Then I deleted the old folder it was in and try to log back in and give me the security upon startup error. So my problem is how to I change the security upon startup. I see you can change the location of the unsecure through a wizard but how about the other way??? I think I am trying to change the Workgroup information file but how do i do that??

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Security Question Regarding Sharing Database

Feb 9, 2007

Hi everyone,
I am going to be implemeting security on my split database but have a question? The database will have the back end on a shared drive and I will copy the front end to the desktops of the people who will use the database. My question is such that when I use the Access security wizard it creates a shortcut on my personal PC. Can I simply create security access levels, then create the shortcut on my computer, and then copy the shortcut from my PC to every user that will use the front end? Will I just need the shortcut on the associates desktop or do I need a copy of the entire database? I will have a max of 30 users but probably no more than 5 logged on at a time. I have read and searched and couldnt find anything that actually answers that question? Thanks for all your assistance.

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Sending A Database On After Security Has Been Implemented

Mar 10, 2007

About 3 years ago I created a membership tracking database for a club I belong to. It was handed off by me and used by two different membership directors. After this length of time the club decided there were other options that needed to be added to the database so I have re-designed it. In getting the database back for revision I found it to be a mess after 3 different people had gone into the objects making changes and basically making it worse than what it was. At the time I created it I did not implement any security into it.

So security was in order for prying eyes and hands (something I had never done)....after creating a new workgroup and admin and user accounts I've applied permissions to the user level account limiting their access to objects so they can't be changed. All they basically see is the switchboard and a membership information input form. I also went into "Startup" and unchecked all the boxes. I followed and implemented the "disable shift key" posted by MadMaxx (thanks, Max!) as a module with two macros that enable/disable it. The enable option is hidden on the switchboard (which, by the way, works great!).

Note that the database is not used on a network but on one individual's personal PC in their home. It appears to me that because I have made a new workgroup and applied permissions for the admin and user that I cannot create a MDE file (which is grayed out).

Is creating a MDE file a security alternative to creating a workgroup with respective admin and user permissions to keep unauthorized eyes and hands out of the objects? (the membership director's husband feels he is God's gift to Access designers...I've seen his work...he isn't)

When I hand off the database to the club will the database (as it sits as a MDB file) retain all the security implemented if the system.mdw file ISN'T included or is the security I've implemented internally embedded in the (one file) database?

Thanks in advance for any input!


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Multi-user Database With Security

May 23, 2007

Okay, wonderful gurus! I'm getting ready to split a db and I'm seeking advice or counsel from you. I know how to do this, but want to make sure no one out there has some mystical secret to reveal. What do you think I need to know before I do it? Assume that I've done this before and am looking for little "good to knows".

One MAJOR question I have is concerning the security involvement. I am going to assign a workgroup (security settings) to the db, and I'm wondering how to make sure that both ends are usable with security after the split. I know this is confusing, but I know how smart you all are and I'm hoping you know what I mean.



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