Database For Talent Show

Mar 21, 2007

I have running a talent show for several years now. First I kept all records on paper, then moved to spreadsheets, now I am moving to a database. I have it "useable" but I feel it could be better. I have many questions but I will ask the important one now. I am using 2 tables, one holds contestant info such as name, address, phone, etc... the other holds the info from each years talent show such as year, age, song title, winner, no show, etc... so I can have mutiple records for each contestant. (kind-of a history) I have them referenced by ID fields. The latter table is a subform on the main form which is the first table. This works but when I am making queries and need to do other certain things it makes it difficult because I have it set up this way. Is there a better way to set this up? I hope I have explained it clearly. Any suggestion is appreciated.


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General :: Divide Groups By Equal Distribution Of Merit / Talent?

Aug 9, 2013

I am with an educational organisation. Now we need to allocate various fields to students depending upon their merit, where the difference between the average percentages between any two groups cannot be more than 2% and that also implies equal distribution of talent. However, First few have to be given choice of field and also students recommended have to be given choice. The number of fields varies from 2 to 8. . Further the vacancies are also not equal in all fields. E.g. for 100 students to be divided in four fields the vacancies can be 35 for ZZSS, 24 for UYTE, 29 for OIUI and 12 for HGFT.

I need a solution preferably in MS Excel or MS access for the same with nil/ least usage of VBA.

Table examples

Name REg. No. Percentage

Aaa 986544a 89.3%

Bbb 547521j 87.2%

Ddae v44887y 95%

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Show The Database Window When Closing

May 31, 2007


When the user open the database, the database window will be hided. But, when the user close the database with one form opening, it will show the database window for a while, and then close it.

How to prevent the database window to show at the moment?

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Show Only Form When Database Opens

Mar 8, 2005

I am sure this has come up a thousand times and I searched but could find nothing about this. I have a database with one main form and many queries. When the database is opened by users I would like for only the form to show. I do have queries in a dropdown list on the form to run. Basically, I only want the form to show when the database is open but I want to be able to get to the menu's etc when I need to.

Please help.

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How To Get Database Window To Show In Access2003

Aug 16, 2007


I am used to access 2000 but at the moment I am using access 2003. When I first started using it, I had the usual database window showing - by this I mean the one that has the table, forrms etc listed on the left and when clicking on one of them the created tables, forms etc are listed as will as the option to create.

Somehow, this has disappeared. I have made sure that in the startup "Show Database window" is ticked, but after searching the net, have not been able to find any other suggestions as to how to fix this.

Hope some kind person can point me in the right direction so I can see the tables, queries that I have created.

Thank you for your time

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How To Show The Database Objects In The Windows Task Bar

Sep 11, 2007

I have a problem. This problem is that I cant see the Database objects (Forms,Report,...) in the Windows task bar. I want the user to be able to see any opened form, or report directly in the task bar as any file opened by the Windows user.

I have tried to check on the (Show Windows in TaskBar) option available in the Tools -> options of the MS Access, but it doesn work with me.

What is happening now that I am forced to show the Menu Bar and use the Window menu to switch between the objects, however, This will not be OK for me because my system hides all the command bars the MS Acccess use.

Is the any way to solve this hard problem?

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Reports :: Show Currently Logged In User Into Database?

Jan 23, 2015

How do I run a report that will show me who is currently logged into my database that is saved on the server.

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Forms :: Show Users Logged In To Database

May 3, 2015

I would like to create a form that will show the users connected to the database. It would be kind of a tracker who opened the database to work on some cases. The form could show all users from the datbase from top to bottom and to the right a green or red round dot that she/he is active opened the database or not active (closed the database or did not open it still)

I was thinking that it could be applied when the main form opens and that form captures the login from windows into the "tracker" form.

I guess it will only work when the "tracker" form is first open. If the "tracker" form is open later, how to capture those logged in earlier?

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Queries :: Show Missing Entries In Database

Oct 16, 2013

I am trying to create a query which show me which of my customers in my database does not also contact a contact to go with it.

I have two tables; Customers and Contacts.

When I create a query I add the fields Company Name from the Customers Table and First Name from the Contacts Table. There are obviously other fields in both tables.

However when I run the query it does not not show me all the results. It only shows me customers if something has been entered into any of the fields in the contacts table for that Customer. I suppose this triggers a contact ID entry for that customer even if no Name has been entered.

However, how do I run a query to show me customer entries which have no contacts to go with them because no contact entry has been made for that customer?

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Basic Fields Must Automatically Show Up In The 2nd Database Table. Plz Help. Thanks.

May 29, 2007

Hi Everyone.

I am new to MS Access. I got two databases. The 1st database consists of the basic fields like the department,adress,salary etc of the employers(Primary key is the ID). Now in the 2nd database I have the same basic fields and some extra fields. Now my requirement is to when I enter the ID in 2nd database, all the basic fields have to be filled up based on the 1st database( May be I should link the 2 databases).

I really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

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Attemptin To Show Latest Activity Date In SKU Database

Feb 21, 2007

Hey Guys & Gals, extreme newb here attempting to display the latest activity date in an SKU activity db in a query that spans 12 months with multiple activity dates on each of the 1,200 SKUS.

I have this so far and of course it only shows the last (DMAX) activity, not SKU related. How can I relate this result to each SKU to diplay the latest activity for each.

SELECT [Usage06-07].workorderDateClosed, [Usage06-07].qty, [Usage06-07].itemNo, [Usage06-07].Item
FROM [Usage06-07]
WHERE ((([Usage06-07].workorderDateClosed)=Dmax("workorderdateclosed","usage06-07","item")))
ORDER BY [Usage06-07].Item;

Thx in advance for your patience :)


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General :: Show Loading Message While Database Is Opening?

Oct 23, 2012

I have a split database with multiple users. Since I split the database, it runs slower than the unsplit version. I understand this happens. I would like to have a message pop up when the database is loading. It takes approx 2 mins to load. Users get impatient and start clicking. So, I wanted to have a message pop up to let them know it is opening.

I have the same problem with forms loading, I have 5 forms and each takes about 4 secs to load, so thought about a loading message there too.

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Forms :: How To Hide Database Objects And Show Once Closed

Jan 5, 2014

I have a database with a main menu which opens up on start-up it works fine and all but I want to go the extra step, I wish to disable / hide the ribbons (Top and Bottom) - Or Hide the whole Microsoft Access Window and display my form with the desktop behind it.

The next thing is once I click the X or the button to close the form I want Microsoft Access to appear again as in everything to show itself again.

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Reports :: Members Database - Show Payments Of Yearly Subscriptions

Jun 27, 2013

I have a members DB that apart from full details also show payments of yearly subscriptions. I am trying to print a report that shows a list of all the lapsed members. sounds like a simple simple report, BUT...I have a table that includes male and female members on one club number, idealy man and wife, but if for some reason the part company one may not pay the others subs those making the other a lapsed member. is there anyway i can print one part without the other?

E.g. this is haw it prints now

Male Name Paid Female Name Paid
J Smith No M Smith Yes

and this is what i am after

Male Name Paid Female Name Paid
M Smith Yes

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General :: Way To Show All Database Elements Tables / Forms / Macros / Modules

Jun 7, 2013

I have a .mdb file (access 2003) which has ballooned in size to 1.2GB and I'm not sure why. I tried deleting some older tables (which were copies and had about 38,000 rows each) but it hasn't made a dent. Is there a way to show all the database elements tables, forms, macros, modules etc and list their sizes so I can see what has caused the size to increase?

There are 3 tables linked via ODBC which have tens of thousands of rows but as these are linked I wouldn't have thought they would have increased the size at all?

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General :: MS Access Database - Show Long List Of Records When Browse In Datasheet View

Apr 12, 2014

I wonder how MS Access manage to show long list of records when we want to browse them in Datasheet view.

1 - Does it load limited amount of records on start-up and then load the remainder upon user interaction (scrolling for example)?

2 - Does it care about such things automatically or natively?

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Reports :: Attendance Database - Show Time In And Time Out For Specific Date

Apr 3, 2014

I have an attendance database and I connect the time attendance machine db to my access db, what i am trying to do is to generate a report that shows the time in and time out for specific date. the type of attendance db is date/time.

Please see the attached screenshot db from attendance machine.

an also some time there is duplicate entry, I need to get the first and the last entry only for specific date.

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User Defined Show/No Show Query Results

Jul 5, 2005

I have a parameter query built and am curious if anyone knows of a good way to allow the user to define which fields are displayed in the query results.

i tried looking for other threads discussing this without any luck.. not sure if it was my search terms or what. thanks so much for any help..

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How Do I Show Convert Vertical Entries To Show Horizontally

Jun 7, 2007

Is it possible to convert fields listed down to show across.

IDNo Code Position
AAA B01 1
AAA C01 2
AAA D01 3
AAA E01 4

I want to show it as
IDNo Code Code Code Code
AAA B01 C01 D01 E01

Is this possible using Access 2003?

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Query To Show Show Different Results From Same Group

Jun 11, 2006

I wondered if someone could help.

I have 3 columns of data within a table and from a select query am trying to seperate certain groups.

Table 1

yr period valuehome

2006 0 100
2006 0 10
2006 1 1000
2006 1 800
2006 2 60
2006 2 50
2006 3 40
2006 3 10
2006 3 5
2006 3 70
2006 4 50
2006 4 5

I wish to show both results for period 0 and an accumulative total for periods 1-4

so results would be

year period Total sum

2006 0 110
2006 1-4 2090

Can anyone help?



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Reports :: Show Detail - Using Section Header As Hyperlink To Show / Hide Detail

Aug 13, 2013

I'm trying to create a report where I can use a section header as a hyperlink to show/hide detail, but only for that section. For example, my customer names are:

123 Co.

If I click on ZYX Co., I want it to show the contracts for ONLY that customer:

Contract 1
Contract 2
123 Co.

Right now, my code looks like this for On_Click:

If Me.Detail.Visible = False Then
Me.Detail.Visible = True
Me.Detail.Visible = False
End If

But it shows and hides detail for ALL customers when I do this. Is there a way to only show/hide for the customer on which I click?

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Show/not Show Control

Mar 14, 2006

how can i control a field to show/not show at the query level?
let's say i have a query (from a table) like this

[regularPrice] [isOnSale] [onSalePrice]

where [isOnSale] is checkbox. if it's checked, [onSalePrice] will show [price]*0.9; if it's not checked, [onSalePrice] show nothing.

i've tried to put "[isOnSale]=Yes" in the Criteria, the query will filter out only those records that's on sale, which i don't want...

please help :confused:

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Database Size Limited To 2GB / Query Multiple Database Without Linking Tables?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm trying to set up a simple query that links four tables. However, the tables are extremely large, all in excess of 1.5GB each so I had to split the tables up into four separate DBs. I've tried the following with no success:

1) Link the 4 tables in the DB which contains my primary key. This quickly inflates increases the file size above 2GB and won't let me go any further.

2) Build a remote query to connect the four tables. This looked promising until I tried to run the query and it became evident that it only knows to point to the last database source that you specified.

I'm running everything locally on my C drive. The data source are simple text files (1.6 million rows) from the FDA website.

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Forms Count Of Other Database Without Opening That Database Physically

Oct 7, 2005

Hello All...

Well, I am facing one my application; I need to show all forms / reports name of other database( .mdb ) file without opening the other database physically. I tried a lot but didnt succeded. I tried with below code..

Set AcApl = New Access.Application
Call AcApl.OpenCurrentDatabase(strfolder, True)
Set AcProj = AcApl.CurrentProject

Set frm1 = AcProj.AllForms

intCount = frm1.Count

But here wen the second line AcApl.opencurrentdatabase get executed at that time the database get open physically, and i dont want that..So is there any other way around..If so..please please help me..

Thanks in advance..!!

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Modules & VBA :: Open Database / Run A Query / Close Database

Aug 22, 2014

i have a database that runs updates from within itself.what i need is, this database to then open a another database run a update query, then close it.

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General :: Updating From Local Database To Central Database

Sep 12, 2012

Database: Access 2007

I have designed a touchscreen input system using Visual and this writes to an Access Database. Each Touchscreen has its database locally so it can still work even if there are Network problems.

Now what I would like to do is have all these local databases write to a central database say every minute but only write new records to the central database. The Central Database can either be Access or SQL.

What is the best way to do this?

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