Database Onto The Internet For Public Viewing

May 1, 2005

Hi all,
I have done a multi user database for a private company (and thanks to all those that helped me out) but now I need to do another database to put onto the Internet so the general public can view it and order the products. Obviously some of the database needs to be private (so I can update records) but some needs to be viewed over the Internet. I would like the general public to be able to view the products over a web page, not download a program to view the database.

I have made the database already so I can pull up a web page (from within access) and order the products - all I need to know is how to do this over the Internet?

I don't expect anyone to hold my hand through this, I just ask if anyone has a link to a walkthrough so I can do this?

Regards, James

PS Have another question -
I have 17, 500 records and I wish to add a new Field, how can I change the values of the Field without going thorugh them one by one? e.g If the Record has 'Rarity = U' then I want the 'price' (which is the new field) to equal 1.

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Internet Database?

Jan 3, 2006

Hey, I am currently designing a database for my group of friends. Things such as ,Name, Age, Musical Instrument, Band (of which they play in), Favourite Band etc. would be in there indefinately.Its not a complex Db and so I was hoping to put it on my website but dont know how i would do this...I would like it to be on the internet as if you were just looking at it on your own computer and webmaster could edit any fields after it is finished. Is there anyway of doing this? If yes is there any way of doing this without the viewer having to download the Db?

Regards, Tommo

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Access Database In The Internet

Mar 21, 2007

Does anybody knows how I can have an access database in the internet?

Please let me know.

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Connecting The Database To The Internet/Web Page

Apr 18, 2007


I was wondering if someone could try and connect my database to the web. I would like to view the names of the CDs in her collection over the Internet.

My database is attached!


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Modules & VBA :: Set A Public Variable In Another Database To True

Apr 14, 2015

Is it possible to open another database, set a Public boolean variable in a module?

in db1: Open database by Access.Application, OpenCurrentDatabase, setting obj to db2.CurrentProject, loop through main objects

in db2: Public ByPassCloseVar As Boolean is in a module ModLinkTblReview

I have a process that opens up a database runs through all of its objects to get their properties and values. There is a form that is set up on Unload to close the tool if the variable is set to False. When I open the form to get the properties and their values, then close the form, it closes the database. I would like to set the variable to true in order for the database to stay open.

Thought something like this would work: db2.Modules!ModLinkTblReview.ByPassCloseVar = True

Indicates that method or data member does not exist.

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Publish Access Database With Windows Internet Information Services?

Mar 18, 2015

How to publish an Access db with Windows IIS but without Sharepoint

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Viewing Form When Database Is Opened

Sep 2, 2005

Hey there, when a user opens my database, I want the form to enter records to automatically open. Can someone plz help with that... thx

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General :: Viewing Users Of A Database

Jun 1, 2015

I used to have a handy tool called LDB Viewer or something like that with which I could see who is using my database. Now I've upgraded to MS 2010 is there a way to do the same?

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Viewing All Records On Split Database?

Feb 16, 2015

I have a split database with the back end on a sharedrive. I have the front end saved on my own drive and the same for my colleague.

When I view the front end version of my colleagues, I can see a records on there that she has input but I can't see them when I open my own copy of the front end plus when I view the back end I can't see the records there at all.

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General :: Viewing As User Would See Database Forms?

Nov 3, 2013

I want to develop my database and forms to fit a 1600 x 900 resolution screen and would like to know, whilst I am in the Developer mode of Access 2007, is there a key that I can press that will switch to display the database/forms so that I can see what the User will see?

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Viewing Database Info In A Data Access Page

Oct 18, 2004

I am very new to access and have a question which I think is very easy to answer. What I have is an access file with a listing of companies, their contacts and what services we provide for them. (each company/client/service is listed in a row with each new set of information on the row below it).

What I am looking to do it to create a data access page that anyone in our office can view. I want the access page to have a text box where they can type in the name of the company, then click a 'search' button. That will then display the results in a box below everything. The results would be the contact and the services (there are other columns in the datasource as well, but I didn't list them).

If anyone can shed some light onto my problem it would be most appreciated!


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Tables :: Split Database - Viewing Table Relationships

Sep 17, 2014

My db is split into front-end and back-end. In the f-e's Relationships schematic, I can see the relationships as they were defined at the time when the db was split, complete with the one-to-many symbology.

I can add a new table to the b-e and set its relationship as one-to-many, enforcing referential integrity and cascading as I wish - and the schematic (in the b-e) reflects that.

In the f-e, I can then use the <Get External Data - Access Database> function to link to the new table, and I can add the new table to the relationships diagram in the f-e. I can also drag and drop to link primary and foreign keys (within the f-e), but cannot select one-to-many. I'm OK with that, as I understand that the relationship is within the b-e, and this is just a diagrammatic representation.

But I can see the one-to-many relationships between the tables which existed when the db was split, and I would like to be able to see the new table's relationships in a consistent fashion. Updating the linked tables via the Linked Table Manager does not do the trick.

Surely I don't have to split the database again in order to achieve a consistent diagram - do I ?

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Db On Internet

Jun 7, 2006

I have a database which is being used for maintaining documents status. Its working fine in stand alone PC. I want to share it on internet. But problem is, I can upload the complete file, then download and use. Its not updated.
So is there any way to upload this db onto internet and work there only the way we do in single PC?

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Getting Access On To The Internet??

Mar 14, 2008

I have created an access database for work. Due to the size(70MB) of the database our internal network appears to have difficulty executing any queries or has long delays. I dont think the size is the issue, however I am now looking for ways to place on "internet" page but only want users to run the reports off control buttons /macros of the forms view not see the tables or query design. Any suggestions of best to approach this, Also any input about "project" or "ADP" woud, be very useful, thanks Andy

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Sending A Mdb File Via The Internet

Jul 27, 2005

Does anyone know what's the best way to send a mdb file via the internet. I've tried sending is as an email attachment and putting is on a webserver for downloading. Both wayes only gives errors.

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Internet Synchronization Error

May 23, 2007

I have an Access 2002 database (about 120mb) which was replicated using Replication Manager (version unknown). It is set up to use Internet Synchronization. We use it on state government LAN and WAN as well as the Internet. It works well in most cases, but on a few computers we get the error "Http address not found" when synchronization is attempted. The address is indeed visible to those computers. We have determined that reloading Windows (XP Pro) will usually solve the problem at least for a while but when GIS mapping software is installed it reappears. More worrisome is that some brand new laptops with factory-installed Windows are showing the same problem, which means it could get worse as we upgrade equipment.

Has anyone else encountered this error?

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Secure ODBC Over Internet

Apr 11, 2008

Hello All,

I was wondering if it is possible to connect a MS Access front end to a MS SQL server on the internet in a secure way through ODBC or some other means.
Anyone have any ideas?


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Transfer Data Over The Internet

Mar 28, 2005

Is it possible to transfer data over the internet if the BE is in one country and the FE is in another? If so, could someone explain how I would go about doing this? I'm in the Military and when we deploy it's normally to a far off country.


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Queries :: Run File Through Internet

Aug 29, 2013

I am having an access 2007 database, how to run this file through internet as me having website.

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Public Variable

Sep 16, 2005

Why can't I set a controls default value to a public variable?

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Multiple-User Through Internet Browser

May 26, 2005

I am trying to create a database such that everyone in my company will be able to access it, but without having to install access and put a link to the DB on every computer. Ideally, I would like to have some sort of web applet that uses the DB on a central server and allows users to add and modify entries without having to know anything about Access.

Any help would be appreciated

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Automating Internet Explorer With Office XP.

Jul 29, 2005

Iīm thinking of starting to use office XP for a small system I have. My question is:

Is office XP more compatible with internet explorer in terms of VBA automating? I have had to work around internet explorer quite a lot in office 97, and I havenīt been able to do what I want.


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Using Visual Basic Together With Internet Explorer

Aug 16, 2005

There is an online form which we need to fill out for each of our inventory units. This form has several dozen fields though. We have to fill each one out for every unit that we ship (which is about a hundred a day).

But the good news is, about 25 of these 30 fields are always filled in with the same value (our name, address, city, state, zip, insurance, insurance no, carrier, carrier no, etc).

What we want is a way to fill out these fields for us automatically, and all we have to do is type in the remaining 5 fields ourselves.

My temporary solution was to create a form with 5 fields and a Submit button. Then using AppActivate "Inventory Adjustment - Microsoft Internet Explorer", we would use the SendKeys function and virtually "type" in the 5 variable values and the 25 other "hardcoded" values, using the Tab key to move in between fields.

However, we have encountered some issues using SendKeys. For one, the cursor doesn't always start in the correct place, and the fields become horribly offset and skewed. Also we notice that sometimes the cursor moves "too fast" apparently and skips pasting some of the values (an issue we tried to resolve by using "wait" commands, but it didn't help consistently enough).

Is there a better way to use Visual Basic to fill in fields in an Internet Explorer window? :(

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Open The Internet Explorer From Access

Mar 22, 2006

I want to open the internet explorer from access

but with url

for example

dim strUrl as string
strUrl = ""

'here I want to open the explorer with the strUrl


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I Want To Send Some Tables By Internet...Problem

Dec 4, 2006

I want to send some tables by Internet...
But I can't send this table why not send.
show the picture


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Remote Link To Internet Server?

Oct 23, 2004

Hi all,

Is it possible to make a backend/frontend access system and putting the backend on a remote internet server.


Because when I try this I keep on getting a message "Not a valid file name."

Any suggestions apart from RTFM?

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