Date Conversion

Jan 12, 2007

I have a time stamp field from an Oracle database that I want to convert to a regular date field in my Access query so that I can pull data from the table base on start and end date.
The time stamp field is formatted as: 09/19/2006 03:16:00 PM

In my query I have tried the following formatting:

1. DateRcvd: Format((Left([time_stamp],10)),"mm/dd/yy")
2. DateRcvd: Format([time_stamp],"Short Date")

Without criteria I get all the records in the following format:

1. 09/19/06
2. 9/19/06

Dates in the table are from 06/01/06 to current date 07.

Using the following criteria - I get varing results but never what I want. For example, using format #1, if I enter 09/16/06 and 01/10/07 I get everything for 07 and nothing for 06
If I use format #2, I get everything for 9/16/06 (no other records) and everything for 07

Between [Forms]![frmDateRange]![StartDate] And [Forms]![frmDateRange]![EndDate]

Any suggestions?:confused:

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Date Conversion

Jun 10, 2005

I have a numeric month, as in 1 for January. I want to convert 1 to January. Any advice on the syntax?

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Date Conversion

Nov 18, 2005

I'm imported data from a csv file. The dates stored in there are in a dd-mm-yyyy time format. How can I work with this since Access's date format is just mm/dd/yyyy? I imagine I need to do some sort of conversion? Does Access provide anything for me to do this?

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Date Conversion

Jun 10, 2005

I have a numeric month, as in 1 for January. I want to convert 1 to January. Any advice on the syntax?

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Number To Date Conversion

Jul 22, 2006

My challenge is to fix a broken report that results from a query. The query is suppose to bring up all records within a date range. The problem is that the table was designed with the date field being text. Dates such as 06/12/2006 are entered without the beginning 0, so simple queries do not work, and the data is simply 6122006. I think the data needs converted to date first, possibly by extracting and converting. I do not know how to do this because of the missing digit inconsistency. The table cannot be changed directly to a date field without data loss.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Another String To Date Conversion Problem

Oct 6, 2006

I have a table with a text field to receive dates or "na" or "n/a". From this, I am trying to run a query that selects all dates that are not "na" and not "n/a" and not null. This works fine with a criteria of

"Is Not Null And Not In ("NA","N/A")"

The problem is, I also must select a date range. In the query, I have created a calculated field equal to various date conversion functions and they all seem to work at converting the text to date. However, I get a Type Mismatch error any time I try to do anything to the date field such as select a date range or to sort on it.

Any suggestions?

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Unwanted Conversion Of Date Field

Jul 21, 2005

I have an Excel file that I want to import into an Access db table. In that Excel file is a date field formatted mm/yy. When I import that file, Access converts the date to m/d/yyyy. Is there anyway to re-format that data after it's imported into Access (like a global change?)? I even tried setting up an input mask for that date field, but that only seems to work when you are actually typing data into the field.

Thanks for your help!


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Date Conversion To Weekday And Weekends

Mar 12, 2008

Hi all.

I can complete this in excel no problem with monday through sunday being 1 -7, but is the same possible in access.

i.e. 12/03/08 = Wednesday.

Many Thanks Dean:confused:


DoW: Weekday([Calldate],0)

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Queries :: Text Conversion To Date

Aug 11, 2015

I am the junior of the ms access.

I try to convert the below text to date

(03/08/2015 19:42)
(31/07/2015 12:20)

return 3/8/2015 7:42:00 PM (should be 03Aug2015)
return 7/31/2015 12:20:00 PM (should be 31Jul2015)

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General :: VBA Date Conversion To SAP Formats?

Oct 13, 2013

I've been trying to convert a date format like dd/mm/yy to a SAP used format like .

a simple string conversion like


pp = day(datefield) & "." & month(datefield) & "." & format(year(datefield),"YYYY")

is not working, the year is converted wrong.

thus 17-07-62 should be converted to 17.7.1962 ( European date format )

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Urgent Help Required For A Date Conversion Problem

Mar 15, 2006

I have received a Access97 database which has a date field filled with numbers.
The date of birth field is in the format : 19970131
And the date of birth field is a text field.
The software requires the date to be in dd/mm/yyyy order and also to be a date/time field.
When I try to change the text to date/time, Access deletes all dates of birth.
I am not sure how to solve this as I am very new to databases.
Can someone please help me soon?

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Queries :: Date Conversion Comparison Not Working?

Nov 8, 2013

I recently (temporarily)took over a position that uses an Access database that does not work properly, and I'm stumpped on how to fix it.

The query is supposed to pull all data where the "Date Overdue" field is less than today.

"Date Overdue" is a calculated value that pulls from the field "Date Input", which is in a text format (DDMMMYY) Such as 03NOV13. It is 8 days after the date input.

It prints out like this: "Monday, November 11, 2013" which is 8 days after the 3rd.

"Date Overdue" is set to this value:


DATE OVERDUE: DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))+8
"Date Overdue" has the criteria "<DateValue(CDate(Now()))"

I'm not going to go into all the different steps I've taken to try and get this to work because I've toyed with it a lot..

The output that I always seem to get is a mixture of all records that are available, before and after today's date, I just wanted those that are less than today.

I suspect that the date values that are shown in the query aren't true dates because when I click on the filter button it gives me this error:

"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'DATE OVERDUE' "

NOTE: I'd like to add that this is just a regular Select query.

SELECT DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))
AS [PRODUCT END PERIOD], DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))+8

[Code] .....

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General :: Date Conversion From Text Value (5 Characters)

Mar 1, 2013

I have a date value in text format that is 5 character and want to convert it to a proper date format. Here is a sample of the data:

07301 actually represents 7/30/2011. How to actually convert that value to the date format of mm/dd/yyyy?

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Modules & VBA :: SQL Server - Conversion Failed When Converting Date And / Or Time From Character String

Feb 13, 2014

I have two table

1. dbo.period (OpeningDate, ClosingDate)
2. (blah blah, doc_date)

I want to create a view as follows

Select doc_date from
where doc_date> 'select OpeningDate from dbo.period'

both doc_date and opening date have the same format

but the error will still appear as follows:
"Conversion failed when converting date and / or time from character string."

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Conversion To SQL

Nov 3, 2005

I'm in the process of migrating my Access database to SQL, but am encountering problems. Firstly when I exported it I discovered that all of my Access queries had been converted to Tables. After deleting these, I attempted to cut and past the SQL code from the Access Queries to SQL's "views", which I had been taught were effectively the same thing.

However, now I come to test them I get an error that says it cannot be displayed because the query is a "view object".

What is happening here, am i doing the correct thing?


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PDF To JPG Conversion

Sep 1, 2014

I have thousands of PDFs of which I want to present a number as thumbnails on a form and allow the users to select any one and have the full PDF displayed.

The only way in which I can see this working is to have the thumbnail as a JPG image and set the On Click property to display the relevant PDF. This part is quite simple, the problem I have is converting the existing PDFs to JPGs.

Any way of converting PDFs to JPGs using VBA code?

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SQL Conversion Tool

Jan 3, 2006

Does anyone have a Jet to ANSI SQL conversion tool they could either send me or recommend:confused:

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Undo Conversion From 97 To 2K

Feb 17, 2006

We have an mdb back end on our server with read / write permissions for several approved users. One of them (don't know who yet) has converted the mdb file from 1997 to 2000. Is there a way to undo this? :o (a few have both versions on their machines which is why this was possible to begin to with)

We have had this set up for almost four years now, with no issues might I add but always knew in the back of my mind something like this would happen.


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Access To VB Conversion

Mar 24, 2006


I have been tasked with updating an Access 97 database with several forms that would take me a good while to recreate.

I wondering if there is a way to convert them from 97 to either VB6 of VB.NET that is free of charge to me. All the solutions I have come across thus far cost money, and it is not possible for me to do this.

I have tried exporting the forms to an external file but it won't let me save them as a file type that my VB6 installation can open.


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Conversion Error

Apr 22, 2006

Its been a long time since i've been in this forum. I have a question about a conversion error i received not sure whats its about

i'm converting from access 97 to 2000. i ran the access 2000 conversion utility and then the following appeared and the conversion error table

Object TypeObject NameError Description
TableMSysObjects-1611: Could not find field 'Description'.

It looks like the database is fine

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MS SQL Conversion And Deployment

Jul 31, 2006

Hi guys, I hope somebody can give me a quick step-by-step.

I've nearly completed a program written in Access and have started to venture into marketing the program to a local company. When asked what other modifications they would like to see i was sent an email stating;

"A major item would be to deploy in MS SQL. You should be able to do that free of charge with the low tier version of SQL."

I had a feeling this would come up, but I don't want to sound like a total idot when talking to these folks... I really have no true understanding of what they are asking, but I suspect it refers to conversion from jet. Question: Is this a reasonably easy modification? What do I need to purchase? Would I be better off telling them the program is 'as-is'? Can this be easily done by someone who has never done it before? I'm sure other threads addressed this issued but I would truly appreciate a full understanding of my specific problem. Thanks, Scott.

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Access To VB Conversion

Feb 11, 2007

Considering the difficulties in packaging Access software, I am wondering about the feasibility of converting my Access project to VB and distributing that instead. Has anyone done this and if so how difficult would it be. Does it mean a complete rewrite or can I use existing forms, reports and coding etc.

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Number Conversion Help

Jun 10, 2007

I am in the process of building a table on Access 97 where one column will have a list of various buildings. The problem is I will need to import a spreadsheet from Excel 97 into the Table, and although the spreadsheet will match the Access table in terms of column headings, it's data is numerical ie a number has been assigned for each buliding instead of the building name. I need the Access table to show the building name instead of the number.

Is there a validation rule I could use when creating the Access table where a number will = a specific building name. ie 1= Lunar House 2= Apollo House 3 = Mackenzie House etc. So when it does come to importing my spreadsheet the numbers will show as buildings.

Hope you can help....many thanks

Russell from UK

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Conversion / Format Help

Sep 6, 2005

I have 2 questions that I think maybe similar.

First Question
When building a Select query through query builder, is there a function or a way I can convert the field, fldWebSite, which is of the datatype Hyperlink to text? The problem I am having is that when I export the results to a csv or txt file, the field instead of saying "" turns into ""

Second Question
When building a Select query through query builder, How do I convert a field that is of the type currency into a fixed 2 dec. number? Inother words, I get "$1,234,567.00" when what I really want is "1234567.00".

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Help With LIKE Syntax Conversion

Sep 11, 2006


I'm trying to convert my exsting LIKE Command to search Contians a word.

Example currently it will search for word starting with word in the search box.

I type in 2006, it will only look for project names starting with 2006.

I would like to Motify the search to "Contain" 2006 in the field anywhere.

Here's the code I like to convert.

"SELECT * FROM [qryProjects]" & "[PROJECT] LIKE """ & Me.txtSearchString2 & "*"" AND "

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Parameter Conversion

Apr 6, 2007

Hi Guys,

I am using MS Access 2007 and have the following query:

SELECT HoursLostThroughAccident
FROM Accidents
WHERE AccidentDate LIKE ? +'%'

The error I get after selecting values from a drop down list like 2001 or 2002 is:

'Failed to convert parameter values from a string to a datetime'

Is there a way that access converts the values like 2001 to something like
01.01.2001 and the values which have dates that are in the year 2001 will be displayed?

Thanks for any suggestions,


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