Date Format When Entering From ASP Form

Dec 13, 2004


I am about to put my head through a wall. Perhaps you can help (not with the head through the wall - I can do that on my own). I have an ASP form that updates an Access database. Everything works except for one line of code. This one line is a concatenation statement that assembles month+day+year and updates a date field in the database. I know Access is particular about its date formatting, but I thought I had it right. Can someone help? This is the line of code:

rsUpdateEntry.Fields("Vacated") = "#" & Request.Form("VacMo"&rsUpdateEntry("Number")) & "/" & Request.Form("VacDay"&rsUpdateEntry("Number")) & "/" & Request.Form("VacYr"&rsUpdateEntry("Number")) & "#"

It should result in my date in #MM/DD/YYYY# format. I have tried all kinds of combinations of formatting and can't come up with the right one. I get the same "Type mismatch" error every time. I would love it if someone could shed some light on this one.

Thank you,


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Auto Entering Date Into A Form

Apr 9, 2005

basically, i have an invoice form, and on this I need to add InvoiceDate to it. Now, on the form, I have =Date(), but this changes every time i open the form, so it dosnt actually record the date. I have to manually type the date in to the form, which is not very good usibility practice. Can anyone help? Ive tried searchin, but I couldnt fin much relevent stuff. CHeers

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Entering Timestamp/Date Via Web Form

Mar 27, 2007

I'm very new to Access and this may be a REALLY simple question but ...

I have an Access 2000 db on a web-based server and a website form that inserts a record. Everything works properly but I now need to insert the date each time a record is entered. These records will not change or be updated once entered. I think there must be a way to have a hidden field in the web form which submits = Date() or whatever the right code would be.

The field I'm sending the date to is called "dateOfEntry" . Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.

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Entering Current Date In A Field Via Form Button?

Aug 16, 2012

I am trying to figure out to have the current date populate in table field by using a button on a form and not having much luck.

I have a table with 2 date fields, a 'created' field and a 'received' field. I already have the date set to auto populate for the 'created' field but I don't want the 'received' field to populate until the employee has gone into the database to receive the work.

I know I could have the employee just enter the date, but i want to avoid any typos or people simply forgetting to do it.

Ideally I would love the button to enter the current date into the 'received' field and save the entry, but I fine it needs to be 2 seperate buttons.

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How To Format A Field On A Form As Date ?

Mar 15, 2007

I am using ODBC with oracle tables..

My table has columns startdate and end date which are of type varchar(backend tables)..but when i display it in form it should display it as mm/dd/yyyy format, i tried setting format property as Short date but that doesnt work as my form is based on a query.and all the more my table stores the date as yyyymmdd -19990110, this is the way its stored in table (in varchar) so how do i do this?

i also tried "to_date(substr(startdate,5,4),'mmdd')" --putting this in the query based on which the form loads but this doesnt work even..
i cannot run this query from access as it says undefined function to_date , but when i run this in Sqlplus it gives me the output but i m not able to get the year part...

So how do get the date field in form as mm/dd/yyyy?

Thanks very much in advance!!!

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Forms :: Assign Field With Special Format Based On Date / Time Format

Feb 17, 2014

I wanted to assign the field "Number of magazine" with special format based on date/time format but showing only year and month in the format: "yyyy-mm".

So in property of this field in format I put yyyy-mm and in input mask I type 0000-00;;-

I also created the form based on the table containing above field and I defined format and input mask for corresponding formant in the same way like at the table.

But if I try to type date for example 2014-01 in text box of the form it comes up with the full date 2014-01-01. Why does it do like this? What do I do incorrectly?

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Forms :: Date Format To Fiscal Week Format

Jul 30, 2013

I have a list of dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format and I am looking to get it into the fiscal format of yyyyww. I am able to do this with the datepart and format functions, but I need to make it so that the fiscal month begins in January but the first week starts if there are three or more days in the week. For instance if Jan 1st is a Friday then this stands as the first fiscal week, if it is a Saturday then it does not count as the first week.

datepart and format functions have the Use the first week in the year that has at least 4 days for the firstweekofyear option but I need it where it has at least three to make it work.

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Entering Date Of Birth

Mar 22, 2005

I have a "Client" table which has a "Date of Birth" field and the problem I am having is on in the data entry form the users type in "2/25" instead of "2/25/1965" on for the most part that's OK. But if the client DOB is 1930 or before then 2/25/2029 comes up.
I have found that the date format is tied to the Windows Regional settings and we are working on a network that doesn't allow me to adjust the settings.
I have tried to put a validation on the table for the field but then that makes it so you HAVE to enter something and can not leave that field blank if you want.

Any ideas?

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General :: Entering Date And Time

Oct 13, 2014

how does a user enter an appointment time without having to type the date and time in full? e.g. if i'm adding appointments for today at 11am and 1pm do i have to type year and minutes/seconds?

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Date Auto Changes The Year When Entering?

Jan 8, 2014

I have a form in Access where a report date is to be entered. We only want to show a date format like Dec-13. Month-Year. I set a input mask to keep this consistent when others are entering.

Now it is January and people are trying to enter their reports for December, when they put in Dec-13. It automatically changes to Dec-14. WHY!I tried to go to the table and change the date to the year 13, but it just keeps changing back to 14.

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Entering A Date From Access To Outlook Calendar

Mar 8, 2007

I have developed an Access database which keeps track of items we have received. What I want to do is enter a date in a field and then by clicking a button that date and the name of the item gets enetered into my Outlook calendar so that it will pop up a reminder on that date.
I have no idea if/how this can be done. Any ideas or examples very much appreciated.

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Forms :: Format Text Boxes On Continuous Form Based On System Date

Aug 14, 2014

I have a continuous form (2003) with 6 text boxes (StartTime, StopTime, Comments etc...). I would like all the text boxes to have a gray background if the StartTime for that row is less than Today().

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Queries :: Taking A Date From List Box And Entering It Into Query In VB

Sep 4, 2013

I have a process that lifts a highlighted date from a List Box and puts it in the Criteria of a query. The process manages to move the numbers from one place to another, but ends up giving me a data mismatch in the query. The process is as follows

Private Sub Command8_Click()
'Set it all up for Panel Meeting selection
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String

[Code] ....

The Immediate debug shows...

SELECT * FROM tbl_Panel_Meeting_Dates WHERE tbl_Panel_Meeting_Dates.PanelDates IN ( '1/07/2013' );

I'm pretty sure (althiough always stand to be corrected!) that I need it to come out as

In (#1/07/2013#)

How can this be achieved?

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User Entering Date Range For A Query With Sum Function Present

Jun 13, 2007

Let's see if I can explain this situation effectively...

I've been handed a database that is set up to track tutoring sessions of students. The original creator designed the database for 1 semester. I am trying to make it functional for x number of semesters. So here's my dilemma: I have several reports that are based on queries. I would like for the user to be able to run the report and it prompt for them to enter a date range, which would then output desired results for that range (I thought this would be more efficient than setting up the db to run reports by semester, so that the user would be able to narrow their results).

So in corresponding queries, I am adding the following criteria to the "Date" field:
Between [Enter Beginning Date] And [Enter Ending Date]. The query produces the right results, just not exactly in the way I would like to see them. This is because the query tracks the number of hours per mentor (the person giving the tutoring) and does a sum.

So in my results, it is summing the hours for every change in date occurrence. For example, the results should look like this (on the report):

Student 1
Mentor A xtotal hours

Student 2
Mentor A xtotal hours
Mentor B xtotal hours

Instead what I'm getting is a sum of hours for every different date, as follows:

Student 1
Mentor A xtotal hours
Mentor A xtotal hours
Mentor A xtotal hours

Student 2
Mentor A xtotal hours
Mentor A xtotal hours
Mentor B xtotal hours
Mentor B xtotal hours
Mentor B xtotal hours
Mentor B xtotal hours

And so on...

Maybe I'm approaching this is the wrong fashion? I haven't had much luck searching google or access help... maybe I'm searching with the wrong strings. :)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Date Format - Force User To Only Choose Month End Date?

Sep 20, 2013

Using access 2010; i have a form that includes a date field. Is there a way to force the user to only choose a month end date? When the user clicks the date from the popup, they may use 9/1/2013 when the mgr. want them to use only 8/31/2013. I am thinking validation field to put a msg but want to be able to force it not the option.

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Query Date From DateTime - General Date Format Field.

Mar 10, 2006

I have a date and time stamp in a Date/Time field of General Date format (3/1/2006 7:52:25 AM).

I wish to select query on the table's Date/Time field by date portion only (3/1/2006) and not include the time portion (7:52:25 AM) of the field.

Using this expression in the query's criteria - "Between [Enter Start Date: (MM/DD/YY Format)] And [End Date: (MM/DD/YY]" will not return the date ranges as desired without also typing in the full time string.

How can the date integer be parsed out and the query properly expression ed on the criteria field without using VB?

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Reports :: Format Borders For Rows Where Date Is Less Than Another Date

Jul 16, 2014

On my report, I want rows with expired dates to stand out by having their borders thicker. Something like:

If Me.txtDate < Date() Then
Me.txtDate.BorderWidth = 6
End If

When I do that, it ends up formatting every txtDate field in the report if one of them passes the If criteria instead of only ones that are expired.

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Update / Refresh A Form Upon Entering Data In A Popup Box / Form

May 24, 2005

I apologize if this has probably been asked countless times; however, in my search of this forum I could not find something that seemed to work for something so simple.


I have 2 forms. The first form is my main form and the second form is my "popup" form. Both of these forms access the same table. In my main form I have it so people can not enter in a ID so it reduces accidental data entry. Therefore, I created a "popup" box that allows ID entry.

Everything works great except when I close out of the popup form, the newly entered data is not available unless I close the main form and reopen.

Million Dollar Question:

How do I refresh or requery (dunno the correct term usage here) the main form to reflect the addition I made in my popup form. I would like the refresh event to happen when I click the close button on my popup form.


Again, I know this is probably simple, but I cannot find it anywhere or most likely I am blind :cool:

Thank You

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Entering Data Into A Form

Jan 24, 2005

I have a form with a sub-form


Purchase Order with main details on (Po Number, Supplier etc)
with a sub form carrying the line items to be ordered.

Table PO
Form PO

When entering main order details into Form PO, why do the fields in the related table(Table PO) immediately get populated when the the focus gets transfered to the sub-form (Form POSUB). with users quiting the database illegally (not by the cancel records button) the result is unwanted records in the Table PO.

What I want to do is complete the input fields in the main and sub forms without any records being commited to the tables until the "Save Record" button is pressed.


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Entering Data In A Form

Jul 4, 2005

I've been working on a database (attached) for a health trust. I think the relationships are right but I'm having a problem entering data. The subform shows the correct data but I can't figure out how to enter data using a form.

Can someone point me to a tutorial - I have searched the forums - honest!!

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Entering Information Into Form.

Mar 17, 2006

I have couple of forms where...The users enters a name of the river where he/she was fishing in, I also have an option where the user can browse for previous entered rivers.I am wondering how this works, how do I let the information entered go automatically into the browse section and how can I prevent from duplicates will appear in the browse for previous entered rivers. thanxp.s is this something that I will work with in the table it self or can I change this in the form ???

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Entering Multiple Data In A Form

Aug 8, 2006

I've designed a form to enter several items at the same time, eg, I want to enter aeveral company names on one form. The trouble is that when I enter data into one box, it appears in all the other boxes with the same field names, not allowing multiple data, is there a way around this?

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Entering Values From A Form To A Table

Feb 27, 2005

Hi Guyz!! How u doing???!!!

I am new to VBA, and i need some help in my system..... basically i am creating a appointments Form, and in this i have some txt fields and a listbox which contains the available times ... What i want my form to do is that as the user enters the values in the form and the time selected, as clicking the "set Appointment" button it should add the values to the table.

I have included a word document of my form: Just as some help... Could you guyz help me with the coding... I am not at all good at coding! Thanx alot guys.. I really appreciate your help!!

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Populate Form By Entering Data

Jan 23, 2006

I have a form with two fields, EMPLNO and SURNAME.

By entering the employee number in EMPLNO or by entering the name in SURNAME I wish to get the correct record onto the form.

This is probably covered in the archive, but I'm not sure what to look for.

Any suggestions.

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Users Entering A New Record Through A Form?

Mar 17, 2006

Hello! :rolleyes:

Just need a little extra help :(

I have set up a form for the user to fill in a new record and used a command button for it to save. This all works ok.

The problem I have is when the form is opened, a record is shown in each of the fields as opposed to a blank one. The user can still enter data but they need to delete the stuff that is already in the box.

The user then, will have to press the little star at the bottom.

I have tried going into to design view, and typing in "Unbound" but it came up with #name? ...

can anyone help me ?

Shellie x

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How To Clear Info After Entering On Form

Apr 27, 2006

After informations is entered and a button is clicked to submit the information I can use the back/up arrows and page up to see what was entered even though the form is cleared. Is there something in the properties of the button that is clicked to submit that will make it impossible to see the prior users data.

It is personal information that people do not want others to see but is a public sign in computer.



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