Date / ID Displayed As Hash Marks Until Click Them

Apr 18, 2012

why the ID and Date fields in my report are being displayed as ##### until I click it, then it shows the correct date?

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Removing Hash Sign In HyperLink Address (On Click) Command Button

Apr 14, 2012

I have a command button on a Web Mutli-Record form that is using a "= [Report_URL]" value within the Hyperlink Address property. This all seems to work other than the fact that when the link popups up it has a "#" on either side that basically makes it an invalid address. How do I get rid of the # signs to get the web address popup in the URL when a user clicks on the Command Button that is associated to the row the record is on.

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Having A List Of Record Names Displayed And Opening The Full Record Via Click

Sep 13, 2005

Im not sure if this is the right place to put this but I was wondering if you could help me:

Say I have database with forms that display records or people ie name, address, postcode, etc. What I want to do is display a list of Names then from that list I can double, single click and open the record details.

Id call my self and amatuer at access and am probably guessing this is done via vscript or something else, but any help will do.


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Dealing With Hash Character

Jun 12, 2014

I have a database that was populated using many excel sheets and one of the fields [partDescription] uses the # character over and over to represent "lbs". I realize that this is a wild card for digits in VB. Is there a quick fix for finding and replacing this character?

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Modules & VBA :: Hash Mark In Searching

May 22, 2014

I've got a bit of a problem with # mark when I want to search a number containing "#". The number is as follows: 33.#5hy4-1234When I insert a part of this number to a textbox eg. #5hy to search records containg it, it gives me no results (despite there are such in a database) I know that it is to do with this # mark. I have an sql query: (...) where sachnummer like '*" & variable & "*'

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Modules & VBA :: Hash Deleted For Whole Record

Sep 9, 2014

When I copy an entire record and paste it in a new record , I first get a duplicate issue with one of the columns(unique key constraint) and when I attempt to change the column value so as not to be duplicate ...I get a #deleted for the whole record.

This does not happen when I copy the unique column from a record and paste it then change (copying that column alone).

What could be the best explanation for this and how can I attempt this issue?

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Modules & VBA :: Hash Deleted And Autoincrement By 2

Sep 15, 2014

When I have a record that I copy and paste into a new record with one column having a unique constraint , I display message "Cannot insert duplicate code" then if not all values in the record are inserted , I get a #deleted in all columns

Refreshing , I find that the id is incremented by 2 instead of one.

That is if the previous record has ID 20 , the #deleted record has ID 22 .

How to avoid the #deleted which happens if not all columns are filled.

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Need To Remove Hash At The Start And End Of Link Address Stored On Database

Apr 16, 2014

I am using asp and database to store info for example link addresses. Unfortunately, they have become stored in database column with a # on either side. I have tried find and replace but this does not work on # symbol. It can not be stored as a hyperlink because I need my website to extract info from remote database and then display info in results page as a hyperlink. Works fine if I remove them by hand but there are 3000 of them!

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Control Date Value From Command Click

Jan 24, 2006

Dont be overwhelmed by the following, but it may require some extensive thought and I dont expect everyone to understand....

I want to have a unbound form control a subform. On the form I have an unbound text area entitled txtDate. In this area it displays the current date being viewed. I have put left and right buttons on the main form that will add (+1) one day to the date being shown and subtract (-1) one day from the date being shown. I want to conrol it though the "On Click" but I dont know what to enter in the "On Click" field that will allow me this. The reason is, co-insiding with the previous, when the date is changed, the subform is also changed to a new day. Therefore instead of displaying 24 hours of today, you can view 24 hours of yesterday, tomorrow and so on. See, if one is to set the onclick to be: Me.txtDate=Me.txtDate-1, or Me.txtDate=Me.txtDate+1, it calls for a custom macro and I dont know why. I know it somehow resides in some similar command set up.

I also need to know how to make the subform bound but continous, and what exactly does that mean?

Anyone care to offer some assistance? :confused:

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Forms :: Date Control On Click Event

Sep 19, 2013

I have a date control and on the Click event I run the following code. Trouble is the Date Control stops working, ie you can't change the date after one click ?


Private Sub Calendar7_Click()
weekofyeartxt.Value = DatePart("ww", Calendar7.Value)
End Sub

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Forms :: Continuous Form - Populating Date With Button Click

Oct 14, 2013

So I have a continuous form and I have a button that is pressed when a job is released and it record a date in a field. I wanted to turn that button to disabled after pressed but after lots of reading found that it couldn't be done in a continuous form due to it disabling all buttons . So I decided to just make the code populate the field only if it was a null value so that it wouldn't overwrite a value if someone pressed it more than once. Well the null is my downfall in all this. I cannot make it compare and populate the date when the button is pressed. I have tried all I can find on the net and all I can think of.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Bound To A Table - Button Click And Then Date / TimeStamp

Jun 30, 2014

I have created a form that is bound to a table.

There is a button on the form that allows users to send email with the form as an attachment in pdf. I'd like to create a date/time stamp in another table called tblLog. Trouble is the code works uptil sending emails but it doesn't record the stamp.

Heres what I've done so far.

Private Sub cmdEmail_Amd_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdEmail_Amd_Click_Err
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAmendment_Master", , , "[Record_ID]=" & Me.Record_ID.Value
DoCmd.SendObject acForm, "frmAmendment_Master", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", "", "", "", "Amendment Form" & " " & Surname & " " & Firstname, "", True, ""

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Using Calendar To Control A Test Box - Click Search For Specific Date

Jul 2, 2013

I am trying to allow a calendar to search through a text box with a large amount of data in which will have headings using the date so i wanted to use a calendar search. Hopefully this will be be like the find function in word where you type (or in this case select a date) then click search or next which will take you to that specific date.

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Modules & VBA :: Query Records By Current Date Then Email Results On Button Click

Feb 26, 2014

I am trying to query my records by the current records selected date then send the results in the body of an email on click. I believe I am close but I think there is a problem with the date format because I am getting 3421 Data type conversion error. Here is what I have:


Private Sub eMail_Click()
On Error GoTo EH
Dim dbExceptions As Database
Dim rstExceptions As Recordset
Dim dbDate As Database
Dim rstDate As Recordset


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Summary Of 5 Marks - MIN And MAX

Feb 25, 2012

I try to make my second database in Access. I need to summary 5 numbers, and then minus the lowest and the highest of them. For example (1+2+3+4+5)-1-5=9

In excel it looks like this: =SUM(C2:G2)-MAX(C2:G2)-MIN(C2:G2)

In access (Expression builder) i made this code: [J1]+[J2]+[J3]+[J4]+[J5] - it's the summary of five marks, but how can i erase the highest and the lowest one?

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Code Triggered From Label On Click Behaves Differently From Command Button On Click

Nov 7, 2006

Often I use Labels as buttons due to the fact I can colour them the way I want, and use the on click event to trigger code.
The code below however works for a command button, but not a label button.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmdatetime"
Do While Forms!frmdatetime!OKFlag.Caption = "False"

When this code is run by clicking on a command button, it works fine.
If run by clicking on a label, frmdatetime opens, but the mouse will not work on either of the 2 open forms unless you go down to the windows task bar, jump onto another window, and back onto frmdatetime.
If I remove the loop with the DoEvents in it, then the problem does not occur.

Can anyone enlighten me as to why this behaviour occurs.



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Modules & VBA :: Create Multiple Records Based On Date Range - Button Click Event

Jul 31, 2014

I work for a company that manufactures home appliances & electronics. When those products fail within the warranty period, we are obligated to repair the units for the customers.

We have around 200 factory technicians who make those repairs. Each tech is able to make approximately 8 repairs each day. We have a dispatching system that assigns the repairs to the techs based on their availability each day. But the problem is that we have to manually enter and adjust the schedule for all 200 techs every single day, and this takes a lot of time. And of course technicians get sick, take vacation, etc, so we have to adjust the schedule so no techs will be assigned calls when they're off.

The problem: For example, currently when a technician takes off for 2 weeks, the user has to enter 14 individual records for the tech, which is somewhat time consuming. What I need is to program a button click event to determine the two dates (startDate & endDate) and append multiple records from one single entry in the form for each date in between and including the two date fields.

I know I'll probably need to create a loop that will loop through the two dates on the form and append a record for each day, so I can then cross reference the dates to the master schedule dates to make sure that no availability is opened for the techs taking time off.

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Removing Quotation Marks ....

Dec 6, 2005


This is probably real easy to do, but ........ I have a field in Access that looks like this:

"12:12:01 PM 12/5/2005, 5:00:01 AM 12/6/2005, 7:00:25 AM 12/6/2005"

From this string, all I want is the last Date entry (mm/dd/yyyy). Thus in this result, it would be 12/6/2005. I know how to use the Right(), Left() and Mid() functions, but I do not want quotation marks included in my result.

Any help would be great ......

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SQL Statement Quotation Marks

Nov 4, 2007

I have a statement which is driving me nuts...i'm a beginner with using SQL:

Private Sub Command45_Click()

Me.Graph0.RowSource = "SELECT (Format([Date],""" """mmm""" ''yy')) AS Expr1 FROM Chart_Unsafe_Daily GROUP BY (Format([Date],'mmm'' '''yy")), (Year([Date])*12+Month([Date])-1);

End Sub

The statement is RED for an error, i'm sure it is because the quotation marks within the statement are incorrect.

Can anybody help me out?

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Accent Marks & Foreign Characters

Oct 7, 2005


I'm having an issue with foreign language characters (that have accent marks) not being accepted in our database input fields when a user tries to enter them into the textbox. i've enabled foreign languages, checked help menus, used the character map in accessories, and even tried using the alt+# method but to no avail.

since our company works with many foreign countries, many of the firms names have all sorts of crazy accents (à ã ç ö š ǐ ø) and as you can see from that example, one already showed up incorrectly as a box instead of an "i" with the "u" looking accent above it. I've attached a screenshot to this post so you can see what i'm talking about, however in the example it's the "s" with the "u" looking accent that doesn't show in access, as opposed to the "i" replaced by a box in this post.

My question is, is there any way of adjusting our system so as to make sure all accents are allowed? If you also have a list of steps that I can follow, I can try to redo it your way since the ones I've tried have not worked.

Any help would be greatly apprecaited. Thanks in advance!

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Quotation Marks On A Report Field

Oct 13, 2004

Hello I am trying to design a CD label 'report', it's going well except that the title field of our productions has to print with quotation marks around it'. The name of the field is, yes you guessed it, TITLE. I know it must be a simple solution but I'm at a loss to find it or understand it. I'm just a dumbo. Thanks for your time and expertise.

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Forms :: Quotation Marks In A Textbox

May 15, 2013

How do I put " " into a form text box?

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Bug: Treeview Loses Check Marks On A Tab Control

Jul 18, 2006

If anyone wants to test this out to verify its a true bug it would be helpful:

Create a tab control.
Place a treeview control (with checkboxes = Yes) on one of the pages.
Populate the treeview.
Check some boxes.
Move to the next page of the tab control.
Return to the page with the treeview.
Viola! The checkboxes you checked previously are all unchecked.
(Not just visually, but property-wise as well).

One step forward, two steps back.

Actually, the work around is to remove the treeview from the tab control and then change the Visible property of the treeview to False if on a different tab page, and True if on the page you want it to display on. But c'mon why can't it work the way you'd expect it to work!


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Remove Quote Marks From Imported Table

Mar 16, 2008

I am using DoCmd.TransferText to import a CSV file to a new table.
The problem is some of the fields contain quotation marks which really messes things up for me later on.
Is there some way I can go through the whole table and remove them?

Maybe a Query?

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Queries :: Isolating A Field With Quote Marks?

Oct 24, 2013

I am trying to isolate a field with quote marks (").


but that does not work..

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Modules & VBA :: Strip Out Punctuation Marks From A Field

Jun 26, 2015

How can i strip out punctuation marks from a field that i am calling in a writeline command? There is a comma in the name (vendor name) and it throws off my import into my accounting program.

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