Date Time Query No Pulling Correct Dates!!

May 11, 2006


I have a table with

"starttime", "endtime", "agent", "phonenumb" and a datediff calculation that calculates the diff between "starttime" and "endtime"

the "starttime" and "endtime" columns are in "10/05/2006 12:57:55" format, i.e. the column holds both the date and time

The data is stored in an sql DB and is accessed by an odbc link using Access 2003

I want to be able to run a query within access that lets me chose "agent" and a specific date or a range of dates.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Pulling Latest Record Based On Date And Time?

Sep 21, 2007

Hello All...
I'm very new to Access.. so please forgive my ignorance..

Here is the scenario..

I have a table with two fields named "item" & "description" that contains 10 records total.

I have another table with 100 records with the fields "invoice #","item", "price paid","date paid","time paid".
The item fields are linked between the two, and the 100 records contain different invoices for these ten items.

I want to pull the price paid off of the latest invoice, based on the time and date... What is the easiest way to do this?


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Queries :: Unable To Use Between Query Without Pulling Dates Out Of Range

Feb 19, 2014

Unable to use Between query without pulling dates out of range.I

f I set the Criteria to Between [Enter the start date:] And [Enter the end date:] and input the dates 1/2/2014 & 1/15/2014 i'm pulling data for those dates but for year 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 as well.

if I enter in Between #1/2/2014# And #1/15/2014# it gives me just the dates I requested.I need to be able to have a user use the macro and just enter in the dates they need data for.

Also, I am using the criteria on a date ime field that I have set up an expression on - CreateDate: DateValue([TABLE]![date])the date in the table is stored with time and I just need to show the date.

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Hard Code TIME To Selected Date On Form (to Make It Date&time) For My Query Criteria

Aug 17, 2006

Hello buddies :D, do you have any idea how to make this work?

To select data that falls within this criteria of date range between cboDate and cboDate2 (fields on my form). The date in [tblJobDetails]![timeIn] come in this format "08/17/06 10:24 AM", but the cboDate/cboDate2 (takes in date only e.g 08/17/06) what i am after is to evaluate specific hard coded time in addition to the date entered, i.e. even tho, i haven't entered time on the cboDate/cboDate2, I want specific time hard coded where e.g If i select a date range of 08/17/06 and 08/18/06 on my cboDate and cboDate2 it should really be evaluating: 08/17/06 8:00 AM to 08/18/06 8:00 AM.

This is the criteria i curentlly have on my query in design view tha works perfect in selecting date only.
([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Is Null) And ([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Is Null)
How can I incorporate 8:00am to 8:00am into my cboDate and cboDate2. What can i do to make this happen? Your kindness will be greatly appreciated

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Pulling Results Between Dates

Dec 17, 2007

I've linked access to an external database and created a query to pull results from the linked access table that was between certain times on certain dates (i.e. between 11/12/2007 11:01 AM to 12/13/2007 12:01 PM). The query I have thus far is "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE DATETIME >= #11/12/2007 11:01 AM# AND DATETIME <=#12/13/2007 12:01 PM#". That works, but I want the date and time to be changeable through text fields on a form. Something like "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE DATETIME >= #forms.form1.startdate forms.form1.starttime# AND DATETIME <= #forms.form1.stopdate forms.form1.stoptime#". The dates are going to be automatically generated according to other parameters but the times are going to be entered manually. How can I accomplish this?

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Queries :: Date / Time Query - Return All Records Of Specified Date Or Date Range

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table that has entries recorded with date and time in one field, and I want to have a query that returns all records of a specified date or date range, regardless of the time in the field.

I have tried

Between [StartDate:] And [EndDate:]


Between [StartDate:] & "00:00" And [EndDate:] & "23:59"

Neither of which work ....

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Queries :: Date Field With Time - Query For Date Only And Get All Records

Apr 26, 2013

I have a query based on a table which has a date field. the field both in the table and the query have the time also in the date value so when I try to query on a date I get nothing if I copy the date and time from the field I will get the result for that record if I just use the date I get nothing. I have tried the format which does display just date but if you click on the field the time is also there You must be able to query for a date only and get all the records.

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=Date() Not Pulling Nothing!

Oct 31, 2006

I have a field that is updated with =Now()
now when I try to run a regular query with the criteria being

I get nothing
And the "=" is always disapearing out of the query.
I dont know what is going on. I got the field set up in the table section as a date field with short format.

Can somone please tell me what I am doin wrong when I have followed instructions up to this point....

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Queries :: Getting Date / Time Range - Date And Time Are Separate Fields

Mar 13, 2014

I have a database with date and time each stored in a separate field. Now I want to query the database based on a start date/time and an end date/time. I started with the code below but it only returns events within the same time range on each day when what I really need is every event from a specified date and time through a specified date and time.

SELECT myTable.ID AS myTable_ID, myDate, myTime, FirstName, LastName
Staff.ID = myTable.StaffID
WHERE myTable.myDate >= #3/2/2014#
AND myTable.myDate <= #3/3/2014#
AND myTable.myTime >= #8:00PM#
AND myTable.myTime <= #11:00PM#
ORDER BY myDate desc

In the above example what I want is every event from 3/2/2014 8:00PM until 3/3/2014 11:00PM. But what I get instead is every event between 8:00PM and 11:00PM on 3/2/2014 and every event between 8:00PM and 11:00PM on 3/3/2014.

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Pulling A Date From One Table And Adding It To Another

Aug 18, 2014

I am trying to figure out a way to pull a date from a table and add it to another table automatically. I'm building a database for a harvest/trucking operation and we want to be to set the date everyday and then it pull that date on all of our tickets, reports, etc. Most days we run till after midnight but we want to still record the date as the day we started so I don't think pulling the date from the computer itself would be a good option.

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Subform Correct Answer Adds To Number Correct In Main Form

Mar 2, 2012

The code I have is.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
If Forms![test site]![prp test].Form.[A Right Answer] = -1 Then
Forms![test site]![number correct] = Forms![test site]![number correct] + 1
End If
End Sub

Then when clicked it checks a yes/no box to see if "A right Answer" is the correct yes. Then it should pop to the main form and take the number correct cell and add one to it. I am trying to get the record to go to the next record inside the sub-form but docmd.findnext seems to be wrong too.

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Parameter (Date) Query To Get Input Dates On Report?

Apr 28, 2006

I have a report that has an underlying query that asks for Start Date and End Date.

Is there anyway that I can get what the user inputs into the box to be put into the Page header of the report?

ie: user enters into the parameters
[Start Date] 01/01/2006
[End Date] 04/04/2006

Then when the report displays it says

Report for the period 01/01/2006 to 04/04/2006

Thank you for your time

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Queries :: Pulling Records Based On Date Of Another Record?

Sep 29, 2014

I have a file of transaction history from the accounting system. All of the payroll cash payments are coded as ZG. Payroll accruals are coded as ZC. I need a sum of payroll accruals by department that have the same date or later than the last payroll cash payment. How do I write that query?

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Modules & VBA :: Update Date In Correct Format

Nov 8, 2013

I'm trying to pass some dates from an excel userform into access.

The date is chosen using the DTPicker tool ( basically a drop down calender). I have set the property of this to custom format dd/MM/yyyy, however dates get passed to the appropriate field in access in the American format.

In access the date fields are set to Short Date and the example shown for this format is in the UK format. I assign the date to a variable before passing that variable to the update SQL string:

s1 = Nz(DTPicker1.Value, #1/1/2000#)

I have dimmed s1 as date and then added:


s1 = Format(Date, "dd/MM/yyyy")

My update string is:

"SET [Stage 1] = " & "#" & s1 & "#" & " "

I suspect that the nozero function may be the issue but am at a bit of loss atm.

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Reports :: Changing Numbers To Correct Date Format - IIF Statement

Dec 17, 2013

How to get this expression to work? It works by changing the numbers to correct date format, however, if the field is null, I want a blank to appear instead of "type"

=IIf([DATE_APPLIED_X] Is Null,"""",CDate(Mid([DATE_APPLIED_X],5,2) & "/" & Right([DATE_APPLIED_X],2) & "/" & Left([DATE_APPLIED_X],4)))


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General :: Error Message If Current Date Of A File Is Not Correct

Feb 14, 2014

I have a vba code export a error message if the current date of a file is not correct.. I have tested the code it worked to send a error message to a error.txt file but he it doesn't look to the modified date

So instead of:

file1.txt (13-02-14)
Send error message ("file not updated") to: Error.txt

no action requeried

This code does the following :

file1.txt (Modified date: 13-02-14)
Send error message ("file not updated") to: Error.txt

file2.txt (Modified date: 14-02-14)
Send error message ("file not updated") to: Error.txt

Sub CheckD()
Dim FSO As Object: Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objFile As Object: Set objFile = FSO.GetFile("C:Users
If objFile.DateLastModified <> Date - 1 Then

[Code] .....

So also if it is the current date he send the error message to the error.txt file, it could be possible that i did something wrong.

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Query To Combine A Date And A Time

Apr 28, 2006

I am trying to create a general date field by combinging a date (short date) and time (medium time) field. The fields are named recDate and recTime for the two I am combining, and cmbDateTime for the result field.

When I run the query, the result I receive is an errror stating that it is a data type mismatch.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance,

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Date/Time Query And Totals

Jan 6, 2005

I have a query that will return a total number of hours
between to specific dates. I would also like to have that
same column return the total number of ours regardless of the
dates. Can anyone please help me?

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Queries :: MS Query With Date And Time

May 20, 2014

I have a table with the following records date/time,id, is related to another table to retrieve fname and lname and barcode is related to another table to retrieve packageid

so my query looks like date/time,fname,lname,packageid

what i need is the ability to retrieve all records for yesterday from 00:01 to 23:59 sure there will be an easy way fo doing this - i also need the ability to change 23:59 to possibly 02:00 into the following day for longer shifts

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Convert General Number To Correct Year Date Data Type

Jan 10, 2014

In a query I would like to extract the last ten years. This is what the data looks like:12/13 (Data type = text)(Short for 2012/2013 which actually represents 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013.)

I am able to extract the "12" and turn it into the general number 2012 using: ("20" & Left([TAXYR],2))*1..But how can I convert that to the data type-date so I can include those records in the past ten years from todays date? I was trying to use DateAdd but I think the problem is the data type and where converting to date gives me "1905" or "9/##/1905." I get why it does that, but is there a workaround? Maybe adding 39,785 days?? (2014-1905)*365

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Averaging Date/time Fields With A Query

Apr 15, 2008

I have a table in which each record includes a field showing the time that an event started and then another field which stores "how long did it take", these two fields are both defined as a short Time. I then have a query that runs through the "how long did it take" fields to produce an average time for the whole sequence of events. Two problems:

1. The average comes out as a decimal like 39553.367942 instead of several hours and minutes.

2. When I try to access this value using DLookup on a form I get "#error"

Any suggestions?


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Query Of A Date/Time Field With Other Criteria

May 13, 2005

I'm trying to setup a query to pull only the records that have the latest date in Time Scanned for each different serial number.

I have a table with 4 fields: Serial Number, Model Number, Location and Time Scanned. Some records will have the same Serial Number repeated with different Model numbers,locations and times scanned.

I can't figure out how to query only the Last Time Scanned for each different Serial Number. I've tried using "Last" for critria on the time scanned field, but I need that for each different serial number.

It's probably easy...but I'm not able to get it. Thanks!

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Query Records With Todays Date But I NEED The Time Included

Dec 13, 2006

I have a basic trouble ticket type database that I built. It records troubles and auto fills the date and time when a new records created. I want a simple query that will display the number of calls that each person has taken today.

The problem being that If I use >Date()-1 I will get calls from this time yesterday until now. Is there a way to round down the time to today only? I don't want to lose my time stamp.

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Change Text To Date/Time Field In A Query

Feb 7, 2008

I have created a table called - "Test"
The properties of the table is listed below

Table Name: Test
Field Name: ADMDAT2 (Text)
DISDAT2 (Text)
Operation Date (Date/Time)

I have written a query to populate a field where the Operation Date is between the ADMDAT2 and DISDAT2

Expr1: IIf([ADMDAT2] Is Null,"",IIf([Operation Date]>=[ADMDAT2] And [Operation Date]<=[DISDAT2],"Match"))

Unfornately it returns and ERROR message... I believe this may be because, the data type of the field, matching a Text with a Date/Time, I have rerun the query using a sample table where all the fields are Date/Time, and it work perfectly.

What i need help with how do i convert a text field into a Date/Time in a query?

So i can place that in the query before i populate the Test table. therefore it all should be date/time

thanks in advance

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Update And Delete Query Of A Record By Date At The Same Time..

Oct 9, 2006

I have two tables. PreOrder and Order Tables. When our customer actually order a product, I want all information of that product to move from PreOrder table and append it to Order table. Currently, my user has to run an append query to add the record from PreOrder and add it to Order table. After that, she has to run a delete query to delete the record from PreOrder table. Since our query is setup to run by date, and order number..My user has to type the same thing twice. Is there anyone out there know the easy way? Thanks in advance..

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Queries :: Finding Records In A Query Where Date / Time Has Been Used?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a database that is used (partially) to enter appointments during a day. In the appointment column I've entered the date and time as dd-mmm-yyy-hh-nn-ss. I'm now trying to search for appointments entered on a specific day through a user input ([Enter Date] in the query criteria) Problem is, this only returns records where the time hasn't been entered and the time shows as 00:00:00.

I've tried CDate which gives me add/mmm/yyy return. if I try to search against that I get nil returns though. As a test I put DATE() in the criteria but it then says that it's an invalid foremat. I've also tried various machinations of "Like" and "Between" without success.

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