Date Query Not Working

Aug 18, 2005

SELECT count(Workitem) AS ["Total Workitem"]
FROM qryReport
WHERE >(08/10/2005); 'MM/DD/YYYY

Secondy how do i supply dates dynamically.

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UPDATE Query Not Working With Date A Value

Sep 6, 2007


I am having a problem w/ my UPDATE statement when the date value is included in the statement. I have tried surrounding the date variable (strDate) in "#" and w/ and w/out single quotes to no avail. I doesn't matter if I dimension strDate as a string or a date. I know there must be a simple solution. In short, the UPDATE statement looks like this:

strSQL = "UPDATE tblTasks SET POC = '" & strPOC & "', Date = #" & strDate & "#, Task = '" & strTask & "' WHERE id = " & lID & ";"

If I remove Date = #" & strDate & "#, then the query works.

These also fail:
Date = #'" & strDate & "'#,
Date = '#" & strDate & "#',
Date = '" & strDate & "',

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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UPDATE Query Not Working With Date Value

Sep 6, 2007


I am having a problem w/ my UPDATE statement when the date value is included in the statement. I have tried surrounding the date variable (strDate) in "#" and w/ and w/out single quotes to no avail. I doesn't matter if I dimension strDate as a string or a date. I know there must be a simple solution. In short, the UPDATE statement looks like this:

strSQL = "UPDATE tblTasks SET POC = '" & strPOC & "', Date = #" & strDate & "#, Task = '" & strTask & "' WHERE id = " & lID & ";"

If I remove Date = #" & strDate & "#, then the query works.

These also fail:
Date = #'" & strDate & "'#,
Date = '#" & strDate & "#',
Date = '" & strDate & "',

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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Queries :: Update Date Field Stored In Table - Query Not Working

Dec 23, 2013

Why is this update query not working, I'm trying to update a date field stored in a table.

The new date is passed from a txtbox on a form to the update query!!!

SQL code

UPDATE TblDietPlantemp SET TblDietPlantemp.MealDate = [Forms]![FrmSwitchBoard]![txtCusDate];

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Calculating Working Date Between Orderdate And Due Date

Jan 11, 2007

I have a query in which I have a long list of orders and their entry date and due dates. I would like to calculate the number of working days between the both in order to see if the supplier keeps his theoretical delivery term.

Can some one give me a way to achieve this in my query:

03-03-2007 -/- 24-10-2006 = working days

many thanks in advance

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Modules & VBA :: Get First Working Date After Specific Date

Nov 14, 2013

There are a variety of date functions but I specifically want to show the date or the first working day after the 25th of each month.

if 25 Oct is a Monday then result = 25 Oct
if 25 Oct is a Sunday then result = 26 Oct

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Select Before A Given Date No Working

Dec 4, 2005

sql = sql & " WHERE (((tblAccountBalance.DateLastPayment) < #" & reminderdate & "#))"

Im trying to select all the entrys in a table where the date of the last payment is before a variable 'reminderdate' this works fine if both dates are in the same month ie, DateLastPayment = 26/11/05 and reminder date = 30/11/05, but if the DatelastPayment is 26/11/05 and the reminder date is 01/12/05 then nothing is found.

What am I doing wrong?

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Concatenating A Date Not Working

Mar 21, 2007

I am using this as a criteria for a Query that is pulling the 2 dates from a form - Report Date Range.
The reason I am trying to do this is I have a cumulative report that needs to run for the fiscal year (1/1/xx to 12/31/xx). It will always use 1/1/xx as the base date for the range. I am trying to pick up the year because it will change depending on the periods/years picked.

Between #1/1/ & Year ([Forms]![frmReportDateRange]![txtBeginningDate]) & # And [Forms]![frmReportDateRange]![txtEndDate]

When I run the query I get "The expression you entered has an invalid date value."
I am trying to concatenate the 1/1/ with the year and obviously that is not working. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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BETWEEN...AND... Date Range Not Working?

Aug 10, 2005

Hi there,

I'm tearing my hair out over a simple issue, hoping someone can help: I have a JetSQL stmt where the BETWEEN...AND... just won't work.

I have registration records between 8/08/2005 and 11/08/2005, and I want to be able to do date ranges. BUT when I use "SELECT * FROM registrations WHERE createdate BETWEEN #9/08/2005# AND #11/08/2005#" I get no results.

BUT when I use "SELECT * FROM registrations WHERE createdate BETWEEN #8/08/2005# AND #10/08/2005#", it spits out all the registrations, even ones with a createdate of 11/08/2005!

What gives? What am I missing? Any wisdom, HUGELY appreciated!

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Working Week Date Search

Nov 9, 2005


I have a query where i want to find out all deliveries which are older than 30 days but i want to exclude all weekends.

I know theres a networkingdays function in excel where you can do this but i want to do this in access. Please could any one advise how to do this?

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Queries :: Date Conversion Comparison Not Working?

Nov 8, 2013

I recently (temporarily)took over a position that uses an Access database that does not work properly, and I'm stumpped on how to fix it.

The query is supposed to pull all data where the "Date Overdue" field is less than today.

"Date Overdue" is a calculated value that pulls from the field "Date Input", which is in a text format (DDMMMYY) Such as 03NOV13. It is 8 days after the date input.

It prints out like this: "Monday, November 11, 2013" which is 8 days after the 3rd.

"Date Overdue" is set to this value:


DATE OVERDUE: DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))+8
"Date Overdue" has the criteria "<DateValue(CDate(Now()))"

I'm not going to go into all the different steps I've taken to try and get this to work because I've toyed with it a lot..

The output that I always seem to get is a mixture of all records that are available, before and after today's date, I just wanted those that are less than today.

I suspect that the date values that are shown in the query aren't true dates because when I click on the filter button it gives me this error:

"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'DATE OVERDUE' "

NOTE: I'd like to add that this is just a regular Select query.

SELECT DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))
AS [PRODUCT END PERIOD], DateValue(Left([DATEINPUT],2) & "/" & Mid([DATEINPUT],3,3) & "/" & Right([DATEINPUT],2))+8

[Code] .....

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General :: Formatting Text To Date Not Working As Expected

Sep 17, 2014

I am trying to get a text string from a table to convert to the proper date format in access 2003.

The text string is formatted as 140930 for Sep 30th, 2014 for example.

I have tried using the formula following formula: Format([PCCSDTA_DCSDIU]![DTEAVL],"mm/dd/yyyy") but this format returns the date 11/06/2285 instead of the desired 09/30/2014.

I am still relatively new to Access.

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Queries :: Return Date Of Next Monday - Routine Not Working

May 13, 2014

Today is 13 May and this code is supposed to return the date of next Monday (19 May)


but it returns 1/5/2014 (Thursday May 1), when "Date" = 13/5/2014 (Tuesday May 13)

My begin week is Sunday (1) ,

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Queries :: Access 2010 - Date Formula Not Working?

Apr 7, 2014

date formula that I was using in access 2007 doesn't seem to be working in 2010.

The formula that I had was

Between DateSerial(Year(Date())-IIf(Month(Date())<4,1,0),4,1)
And DateSerial(Year(Date())+IIf(Month(Date())>3,1,0),3 ,31).

The calculation allowed me to count holiday hours taken between 1st April and 31st March. The problem is that it was working up till 31st march but is not now showing holidays taken since 1st April.

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General :: Datasheet View - Date Picker Not Working In Subform?

Sep 11, 2012

I have a subform that is in Datasheet view. If I open this subform on it's own, the Date Picker works for the Date field. However, if I open the main form with the subform on it, the date picker doesn't work? Nothing happens when I select a date on the calender.

I am using MS Access 2010.

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Forms :: Calculating Working Days Based On Date Range

Mar 20, 2014

I am trying to calculate the working days Based on all web searches I am unable to find the specific scenario I am working in Auto industry, which means auto industry usually close twice a year for any reasons, let say in July for one or sometime two weeks and in December depends upon the Christmas date usually from December 20 till Jan 01

Now my question is when i am enter the holiday details in table do I have to enter line by line date e.g. july 01, 02, 03 (I am able to understand, how this works but still not yet tried) OR july 01 to July 07 (which make sense, but unable to find how to use date range to calculate working days)...

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Queries :: Date / Time Query - Return All Records Of Specified Date Or Date Range

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table that has entries recorded with date and time in one field, and I want to have a query that returns all records of a specified date or date range, regardless of the time in the field.

I have tried

Between [StartDate:] And [EndDate:]


Between [StartDate:] & "00:00" And [EndDate:] & "23:59"

Neither of which work ....

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Query Not Working...

Jan 30, 2007


I hope someone is able to help me. I've been working on this for days. I have a report which has a 2 subreports in it. I have the subreport bound and have a query working in the recordsource. Here is the recordsource:

SELECT [Casual Roster Information].ID, [Casual Jobs/Dates].LinkID, Sponsors.SponsorID

I have one report with the Master/Child fields filled in and set but the sponsors subform I cannot fill in the Child field. It says I need to put SponsorID in the recordsource. I thought I did have this(see above.) That's my first problem.

My bigger problem which I think the previous problem is contributing too is my subreport shows up blank. When I run my query it works perfect. But, when I run it with the rest of the program the subreport shows up blank.

Anyone know how I can go about fixing this??

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Delete Query Not Working

May 12, 2005

Hi all,

I have a problem with a delete query i am trying to set up and hopefully one of you experts can help me out.

I have a table called [PMI] and a table called [Referrals]

The tables have a one to many relationship and are linked by the primary key field Patient_No.

I want to delete all records in [PMI] that have no records in [Referrals] and this is what i'm having problems with. I have created a select query where i can return the records i want to delete but its the removing of them from PMI that i cannot figure out.

Hope that makes sense, all help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Update Query Not Working

Aug 2, 2005

Hi all,

I'm sure this is easy to do but for some reason i just cannot get it working. Hopefully someone here can tell me where i'm going wrong.

I have two tables in a database and the have a linking unique field. I want to update a column in one table from a column in another where the linking ID field matches.

Here's what i have at present.

Update Table_1 inner join Table_2 On Table_1.ID = Table_2.ID
Set Table_1.[CHI Number] = [Table_2]![CHI_No]

This is just returning the CHI Number column as blanks instead of what i expected would be the same as Chi_No.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

Thanks in advance

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Very Simple Query Not Working....

Sep 15, 2005

we have a main table for tracking pickups....some of the fields are combo boxes with relationships to other such relationship is units (ml, gallon, ounce, etc) the main table everything works just fine....a user enters the location info, the amount and the corresponding units. thus, an example would be a user picks up something from building X, room 101, 10, Gallons.....the 10 refers to the gallons, the user picked up 10 gallons...

now for the query:
i'm creating a query for which i will base a report query design if i just select the above info everything works comes out on the report as 5 Gallons....however, what i'd like to do is concatenate the two fields so that they take up less space on the report and are more visibly's what i tried in query design:
Amt: [amount]&Space(1)&[units]
this does not the units table that provides Gallons as a selection in the combo field, Gallons has a key value of 5.....thus, when i run the query using the above code i get 10 5 - where 10 is the amount the amount and 5 is the key from the combo box...

i've tried bringing in the units table but then i get a type can i concatenate the two fields and show the proper units? this has to be simple but i cannot get it to work... :mad:

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Unmatched Query Not Working

Sep 21, 2005

I have a a table that changes monthly, and each month I need to find the records from the old table that are not in the new table and visa versa. I made the entire row in the table the key.
and wrote two find unmatched queries.
However, the queries are not finding all the information that is no longer there or that has been added.
Can someone please take a look and see what I am doing wrong?
Any help appriciated!!

the tables are imported from Excel

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This Query For A Rowsource Not Working

Sep 29, 2005

Ive posted similar in the forms section but it has gone unanswered so I've pulled out the offending query and hope someone here can offer insight into this frustrating problem.

I have a form [Training Record] that has 2 combo boxes.

Box A (course_title_combo) has the titles of the various training courses. It pulls 2 columns from the training_courses table, namely courseID and course_title. Only course_title is shown in the box. The control source of this is set to CourseID as this is the field to be written to the training_record table, showing who attends what course.

Box B (course_date_combo) is MEANT to pull through the dates that each course is on, by pulling through the course dates for each course where courseID (as selected by combo box A) is equal to the courseID in the course_dates table.

Here is the current rowsource query for box B - which is basically showing blank fields...

SELECT tbl_course_dates.course_date, tbl_course_dates.CourseID FROM tbl_course_dates WHERE forms![training record test form]!course_title_combo=tbl_course_dates.CourseID

I cant see what is wrong with the query, but Im guessing it must be wrong as it is the rowsource which determines what is included in combo box B.

Any help would be appreciated no end - im totally stuck now :(

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If Statement In A Query Not Working?

Oct 9, 2005

hi im trying to do the following if statement in a query but its not working, anyone know what im doing wrong?
any help would be great.


im trying to say if the field "period" in the table: "TABLE SALES" is the same or less than the value in the field "actuals to pd" in the table :"TABLE-AVERAGE" then the value displayed in this field ("new") should be the value: "actuals to pd" in the table "table-sales" otherwise the value in the field "forecast1 base value" in the table "table update"

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IIF Statemenst In Query Not Working??

Nov 30, 2005

Hi, i have the below code in a field in a query


but a message says:"the expression you entered has the wrong number of arguments" .....Any ideas what im doing wrong?

(if forecast_1_inc_base is false id like just the last part of code to be FORECAST_1_PROMO_QTY)

Any help would be great, cheers

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Update Query Not Working

Jan 12, 2006

Hello all,

I have the below update query running

UPDATE tbl_master SET tbl_master.COLLRAW =
Iif(tbl_master.PSTATE = "WV","WV",
Iif(tbl_master.PSTATE = "MA","MA",

but when I add this line:

UPDATE tbl_master SET tbl_master.COLLRAW =
Iif(tbl_master.PSTATE = "WV","WV",
Iif(tbl_master.PSTATE = "MA","MA",
Iif(tbl_master,MSPBANK in ("751","752","753","854","855"),"GS",

It give me an error message that says "Wrong number of arguments in Query Expression." Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the query above?

Thanks in advance,


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