Date Update Upon Modification

Jan 10, 2006

Hi all;
I know this thread has probably already been done but I've tried searching and nothing I've found seems to be what I'm looking for. What I want to do is incorporate an automatic Date update to a table, every time an item is updated in that table. I've tried creating a new field "DateLastModified" and puttin =Now() in as the default value, but this does not input a date into the field. Any suggestions on how I can get this to work?

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Modules & VBA :: Query Regarding Insert Future Date - Script Modification

Sep 12, 2014

I am dabbling in updating an existing database.Currently our staff enter data via a form and I have this set up using the below script to automatically complete the "Due date" field with a date 5 working days ahead of the current date, saving them from having to manually enter this date each time.

Public Function PlusWorkdays(dteStart As Date, intNumDays As Long) As Date
PlusWorkdays = dteStart
Do While intNumDays > 0


This then updates the value on the relevant form object using the default value "PlusWorkdays(Date(),5)" to give a date 5 working days ahead. the problem I face is that due to our business process at 15:30 each day our due date needs to change to 6 working days from todays date rather than 5. I was wondering if there is a simple way I can modify the script to add an extra working day when the local time hits a specified point (15:30 in this case), unfortunately this is a bit outside my abilities currently!

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Report Modification

Jun 9, 2004

I am a self taught Access user and I am attempting to modify an existing report. The existing report is based of a query with six fields. I am trying to add 2 or 3 additional fields to this report. If the other fields are in another query, can I add them to this existing report or do I need to create a new report all over again?

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Record Modification Dates & Who Did It

Jun 22, 2005

We have a database that we are sharing on a network How can I set up a table (or other method) that will automatically log when the database was last updated and who did it (the username). I would like to be able to run a report based on the modification dates of a particular user. Thanks in advance!

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Form For Security Modification

Feb 20, 2008

Hi all.

Once upon a time I stumbled upon an example form or selection or forms that I merged that allowed the admin user to add and modify user accounts that were set up using the User-Level Security wizard. The form showed the user accounts and group there each were in both of which could be changed or added to as weel as passwords changed or set without going through the full toolbar selection method.

I have since deleted this from my computer in one of my random clean ups but have since been asked for it again. Does anybody have any knowledge of this form or where I might be able to find it?


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Crosstab Query Modification

Dec 28, 2007

Hi all,

In Northwind DB i made a crosstab query which summarize no of categories that every customer buy his products from.

It works well in case of I summarizing all orders without any criteria.
If i set a criteria such as Order Date is greater than 1/1/1998, the form displays the customers who made orders in this interval only.
Now, How can i make it displays all customers and summarize the categories of customers who didn't make orders in this interval by zeros rather than deleting them.

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Tough Modification Of Existing SQL Query

Mar 7, 2007

I’m trying to modify an existing SQL query that calculates actual working days between start date in tblECN and end date in tblECNDetail to do the same between start date in tblECNDetail and end date in tblECNDetail (same table).

Where I’ve gotten into a bind is with the joins of the two tables that are needed in the first query but not in the second as both fields come from the same query.

In the current working query I join about tblECN.ECNID and tblECNDetail.ECNID. In the new query I don’t think I need to create these joins at all as BOMEntryStart and BOMEntryEnd both come from the same table (tblECNDetail). I’ve bolded all references to the table no longer required for join but I don’t know which join statements I can be rid of. When trying to save I get an error in the FROM statement if I leave as is. If I get rid of the join statement I get an error

working query
SELECT [tblECN].[ECNID], [tblECN].[RelDate], [tblECNDetail].[PendDate], DateDiff("d",[tblECN].[RelDate],[tblECNDetail].[PendDate],2)- IIf([HCOUNT]>0,[HCOUNT],0) AS DaysDiff, Int([daysdiff]/7) AS Weeks, [daysdiff]-[weeks]*3+IIf(Weekday([tblECNDetail].[PendDate],2)>5,5-Weekday([tblECNDetail].[PendDate],2),0)+IIf(Weekday([tblECN].[RelDate],2)=6,1,0)-IIf(Weekday([tblECN].[RelDate],2)>Weekday([tblECNDetail].[PendDate],2),2,0)+IIf([tblECN].[RelDate]=[tblECNDetail].[PendDate],1,0) AS weekdays, Query5.HCOUNT
FROM tblHoliday, [tblECN] INNER JOIN [tblECNDetail] ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = [tblECNDetail].[ECNID]
WHERE (((tblHoliday.Holiday) Between [tblECN].[RelDate] And [tblECNDetail].[PendDate]))) AS Query4
GROUP BY Query4.[tblECN].[ECNID]]. AS Query5 ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = Query5.[tblECN].[ECNID]
WHERE ((([tblECNDetail].[PendDate]) Between [Forms]![frmDates]![StartDate] And [Forms]![frmDates]![StopDate]) AND (([tblECN].[DoNotProcess])<>"Do Not Process"));

Not working query
SELECT [tblECN].[ECNID], [tblECNDetail]., [tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd], DateDiff("d",[tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart],[tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],2)- IIf([HCOUNT]>0,[HCOUNT],0) AS DaysDiff, Int([daysdiff]/7) AS Weeks, [daysdiff]-[weeks]*3+IIf(Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],2)>5,5-Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],2),0)+IIf(Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart],2)=6,1,0)-IIf(Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart],2)>Weekday([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],2),2,0)+IIf([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart]=[tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd],1,0) AS weekdays, Query5.HCOUNT
FROM ([b]tblECN INNER JOIN tblECNDetail ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = [tblECNDetail].[ECNID]) LEFT JOIN [SELECT Query4.[tblECN].[ECNID], Sum(Query4.TEMPVAL) AS HCOUNT
FROM tblHoliday, [tblECN] INNER JOIN [tblECNDetail] ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = [tblECNDetail].[ECNID]
WHERE (((tblHoliday.Holiday) Between [tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryStart] And [tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd]))) AS Query4
GROUP BY Query4.[tblECN].[ECNID]]. AS Query5 ON [tblECN].[ECNID] = Query5.[tblECN].[ECNID]
WHERE ((([tblECNDetail].[BOMEntryEnd]) Between [Forms]![frmDates]![StartDate] And [Forms]![frmDates]![StopDate]) AND (([tblECN].[DoNotProcess])<>"Do Not Process"));

Any help is greatly approciated.

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Access 2013 Chart Diagram Modification With VBA

Oct 17, 2014

I would like to do two things

1.) pink arrow // I've changed the titel in a diagram with vba ... is there also a methode to move the position of the titel with vba ( left-center or rigth ? )

Private Sub Form_Current()
' KostenHinweis im Diagram
Me!Dia_WS.Object.ChartTitle.Text = _
"Preis: " & Me.[Roh-Preis] & "€/kg " & _
" Mindestbestand =" & Round(Me.MindestBestand * Me.[Roh-Preis], 0) & "€ ; " & _
" Maximalbestand =" & Round(Me.MindestBestand_Max * Me.[Roh-Preis], 0) & "€"
'Me!Dia_WS.Object.ChartTitle.Left ???
End Sub

2.) red arrow // maybe its because of the titel placement.I would like to change the size of a diagram with VBA code to have the diagram fit nicely to a given space best thing would be if there would be a possibility to resize the diagram in the given space

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Reports :: Extra Blank Page Appearing In Report After Modification

Sep 11, 2013

I have been modifying an existing report that was formatting and printing fine but since I modified it (adding some text boxes and moving some controls around), it is now adding a blank page.

For example, If the report was normally 2 pages long with page numbers, it is inserting a blank page without page number between page 1 and page 2......

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Modules & VBA :: View Cannot Be Updated Because Modification Affects Multiple Base Tables

Aug 26, 2014

I am trying to trap the database error "View cannot be updated because modification affects multiple base tables" in the Form OnError event to display a user-friendly message instead of the above.The above can happen in the scenario of inserting/updating several fields of different tables at one time, likewise what I am facing now is the scenario of the user copying an entire record and pasting it.

I tried
Case 4405
MsgBox "Can not update the record. it is related to base tables"
Response = acDataErrContinue

But it doesn't work. How can I know the case number and solve all the scenarios of multiple insert/update attempts?Also, are there any better solution than this? I first tried to detach the SQL statements out of the views and make it one select statement so that I can normally multiple update/insert(as this problem happens with views only) but since CTE is not supported in Access , I failed to do so.

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Modules & VBA :: Set Datatype As Date / Time In The Form - Update Table With Null Date

Mar 12, 2014

I have a form with Date of Death (DOD) field. I would like update DOD from a table dbo_patient into Z_Patients table.

I have set the datatype as Date/Time in the form for Date of Death.

Private Sub Update_DOD()
Dim rcMain As New ADODB.Recordset, rcLocalDOD As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim DOD As String
rcMain.Open "select distinct PatientKey from Z_Patients", CurrentProject.Connection

[Code] ....

However I am getting some error Run-time error '-2147217913 Date type mismatch in criteria expression in section below.

CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "update Z_MAIN_Processed_Patients set DateOfDeath = '" & rcLocalDOD!date_of_death & "' where PatientKey = " & !PatientKey

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Security - Allow Query Building, But Not Table Building/modification

Sep 23, 2006

I've been trying to figure this out, but it looks like a no go.

I wanted to give my users the ability to create/modify queries, but NOT create/modify tables.

Does anyone know if this is possible in Access 2002?



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How To Update.. The Date

Jun 6, 2006

Built a form with a list of contacts.

One of the fields should show the date of the last change made in the record.

How do I manage to update the date-field automatically everytime a change is made in the record?

Help me please... 'cause I'm going completely nuts!

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Date Update And Created

Aug 11, 2007

i would like to add in my database two fields: date update and date created automatically, but how?

sorry for my english...

access 2007

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Update Next Payment Date

Feb 20, 2006


is there a way to get access to update the "next payment date" field... if it is a date field.... to one calendar month on

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Update Field With Last Date

Apr 24, 2006

Here's what I got:
Table1: Case_ID, Duration
Table2: Case_ID, Notes_ID, Date, Duration

Table1.Duration is populated with numeric values
Table2.Duration is currently blank
Table2 may contain many notes for each entry in Table1.
I want to take the values of Table1.Duration and Update the last Note for each Case in Table2.
Basically I no longer want Duration to be entered at the case level, I prefer it be entered every time someone makes a note entry. The problem is that I have a lot of old cases, so I wanted to migrate the data in Table1.Duration to Table2.Duration.

Make sense? Anyone able to help me out?

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Update Query To Add +1 To Date?

Jun 27, 2006

Hi all..

When I brought in a table from excel to access...all the dates were off by one day. I have tried to do an update query to add +1 day to all the dates..but it hasn't work..

I have tried this: DateAdd("dd",1[DateOverpaymentBegan]) but I am getting an expression error..

I have done a search of the forum (that is where I found the above expression).....but have not had any luck...

How can I add just one day to all the dates..?


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Update Date With Business Day

Dec 13, 2006


I am trying to update a field on a form with a date that is +7 days from a date that is in another field, but the new date must only be a business day. Can anyone tell me how to do this?


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Update Date After Change

Sep 18, 2006

Before you start yelling, use the search. I did.;)
But the solution mentioned on this forum (place me.lastupdated = Date() after BeforeUpdate event) doesnt work for me. My situation: I have two forms. On the first you are asked for an registrationnumber. This is used to open the second form with that registration number so you can fill in data. I want the date on which things are changed on the second form to be saved. If I use the BeforeUpdate event, I get an error when I try to open the second form. When I use the AfterUpdate event, the date is changed but not stored. Any solutions? :confused:

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Update Date Field

Jan 27, 2006

I have a form with a date field named PURGEDATE that has its source to a table and its' default value: =DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+24,1).

When I open my form, the PURGEDATE Fields stored by default the above date (simply two years later than the current). Is there I was I can update this date each time the form is opened?


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Update =Date() On Form Load

Jul 27, 2007

I have a form, that when I create a new record it puts a a =Now() time stamp in the Date Field, but I would like for that time to be updated if anything on the record is changed, later on. How do I update that time?

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How To Update Date Field In Access2000 ..??

Feb 9, 2006

Hi All :)

Can any one help me to get this done. Here is my case ..

There is column1 called as "Status" in a table "Company List".
There is column2 called as "Date" in a same table "Company List".

My requirement is ..

Whenever I update column1 "Status" as "Done" and move to next Row. Column2 "Date" should update automaticaly with system date.

Can any one please help me in this reagrd.

Thank you in advance..!


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Automatically Update To Today's Date

Oct 24, 2006


I have a table which has a date field in it, where the default value is Now().

How do I get this field to automatically update in the table to "today's date"?



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Update Field Depending On Date

Dec 5, 2005


I wonder if anyone can help me out on a db i have inherited. Basically I need to add a field to a table and backfill the field with a number depending on a date field.

The new field (CallID) needs to record the order in which calls are received on a certain date (CallDate in the table). So for example the first call on 1/3/05 CallID=1, the second on 1/3/05 CallID=2. The following day CallID restarts at CallID=1.

So I'm looking for an update query which will set CallID for the several hundred existing records in the database. If anyone can help with a pointer or too, or example SQL, I would be very grateful


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Date Criteria In Update Query

Mar 31, 2006

What I want to do is from several records find the Max() date and update that one record with my stuff. However, I get an error message cannot use aggregate in update query or something to do that effect. Is there a way to get around this?

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Update Query To Change Date

Apr 19, 2007

G'day, I'm trying to replace a date on a table using an update query. I have the criteria set to [enter date] but it won't put it in the update to block. I know this has to be one of those easy one but after a search and using help I can't nail it down. Much appriciated, Tim

Guess I should add that I'm going to use a command button on a form to run the query and I want it to prompt me for the date.

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