DatePart And Between...And

Dec 13, 2006

Have been unable to find any solutions for this in the forum or the help files in Access.

Project has a [cutindate] and an [enddate].
A [flatamount] ($$ savings amount].

I am calculating the month savings by dividing the [flatamount] by the number of months between [cutindate] and [enddate] using DatePart().

With the help of someone on the forum I have a table "MonthOffset" which just has the numbers 1-12 in the [MonthOffSet] column. Using this, I can get my query to take the monthly savings amount and disperse it to each month for the next 12 months beginning with the [cutindate]. This was my original direction. They now don't want to see it dispersed over 12 months, but rather just show savings between the [cutindate] and [enddate]. I can get the correct monthly savings in my query, but it is still showing it for 12 months, i.e. [flatamount] is $50k, monthly savings is for 5 months, $10k showing for each of 12 months. I can just use this, then make another query to only show the monthly savings between the months I need but I would like to get it done in one query.

My query:

ProjectID CutInDate SavingsMonth
1 2/1/2006 2/1/2006
1 2/1/2006 3/1/2006
1 2/1/2006 4/1/2006
Through 1/1/2007

Project ID has a cut in date of 2/1/2006 but the savings will only last until 8/1/2006.

Has anyone had to do this before?

I have tried this in the criteria of my SavingsMonth field:

[MonthOffSet] Between DatePart("m",DateValue([cutindate]) AND DatePart("m",DateValue([enddate])))

But keep getting the message: You did not enter the keyword And in the Between...And operator. The correct syntax is "expression [Not] Between value1 and value2"

Does anyone know if this can be done?



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DatePart Help Please

Oct 15, 2006

If I can get any suggestions I would appreciate it. I need to run a report on total number of calls, daily and I need to sort it by week. I used the Sorting and Grouping options and I can sort them. what I need to accomplish is to have the week start on a Monday instead of the default Sunday. When the first data of the week does not start on a Monday, the heading date of that week will be the date of when it is first recorded. So, if i have no calls on Monday or Tuesday but there are records for Wednesday, it will have Wednesday date as the heading for that week. I went through the help online for Access and it mention I can create expressions to help using the Datepart heading. But, it didn't recognize the expression. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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This Is Odd...using An Iif With The Datepart Function

Jan 19, 2007

Here's the deal, I have a table that has a flag in it. It's either a 1 or a 0.

Expr1: IIf([Is it?]=1,[REQ DATE],IIf([Is it?]=0,(DatePart("yyyy",[REQ DATE])),"ERROR"))

If it's a 1, it displays the full date. If it's zero, it's supposed to display the year of the date.

The first part works fine. If it's a 1, it shows the date. However, if it's a shows a date not even remotely close...and they're all the same. 06/28/1905.

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DatePart In Query Use

Sep 5, 2007


Can anyone advise on the following query problem:

I have been using the function DatePart to select records from a field of a datetime type, and had seen somewhere (an old Access refrence book?) that it is possible to use DatePart to select more than one time setting, but I have not found out if this is actually possible, or the syntax for it if it is.

In selecting a time range, I would like to use a single query (eg Between 0900 and 1730) to represent a working day, with the criteria "hn" in the datePart function. At present I have to use two selection criteria to achive this (h Between 9 and 16; h = 17 AND n <30)

Ay help/suggestions, and especially an example, would be greatly appreciated. I am using Access 2003.

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DatePart Function

Jun 2, 2007

I am using a DatePart function to get the week number for various dates in my project (DatePart("ww",[date],vbsunday)). Is it possible to set the firstday setting of the function (vbsunday) by referring it to a field in another form. I have tried but get an error. I am hoping to achieve this because the database will be distributed to various agencies which have different first day of the week for their schedules. I want to avoid re-writing the code for each agency. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Can You Use Multiple Weeks In DatePart

Jun 27, 2005

I'm using the following in a query qwhich allows me to enter the week number as the criteria:


This works fine , no problems. What I would like to know, is it possible to enter muliptle week numbers in the criteria, say 14 16 21 to give me output for those weeks, I have tried different separators to no effect ie. : and ; It may be that it simply is not possible but it would be extremely useful if ti was.

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Datepart Function Problem

Jan 19, 2006


I seem to be stuck when trying to get "mm-yy" from a "dd/mm/yyyy" field.

For example I want the query to bring back "Jan 05" or "January 2005" from "01/01/2005"

I've tried using the datepart function i.e. datepart("mm-yyyy",[date but to no avail.... can anyone help???

Many Thanks in advance


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Datepart Function Problem

Jan 19, 2006


I seem to be stuck when trying to get "mm-yy" from a "dd/mm/yyyy" field.

For example I want the query to bring back "Jan 05" or "January 2005" from "01/01/2005"

I've tried using the datepart function i.e. datepart("mm-yyyy",[date]) but to no avail.... can anyone help???

Many Thanks in advance


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Datepart To Show Month

Sep 6, 2006

I know this must be simple…

How do you show the actual month from the results of using the datepart function in a query

Query xMonth:DatePart("m",[ContractStartDate],[MaturityDate])

I want to show Jan, Feb march not the integer value.


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DatePart Function, String Functions

Nov 1, 2005

Hey all I have a I was wondering if you knew how I can get a part of my datepart function out, I have taken the year from the the date with the date part function and now I need only the 05, so what can I do to get it out? Thanks MY CODE: Dim Num as string Num = DatePart("yyyy", STRDATE)
I looked up the code for a right function and it is suppose to work on a string, so I tryed it on this. My CODE:
Dim Year As String
Year = RIGHT(Num, 2)
I obtained a type mismatch WHY???

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DatePart - Can I Change The Default «firstweek»

Apr 28, 2006

This is my first thread so be gentle.

I curently have a query based on a payments table. In the payments table there is a field called date (when the payment was processed).

I want to be able to display, in my query, the quarter that this payment was made in. It is based on financial quarters so quarter 1 starts on April the 1st.

The default of firstweek seems to be January the 1st. Can I change it to April the 1st - if so how?

Many Thanks

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DatePart Will Only Accept 6th Jan 2005 As Week 2

Jun 2, 2005

When using 'ww' as the criteria in the DatePart calculation it will not accept 1 for 6th Jan 2005 which is week 1, you have to enter 2 and it will select it, in fact all the weeks so far in 2005 are out by 1. To cure it you can add on -1 to the query and it works fine until you go back to the previous year and it screws up those dates.

Any ideas?

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Forms :: DatePart Function To Filter Out Sales Tax By Quarter

Apr 26, 2013

Was wondering if there is a way to incorporate the DatePart function in the below statement to filter out sales tax by quarter? I have two drop down boxes that filter the year and the state but the below only totals the tax for the year and state. I am trying to add 4 text boxes to show the quarterly break down of sales tax.

The below text box is in a form pulling the data from a query.

Text Box

=DSum("[SalesTaxCharged]","[Sales Tax Calculation Qry]","Year([Order Date])=[SelectedYear] And
[StateProv]=[SelectedState] And Not [Tax Exempt]")

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