DatePart Will Only Accept 6th Jan 2005 As Week 2

Jun 2, 2005

When using 'ww' as the criteria in the DatePart calculation it will not accept 1 for 6th Jan 2005 which is week 1, you have to enter 2 and it will select it, in fact all the weeks so far in 2005 are out by 1. To cure it you can add on -1 to the query and it works fine until you go back to the previous year and it screws up those dates.

Any ideas?

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Forms :: Limiting Continues Form To Accept 7 Lines And Dating Them With Current Week?

Jul 29, 2013

Form info

1st Form Name: Mainform
Text to enter employee ID : empid

Sub form within Mainform: SFTimesheet (continues form)
text to enter: Timein, Break, Timeout

SFTimesheet shows and accept entries for each employee called using the text empid, on the mainform

I wanted the subform to show 7 days /lines starting from Sunday to Saturday of current week and dating the text "Timein" accordingly. When employee enteres an entry on the 7th Line, it should give them a new 7 lines for the new week to begin.

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Reports :: Inserting Page Break To Show Week By Week Pages

Feb 11, 2015

I've created a report based on a query that shows me the jobs that have been added to tblJobs between two selected dates.

The report works fine and displays all the information I need, however other than being sorted by day of the week i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. The records just run on one after another.

I want to create a page break, so that a full week is shown on a single page before then forcing a new page when it moves in to the next week.

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Formatting 5/10/05 Into May 10, 2005

Jan 6, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to do a date formatting that will change 5/10/05 into May 10, 2005 in a table and report? Or do I have to use a text field instead? Thanks!


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Does Access 97 Work With SQL Server 2005?

Nov 9, 2006

The company are using Access 97 as the front-end to a SQL2000 database. Tables are updated, queries run and forms used. They are moving to SQL2005 but not considering updgrading Access 97. Will the current queries, forms etc still work? Thanks.


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Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005

Dec 7, 2006

Hi guys,

I have basic knowledge of microsoft Access and do very little with script and coding. I also design websites and can code in HTML and have good skills in Dreamweaver etc.

If I want to create a database driven website is Visual Web Developer 2005 a good software choice??

The way I see it the software will allow me to use my design skills and database knowledge to create the data driven website without needing alot of knowledge about MYSQL and PHP etc.


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Access 2000 ADP To SQL Server 2005

Feb 16, 2007

Hello all,

I'm trying to set up an access 2000 .adp project connecting to a SQL server 2005 database. I can set up the connection ok, but once I have completed the setup process, I can the following error messages if I try to creat any new database objects:

If I try to create a new object (a view or table etc), Access tells me that:

'I do not have exclusive access to the database at this time. your changes will not be saved.'

If it's a view, I then get the following message:

'The Visual Database Tools within Visual Studio 6 and Access 2000 do not support some new features of SQL Server 2000. Because you are manipulating an object in a SQL Server 2000 database, some operations will be unavailable to you. In rare cases, you might not be able to save the database object you modified. In other cases, you will be able to save the object, but its previously existing settings for features new to SQL Server 2000 will be lost. In most of these cases, you will be warned if the Save operation will eliminate existing settings or property values.

For a complete description of the interaction between SQL Server 2000 and Visual Database Tools within Visual Studio 6 or Access 2000, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q266277, "Using Visual Studio 6 and Access 2000 Visual Database Tools with SQL Server 2000." Knowledge Base articles are available in the MSDN Library Visual Studio documentation or at'

To supress this message next time you design a SQL Server 2000 object from Visual Studio 6 or Access 2000, check the following box.

Finally, I get the following error.

'You are connected to a version of sql server newer than sql server 2000. save will be disabled'

Obviously I want to be able to creat and save new objects.

Can anyone help? I've sone some searches on the MS support site, but have not found anything that appears to be relevant.



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DatePart And Between...And

Dec 13, 2006

Have been unable to find any solutions for this in the forum or the help files in Access.

Project has a [cutindate] and an [enddate].
A [flatamount] ($$ savings amount].

I am calculating the month savings by dividing the [flatamount] by the number of months between [cutindate] and [enddate] using DatePart().

With the help of someone on the forum I have a table "MonthOffset" which just has the numbers 1-12 in the [MonthOffSet] column. Using this, I can get my query to take the monthly savings amount and disperse it to each month for the next 12 months beginning with the [cutindate]. This was my original direction. They now don't want to see it dispersed over 12 months, but rather just show savings between the [cutindate] and [enddate]. I can get the correct monthly savings in my query, but it is still showing it for 12 months, i.e. [flatamount] is $50k, monthly savings is for 5 months, $10k showing for each of 12 months. I can just use this, then make another query to only show the monthly savings between the months I need but I would like to get it done in one query.

My query:

ProjectID CutInDate SavingsMonth
1 2/1/2006 2/1/2006
1 2/1/2006 3/1/2006
1 2/1/2006 4/1/2006
Through 1/1/2007

Project ID has a cut in date of 2/1/2006 but the savings will only last until 8/1/2006.

Has anyone had to do this before?

I have tried this in the criteria of my SavingsMonth field:

[MonthOffSet] Between DatePart("m",DateValue([cutindate]) AND DatePart("m",DateValue([enddate])))

But keep getting the message: You did not enter the keyword And in the Between...And operator. The correct syntax is "expression [Not] Between value1 and value2"

Does anyone know if this can be done?



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DatePart Help Please

Oct 15, 2006

If I can get any suggestions I would appreciate it. I need to run a report on total number of calls, daily and I need to sort it by week. I used the Sorting and Grouping options and I can sort them. what I need to accomplish is to have the week start on a Monday instead of the default Sunday. When the first data of the week does not start on a Monday, the heading date of that week will be the date of when it is first recorded. So, if i have no calls on Monday or Tuesday but there are records for Wednesday, it will have Wednesday date as the heading for that week. I went through the help online for Access and it mention I can create expressions to help using the Datepart heading. But, it didn't recognize the expression. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

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How To Import MS Access Database Into SQL Server 2005

May 23, 2007


I have a database MS access: test.mdb.

Is it possible to attach to SQL SERVER 2005, or any other solution ?

I need to transfer all the application:

structure and data.

How to do it?


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Microsoft Access And Visual Web Developer 2005

Mar 7, 2007


When I view my orders page, there is nothing displayed.

I have to query this by Orders.aspx?CustomerID=Sam to display Sam`s orders.

Is there a way that Sam can view all his orders as Sam is the username and the CustomerId?

I specified this query string, but to no avail:

SELECT DISTINCT [OrderID], [CustomerID], [OrderDate], [TotalPrice] FROM [Orders] WHERE ([CustomerID] = ?)


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This Is Odd...using An Iif With The Datepart Function

Jan 19, 2007

Here's the deal, I have a table that has a flag in it. It's either a 1 or a 0.

Expr1: IIf([Is it?]=1,[REQ DATE],IIf([Is it?]=0,(DatePart("yyyy",[REQ DATE])),"ERROR"))

If it's a 1, it displays the full date. If it's zero, it's supposed to display the year of the date.

The first part works fine. If it's a 1, it shows the date. However, if it's a shows a date not even remotely close...and they're all the same. 06/28/1905.

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DatePart In Query Use

Sep 5, 2007


Can anyone advise on the following query problem:

I have been using the function DatePart to select records from a field of a datetime type, and had seen somewhere (an old Access refrence book?) that it is possible to use DatePart to select more than one time setting, but I have not found out if this is actually possible, or the syntax for it if it is.

In selecting a time range, I would like to use a single query (eg Between 0900 and 1730) to represent a working day, with the criteria "hn" in the datePart function. At present I have to use two selection criteria to achive this (h Between 9 and 16; h = 17 AND n <30)

Ay help/suggestions, and especially an example, would be greatly appreciated. I am using Access 2003.

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DatePart Function

Jun 2, 2007

I am using a DatePart function to get the week number for various dates in my project (DatePart("ww",[date],vbsunday)). Is it possible to set the firstday setting of the function (vbsunday) by referring it to a field in another form. I have tried but get an error. I am hoping to achieve this because the database will be distributed to various agencies which have different first day of the week for their schedules. I want to avoid re-writing the code for each agency. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Can A Custom Control Created In VB 2005 Be Used In Access 2003?

Nov 24, 2007

Hello all,

I would like to know to how a control created in VB 2005, be used in access 2003.

Thank you.

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Week Commencing Day From Week Number

Nov 6, 2006

I have a query that groups records by date into week numbers using the following expression.

WeekNumber: DatePart("ww",[Date],2)

I would prefer to display the result as the week commencing Monday date.


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Can You Use Multiple Weeks In DatePart

Jun 27, 2005

I'm using the following in a query qwhich allows me to enter the week number as the criteria:


This works fine , no problems. What I would like to know, is it possible to enter muliptle week numbers in the criteria, say 14 16 21 to give me output for those weeks, I have tried different separators to no effect ie. : and ; It may be that it simply is not possible but it would be extremely useful if ti was.

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Datepart Function Problem

Jan 19, 2006


I seem to be stuck when trying to get "mm-yy" from a "dd/mm/yyyy" field.

For example I want the query to bring back "Jan 05" or "January 2005" from "01/01/2005"

I've tried using the datepart function i.e. datepart("mm-yyyy",[date but to no avail.... can anyone help???

Many Thanks in advance


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Datepart Function Problem

Jan 19, 2006


I seem to be stuck when trying to get "mm-yy" from a "dd/mm/yyyy" field.

For example I want the query to bring back "Jan 05" or "January 2005" from "01/01/2005"

I've tried using the datepart function i.e. datepart("mm-yyyy",[date]) but to no avail.... can anyone help???

Many Thanks in advance


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Datepart To Show Month

Sep 6, 2006

I know this must be simple…

How do you show the actual month from the results of using the datepart function in a query

Query xMonth:DatePart("m",[ContractStartDate],[MaturityDate])

I want to show Jan, Feb march not the integer value.


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Access Developer Extensions And Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition

Jan 1, 2007

I have developed an Access mdb file with lots of tables, forms, queries, reports, and VBA code. I want to be able to distribute this to Access-less users. I understand that the Access Developer Extensions enable this to be done and that the two wizards assist.

My first question is this: Are the Access Developer Extensions and the two wizards included in Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition?

I ask because this is what was recommended by a Microsoft representative and is what I’ve purchased. This came along with something called MSDN Library, but I’m not sure what that allows me so it is possible that this library will contain the elements that I’m searching for, but so far I’ve not found it.

Are the Access Developer Extensions only provided as part of the Visual Studio for Microsoft Office Tool package, as I’ve seen referenced in several forums and articles, including yours, or are these in fact part of other tools, such as the Professional Edition of Visual Studio that I’ve purchased?

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

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DatePart Function, String Functions

Nov 1, 2005

Hey all I have a I was wondering if you knew how I can get a part of my datepart function out, I have taken the year from the the date with the date part function and now I need only the 05, so what can I do to get it out? Thanks MY CODE: Dim Num as string Num = DatePart("yyyy", STRDATE)
I looked up the code for a right function and it is suppose to work on a string, so I tryed it on this. My CODE:
Dim Year As String
Year = RIGHT(Num, 2)
I obtained a type mismatch WHY???

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DatePart - Can I Change The Default «firstweek»

Apr 28, 2006

This is my first thread so be gentle.

I curently have a query based on a payments table. In the payments table there is a field called date (when the payment was processed).

I want to be able to display, in my query, the quarter that this payment was made in. It is based on financial quarters so quarter 1 starts on April the 1st.

The default of firstweek seems to be January the 1st. Can I change it to April the 1st - if so how?

Many Thanks

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Forms :: DatePart Function To Filter Out Sales Tax By Quarter

Apr 26, 2013

Was wondering if there is a way to incorporate the DatePart function in the below statement to filter out sales tax by quarter? I have two drop down boxes that filter the year and the state but the below only totals the tax for the year and state. I am trying to add 4 text boxes to show the quarterly break down of sales tax.

The below text box is in a form pulling the data from a query.

Text Box

=DSum("[SalesTaxCharged]","[Sales Tax Calculation Qry]","Year([Order Date])=[SelectedYear] And
[StateProv]=[SelectedState] And Not [Tax Exempt]")

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When The Last Week Of The Year And The First Week Of The Next, Are The Same!

Mar 18, 2006

I have the following expression which works nicely to group all of my dates into their respective weeks of the year, by week dates beginning Mondays:

WeekStart: ([MyDateField]+1)-DatePart("w",[MyDateField],2)

However, since the week beginning 12/26/05 crosses over both '05 and '06 (as week 53 and week 1), I get two groups of dates recorded for the week of 12/26/05 when I run my query.

Since my chart is based on weekly totals, I can't have two separate totals with the same 'week beginning' date.

How can I adjust my code to get one total group of dates for the week of 12/26/05?

Help greatly-needed!....

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Can A Query Accept Value From A String.

Aug 8, 2006

Can i create a query that will have a string in the Criteria box, where that string is assigned a value in VB code?

for instance:

Dim xyz As String

xyz = "TV"

and I put in the Criteria Box WHERE xyz = "Pizza"

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