Decrypting MDB Without VB Source Code

Jan 11, 2007

Greetings Everyone,

I apologize in advance if the topic below is unsuitable for your boards, and/or this information has already been posted. I've searched the board and could not find an answer.

I recently came upon a program created in VB6 which accesses an external .MDB database. I would really like to view the information inside this access database, however, it was most likely encrypted via code through VB6, and made to be decrypted as a user accesses the information via the program. Currently, the .mdb database displays garbage text, and I was wondering if there was any possible way to view this information via external programs. I recently tried to decompile the .exe file, but have had no such luck in locating the form which may show encrypted source information.

As you can tell, I have no knowledge of VB programming, but would just like to know how I can view this data.

Once again, sorry if you do not cover this sort of topic. If it is of any help, I can attach the actual .mdb file in another post if interested.



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Design Master - How To Store Under Source Code Control

Jan 25, 2008

I am using Access 2003. I have developed a split (front and back ends), replicable database. As I make changes to the design master, I want to either keep old copies of the design master or ideally, maintain the design master under source code control (e.g.:CVS). This would allow me to be able to retrieve older versions of the database. The problem occurs what I make a copy of the design master, or when I try to pull out of my source code control system (CVS) an older version of the design master. When I open any of these copies, Access thinks this database is a replica and will not let me make any changes to the design.

Is there a way around this problem?

Or am I trying to do something in Access that does not make sense?

Thank you for the help.


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General :: Possible To Password Protect Access To Source Code?

Jun 10, 2012

I've been working on a large project for my employer for a year now (but software development isn't part of my normal day to day duties). Most of the work (around 70%) has been done in my own time at home. The company were going to buy a system that would be customized by developers at a cost of around $60,000. I've developed a solution that is probably better than what they would have got. At my last appraisal my boss said that it had been discussed that i would be rewarded if i delivered it. My question is:

Is it possible to password protect access to the source code? I'm working with Access 2003 just now. I know I can create a .mde file to prevent access to the source code but that would make further development difficult. e.

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Modules & VBA :: Reading Web Page Source Code Data?

Feb 13, 2014

Any method of reading web page source code data.

I am trying to create an event similar to a web query in Excel.

The table in question is not a html table but an table I think.

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Modules & VBA :: Changing Record Source On A Form - 2 Different Outcomes Using Same Bit Of Code?

Apr 28, 2015

I'm changing a record source on a form when the user clicks a "save" button.

I'm doing this to store a value from the current form in a table that is not part of the default form query.

This works fine.

I have a separate button on my form called "Home", when the user clicks this button it requerys the current form which triggers the before update event to run, this in turn brings up a message box which asks the user if they want to save or not. If they click yes then it runs the SaveButton click() code.

For some reason when the user presses the save button and then exits, everything works but if a user presses the “home” button which triggers the save button then it brings up the “2107 The Value you entered doesn’t meet the validation rule defined for the field or control.” Runtime error and stops on the change recordsource command.

Why triggering the same code directly from a button or indirectly from a before update event has two different outcomes.

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Remove Record Source/Control Source

Sep 19, 2005

I have an unbound form with three tabs. On each tab there is a sub form. Each tab is a search form and each sub is a results returned. I have made everything unbound and set the sub form recordsource and its controls control souce on afterupdate of the main form search criteria. Works fine except for after some use the db decides the sub forms are not unbound and sets the record source and control sources.

I'm trying to do a

Me.PollingPlacesResults.Form.RecordSource = ""
Me!PollingPlacesResults!PollID.ControlSource = ""

but this does not seem to work in actualy removeing the record source and control source.

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Please Review This Code, (simple Code) New With Codes

Feb 16, 2006

Works great, but when I hit the number "3", (3 times in row) it will let me into the form. I want it to not let me in IF I don't know the password.

Where did I go wrong?

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim pw As Variant

If InputBox("What is the password?", "Password") = "1" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Password", vbCritical, "Sorry Charlie"
If InputBox("What is the password?", "Password") = "2" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Password", vbCritical, "Sorry Charlie"
End If
End If

End Sub

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Using Code To Unprotect And Protect Viewing Code

Jan 14, 2007

I protect my code from people being able to read it by setting a password on the code from Tools > Properties, selecting the Protection tab and entering a password, and clicking "Lock Project"

Is there a way to write code that will remove that Lock Project check and check it back on?

I've looked through the Application.SetOption command and it doesn't seem to be one of the choices. It would be very helpful if someone knew how to do this.



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Using Row Source

Dec 9, 2006


I have two list box.

the first box give the names of states.
The secound box uses the state name from box one. Then displays all colleges within that state.

This is an event. I am trying to get a grasp on the difference bettween DAO and ADO before coding.

At this point I like to know how to set the row source of the secound list box choice.

If you have the time to provide the compleet VBA; I will enjoy it.

Thanks a bunch

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Row Source Help!

Jul 5, 2005

Hi all,

I've got a form in my database that enables you to print or view reports, which I inherited. There is a list box that is automatically populated with all of the reports listed in the Reports tab of the database window. The list box row source says the following:

SELECT msysobjects.Name FROM msysobjects WHERE (((msysobjects.Type)= 32764));

However, I have been asked to create an identical report list that only shows some reports from the database window.

Does anybody know how I could modify the above code to only get reports beginning frm_id for example?

Many thanks

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Looking Up Source, Help

Mar 14, 2006

Hi, i'm having troubles using the wizard to enable me to insert fields all in one form.

I was wondering if anyone know a source code so when i start a new form from scratch, no wizard to help me. That I can use the event procedure to enable me to look up the source or the Control Source using the text field box


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Row Source

Feb 20, 2005

I have a form bound to a query.

I have command button to open the form but I want to change the query bound to it when it opens.

I've tried changing the row source etc in an event... No luck.

Any ideas??

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Control Source

Jul 27, 2005

Hi all, at the moment all of my field are control sourced. I heard there is a way whereby the field could be unbound and one button it the control source for them all. Im not entirely sure what this means or how to go about it. But i think it would solve the problem of if my users start entering data into a record and then decide to leave it, this record is automatically added to the table, with little or no data. As the data in the table is used for statistics, the table showing records which are not actually there is causing problems. Im not sure if i explained this well, but i would be grateful of any help. Thanx

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SUM With WHERE, As Control Source

Sep 13, 2005

I have a subform listing items for purchase. Some are services and are not taxable, some are products and are taxable.

So far, I am calculating the sales tax for each record (item paid for), based on whether the thing is taxable or not and putting that result in a text box (txtSales_Tax) on the form. Since these calculated amounts aren't stored in a field, I can't SUM them, since SUM only works on data in table fields. Can someone tell me how to get a total?

Otherwise, I'll get rid of txtSales_Tax entirely, if someone can tell me how to write a SUM function, as a Control Source, that includes an IIf, or a WHERE, so it only adds items where the yes/no field Taxable=True.

I've got an IIf with a SUM function in it but, even in the footer, that only works for the current record. I need a SUM that has a nested IIf or WHERE in order to include all the records.

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Do I Need A Control Source?

Mar 30, 2008

I have a drop down list of Last name and first name.

I want this to be the only unlocked feature on the page. When a name is selected the other information is shown (the persons cc#, Exp date, phone number, email etc.)

I am almost sure its a control source, but i'm not 100% as i'm relatively new to Access..

Another issue I would like to know is how to show the Last Name, First Name in the selected drop down after its selected, currently its only showing the Last name.

Thanks in advance

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ROW Source Question

Oct 24, 2004

I have a form with several drop dpwn lists in it. I want the choice of each on to narrow the choices of the next drop down list.

I have see a few examples on this site on how this is done but at this point I dont understand how to write the information. I have taken what another person had posted and dont really get what to do next. Do I paste the info in the rowsource box and then build the query? The example I saw had expr1 and expr2 in the querys so I was lost.
Thanks, Joe

1st drop down list row source
SELECT DISTINCTROW tblProjects.ProjectID, tblProject.Poject FROM tblProjects ORDER BY tblProjects.Project;

2nd drop down list row source
SELECT DISTINCTROW tblLocations.LocationID, tblLocations.Location FROM tblLocations WHERE (((tblLocations.ProjectID)=[Forms]![frmMain]![cboProjects])) ORDER BY tblLocations.Location;

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Getting Data From More Then One Source

Jul 14, 2005

In my contacts datababse I have a main table where all the is stored for my contacts.

I have a form that I use to enter and display the information from, Because I have more the one contact at a given company I have created a seperate table that contains all of the contact details for each office.

What I would like to be able to do is when I select a office on my form Access will populate the the rest of the fields in this section with the relevant information.

How do you do this?

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Need Help With SQL Query For Row Source

Feb 13, 2008


I have those (simplified) tables that are linked with an n:m relation







Now I created a form to fill the training_members table with the participants. For the form I'm using a dropdown list filled with the names of the people from the persons table. What I now want is that the dropdown list only shows the values that are not already used before. So I changed the SQL statement of the row source property:

SELECT persons.ID, persons.FullName FROM persons WHERE persons.ID Not In (SELECT personID from training_members inner join trainings on training_members.trainingID = trainingsn.ID) ORDER BY persons.FullName;

I also added "me.recalc" to the after_update event of the dropdown list.

It does work - but there's one problem left: The SQL query doesn't include the just selected value. Because only values that are included in the list are accepted, the name of the person isn't shown in the dropdown.

Do you know how I can update the SQL statement so that the just selected entry is as well mentioned in the list? The abovementioned form is displayed as "Continuous Forms", so I don't know if it is possible to access the recordset the dropdowns are located into...

Thank you in advance!

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Control Source

Apr 1, 2005

is it possible to change the control source of an unbound text box ?

For example i have a textbox which simply displays the number of current records displayed i.e. =DCount("*", "queryname")

Now i wanted that with the click of a button (or something), i wanted to change it's controlsource to =DCount("*", "queryname2") ... however, as a result i got #name instead of the correct count.


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Form Without Source

May 8, 2005

Can I build a form without it having a table or query. All unbound controls?
If so how would I preform a OnClick event to populate a combo box using code from one of my tables? Then have the form lookup the values that belong to the value in the combo box after I make a selection?

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Control Source

Jul 14, 2005

I have created a new field in a Form and named the Control Source "Active". However, when I vew in Form View there is a "0" in the field and it also does not allow me to type anything in the field.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Source Object

Dec 12, 2005


I have a form with a subform.
When i click a button on the "main" form i'm able to change the source object of the subform. But the subform now shows the records which are already present i want the subform to start with a new record.

Who can help me out ?

Thanks in advance

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Do I Need A Control Source?

Mar 30, 2008

I have a drop down list of Last name and first name.

I want this to be the only unlocked feature on the page. When a name is selected the other information is shown (the persons cc#, Exp date, phone number, email etc.)

I am almost sure its a control source, but i'm not 100% as i'm relatively new to Access..

Another issue I would like to know is how to show the Last Name, First Name in the selected drop down after its selected, currently its only showing the Last name.

Thanks in advance

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Variable Row Source

May 15, 2006

Hi, I am making a form to enter inventory into a database. We have two fields for the location. They are the building and the room. I would like both to be combo boxes, with the choices in the second box being dependant on the choice in the first. IE, if you pick building1 as your building, the row source for the room field would be all the rooms in building1. Know any tricks to do this??

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Control Source?

Jan 30, 2007

I want to select JPEG's and Visio files to import and viewable in the report format.
Can anyone give me an idea of how to achieve this...I have been told I need a control source...


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Conditional SUM As A Control Source

Sep 8, 2005

I'm creating an order form for a clinic.

Health-related services are not charged sales tax, but products are.

In order to have one subform to do the job (rather than one for non-taxable and one for taxable items), I'm trying to create separate running sums of taxable and not taxable items from the same query, but am not getting far. "WHERE" statements don't seem to be working in Control Source code.

Currently, there's a cboItem_Name that populates txtItem_Cost. There's txtQuantity and txtExtended_Price. All working fine. The cbo query includes whether the item is taxable or not, from a YES/NO field in the table.

I'm trying to get txtTaxable_Sub_Total to SUM[Item_Cost]*[Quantity] where [Taxable] = YES, but it ain't happenin'.......

Is there a better way to go about this, or can someone suggest correct syntax to me?

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