Default Field Value = Field Value In Prior Record

Jan 24, 2006

Hello. I am looking for a way to make a field value automatically default to
the value of the immediate prior field. For example, I am in record 11, and
in Field "City" I type "New York." When I create record 12, I want
City to automatically default to "New York." Is there a way to do this?


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Forms :: Update A Field Based On Prior Field

Jul 13, 2013

I have a table that has been converted into a form for an input. Now suppose I have two columns. Say I enter value in first column. Now the second column is a lookup to a data from another table.

What I want is to see only those data in 2nd Column which have the value filled in Column 1. This is should be in run time mode. I fill in the value and then in the 2nd column I directly get to see only common values.

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Prior Record In Datasheet View

Mar 1, 2007

In my db I am tracking different stages for an event. I have a subform that is in datasheet view. The last field (current) is a yes/no check box that says that this entry is the current stage of the process. In one of the fields I have a afterupdate event that says me.current = true. But what I need is to change the previous entry to show that stage's current to be false.Does that make sense?Date Event Location Current02/01/07 Drying Dryer X (when next event added this =false)02/05/07 Bagged Warehouse XUp until I enter the 02/05 entry the 02/01 entry was the current stage and I want a check in the current box. But when I enter the 02/05 entry that now becomes my current stage so on the 02/01 event then current = false and on the 02/05 event current = True. I can get the 02/05 event to show current = True but how do I make the 02/01 current =False?Thanks,Rick

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Repeating Data From Prior Record

Mar 16, 2005

I have users who use a form to enter data. One of the fields is "DateRange". The users tend to enter records in groups. The group of 10 records will all have the same "DateRange" As they start a new record is there a way that the "DateRange" field can copy from the prior record?
Any help would be great!

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Forms :: Student Register - Cannot Stop Updating Prior Record

Apr 26, 2013

I am building a student register for a school for disabled children. There is a screen listing all students, one showing detailed student data chosen by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", one listing all the guardians, choosing a guardian by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", to diaplay Guardian details.

From the student list, I select and view student details, including a pointer to their guardian details. After selecting the first student details, and then viewing their guardian data, any subsequent student details and guardian details updates the prior guardian data with the next guardian's data.

How can I prevent the successive guardian details from updating the prior guardian table when it is exited? I view the guardian details using ADO recordsets populating a form. When I exit, it updates the previous record.

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Set Default Value In Field

Jan 25, 2005

guys.. i'm using ACCESS 2000.

i wish to add a field
1. fieldname : mytext
2. fieldtype : text
3. default value : none

i have try

but failed to set the DEFAULT value

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Default Value From Another Field

Nov 28, 2012

I would like to create a Default Value for a field in my DB that uses the another field data as the default entry.

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Default Data In A Field.

Nov 10, 2005

How do I make sure that for every record entered, a certain field automatically has a number 1 in it? I thought that it might be that you set the Default Value to 1 by typing "1" in the bit where it says "Default Value" at the bottom of the page. But this doesn't seem to work. :o

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Default Value For A Field In A Form

Jul 26, 2005

We have a database form that we use to create "SDN" forms for our engineering department. We want it to autogenerate a number for us for each form. We want this field to be 5600 + the record number. How do I do this?

Thanks for the help.

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Default Value For A Field In A Form

Jul 26, 2005

We have a database form that we use to create "SDN" forms for our engineering department. We want it to autogenerate a number for us for each form. We want this field to be 5600 + the record number. How do I do this?

Thanks for the help.

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Summing One Field For Default Value Of Another

Nov 23, 2006

I have two Numeric fields in my Table, MCRefill and MCTot.
Actually MCtot is the sum of all MCRefill for a given Cust_ID

I have the following expression in the Default value of MCtot in my form showing both the fields

DSum("[MCRef]","Miracle_Cloth_Main","[Cust_ID]='" & [Cust_ID] & "'")

Somehow it doesn't up in the record when you load the Last record for a Cust_ID

Can someone please help ?

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Default Value For A Lookup Field

Apr 14, 2006

Hi Guys.

I have a look-up field in a table that looks-up a range of values from another table. How do I set a default value for the field? I have tried entering in numbers as default values (IE the ID numbers for the records that are being looked up) but that doesnt work.

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Default Value Of Another Field In The Form

Dec 15, 2007

I have a form that is designed from one table. In this form I want one field to have the default value of a different field only if the one field has a value entered.

I've tried in the default value tab to enter =IIF([different field] is null,"",[different field]) nothing happens when I enter a value into the "different field".

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Can Make Default Value Of A Field

Oct 10, 2012

Can I make the default value of a field be something in another field in another table. I tried to enter into the default value the following but, it does not find the field.

[tablename].[fieldname] I also tried it [fieldname].[tablename].

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Saving Default Value To Field

Jan 7, 2012

I have a List box set to YES and default value set to YES.I would like to hide this field and when I click SAVE in my form, I would like to save it to my table.I did set the control source to the field that I want but somehow it is not working unless if I click on to YES then save.How do I set it in such a way which will save even without me clicking on to the LIST BOX?I want the default value to be saved when I click SAVE command button.

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Default Value For Multi-value Field

Aug 12, 2014

I have created a multivalue field based off of URL... I am getting my values from a different table from within the database. My issue is that I tried to create a default value for the lookup field but it made another selection within the lookup field.


Reference Table Values are:

Name 1
Name 2

Field referencing table with my defined default value:
Name 1
Name 2
Name 1

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Forms :: Validating Text Field On Form Against Another Field In Same Record?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a form where I would like to validate (restrict) choices in subsequent fields.


Combobox choices are Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Space

In the form I have 4 fields = Material1, Material2, Material3, Material4. (all in same record on my table)

Basically I need the validation to not allow duplicates across the 4 fields.

something like....

[Material1] <> [Material2] or [Material3]or [Material4]

I am not sure of the proper syntax for the validation field in the Form Properties. Or if I am even putting it in the right place.

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Forms :: Move From Last Field In Form To New Record Field On First Page

Aug 27, 2014

What is the best way to move from the last field on the last page of a form to a new record field on the first page?

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Rowsource Of Lookup Field Dependent On Field Value In Same Record In Subform

Jul 6, 2014

I want to create a different rowsource-query for a lookup field (field1) in each record in a subform. The rowsource changes dependent on the value in another field (field2) in the same record. How can this be done?

- I tried to change the rowsource-query in an eventmacro when the focus is set to field1, but this ofcourse changes the rowsource for all field1's and makes the allready selected values unvisible.
- I think I have to include the value of record 'field2' in the rowsource query, but i cannot find a way to include that value in the query.

Something like:

Lookup field1 in the subform contains this rowsource
WHERE (CUSTOMER.AGE= me![field2]);
me![field2] however does not function

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Use Form Field Result As Default Value Of A Another Field On Same Form

May 31, 2006

I have a problem. I have a form, being used as a subform. I have an "Original Date" field and a "Revised Date" field. I want the value the user types in the "Original Date" field to be the default value in the "Revised Date" field.
I used default value "=[OrigDate]" but that doesn't work, it just shows a blank. Both "Original Date" and "Revised Date" are in the subform.
Is there any way I can default "Revised Date" to the "Original Date" entry (and let the users change the "Revised Date" later on)

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DLookUp To Divide A Field In One Record By The Same Field In Another Record

Dec 13, 2006

I'm fairly new to setting up Access databases. Been learning a lot. Ran into a snag that I'm hoping you can help me with.

I am using a form to display text labels and running statistics for our jail.

The form, "Complete_Worksheet" gets its data from a query, "qryComplete_Worksheet". Fields that make these up are:

ID (key)
Standard (text)
Outcome Measure (text)
Numerator/Denominator (text)
CalcValue (number)

ID, Standard, Outcome Measure, and Numerator/Denominator are queried from a table, "tblComplete_Worksheet". CalcValue comes from another query, "qryDataSelect". My problem is this:

In the final calculated statistic, some records are numerators and some are denominators. I need one more field, which I have been trying to create as a calculated control on my form which will divide each numerator CalcValue value by the denominator CalcValue value following it. Since these values change constantly as new data is entered into another data table, the calculated control needs to also change with them. I have been attempting to do this using the following expression:

=DLookUp("[CalcValue]","Complete_Worksheet", "[ID]="&"[ID]-1"/[ID]=")

I keep getting a #Error message in the control in form view. When I run the expression in the Immediate window, I get a Compile Error:

Expected: line number or label or statement or end of statement

Any suggestions on how to make this work?

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Setting A Field Default Value Through Code

Dec 17, 2007

High all.

I would like to know how to set a fields default value on a table.

Eg - i have a Yes/No field that and i want the default value to be set to 'Yes'.

I cant use the front end application because the form its on is a generic form used by about 30 other tables.

At present it is not set to anything and so always defaults to 'No' on the form.

Thanks in advance.

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Default Value From Previous Entry Into Field

Apr 4, 2008


I have a user who would like the value from the last entry into the form's title field text box to show as the default value when he clicks on enter new issue button to bring up a new record. I do not know if this is possible but I thought I would check for him.

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Default Value For Data Entry Field

Mar 23, 2005

How can I set the default value equal to the value in the previous record?

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Updating Default Field Values

Jun 29, 2005

I have 100 records in a table with a field that does not have a default value specified. If I specify a default value is there an easy way to have all the records updated with the new value without writing an update query?

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Setting A Default To Equal Another Field

Oct 21, 2006

I have a membership database. A number of members go by their middle names or a nickname rather than their first name. I need to keep track of their real full names, but I want the new-record default of the preferred name field to equal the contents of the first name field. How do I set this in the table design? The table already has 1400 records, and it would be quite a job to manually copy each first name to the preferred name field, a job I would rather avoid.

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