Delete A Object

Aug 7, 2007

I have created a database with Access 2007 and would like to remove some tables and reports that do not work as I had planned. I have tried to select them from the navigation pane and use the right click menu, however the delete option is grayed out.

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Object Library Not Registered/ActiveX Component Can't Create Object

Jun 9, 2005


I am using Access 2003(11.6355.6360) SPI

When I attempt to create a new DB - by performing Blank Database I immediately get a message 'Object Library not registered'.

If I 'OK' that box and try to create a table, I can do so - create Table in design view.

When I then try to Import external data - an excel file I get the message 'ActiveX component Can't create object'.

I have looked ob various sites for help and forum information regarding these errors but have found nothing conclusive, with specidfic regard to Access 2003.

The version has been loaded on my machine about 1 year as part pf Office Professional but this is the first time I have attempted to run Access itself.

Does any forum member have any ideas as to how this problem could be resolved.

Thank You


Paul Langham

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Forms :: Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object Table Name

Jan 5, 2015

I am currently building a database for the company I work for that is fairly similar to the Northwind Database; however it is made from scratch so hopefully some of the common problems with that database won't find their way into mine.My problem is that when I go to my Orders form, I pick a customer from the main form, which creates a record on the Orders table. When I then go to the subform to choose a product/line item, I get the error in my title ("The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'OrdersT.") as soon as a product is chosen from the drop down list.

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Forms :: Subform - Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object

Jul 17, 2013

The error is:

The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'tblIndividual.' '

Then it also gives me the same one on another table.

I think it has something to do with the link master/child fields. I've tried all kinds of relationships with the three tables and can't figure it out.

I've tried uploading the database here but it won't. It's on my Sky Drive.

[URL] .....

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The Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object X

Dec 27, 2006

I'm getting an error message (informational only):

The object doesn't contain the automation object 'ClientID.'You tried to run a visual basic procedure to set a property or method for an object. However, the component doesn't make the property or method available for Automation operations.

Check the components documentation for information on the properties and methods it makes available for automation operations.
This happens when I start entering data in the field "productname" of a subform.

So I'm assuming something in the form or in the code of the form is referring to ClientID. but I've checked it, and there is nothing referring to it anymore. Well, at least as far as I'm aware of.

This afternoon access crashed without any error, it just closed. Upon reopening the DB again, all my work of the past one and a half week was gone. Normally I always backup the data, but these past days I didn't due to christmas and still working a lot too. So I forgot.

I did some redesigning in the process this evening, deleting and adding some fields and code.

I can't get rid of this error. Can anyone help? Or point me in the right direction?

Also the DB is 3.5MB in size. While it is completely empty. And I can't imagine that some empty tables, queries, forms and a bit of code can be so much. But that's for a later time to worry about I guess, unless one of you says: this and that, maybe that works... Otherwise, I would really be very glad already if the error disappears....

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Error: Member Already Exists In An Object Module From Which This Object Module Derive

Oct 1, 2004

I am creating an form in a database and whenever one of my procedure's run it creates this error message:

The expression ON Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:
Member already exists in an object module from which this object module derives.

*The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user-defined function, or [event Procedure].
*There may have been an error evaluating the function, event, or macro.

An ideas?

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Access 2010 - Delete Form Command Button With A Password To Confirm Delete

May 6, 2014

All I am trying to do is insert to have a form with a "Delete Record" button on it. The problem is I don't want anyone to be able to delete a record, I would like someone to have to insert a password to confirm the delete.

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Query Lets Me Delete But Doesn't Actually Delete...

Apr 2, 2007

I have a query based on two tables, joined on one field (this field is the primary key in Table A. Table B doesn't have a primary key). When working inside this query, it gives me the option to delete records. However, when I try, the row disappears from the query but then if I save and close and either re-open table A or the resulting query, that record is back. It doesn't actually delete. If I go to table A directly and delete it, it's gone for good.

How can I make it so that when I delete the record inside the query it actually deletes? And if that's not an option, can I make it so that it doesn't seem like I can delete records inside the query so that people don't make the mistake?

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How To Delete Record Using Delete Query

May 19, 2011

I have two simple tables. I want to delete the records from Table1 that are on Table2. I've created a select query that gives me what I want but when I change to a delete query, I get this message: "Unable to delete from specified tables"

I think my problem has something to do with security but I can't figure out what to change.

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What Object Does This...

Jul 27, 2006

table1 = 21 records
table2 = 21 records
table3 = 441 records

ex 1. (table1+table2)=(table3)
ex 2. (table1+table2)and(table1+table2)makes(table3)

as confusing as that sounds it gets worse
I want to find a way to do a true or false expression for the bottom formula.
There are nearly 195,000 possible combinations for ex 2, so you can see that after a short time you will find yourself doing repeats if you do not have something in place to tell you that you have done this combination before.

So, is there a way to have a msg box come up saying "Ooops, you have already tried this combination before"??

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What Is Me.[object]?

Jan 16, 2008

I have seen several examples of code referencing Me.objectname.
I have never used this and can't find any info on what or why to use the Me.

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Ole Object

Aug 27, 2006

I am doing a project in vb with access 2000 as back end. I want to add the
photoes of employees in the access tables field and link to the vb project.i am
unable to do this. Help me how to do this(I am using ADO rt)

karunanithi r.

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Can't Assign Value To Object

Apr 14, 2006

I keep getting this message when I try and input a product ID in the subform in my 'Order Form', the message says 'you can't assign a value to this object' and when i try to click the row below it says 'You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'Invoices'', how can I change this? do i have to relate it to the Products table and if so how do i do this? Thanks, Bob.

System Link:
Gamez System (

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Help With Tab Control Object

Sep 12, 2005

I want to run code when I change a page in the Tab Control object. The code I run depends on the page selected.

I tried the 'On Click' code of the page, but that didnt seem to run when I clicked on the pages.

The 'On Change' code of the Tab Control object seems to run whenever I change a page.

So the question is:

1/ Is it possible to run code when an individaul page is clicked on?


2/ What is the syntax of identifying which page is selected?

If TabControl = 1 then





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Send Object

Oct 4, 2006

Is there a way to tie a send object to a combo box on a form? I know I can write a query to pull information from a selection in a combo box using the [form][formname]thing. What I'm trying to do is I've created a database that allows many users to enter a request in a form. then when the form is complete they need to E-mail the form to their respective manager. I want them to choose from a combo box, then click on a button and the form is e-mailed to their manager for approval. I've gotten everything else to work accept for being able to choose the manager. I know I could also leave that blank and it will ask for them to enter the recipients name. If that's my only option I'm ok with that.


PS If this issue has already been addressed I couldn't find it.

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No Object In This Control

Jan 23, 2007

Hello everybody.
I have an Access application with a browse button that allows to search for files on computer. It does not work on all computers.
Computer A and computer B both are running XP Pro and Office Pro 2003.
Browse button works on A but throws ".. no object ..." error on B. It also works on a computer running Office 2002. Office was uninstalled [typical] and re-installed as full install on B and that did not fix the problem.

Here's my browse button code.

Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()
' Prompts user for back-end database file name.
On Error GoTo Err_cmdBrowse_Click
Dim strFileName As String
Dim oDialog As Object
Set oDialog = Me!Xdialog.Object
With oDialog ' Ask for new file location.
.DialogTitle = "Please Select New Data File"
.Filter = "Access Database(*.mdb;*.mda;*.mde;*.mdw)|" & _
"*.mdb; *.mda; *.mde; *.mdw|All(*.*)|*.*"
.FilterIndex = 1
' If user responded, put selection into textbox on form.
If Len(.FileName) > 0 Then Me![txtFileName] = .FileName
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdBrowse_Click
End Sub

So, what's the difference between my A and B? Does it have to do with Activex controls?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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Retrieving OLE Object

Feb 5, 2008

I have an Access2003 database that contains a table. The table has 2 fields. One is a counter and the other stores a picture which is datatype ole object. I want to do a one time export of the pictures. I want to save the pictures as jpegs in a designated directory. I know very little about working with ole object datatypes. Can someone tell me the easiest way to do this?

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DAO Object Library - Not Sure What It Is

Feb 16, 2008


I've downloaded a database which creates cascading combo boxes; it's called CreateCascadeCombo, for which I am grateful to whoever took the trouble to create it.

However, after it has done it's work and vreates the form in my own datbase, it says to make sure the latest DAO Object library must exist in the same database. How do I ensure that is is? I'm using access 2003.

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Object Dependancies

Mar 15, 2007

Is there a way I can print something that will tell what each table and/or query is dependent on and what depends on each one? I don't mean relationships, just the dependencies. I'm trying to clean up a database but it was built before I started and I use some of the prebuilt stuff and don't want to delete anything I need, but the query and table lists are excrutiatingly long. :(

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Database Or Object Is R/O...

Mar 28, 2005

I have a form based on a calculated query.
To allow users to edit some of the non-calculated fields I change the form's recordsource to a non-calculated query, but I still get "Database or object is read only".

I tried putting "msgbox currentdb.udateable" just after where I change the recordsource and I get the message "True" so db should not be in read only state...

If I open the form with the non-calculated query as source to start with, I can update the fields just fine.

What do I need to add to my code after Form_frmMyform.RecordSource="qryWriteable" to allow writing to the recordset?

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Object Focus

Jul 8, 2005

I'm trying to force a user to enter text into a field. To this end, I've created a subroutine for the exit method of the text box they are supposed to fill out. I check to see if the .text property is null, and if so create a message box that pops up a notification telling the user they need to fill in said field. After that, I try to use the Me.txtReason.SetFocus (the text box is called txtReason) to return the focus to that text box, but instead it moves on to the next text box. Is there a way I can prevent the user from leaving the text box until they've entered some sort of data into it?


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Source Object

Dec 12, 2005


I have a form with a subform.
When i click a button on the "main" form i'm able to change the source object of the subform. But the subform now shows the records which are already present i want the subform to start with a new record.

Who can help me out ?

Thanks in advance

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Calendar Object

Jan 26, 2006

In using the Calendar object in a form I am wanting to be able to click on a date in the calendar and have this date be put in a text or date field. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,
Dr. Bob

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Can't Assign Value To An Object

Mar 19, 2006

I keep getting this message when I try and input a product ID in the subform in my 'Order Form', the message says 'you can't assign a value to this object' please have a look at it, thanks.
Gamez System (

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Can't Assign A Value To This Object

Mar 27, 2006

Greetings, all.
Run into a snag with a payroll db, appreciate any help you can give me.

Main Form, with ordinary payroll/personnel info--clock no, first and last names,, etc.
Subform for entering regular hours worked, OT hours worked, etc per Period Ending, keyed to main form by SS no. Pretty basic stuff.

Problem is, when we try to enter the first data in the subform, we get this error message :
"You can't assign a value to this object.
*The object may be a control on a read-only form.
*The object may be on a form that is open in Design view.
*The value may be too large for this field."

We get the message in the first field we go to, no matter which field we go to first.
None of the "may be" conditions apply.

When we hit "OK" the message goes away and we can enter our data, the records are created corrected. But as soon as we move to the next record, we get the same error.

Any idea why we're getting this error message?

Thanks for looking,

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Object List

Jun 6, 2006


I have been trying to list all of the objects in my database in a single form.

I have come across this piece of code which lists the reports, can anyone surgest how I can change it to wiew tables?

SELECT Name FROM msysobjects WHERE (((msysobjects.Type)=-32764));

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