Delete Records From One Table Based On Record From Another
Oct 10, 2014
I want to Delete all records from the Table Named "CustomerWiseRotaryTillerRates" (Given Below) if the State in the State Filed in found in the "Customer_Master" Table (attached Herewith). What will be the correct procedure ?
I followed the steps referred in page no. 67 & 68 in the Book "Microsoft Access 2007 Data Analysis" by Mr. Michel Alexender.
Customer Name
TSI Engineering Indutries (P) Ltd.
Rs. 63,722.00
Kishan Krishi Engineering Works
Rs. 62,997.00
TSI Engineering Indutries (P) Ltd.
Rs. 66,663.00
Dim dbs As DAO.Database, sql As String, rCount As Integer Set dbs = CurrentDb sql = "DELETE * dbo_InvPrice Inner Join (dbo_InvPrice Inner Join UpdatedPricing on dbo_InvPrice.StockCode = UpdatedPricing.StockCode ) ON on dbo_INvPrice.PriceCode = UpdatedPricing.PriceCode " dbs.Execute sql, dbFailOnError
I am trying to create a delete query that, for a given person, deletes records in Table B that do not have a corresponding record in Table A.
Here are the relevant tables:
tblStates holds StateID, StateName, and RegionID (RegionID is a FK to tblRegions). tblPeopleStates is a junction table between tblPeople and tblStates.
It lists states assigned to people. It has 3 fields: PersonStateID, PersonID, StateID.
tblPeopleRegions is a junction table between tblPeople and tblRegions.
It lists regions assigned to people. It has 3 fields: PersonRegionID, PersonID, RegionID.
For a given PersonID, I need to delete records (i.e., states) in tblPeopleStates whose RegionID is *not* in tblPeopleRegions.
For example, pretend that tblStates shows that State IDs 1, 5, and 6 are all in Region ID (i.e., all have a RegionID = 10).
If Joe (PersonID = 200) has StateIDs 1, 5, and 6 in tblPeopleStates, but doesn't have a record for RegionID = 10 in tblPeopleRegions, I need to delete his three records in tblPeopleStates (i.e., the ones where StateID = 1, 5, and 6).
PersonID will be found on [Forms]![frmMain]![subform1].[Form]![subform2].Form]![PersonID]
I have a form to add, edit, and delete Records from a table. I am using the following VBA
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click() If Not (Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset.EOF And Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset.BOF) Then With Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset Me.txtAddEditname = .Fields("Name") Me.cboRoster = .Fields("Roster") Me.cboPermFctn = .Fields("PermFctn") End With End If End Sub
Instead of referring to the Subform to load the data i would like to refer to a combobox:
Its not an issue but This Combobox contains 5 columns...
I have a table that stores records by "return date". I would like to create a delete query that removes all records that fall outside of the date range entered on a specific form (frmMainMenu).
I can deleted the records that match the form criteria, however that is not what I need. The criteria used to delete the records was:
Between [Forms]![frmMainMenu]![from date] And [Forms]![frmMainMenu]![to date]
Let's say that the frmMainMenu contain the date range of 8/1/05 to 8/10/05, however the table contained data from 6/1/05-8/14/05, I would like for the query to delete all records that have a date 6/1/05-07/31/05 and 08/11/05-08/14/05.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help![/SIZE]
I have a form Delete which contains four fields i.e. Date, City, Depots and Vendor, which has combobox.
I am trying to delete a record from table "Sheet1" based on the combobox, for which i have written the following code, but getting an error at the lines highlighted in red :
Private Sub Command30_Click() On Error GoTo Err_delete_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim intResponse As Integer intResponse = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Cash Management Team") Select Case intResponse Case vbYes CurrentDb.Execute _
When we browse through records in a subform we store the records in the database.When we want to delete a records for example the third record from the five records always the first records will be deleted. How can we delete the records where the cursor is at? When we are at the third record and press the delete button the third record from the list in the subform should be deleted.
Option Compare Database Dim FocusBln As Boolean Private Sub Identificeer() Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].Visible = True Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].SetFocus If Me.[Datum Aangemaakt].Text = "" Then
I need developing a new delete query criteria to add onto existing delete duplicate queries for deleting duplicate values. I need the new delete duplicate query to take precedent over the other two so that those values retained in the first query are kept retained after going through the second and third delete queries. Attached is a document laying out the request.
I have a parent form and connected to it is a subform. On the parent form I have a checkbox which enables and disables fields on the parent form and also hides the subform.
What I want to do is when the user unchecks the checkbox, this action also deletes the associated subform records, if there are any.I'm sure that this can be done with an SQL Delete query in VBA.
DELETE Master.* FROM Master WHERE (((Master.glm_series)=506) AND ((Master.glm_account) In (SELECT glm_account from glj )) AND ((Master.glm_prft_ctr) In (SELECT glm_prft_ctr from glj)));
The problem is it is trying to delete all the records with the account numbers = and ALL the records with profit center equal. I am getting 2564 records instead on 147 records.
The two tables are related by glm_account AND glm_prft_ctr - BOTH must be equal in order to delete
If I do an INNER Join or add the other table to the Query it gives me "Cannot Delete Records from Specified Table"
I have something very bizarre happening that I cannot figure out.
I have a form with a subform on it. These are not linked. On the first form is one combo box, the records in the subform are requeried every time the combo box changes with the criteria for the subform based on the selection in the combo box.
I haven't got these linked because I also have an Edit option group selection on the main form which changes the subform from Data Entry = False and AllowAdditions = False to Data Entry = True and AllowAdditions = True. This allows me to use the form to enter new records or to edit existing ones by changing the edit mode.
I also have a delete button on this form with the generic code to delete a record:
The record source for this subform is a primary table on the one side of a one to many relationship.
When I am in the new record mode (Data Entry = True and AllowAdditions = True) and I delete the record I am currently entering it works as expected.
When I am in edit mode (Data Entry = False and AllowAdditions = False ) and I delete the record I am on. It deletes the record but any record in the many side (the secondary table with the foreign key) is also deleted as well. Now I'd expect it to delete the foreign key on the many side and wipe the field but this actually deletes the whole record the foreign key is in from the secondary table.
I have checked my relationship set up for these tables and they are fine:
One To Many Relationship Referential Inegrity Checked Cascade Update Records Checked Cascade Delete Records Checked
I get the usual access warning telling me it is about to delete one record. usually you would also expect the warning to include the comment about this deletion will also delete any related records in other tables, but I don't get that.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why the whole record from the secondary table is being deleted and not just the related field.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I hope I have explained it properly. (Tis always hard to put into words a problem)
I want to delete certain records based on the selected date. However, I come across with this is error - Run time error '3464' (Data type mismatch in criteria expression).This part is highlighted in yellow. I even used the debug.print to test out if the sql statement is executed properly.
Code: DoCmd.RunSQL DelSummarySQL
Here is my full code
Code: Private Sub cmd_Delete_Click() Dim DelSummarySQL As String Dim StartRange As Date
Upon the results which populate my list box what I am trying to do is allow the user to select various values from the list box and then hit a button which deletes the values from the table. My code is currently:
Code: Private Sub Del_TsCorrection_tbox_Click() Dim lngID As Long Dim strSQL As String
But it doesn't delete, infact it doesn't do anything. The list box values are still in the list box and if I look in the table they are still there also.
I have a form with a sub form. when a record is choosen in a combo box the sub form is filled out with a record.
what I am trying to do is have a button that will copy that record to a history table then delete it off the the main table.
I cheated by using the wizard to get the code to delete the record but I am having troubles modifying the code to copy that record to the history table. Here is the code below. I have tried to insert code in several places but it just errors out.
'------------------------------------------------------------ ' Master_tbl_sub_fm ' '------------------------------------------------------------ Function Master_tbl_sub_fm() On Error GoTo Master_tbl_sub_fm_Err With CodeContextObject On Error Resume Next
I have a table which lists amendments (amendments history file) which need to take effect of another table (M0070), I can select the records fine and so the sub query looks to be okay but I'm missing something (probably obvious) in the deletion query where by it does only delete the records selected but everything (I know that the asterisk is wrong in the code below but I'm not sure what to replace it with).
At this point I'm trying to delete all records for a specific employee on a specific contract (they can be 1 or more employee records for that individual on a contract - and they could exist on multiple contracts).
DELETE * FROM M0070 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT M0070.[Contract No], M0070.[Contract Name], M0070.[Employee No], M0070.Forename, M0070.Surname, M0070.Branch, M0070.[Long Desc], M0070.[Emp Post Start Date], M0070.[Days per week],
Is it possible to delete a record from a table whilst viewing that table through a form. The awkward part though is because I have another table linked to it.
Basically the main table is Orders and the other table is Items (these items make up an order). So when I go to simply click on delete an error message appears saying that I cannot delete the record but there are records attached to it in another table. This is fair enough but is there a smooth way off deleting off the items?
I am having difficulty deleting records in a linked DBF (standalone) table. The table links fine. I can run a delete query and the records appear to be deleted when I view the table from within Access. However, when I view the table outside of Access, the records that I thought were deleted are still there. The only way I can actually delete the records, is to import the table, delete the records and then export the table as a new DBF.
Can someone tell me why deleting from the linked table isn't working?
OK guys, ive done some searching and saw some stuff on this, but everytime I try something I get a INVALID SQL error message. So Im hoping you guys can help out cause Im lost right now.
I have a 2 tables, Training and Schedule. Training contains all the employees training records. Schedule is meant to be a temp table where the supervisors can enter the training and then once completed, can check the COMPLETED checkbox and hit the LOAD TO TRAINING RECORD command button and it moves ONLY the files for that trainee (a combo box) with a completed checkmark to the training table.
Ive tried this code sooooooooo many ways and its giving me a headache. My original way didnt work at all (had a lot of Do..Loop and With Statements, and then someone posted something about Archiving which is the code Ive gone off of now). Any help you guys can off would be awesome!
Dim DB As Database Dim WS As Workspace 'Current workspace (for transaction). Dim strSql As String 'Sql Code. Dim strMsg As String 'MsgBox message. Dim bInTrans As Boolean 'Flag that transaction is active.
Set DB = CurrentDb() Set WS = DBEngine(0) WS.BeginTrans bInTrans = True Set DB = WS(0)
'Get user confirmation to commit the change. strMsg = "Upload " & DB.RecordsAffected & " record(s) from " & Me.TraineeCombo & "?" If MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Confirm") = vbOK Then WS.CommitTrans bInTrans = False End If
Exit_UploadHistory: 'Clean up On Error Resume Next Set DB = Nothing If bInTrans Then 'Rollback if the transaction is active. WS.Rollback End If Set WS = Nothing Exit Sub