Deleting Query Table With An Array

Apr 11, 2008

Hi, I have a problem deleting a specific row and field that my query have.

What I want to do is mainly delete a specific rows in the my Query table that has : Field 1, Field 2, Field 3, Field4

what i tried to do was doing is create and array that loop through the Query table and check in field 1 for a certain value and if that certain value appears I want to delete that row: for example

Dim IntRow As Integer
Dim IntCol As Integer
Dim varData As Variant

For IntCol = 0 To numFields Step 1
For IntRow = 0 To numRows Step 1
If (rst.EOF = False) Then
'Check Field 1 for value 47-72 to delete
If (varData(0,IntRow) > 47 And varData(0,IntRow) < 72) Then
varData(IntCol, IntRow).Delete
End If
End If
Next IntRow
Next IntCol

In the example Above my syntax is not correct for :
If (varData(0,IntRow) > 47 And varData(0,IntRow) < 72)
and for varData(IntCol, IntRow).Delete.

can anyone help me to find the exact syntax i need to use to execute the program above?


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Modules & VBA :: Deleting Values In Array?

Jul 1, 2013

How do I delete values in an array? I want to reuse that array but first I need to delete its values so I would start with Arr(0) rather than where I stopped off with the last loop at Arr(10) [assuming the last calculation inserted until Arr(9)]

Here is my code:

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
"Select * from dbo_ProductStructure where ChildProductNbr Like '*" & txtPartNumber & "*'") 'search associated fields with user input
While rst.EOF = False
ReDim Preserve Arr(i)
Arr(i) = rst.Fields("ParentProductNbr")
i = i + 1

Wend 'end of while loop

x = Arr

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting Record From Table Or Query

Feb 20, 2014

I am trying to delete a record from a table and when I pass the variable as a text value it works but when I pass as a number I am getting a mismatch error.

I have to use it as a number as I am doing other update code in my database and it is a number.

DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM TblIssueData Where tblIssueData.SerNum = ' & Me.txtserNum & ';"

When I am using TblIssueData SerNum as a text variable in table it works but when I specify SerNum as a number in the table it gives me data mismatch error. I have to leave it as a number for other VBA code in my database. I believe it is just a syntax error but not sure where to go with it.

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Looping Thru An Array Cheking For Values In A Table

Feb 18, 2008

arrLocations = Me!customerBranchLocations.Value
'MsgBox (arrLocations)

arrParams = Split(arrLocations, ";")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrParams)
MsgBox (arrParams(i))

strSql1 = "SELECT branchName FROM ustax_customerBranchLocationsTBL WHERE branchName = '" & arrParams(i) & "' AND branchCustomerParentID = " & Me!customerID & ""
'MsgBox (strSql1)
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql1
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSql1)
Dim count
count = rs.RecordCount


Above is my code, what i am trying to do is loop thru the array and check if the values are in a table. I am getting an error after the first loop of 'A RunSQL action requires an argument consisting of an SQL statement', why would I get this error if I am looping thru the array? Wouldn't the sql statement just be read with the new value each time?


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Modules & VBA :: Upload CSV To Array And Then Add Records To Table

Jun 9, 2013

I'm trying to upload a csv file into an Array then add records to a table. I have the following code which gets the information from a csv file which works fine.

Open filePath For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, MyData

1. When i try to load this into an array , it does not return all the information. It will if a smaller amount of data is sought. For example if only 1 months month of data is requested. Is there a maximum data limit that can be parsed into an array with this method?

2. I'm not quite sure how to parse individual lines (records) to update a table in access. I have provided the code that I'm trying to use to accomplish this below. From code below am I doing this correctly?

3. For each record that is created in the database I would like to add a ticker string to the record for later querying. Can this be done and am I on the right track from the supplied code?

Private Sub ImportData(filePath As String, ticker As String)
'On Error GoTo Errorhandler
Dim arrData() As String
Dim MyData As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Db As DAO.Database

[Code] ....

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Query Array

Jun 6, 2005

I was wondering if this was possible or not.
Can I write a function like the one below, which will accept a value and return many values?
I would like to set various columns from one score. If I have something like “Expr1: returnArray(42)” in the query, can the function return the 3 values and put them in separate columns?
If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated because I am re-writing my software to have no calculated values.

Public Function returnArray(score As Integer) As Variant
Dim arrMatrix(2) As String
'some calculations here to set the arrMatrix array.
arrMatrix(0) = "Joe"
arrMatrix(1) = "is"
arrMatrix(2) = "Stuck"
returnArray = arrMatrix()

End Function

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Tables :: Fill Exiting Table With Data From Array

Jan 24, 2013

I need to fill a pre existing table with data based in an array.

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Table With Multiple Like Fields That Need To Display Into Array-like Format

Jan 8, 2013

I have a table that contains the following;Company name, PositionID, Firstname1, Lastname1, title1, gender1, Firstname2, Lastname2, title2, gender2, Firstname3, Lastname3, title3, gender3 [...up to 50 names]

The data is uploaded to my table from a 3rd party database source via .csv file.I can capture up to 50 names, titles and gender per record. I would like to display this data in a table/array like format. I'm not too good at VBA but I can use expressions for unbound fields.I have attached a file that shows the data in a format I would like to see in Access displayed in a form.

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Add Records To Table In Bulk (not One Record At A Time) Via Multidimensional Array

Aug 13, 2015

I'd like to add 600+ records at a time to a table (or at least a lot) and do this 1200 or so times. Yes, this is a very big table, its okay and the size is not an issue.

The key here is that speed is very important. I DO NOT want to AddNew and Update a recordset 700k times (one for each new record). I want to add 600 records or so 1200 or so times.

I am open to any way of doing this in VBA and/or SQL in MS Access; however, I am thinking of building an array that has 600 rows and 16 columns, then somehow add that to the table all at once. I will size the array down if it causes problems. That isn't the issue. The issue is how to add a 2d array to a table in bulk (all at once).

Sub test()
Dim dbLocal As DAO.Database
Set dbLocal = CurrentDb()
Dim sql As String
'build my array
Dim x(0 To 1, 0 To 1) As Integer

[Code] ....

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Use An Array When Calling A Function From A Query Field

Dec 1, 2005


In the query field i am putting: -

Consecutive Months: Query_Month_Consecutive([Report_2_group_data].[Availability], array([Monthly_availability_CT].[12],[Monthly_availability_CT].[11],[Monthly_availability_CT].[10],[Monthly_availability_CT].[9],[Monthly_availability_CT].[8],[Monthly_availability_CT].[7],[Monthly_availability_CT].[6],[Monthly_availability_CT].[5],[Monthly_availability_CT].[4],[Monthly_availability_CT].[3],[Monthly_availability_CT].[2],[Monthly_availability_CT].[1]))

Basicly the values of them fields are entered into the query, all fields exist and everything is ok.

Anyhow the function is not loaded, i have tested with a simple msgbox and it does not do it.

However when i simply do

Consecutive Months: Query_Month_Consecutive([Report_2_group_data].[Availability], Monthly_availability_CT].[12)

It works and the msg box appears?

I really need it to be an array for what im doing any help would be great


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Modules & VBA :: Store Entire Query (single Field) In Array And Check Its Values

Mar 12, 2014

Basically, what's the best practice or how do we store a query's value into an array then checking what the max or min value is and how to check if let's say "4" is in the array?

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Deleting One Table From Another

Jul 26, 2007

Hi All!

I am relatively new to Access. But over the past few weeks I have developed a large Db. I have searched the Forum under almost every thing I can imagine and have tried to implement some of them.

What I need to do is delete the records in one table from another table. I tried using a delete query but simply get told I "You cannot delete from the specified tables." I have checked almost everywhere I can find to check and the tables are not in read only status and I built it.

I have also tried doing it from a module in VBA with the code:

DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE tblNewHRoster.* FROM tblRosterwoNHires.*" & _
"WHERE tblRosterwoNHires.[Rep_Name] = tblNewHRoster.[Rep_Name]"

On this I get told there is an "Syntax Error in Query. Incomplete Query Clause."

Can any one help? As you can probably tell I need a lot of it.

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Db Deleting Records From A Table

May 18, 2005


I am using a large database, which usually works fine, and is set to compact on close.

Occasionally it has been losing a lot of data in the main table, probably when it compacts, down to a round number of records. This time it left me with 10,000 records exactly. (It has been different round numbers before)

Does anyone have any ideas as to what is causing this?


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Doing A 'where Used' Check Before Deleting A Table

Jul 3, 2006


I wonder if any of you could help me with what I assume to be a simple request, but one I've stuggled to find an answer to in the 'help' searches that I've done.

I'm working with an Access 2003 database that was originally designed to use a copy of a live table held elsewhere (this copy only used a subset of the fields from the main table). I now need to change the database so that it references the live table only, to ensure data integrity. To do this, I want to remove the 'copy table' and make all forms, queries, reports, macros etc. refer to the live table instead.

Is there a 'where used' procedure that I can run to find all the objects that use this table, rather than my having to go through every single one and check if this table is referenced (there are hundreds of such objects in this database)?

Thanks for your time,

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Deleting All The Records In A Table

Dec 27, 2007

I am using Vb6.0 as a front end and msaccess as the db.
i want 2 delete all the records in a table "Register" by clicking a menu
The connection is made using ADODB
Till now i hv the code

Private Sub mnudel_Click()
Docmd.SetWarnings False
Docmd.RunSql ("DELETE * FROM Register;")
Docmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

But when i execute this a error msg displays
Run time error "424"
Object required

Whats the problem in me
plz help me to come out from this...

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Adding And Deleting To A Table

May 27, 2006

I have a table to which items must be added and others must be removed. Items in the table must be numbered consecutively At present I switch from the table to a query and manually reset the reqirements in the criteria section for each alteration. Can I set up a Query, Update query or something similar so the when I add or delete an Item the numbers field automatically renumbers the rest of the field. If this is understood. Thanks to anyone who can help.

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Deleting Records From Table

Feb 2, 2005

I have a simple form with a subform on it (see enclosed Access 2000 Database). I'm trying to add/change/delete records from table: Component Name. Adding and changing records is not a problem but deleting is. It only deletes the value of the field "Interative Component Name" and not the entire record. I have my joins defined properly on the tables. What am I missing? I wish this Access stuff was easier to learn. Any help/clues would be greatly appreciated.



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Deleting All Records From A Table

Nov 23, 2004


I have created a form to record addresses, phone numbers and other information. How do I go about creating a DELETE button that when pressed, deletes ALL records from the table.

Many thanks in advance and for those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, have a Happy Thanksgiving!



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Deleting All The Records In A Table

Dec 22, 2004

Is it possible to have all the records deleted from either a command button on a form or from the switchboard...

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Deleting From A Table In A 'shared Environment

Oct 4, 2005

Im working on a database that has to be shared by 3 or 4 users. In on of the actions that the database performs, it has to delete records from a table first.
When sharing the database, it always asks the users (using access viewer) whether 'they are sure that the want to delete the records'. Does this always happen? And why? How can I get rid of it? Would it matter if I change it from a table to a query?


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Deleting Records From A Table In Access

Jul 27, 2006

I want to automatically delete records from a table in MS Access 2002, I want to keep the existing table structure and therefore I do not want to delete the entire table. I cannot find a way to do this through a macro. Any help on this would be appreciated

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Error Deleting Record In Table

Mar 16, 2005

I have a corrupt record in a table that I am trying to delete. I keep getting the following error when I try and delete the record: "The search key was not found in any record".

Can anyone help me with this. All I am trying to do is delete this one record


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Deleting Matching Records From Another Table

Dec 6, 2005


Apologies if there is a previous post that answers this - I've looked, but can't find anything that works.

I have two tables with identical structures. tblA contains a subset of the records on tblB, with identical values on all fields except ID. I need to remove from tblB all records appearing on tblA. I thought the following would work:

DELETE tblB.* from tblB
INNER JOIN tblA ON tblB.Field1 = tblA.Field1
AND tblB.Field2 = tblA.Field2
AND tblB.Field3 = tblA.Field3...

but I get "Could not delete from specified tables".

What am I doing wrong? Or is there an easier way?


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Queries :: Deleting Fields Within A Table

Sep 16, 2014

Is it possible to create a query that will delete the fields within a table?

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Deleting Multiple Rows From A Table?

Oct 5, 2013

the assignment is to delete rows in a table that consist of employee ids 202 - 205

I input the following code:

delete from sec0412_foods
where employee_id between '202'
and '205';

And then I come across this error:

Where am I making a mistake?

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Deleting Child Table Record?

Jul 7, 2015

I have two tables in my access database with Parent Child relationship.Then i have below query based on which i have a datasheet form.


When i delete a record in this form, my parent table record (in MOC_DATA table) is automatically deleted.

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