Deleting Rows From A Listbox

Oct 7, 2005

I would appreciate any help with an issue I have been having with a listbox on one of my forms.

From the Main menu, I select a 'Investor_ID' and open a 'frmClientHistory' form. Showing only the client I selected. All fine.

If cboClient <> Empty Then

stLinkCriteria = "[Investor_ID]=" & "'" & Me![cboClient] & "'"
stDocName = "frmClientHistory"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria


MsgBox ("Please choose a client.")

End If

My issue is that I have a listbox which works off the quiery:

SELECT Subscription.Investor_ID, Subscription.Date, Subscription.Transaction, Subscription.Units, Subscription.NAV, Subscription.Amount
FROM Investors INNER JOIN Subscription ON Investors.Investor_ID = Subscription.Investor_ID
ORDER BY Subscription.Date;

Unfortunately, this shows all the details for all the Investor_ID's. I would like to filter out the 'Investor_ID' entries which do not correspond to my Investor_ID text box.

Any ideas? I can use VBA to find any rows that do not correspond, but I can't figure out how to delete them.

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Deleting Rows

Aug 30, 2006

Hello, Does anyone have any suggestions on how to delete certain rows? For example rows 10,000 to 17,000. I know in MS SQL server you can use Rowcount, but I believe there is no Rowcount in Access?

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Deleting Rows From Joined Tables

Jun 5, 2006

I am using the following query to identify rows in one table that have no match in another:


MAS is one file with MASID as the key.
IVT is the other file with IVTID as the key

This provides me a list of the rows in MAS with no match in IVT.

I now want to delete these rows in MAS so we can process the other fields in the table.

what is the syntax for the delete statement? I can't get the join to fit in correctly.


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Deleting Multiple Rows From A Table?

Oct 5, 2013

the assignment is to delete rows in a table that consist of employee ids 202 - 205

I input the following code:

delete from sec0412_foods
where employee_id between '202'
and '205';

And then I come across this error:

Where am I making a mistake?

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Deleting Multiple Records In Listbox...?

Jul 6, 2006

hey all,
I'm using this code on a command button to delete single entries in a listbox... and it works fine
Private Sub DeleteMovie_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute "Delete from " & _
"tblMovies " & _
"where Title = """ & Me.lstList & """", dbFailOnError

Me.lstList = ""
End Sub
However, I want to try to select and delete multiple items in the list box. So I changed the property to allow multiple selections and now the button doesn't do anything when I click it. Ideally, I'd like the button to provide a "are you sure (yes or no)" prompt. Anyone know how to get this working? thanks a bunch

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Modules & VBA :: Format Spreadsheet To Import Into Table - Deleting Rows In Excel

Jun 25, 2014

I am trying to format a spreadsheet to import into a Table. To do this I need to delete the top 8 rows and then the 4 rows below the data I need, both areas contain header data. The 4 rows below the data I need are blank but formatted oddly and it is causing issues during import.

Sub ExcelFormat()
Dim excelApp As Object
Set excelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
excelApp.worbooks.Open ("Z:DataTest.xlsx")
End Sub

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Deleting Items From An Unbound Listbox And Table

Jan 10, 2006

I have a combo box that inserts data into an unbound list box and table. This works great but I am having trouble with the deletion part. I want to be able to dbl click on the item in the item list and delete it from both the list box and table. Currently, my code is deleting ALL items, not just the one item I want to get rid of. Any ideas would be most appreciated :)
This is what I have for the deletion code:

Private Sub List92_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
sql2 = "delete from PROFILE_Industry where "
sql2 = sql2 & "profile_id = " & Me!Profile_ID
sql2 = sql2 & " And Industry_focus = '" & Me!List92.Value & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL (sql2)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

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Deleting All Related Sub Records When Deleting The "main" Record.

Apr 12, 2008

I have two tables.

1. Persons (list of persons)
2. Job history (list of jobs)

each person have their own job history. all these jobs are stored in the job history table. when i delete a person i would like the job history for this person deleted as well. each job stored in the job table have a field with person name, so that it is linked to this person.

how can i do this? vba or simple properties options?

- Roy

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Compare Several Hundred Rows Against Other Rows

Nov 21, 2005

Not sure if what I want to do is possible, or at least possible the way things are set up.

I have a massive table - c. 6 million rows. It contains data along these lines:

Plan#, Item, Price, Description, Colour, Value, Location, etc.

The primary key would be Plan# + Item. Each Plan# has approximately 1,000 Items, and there is only 1 Item per Plan#. There are only a limited number of Items (c. 1500) and all or only some Items might be assigned to the Plan#. All items under each unique ID# belong together, sort of in a set. So this huge table has approx. 6,000 unique sets (based on Plan#).

To add to the confusion, Item A under Plan#1 may have different information (Price, Description, Colour, etc.) from Item A under Plan#2. I know this isn't a great way to set up data but this is what I have to work with.

Over the years it's possible that the exact same combination of Items with identical values might have been set up for multiple Plan#s. What I need to do is find any Plan#s which have the exact same combination of Item, Price, Description, etc. So if Plan#R has 200 rows and Plan#S has 201 rows, it automatically doesn't match. If Plan#R has 200 rows and so does Plan#T, all information in each record must match between the two Plan#s (with the exception obviously of Plan#).

I don't think this is possible, and if it is I am sure it's not going to be easy. So far the best I can do is to come up with finding duplicates on Item, Price, Description, etc. but that's only one record at a time and doesn't tell me if the two Plan#s match.

Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.


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Copying Data Within Same Form From A Listbox Containing A Query To A Blank Listbox?

Apr 21, 2006

Hi, I'm new here, so I hope I'm posting this in the correct place. I've searched the forum to see if there are any existing threads that might help me, but I've not found anything that does...
(I think this thread ( )may be trying to achieve something similar to me, but I'm a beginner and don't really understand it)

I shall stop waffling! I'm not entirely sure that what I'm trying to achieve is possible, I expect it probably is!

Right, I have a form (frmGroupRegister, which contains exactly the same fields as the table it comes from, tblGroupRegister), which consists of three things:

-GroupDate - The date a group took place on. It is my primary key, as no more than one group occurs on a specific date.

-ParentList (A listbox which contains a query showing the ID number, forename and surname of everyone in a table, tblParentDetails)

-ParentsAttending (A blank listbox)

I would like to place buttons in between the ParentList and ParentsAttending, which would allow users to conduct a 'register' of attendance by copying individual/multiple details from ParentList into ParentsAttending (much like you get when choosing which fields to include in a form when using a wizard for example). I would also like them to be able to remove people from ParentsAttending by using a button in case of accidentally adding the wrong person into the ParentsAttending box.

I'm aware that another, probably simpler way of achieving this would be to use a tick-box system, but I feel that visually, the first method would both look better and demonstrate who is present more clearly.

Any help would be much appreciated, but my Access skills are quite basic and things will probably need to be spelled out for me.
I'm using Access 2000 and Windows XP.
Thanks for your help,
Alice :)

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Forms :: Dynamic Row Source For Listbox From Multi-select Listbox

Jun 10, 2015

I am using the selections made of the form to generate a query for the user.

I have a CITIES listbox that is populated with values from a stored query.

I would like to make it multi-select and populate a LOCATIONS list box and a NAMES list box based upon the CITIES that are selected.

I have the locations currently populated from a stored query that reads the City selection from the Form. It looks like this


FROM t_location INNER JOIN t_asset_master ON t_location.LOCATION_PHY_ID = t_asset_master.LOCATION
WHERE (((t_location.CITY)=[Forms]![MasterQueryGenerator]![CityList]));

I also want multi-select so that is you can un-select all and get the results for all cities.

Here is my half thought approach.


Private Sub CityList_AfterUpdate()
'Dim LocQryStr As String
'Dim r As Integer
'Dim ctl9 As Control
'LocQryStr = "SELECT DISTINCT (t_location.LOCATION) " & _

[Code] ...

I intended to have the variable LocQryStr as the row source but I abandoned the idea of having multi-select when I saw that .Selected(I) never returned true. Its like the values aren't read in this subroutine.

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Forms :: Listbox To Show Types Based On Section In Other Listbox

Sep 9, 2013

I have a list box called "product list box" based on a query called "searchqry", i also have another listbox called "type list box" , how do i get the type list box to only show "types" based on the section in products list box?

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Forms :: Passing Listbox Rowsource To Another Form Listbox

Dec 14, 2014

Using a popup form

1. On my main form, I have a listbox, I would like to edit the values of the listbox.

To do this, I have a popup form with 2 listboxes, one to have the values of the listbox on the main form, and the other listbox with option values for the 1st

1) how to i pass the rowsource sql of the listbox on the main form to the listbox on the popup form

2) how on closing the popup form, do i update the rowsource sql listbox on the main form from the changed value of the popup form listbox rowsource sql

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Forms :: Make Listbox Visible After Selection Of Another Listbox

Oct 23, 2013

Okay then, after much trouble and confusion, I finally realized I need to use an Extended listbox in order to allow for multiple items to be selected from a list on my form (rather than the evil multiple selection combobox!).

However, now I am trying to figure out how to make one listbox (IndustryClassification) only be visible if the item "Industry" is selected in another listbox (TypeOfBusiness). Coding I can use for this in the AfterUpdate event of the listbox?

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Select All Listbox AND Update Listbox

Jun 17, 2005


I've got this multiple select listbox which writes data into a textbox:

Private Sub List2_AfterUpdate()

Dim Cursisten As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim Itm As Variant

Set ctl = Me.List2

For Each Itm In ctl.ItemsSelected
If Len(Cursisten) = 0 Then
Cursisten = ctl.ItemData(Itm)
Cursisten = Cursisten & "," & ctl.ItemData(Itm)
End If
Next Itm
Me.txtCursisten = Cursisten

End Sub

And I've got a SELECT ALL button to select all records in the listbox:

Private Sub cmdSelectAll_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSelectAll_Click

Dim i As Integer

If cmdSelectAll.Caption = "Alles Selecteren" Then
For i = 0 To Me.List2.ListCount
Me.List2.Selected(i) = True
Next i
cmdSelectAll.Caption = "Alles De-Selecteren"
For i = 0 To Me.List2.ListCount
Me.List2.Selected(i) = False
Next i
cmdSelectAll.Caption = "Alles Selecteren"

End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSelectAll_Click

End Sub

The only thing is that when I use the SELECT ALL button, the function List2_Afterupdate doesn't work anymore. There must be a simple solution but I just can't figure it out. Can anyone please help me?

Tnx a lot!

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Move Items From Listbox To Other Listbox

Jul 16, 2006

Hello everybody,

Hopefully somebody can help me on this one. I searched the whole internet and access forums, but I didn't find the exact solution for my problem.

I've got a table with students, a table attendance, where I now only save the students who are absent, but I would like to save also the students who are PRESENT (at the same time).
I've got a combobox where I filter the Class, which then updates a listbox with the students from that class. What I do now is select the students from the listbox and then press a save button and it saves the records to the table absence with STATUS: ABSENT.

I would like to save the NON selected students also in that table, but with PRESENT in the column STATUS.

I thought of making another listbox next to it, where after selecting the absent students, they wil apear and disappear in the PRESENT table so I can store all the information.
But the only problem is that I can find this solution when the listbox is populated by a list of values instead by a table or query. And the other solution is to store the temporary data into 2 different tables, but that's not working for me because it's a multi user database and everything will be messed up.

Hope that someone can help me, I will be very happy.

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Forms :: Hide Unchecked Values In A Listbox - Create Hyperlink On Listbox Values?

Jan 20, 2014

Firstly, is it possible to hide unchecked values in a listbox? I have a user with several roles and I want to only show the ticked roles in the listbox.

Secondly, can you create a hyperlink on listbox values? i.e, if I click on "Manager" in the roles listbox, it follows that to another form and opens the record about managers?

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Converting Rows To Columns And Columns To Rows

Jul 31, 2013

I am trying to convert a table that looks like the following...

Customer Name SumofSum of Bill Rate Reviewer
000462 John 500 Mike
000224 Mike 900 Jeff

I would like to covert it to....

Customer 000462 000224

Name John Bill
SumOfSum.. 500 900
Reviewer Mike Jeff

I don't think Access has any functions for this but I am not 100% sure. I know this can be done in a Module but I am not sure of how to code it.

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Feb 21, 2005

I have a problem about deleting record from a form, it will be grateful if anyone can help me with this.

Here are my tables:
Par_tor: some personal details such as ID, name, phone NO., etc
Par_tion: the record of who has participated which activities.
Activity: name of the activity.

My problem is: the main form of the my form contains the stuffs in table Par_tor, and the subform contains the stuffs in Par_tion, so the user can view these participator's details and the activities they have participated.

In the main form, I also wanted to created a delete button to delete an entire record (including a participator's detail + his/her participation record) at once, but it didn't work since the participation was in the Par_tion table not in the Par_tor.

So is there any way that I can delete these records at once?

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Deleting A Record With VB

Jun 15, 2005


I have a form with a "Clear Form" button on to allow the user to delete the record they are working on without updating the database. A question window pops up asking if they are sure they want to delete the record, if they answer yes the form will clear and re-load without updating the database.

The OnClick Event Procedure will not allow me to delete the data, it always saves. I've tried
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to abandon changes to this record?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "LogBook 2002") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If
but I get the error "2046 - The command or action DeleteRecord isn't available now." Is there another way, a better way?

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Deleting Records

Aug 4, 2005

I have two tables (same data but slightly different attribute structure) with a one-to-one relationship (the join field is "ID"). There are 69 matching records in these tables. How can I delete these matching records from table A, while leaving them alone in table B?

I'm confused because I brought both tables into a select query, created a join from ID to ID (within in the query's design view), and then added all fields from table A to the query. I then ran the select query and saw the 69 records from table A in the query's data view that I wanted to delete, highlighted all records and clicked delete. However, this action deleted the 69 matching records from TABLE B, not Table A!!! How is this possible? What should I do instead? Thanks.

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Deleting Records

Nov 11, 2005

A strange request but I hope someone can help with this one

I have a table (tbl_Econ) where I have to delete a specified number of records from a table. It does not matter which records as long as I delete the exact number

e.g On a form text box I enter the number or records to be deleted (e.g.6000).

The table (tbl_Econ) has 8000 records, so I have to delete 6000 records. I need to be able to do this automatically :eek:

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Deleting Records

Feb 1, 2006

How can I go about deleting records fully? So that there autonumber, etc can be used again without access moaning.

Thanks :D

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Deleting Records

Mar 14, 2006

I have a query (Query1) which returns results In one field recordID.

How do I delete records in a table where the RecordID is in the list Query1.recordID?


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Deleting Tables

May 11, 2006

I am Developing a simple VBA program for Access for my final year of my Degree and I have come up with a problem that I don’t seem to be able to fix.

I have create tables using SQL

SQL = "CREATE TABLE tblInvoiceLines" & _
"(InvoiceNo LONG, PartNo LONG," & _
"Quantity LONG)"

DoCmd.RunSQL (SQL)

Deleting this with the below code works,

SQL = ""
'This will delete the Invoice Line Table
SQL = "DROP TABLE tblInvoiceLines"
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQL)

But once I alter the table with the below code the Delete command doesn’t work, does anyone know how I can fix this problem?

SQL = "ALTER TABLE tblInvoiceLines " & _
"ADD CONSTRAINT fkInvoiceNo " & _
"tblInvoices (InvoiceNo) " & _

conDatabase.Execute SQL


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Deleting Tables

Jun 7, 2006

Hi i have a lot of linked table that i want to delete I have the macro below that deletes one at a time but i have to put in the name is there a way to delete all the ones that end in _cfd_posting as before this name there is a six digit number but these r all different is this possible

Sub delete()
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "060204_cfd_postings"
End Sub

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