Dependent List Creates Parameter Value Error With Navigation Form

Aug 14, 2015

I am attempting to create a customized task manager. I have created a form that has a combo box that list a series of categories. This list is pulled from a query. I also have a sub-category list that is pulled from a separate query. The relevant section of the subcategory query looks like this:

CategoriesID / subCateogiesID
1 / 1
1 / 2
1 / 3
2 / 4
2 / 5
2 / 6
3 / 7

The query has a criteria that sources the combo box on the task creator form. This filters out all other primary categories. I have a macro that auto refreshes the page after the primary category combo box is updated. The sub category combo box then displays the related sub categories.This works great as a stand alone form. However, when I attempt to use a navigation form or use the tab navigation window I get the error message "Enter Parameter Value." I know am getting this message, because the related categories query is looking for a category in the combo box on the form, which at this point in the process is missing. It also does not update once it is moved to a navigation form or tabbed window.

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Queries :: (Enter Parameter Value) Error When Updating SharePoint Table / List

Jun 24, 2015

I have a list (table) that I've created in sharepoint 2010.I link to the sharepoint table with Access 2010 to update mass amounts of items at once. Some of the queries have no problem updating the sharepoint items, but other queries require me to "Enter Paramater Value."

In this particular queries; I'm trying to populate field A with dates from field B, when field A is null.

UPDATE Table 1 SET Table.[FieldA] = [FieldB]
WHERE (((Table 1.[FieldA]) Is Null));

When I run the above, I receive the "Enter Parameter Value" input box.All records have Field B populated (it's actually the created date.)

The goal is for field A to be populated with the values in Field B, without the query asking for parameters.

Note; I can go in each individual record and update them via access, one at a time. But it's the running of the update query that failing.

Edit: Removed spaces in table and field names.

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Dividing Creates An #Error...

Aug 29, 2007


I am trying to do a simple division. But I am getting an #Error when Access query tries to divide 0 by 0. Here is my example:

fldOne = 0
fldTwo = 0

fldCalc: IIf(([fldOne]/[fldTwo])=0,0,([fldOne]/[fldTwo]))
result = #Error


fldCalc: IIf(([fldOne]+[fldTwo])=0,0,([fldOne]/[fldTwo]))
result = 0

If I change the IIF to [0]+[0] (plus) then it works. So I think I am trying to find out how to divide two fields that both contain zeros? (...I think!)

Any help appreciated!


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Auto Populating List Box Based On Two Dependent Combo Boxes?

Mar 31, 2014

how to auto populate list box based on two dependent combo boxes.

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box Will Display Specific List Of Items - Form Asking For Parameter

May 5, 2015

I have the below code behind a form so that a combo box will display a specific list of items based on the data in another combo box on my form.

I have two copies of this same form for two different departments. One of the forms works like a dream. However, when I copy that form, change the name, and update the code as pictured below, the form is asking for a parameter FROM MY ORIGINAL FORM and will not requery the combo box. I can't figure out why...there is no reference to the original form in my VBA as you can see below. I tried deleting the form and re-creating it, I tried deleting the code and re-typing it to no avail.

Private Sub cmboType_AfterUpdate()
Me.cmboAction.RowSource = "SELECT tblStatusList.Status FROM tblStatusList WHERE (((tblStatusList.Department)=[forms]![frmInquiryFraud]![cmboType]));"
End Sub

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General :: Dropdown List Dependent On Another Dropdown List

Jun 11, 2012

I must create a database for the company that I work for that covers the maintenance history of our stone crusher plant. In this database I have two dropdown lists. The first one is for the equipment and the second one is for the different types of parts that has to be replaced or fixed.

Not all of the equipment uses all of the listed parts, but some parts are used on more than one type of equipment.

I have already created a database that lists all the equipment and another one that lists all the parts.

What I want to do now is create a Yes/No box for each type of equipment so I can mark which parts is used by which equipment.

Then you must be able to select the type of equipment from a dropdown list and then select from a dropdown list that only has the parts that is used by the piece of equipment.

I am using Access 2007

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General :: Enter Parameter Value Error When Open The Form

Mar 5, 2015

Whenever I open the form 'TrainingF' I get the 'Enter Parameter Value' msg box. I tried to look online but could not get rid of it. I have attached the file.

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Forms :: Not Able To Disable Navigation Button When Login Navigation Form

Nov 15, 2014

I am not able to disable NavigationButton when i login navigation form using login form. I am using MS access 2007 - 2010.i am using below code but getting error.

Forms![Navigation Form]!NavigationButton13.enable = False

Run-time error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method.

Any other method to disable NavigationButton.

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Tabbing Through Form Creates New Record

Jan 24, 2006


I have a form with a number of fields and buttons on it. The form is opened in "add new record" mode. I have noticed that when I move from the last field in the tab order to the first field in the tab order it saves an entry in the database.

This is causing me problems because when users move from the last field in the tab order to the field in the tab order an entry is saved to the database but it by passes all the data checks ensuring that certain fields have been filled-in etc.

I don't know why the movement between these two fields is causing an entry to be saved. I don't have code associated with either of these objects. I aslo changed the last field in the tab order to a different field and it still happens.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Form With Join Creates Two New Records

Aug 15, 2006

I have a form that uses the following join as its control source:SELECT * FROM [Purchase Order]
LEFT JOIN [Work Orders]
ON [Purchase Order].WorkOrderID = [Work Orders].WorkOrderID;
I also enclosed a small picture of the relationship between the two tables. This is the problem I'm getting when using my purchase order form.

What I Want:
When I type in the "Work Order #" it will lookup the most recent work order with the same number and put its ID into the purchase order record.

What I'm Getting:
When I type in the "Work Order #" a brand new work order is created and the "Work Order ID" field gets the next number in the sequence.

Make note that I'm not using code for any of this. This is happening all on its own. I think the join is messing things up here. Any ideas?

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Forms :: Form That Creates A New Record In A Different Table?

Jul 29, 2013

I have a form that uses a text box to search for a specific record in a table.(Cotton12) This works perfectly. What I would like to implement however is if the user so wishes he can edit the data he is shown, whithout editing the actual data in cotton12 and then with this new info create a new record in cotton13.

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Forms :: Passing Field Value From One To Another Form That Creates A New Record

Mar 13, 2013

I have several different sub-forms that have a button that opens a new form which creates a new record. Each of the different sub-forms have a field value that needs to be passed to the new record when the other form is opened. I've tried a few solutions, but to no avail. Right now I'm using the macro functionality as follows for one of the subforms:

RunCommand SaveRecord
OpenForm frmDocumentNew, Form, , [AssociatedClientTracking]=[Forms]![sfrm_ClientTracking]![ID-ClientTracking], , Normal
OnError Next,
GoToRecord ,,New,
MsgBox =[MacroError].[Description], Yes, None,
SetProperty [AssociatedClientTracking], Enabled, Me.ID-ClientTracking

The problem I think is that I'm creating a new record so the value doesn't get passed. The new record is only created after the user begins to enter data in the new form that was opened.

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Navigation Button Error Trapping

Jun 1, 2005

I've made my own record navigation buttons on a form. they work fine, except when i get to the first record. if i click 'previous' then the 2105 error pops up "you can't go to specified record". the buttons were created through the wizard, and have error trapping in them. for some reason, it never actually goes to the error handler. the error message comes up, i press debug, and the 'DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious' is highlighted.

any ideas why the error trapping isn't working? here's the code:

Private Sub cmdPrevJob_Click()
Dim x As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPrevJob_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 2105 Then stop
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdPrevJob_Click
End Sub

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Form Field Dependent On Cbo

Nov 23, 2005

Is there a way to make a field on a form dependent on what the user selects from 2 other cbo? By that I mean I would want the user if they selected in cbo1 Easter and they select cbo2 Regional President in the form field I would want it to auto return the name John Smith because in my table he is the Eastern Regional President. I am not sure if I can do this by query or is there an easy way to do this?

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How To Make One Form Combo-box Dependent On Another?

May 19, 2006

Access 2003
Database for tracking job search/applications
I have three tables: Job (includes employer, contact) and Contact (First name, Last name, employer), and Employer (Employer name)

Form.Job is the main data entry mechanism. On this form, I enter the job details. I select the employer from a combo-box that draws from the Employer table. I would like to select the contact from a combo-box that filters contacts and shows only those that match the Job.Employer selection.

:confused: 1. How can I make a bi-directional link so that a new entry in the employer combo-box creates a new entry in the employer table? At the moment, I get around this with a "New employer" button on Form.Job that just opens up the employer table, but there seems to be an updating issue - new names don't show up in the combo-box for a while

:confused: 2. How can I get the contact combo-box to show only contacts with an employer that matches the employer selected in the employer combo-box?

Note that I got this to work once by using a sub-form, but I don't really understand how (presumably Access defaults that did what I wanted), and I don't want to have to use a sub-form.


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Parameter List

Sep 27, 2005

When creating a parameter, is it possible to create a drop down list for the user to select from? Thanks for your help.


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Parameter List

May 26, 2007

Somewhere within the deep recesses of my brain, I recall seeing a method of creating a parameter list. I have tried a number of sources, but have come up empty - probably not searching on the right words.

Right now I have a parameter prompt "Enter FILE NUMBER".

I want to be able to enter more than one number and the numbers won't necessarily be contiguous.

An example would be "Enter FILE NUMBER(S):"

The answer might be "10859, 10100, 10903". I've tried using a comma and a semi-colon to separate the list members, but I know I have to make a change in the original query.

What do I change?:confused:

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Parameter - List?

Jan 28, 2008

I know you can create parameters in queries such as [Enter the Town for your report]

Is there away of this showing a combo box or list of all the distinct values for the user to pick from (so no spelling mistakes or typo or null values)

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Field Dependent On ComboBox For Data Entry Form

Mar 16, 2005

I've got a data entry form where orders can be created. Within this form there is a ComboBox which is used to search for items and stores the selected item ID in the Order table. However the field for storing the Unit Price relating to the selected item is currently manually enterable. Where as I would like this to be dependent on the item selected within the ComboBox and updated automatically.

At the moment I've added an extra colum to the ComboBox to retrieve the relevant Unit Price and I can show this in a normal seperate text box using '=Combo27.Column(1)' as the ControlSource.

How can I get rid of the text box and incorporate the code into the current UnitPrice field so as it inserts the relevant record (price) into the UnitPrice coloumn of the Order table?

Any help on this would be much appreciated!

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Forms :: Check Box Within A Form Ticked Or Not Dependent On Another Value Within A Field?

May 10, 2013

I there a way to determine whether or not my checkbox within a form is ticked or not dependent on another value within a field?

I have a field called 'DaysRemaining' and another check box field called 'Expired'. I want the expired checkbox to be ticked if the value within 'DaysRemaining' is '<0' and unticked if '>=0'. Is there a way i can do this within the control source of my check box?

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Passing List Of Parameter

Sep 14, 2011

I have list (server names) in excel file (200 rows), I would need to query the Model of these from in MS access, How do I pass these list in excel to the query.. I can't be running the query 200 times nor I could type them one by one.

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Add Drop Down List To Parameter Query

Dec 8, 2004

Is there a way to add a drop down list to the message box in a parameter query so that users can enter a value(s) from the list in prompt? Thanks.

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Use Selection From Drop Down List As Parameter For Another Query.

Feb 4, 2005

I want to be able to choose an item from a drop down list (based on a query i.e. distinct products) and have the item chosen to be automatically used as a parameter in another query.

Thank you

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Reports :: Error With Parameter Value Box

Nov 4, 2013

I have a report with field that has as a control source this value " =[Time Period In Days?]"

This works well as long as the user enters a value and clicks on "OK", however if the user clicks on "Cancel" he gets an error.

I assume that this is because the report is trying to open and it gets a null value from this message box? Is so, how can I ensure that a default value of "0" is automatically entered?

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Forms :: Multi Select List Boxes And Parameter Queries

Apr 16, 2013

I am creating an absenteeism database which has the following tables:

tblEmp - PK - auto number, EmpId, First Name, Last name
tblFunction - PK - FID (autonumber) has departments
tblTL - PK TLID (autonumber) has list of team leaders
tblRelated - pK - Id (auto), EmpId, TLID, FId as long integeres
tblCodes - CodeId (auto), list of absenteeism codes like late, mia, etc
EmpLeave - pk - autonumber, empid, codeid, hours, date of absenteeism

I have a Qry_Master which just joins all the information together as it gets updated on a monthly basis

Now, I am trying to create a form where the user has option to select one or more tls and one or more codes and when they hit the button, it should come up with all emps that have those codes and report to the team leader selected.

In my form, I have made both my list boxes as multiselect and i have Qry_frm that is a parameter query but when i run the button nothing happens and i cant seem to figure it out. I have attached the sample database to this thread.

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Queries :: Parameter Query Failed Based On Selection From Drop Down List

Feb 23, 2014

When creating a query I have set up a parameter query as instructed (in this case searching for a name) but when I run the query it returns the error 'this expression is typed incorrectly etc.'

I have worked out that this must be due to the fact that the names are not typed in by a front-end user but need to be chosen from a dropdown list (which i have stored in a separate table) - So, the query seems to fail based on that.

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