Deselect An Entry In A List Box

Jan 25, 2006

hi all,

ive ste up a form with list boxes being used as filters but once ive made a selection i can deselect it to clear the filter. any ideas where the stetings are to control this?


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List Box One Click Select/deselect With Multi Select

Aug 28, 2004

is there any (reasonably simple) way to select or deselect multiple items from the List Box with individual clicks without using Ctrl key. Eg first click on an item would select it leaving all other items as they are, subsequent click on the already selected item would deselect it etc. I hope this is not too confusing and I would appreciate some help.

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Deselect Chk Boxes

Aug 17, 2006

I have a button when you click it, it runs a append query to change all true check boxes back to false
my problem is after it runs the append query the user see a long error message, then to see the check boxes change have to go back and click the button again.....not very pretty
here is what I have

Private Sub btnDeselectAll_Click()

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qupdNotificationSelectionNo"

End Sub
Thanks in advance

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How To Deselect A Chosen Option?

Feb 4, 2005

I have a form that opens by showing an option group:

Search by: 1-Team 2-Rep

Based on the option chosen (1 or 2) another set of boxes and options appear that let you select the team or rep and the report you want:

If 1:

Combo: Team A/Team B/Team C
Option Group: 1-Report A, 2-Report B, 3-Report C

If 2:

Combo: JohnDoeRep/JaneDoeRep/SchmoeDoeRep
Option Group: 1-Report D, 2-Report E, 3-Report F

I have specified the logic for which report to run in the OnClick event of the Run Report button based on the conditions above.

My problem occurs when a user for example chooses Option 1 and runs a report, then comes back to the form and wants to run a report under Option 2. When this happens, the report selection for Option 1 stays selected, and as a result, both reports are run when the Run Report button is clicked.

How do I get the Form to deselect any options in the old selection if a user switches from Option 1 to 2 or vice versa?

Many thanks to all who help!

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Not-So-Easy Select And Deselect In Listbox (For Me At Least)

Sep 29, 2005

I made sure I did a search for this topic before I posted, so please don't flame me.

I'm trying to do something that in theory does not seem hard to do, but for some reason I can't translate it into code. With using a ListBox, I understand how to do a simple "when a value is selected, the remaining values are deselected" code. What I am trying to do is:

When the form is opened, the default selection of the listbox (lbOfficeLocation) is "***All Offices***".

If the user selects any other value (multiple values can be selected), the value "***All Offices***" is deselected.

If the user selects the value "***All Offices***", all other values are deselected.

For some reason or another, I can get (1) & (2) to work, but I cannot get (3) to work. After I make my initial selection that forces the deselection of value "***All Offices***" and highlights any other individual or multiple values, I try to re-select "***All Offices***" and it won't highlight, and will not deselect any of the other selected values.

I have tried multiple ways to code this, from using a For loop, If statement, and even a Select statement (Case 1, Case 2, ...), even using both Click() and AfterUpdate() as the event procedures, and nothing. I don't know how to use a IIF() statement very well, but do I need to use one of those? The code for what I have so far is below:

The name of the Listbox is "lbOfficeLocation".

Private Sub lbOfficeLocation_Click()

Dim holder As Integer

For holder = 0 To lbOfficeLocation.ListCount - 1
If lbOfficeLocation.Selected(holder) = True Then
Me.lbOfficeLocation.Selected(0) = False
End If
Next holder

End Sub

This code is for the deselection of value "***All Offices***" if any other value is selected. Please help me find the code to help with scenerio (3) as listed above, while still maintaining (2).

Thank you in advance, and feel free to ask for any additional info.

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Deselect Multiple Yes / No Check Boxes

Sep 9, 2013

I am using a yes/no field to select a number of records for a report. Is it possible to deselect and turn them all back to no at one time when finished with the report. It would be nice if I did not need to deselect all of them individually.

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List For Data Entry

May 18, 2005

I've got two tables, Properties and Valuations. Every six months the properties are revalued. I want to have a datasheet list of all the properties with a blank field for the new valuation so that the user can just go down the list and enter the new amount without having to select every property individually. Can I do this?

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Data Entry From A Drop Down List

Jun 3, 2006


Can anyone help me? I am trying to add new records/data entry on a Form from a list of drop-down options.

I have a database of vendors with names addresses etc. I will be selecting a specific vendor from the pull-down menu and then add data entry comments. Please help!

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Grocery List Style Entry

Feb 12, 2005

Hi all,

I am not sure how to search the forum for info on this issue as I don't know the key words (Lingo) that would be used, so I decided to just ask...

I have a table called tblProducts with a one to many relationship with a table called tblTransactions.

I also have a paper form, much like a grocery list, that has known types of products to purchased on the top have and the bottom half has blank line to enter products purchased that are not listed above (or are unknown). The list is much larger and takes up more than one sheet of paper, but is done on a weekly basis. Here is a short "Grocery list" style example:

Ice Cream:....................Milk:
....Vanilla......___Gal...........Whole......___Ga l.
.......................................Nonfat...._ __Gal.
Bread:..............................Pork.......___ lb.
____________ ___ ___........____________ ___ ___
____________ ___ ___........____________ ___ ___
____________ ___ ___........____________ ___ ___
____________ ___ ___........____________ ___ ___
I want to create a form that you can enter data into exactly like this and have the data find the product in tblProducts and then create a new transaction for that product in tblTransactions. If the product is new, then it would create a new product and the transaction. The date also has to be entered into each transaction, and most times the data is entered weeks after the paper is filled out, so using "today's" date won't work, it has to read it from the entered data.

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. I haven't been able to find anyone else doing this, but then I may not be searching with the right key words, as I don't know what you call this type of data entry.

Thank you.

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Multiselect List Box For Data Entry

Jul 13, 2006

I am using Access XP.

I have a table for experiments - tblexp.
Each experiment can have one or more projects within it. So I have a drop down list of the various projects in a separate table - tblprojref with fields project no (projno) and project title (protitle).

When I am setting up a new experiment I am entering the information into a form. Along with other information that populates the underlying table, I would like to have a multiselect list box which allows me to pick the projects linked to the experiment. These would then either populate the same tblexp or another. I can only achieve this if I am only selecting one project from the list.

How can I get the several items selected into different fields and linked to the one experiment? I am new to this and although have found various threads relating to this they include a lot of code which I don't understand. Is there a step by step easy way to achieve this?

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Forms :: Deselect Or Remove Highlight From Item In Listbox

Jul 2, 2014

I am using Access 2010.

I have a form with three listbox. My issue is this, when I go from listbox to listbox the selected item in the previous listbox is still selected.

I would like it so when I go to the new listbox, then the previous listbox selection will no longer be highlighted.

I use the follow code, which works but the user has to double click on the listbox with the focus to make a selection.


Me.listbox.listindex = -1

I have the code in the lost focus event of the listboxes.

Is there a way to prevent the double clicking?

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Clicking On Name In List To Move To That Entry In A Table

Jan 31, 2006've created a nice form for entering information into the record -- works for viewing the records as well. Here's the thing, in a traditional Rolodex you can somewhat see the names of nearby records. With this form as is, when using the arrows at the bottom to move around in the records, you can't really be sure how far away the name you're looking for is. See that mini table in the top left corner? I'd like to make it so that, when you click on a name there, the rest of the form changes to the corresponding information.

All of the rest of the form is linked through social security number. When a new person is chosen in the main body, all of the other tables change to reflect his information. Except for that single table in the top left corner. That table is unliked to the other tables and is merely sitting there on the form right now.

So, how can I link them such that selecting a name from that top left corner will change the person in the main body of the table (and thus change the other tables)?

While I'm asking, what's involved with turning this form into one of those Database Web Page things?

Thanks for all of your help, everyone, I wouldn't have made it this far without you.

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General :: Drop Down List With New Entry Item

Aug 7, 2012

Drop down list equipped with new item input provided. My application now use a drop down list to access/display a form with certain item selected, but I want to entry new item using drop down list which equipped with "entry new item" then I hope the form can be accessed belongs to new item.

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Forms :: Data Entry Form - Drop Down List With Free Text Option

Aug 6, 2013

I have a simple data entry form with drop down facilities on 2 fields. One of these fields incorporates a drop down list from a table but there are occasions when I wish to make a free text entry for the single record, but do not wish to add it to the drop down list.

I have tried to achieve this with a Combo Box but without success, although I am sure that I have read that it is possible.

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Forms :: Open Form From (Edit List Items) Option In Data Entry Mode

Feb 4, 2014

I have several comboboxes in my database from which users select values. However, in most cases, I do want to give them the option to add an item that does not appear while simultaneously updating the underlying table which stores those dropdown values. I have made use of the builtin "allow edit list items" feature of Access 2007 but the form always opens on the first record of the form on which they are to add the new item. Is there a way to specify that it should open in Data Entry view apart from using VBA?

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Queries :: How To Trigger By Date To Create A New Entry In Database Based On Old Entry

Aug 6, 2014

I have a database that makes use of standing orders. That means that if a client has a standing order to receive products during for example 4 time as year (quartely at the end of the month). to automate the new entry by copying an old entry in the database.

Let's say I have a client where we will have to send a product at the end of June, it will look at a field where the next send date is, and when it reaches 2 weeks for that date, to create a new entry in the database based on that entry. This way, it will pop-up in our open cases and we are aware of it and also will be visible in our report.

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Forms :: Combo Box To Verify With Last Entry And Display Other Options Than Last Entry

Sep 8, 2013

I am working on creating an access database for tracking physical assets linked to locations. I need to make a combo box list to show items other than the current location of the asset. Basically I need it to refer to last enery of the user and define the new possible entries. so we have a unique relationship between location and asset. The assets and location will always remain fixed and there is never going to be any addition. I am creating a web form so that it can be uploaded into sharepoint.

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Queries :: Using Variable In A List Field Query - Getting Complete List On Initial View

Mar 28, 2014

In my access form I provide the user a list of locations from various countries in a listbox . But the list is too long so I provide him a combobox for selecting a country. Selecting the country should update the listbox showing only the locations in that specific country.

So my SELECT from the listbox must cover the unselected state and show all entries and when a country is selected it must narrow the selection.

I tried to get this happen with the following SELECT statement containing a variable. Choosing a country in the Combobox results in a change of the variable and in a requery. This works after the first country is selected and for each country change, but the initial list is empty.

VBA in the loadform
'Application.TempVars.Add "varcountryselect", "*"
SELECT in the listbox "lstlocationsperproject"
SELECT tbllocations.locationID,, tbllocations.localstreet, tbllocations.localcity FROM tbllocations WHERE (( Like [TempVar]![varcountryselect]);

VBA in the combobox
Application.TempVars("varcountryselect") = [Form]![kombcountryselect].Column(0)

The values in [kombcountryselect].Column(0) are texts like "SPAIN", "MEXICO", etc.

Any hints, how I have to use the * for getting the complete list on the initial view ?

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Create A Randomise List From A Table And Save The List For Each Month

Dec 14, 2006

Hi All a newbie here so any help will be appreciated,

sorry for the long post but trying to give you all the information you might need.

I wrote a basic access database for my Church to aid in a paperwork audit for a charity food drop which we do monthly to give free food to the needy.

But each month it gets harder to find out who was in line first so I thought with all your help we may be able to randomize the names each month in a different order as to avoid confusion and also avoid people waiting in line as they turn up at 5am and we don't start until 9am.

So if this will work in access they can all come for 9am

I don't mind creating a new database and adding the additional information, if that's what it would take.

My Background I have created basic databases from scratch not using wizards, But I don't know much about code or how to implement it so any help in where code goes it would be very much appreciated.

Database details (Microsoft Access 2002 version)

Table Name = details
Field name = ID (auto-generated)
Field name = FirstName (text)
Field name = Surname (text)

If possible it would be nice to keep a record of the randomized lists (in the database somewhere ?) each month in case anyone wants to see it or disputes the lists, where I can just create a report to show the details.

There will be approximately 90 to 125 names.

Thank you in advance for all your help in this matter


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Reports :: Exclude Individuals From False List If They Are In True List

Jul 15, 2013

I have created my tables and form and am now trying to run reports to organize the data. I have figured out how to group the individuals by group and treatment, but can't figure out how exclude individuals from the final list if they are already in another. As background, some of the individuals are eventually excluded from the experiment, though I keep the initial data. When the exclude individual checkbox is checked ("True" on the report) I do not want the individual to be listed in the "False" list, even though there are entries for that individual when that checkbox wasn't checked (when it was "True"). This is so I can get an idea of the current totals in each group.

Implant Period
>>Exclude individual?
>>>Individual ID

I feel like this should be a fairly simple task, but I cannot figure it out... Maybe there is coding to exclude individuals from the "False" list if they are already listed in the "True" list?

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Use Multi-select List Box To Filter A Report With Two List Boxes

Nov 20, 2013

Allen Browne's "Use a multi-select list box to filter a report" solution, in particularly with two multi-select list boxes? The code works fine for me for either box so long as I code it for one box alone. Combining the two into one code results in a type mismatch error. I'm trying to use the code to pass the contents of both multi-select boxes as Where conditions to a report. Both boxes are based on number fields. To try to isolate the problem, I've removed Allen's setDescription and OpenArgs conditions. We're unfortunately still on Access 2003 as the company desires to squeeze every dime by using until end-of-life next year.

Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Open the report filtered to the items selected in the list box.
Dim varItem As Variant 'Selected items

[Code] .....

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Created List Box With One Column - Display All Characters Of List Item

Jan 2, 2014

I have created listbox with one column (contains one column only), now i would like to display all the characters of list item (want scroll bar to listbox).

How do i display all text of list item, I have already fixed Column Widths to max length (22";0.1"). However when scrolling to right, it is going to next blank column of list box, which is created only to change Column Widths property.

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Queries :: Return List Of Records From Original List

Apr 23, 2013

I'm looking to move an excel sheet to access because the row counts are too much.The main thing it does is compare the supplied data against a list I hold in the sheet.There are not duplicate records, however..Some data is a direct lookup for a full match, but much of it is a count to see how many records contain a certain string.

I have 500 keywords which have a countif function in using wildcards.I need to create a query/report which will return a list of records from the original list which contains each keyword featured and how many times it features.I was going to do it in PHPmysql but the time it took to parse a million records for every keyword made it pointless.


"have a look and see"
"spanish dave"
"who is billy brag"
"looky looky I go hooky"
"who's the man from argentina"
"could it be magic now"

my spreadsheet would return a 1 next to ""billy" and "magic" and would put a 2 next to "look".

the sheet has the keyword in each row and next to the column:
where "list" is the external data.

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How To Transfer Multiple Select Item In List Box To Another List Box

Jun 2, 2012

How To Transfer MultipleSelect Item In Listbox to another Listbox ?

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Select From List BOX Of List Of Choices And Store This Into A Table

Aug 21, 2013

I created a form and created on it a list box which is a query that grabs certain number of fields from different tables. I would like the user to select from this list box of a choice and then store their selection into a table.This list box has three fields, but it needs to store the id rather than the item, the user would see the name of the item but the id of the item would be store into another table, called bid. It store all these three fields when a user selection one of the item from the list.

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List Table, Limiting Field List..

Oct 14, 2006


The subject is probably confusing but I'll try to explain.

FieldID = Number
FieldName = Text

FieldID = Number
FieldName = Text
T1_ID = Number

Table1.FieldID 1-> * Table2.T1_ID (one to many)

Now, I'm trying to create a 3rd table that has field populated by Table1 and a field populated by Table2 but I want to limit the field populated by table2 by what is selected in the field populated by table1.




Table1Field = Number, ComboBox-Source: Table1, BoundColumn=1
Table2Field = Number, ComboBox-Source: Table2, BoundColumn=1

If Table1Field = 1st then
Table2Field Will only allow January, February, or March as selections, since ONLY they are a member of the "1sr" group via the table1 list.

Is this possible, or do i have to do some run-time checking or something?
Jaeden "Sifo Dyas" al'Raec Ruiner

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