Determine Where Query Used

Oct 7, 2007

How do I determine which forms, reports or other queries use a specific query in my entire database?
Thanks in advance.

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How To Determine What Objects Use A Query

Jan 14, 2008

I would like to know how to do the following:

Query 'X' is a sum query.
How do I determine which other queries use Query 'X'

I want to make some changes to Query 'X' but I want to be sure of which other queries will be affected.


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Use Code To Determine If A Record Is On A Query Or Not

Jun 6, 2007

I have a form that shows employee license information. I also have a query & form based on that query to show licenses currently suspended. I would like to on my employees form to flash "license suspended" label if their name/record id is on the license suspension query. For all employees whose license isn't suspensed I would don't want anything to show. I can get the label to flash and to appear. I just need help evaluating the query and comparing it to the current record. Example I

if = then....execute label flashing, etc.

Can I write code to do this? Thank you

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Query To Determine Guests Unregistered For An Event

Sep 30, 2005

I have three tables for an event registration database based on Microsoft’s Event Registration template. The main tables are “Attendees”, “Registrations” and “Events”. “Registrations” is a swing table. Is there any way of creating a query to determine which attendees have not registered for a specific event? I have included a graphic of the table layout. I sure would appreciate some help on this. Thanks.

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User To Determine Which Field To Show In Query

Apr 24, 2006


Im using square bracketed parameters in my query designs for user prompts. Now I want a similar feature to tell the query what field I want it to show. Is there a way of doing this please? - or does the fact I need to do imply a db design flaw?

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How To Make A Query To Determine The Difference In Two Numbers

Jun 21, 2007

I am making a query and I need to be able to determine if two number fields are with in 2.5% of each other. How would be the best way to go about doing this. I have two distances and I need to display them if there is a differenece of greater than 2.5% in them.

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Query To Return A Field To Determine Value For Report

Apr 14, 2008

I have a field on a report which I am struggling to produce the right query for.

I have a table - tblTillDept which consists of a 4 fields. The first is the PK, which is the number of a till department. The second - fourth fields are names of 3 different branches of the small garden centre I am writing the database for. The values in these fields are the names of the corresponding departments. Not every branch has exactly the same name for each field.

Prior to the report being is run, a small form, frmCentre pops up asking the user to select the Centre they are printing the labels for. They select the name of the branch from a combo box (cboCentre) bound to a field list of tblTillDept. When the report is formatted, the intention is that the value of this combo box selects the field from which the value for the department is taken. I can see that I need to set the control source of this property to some sort of query, but I can't quite work out how to do it.

I've uploaded the database, written in Access 2000, here ( as it's too big to post as an attachment.

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Queries :: Possible To Determine Datatypes In MakeTable Query?

Jul 2, 2015

All of the types? Including Memo?

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DLookup To Determine If Query Returns Any Records

Mar 5, 2012

I have a query that runs just fine and takes about 1 minute to run on average. I have vba code that uses Dlookup to determine if the query returns any records. The problem is that each time it runs it has to crunch all the data, all I care about is if there is any result at all. Is there a way to get the query to stop after it finds one record to speed things up greatly?

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Modules & VBA :: Using Form Control Value To Determine Query Criteria

Jan 26, 2014

I'm working on a report called Open Orders and when the database loads, it takes you to a Navigation Form. You make some selections mostly from combo boxes, then click run report which runs a query then launches the report.

I want the user to be able to click a check box called "Ready Only". If the checkbox = True, then I would like the field "Ready Pieces" in the query to have the criteria ">0". If the checkbox = false, I want that field to show all values (*).

I have no problem setting the criteria of a query field to equal that of a combo box value (Warehouse Like ([Forms]![Process Form]![Warehouse] & "*") but have problems when the criteria isn't the exact same as the value of the control.

Things I have tried to no avail: Putting a Iif statement in the query criteria: gives an error that criteria is too complex Creating an invisible text box whose value is determined by the checkbox to ">0" or "" then basing the Ready Pieces criteria equal to this....doesn't work Trying to use the DoCmd.RunSQL with my SQL code that changes via VBA when the checkbox is changed...Get an error and the SQL doesn't run

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Queries :: Query To Determine If Records Already Exist In Table?

Jan 26, 2014

I have a file that I want to import on a daily basis and append to an existing table in my database. The date changes each day. I want to create a query that checks to see if the date (of the first record) already exists before I import and append the new file. If it does, I want to show a message saying something to the effect of "This file has already been imported".

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Determine State

Mar 28, 2006

I am trying to determine the state that a job is located in. If the ProjectID begins with a 2 then it is in California. If it does not then the job is located in Nevada.

State: IIf(Left([tblMainFrontierUnits].[ProjectID],1)="2","CA","NV")

What is wrong with this statement? I am getting a compile error.

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How To Determine Who Is Logged On My Database?

Oct 30, 2006

I have a sub, which shows in the Intermediate window who is currently logged to the database. This is my code:

Sub ShowUserRosterMultipleUsers()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset
' in the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to
' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not
' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets

Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, _
, "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}")

'Output the list of all users in the current database.

Debug.Print rs.Fields(0).Name, "", rs.Fields(1).Name, _
"", rs.Fields(2).Name, rs.Fields(3).Name

While Not rs.EOF
Debug.Print rs.Fields(0), rs.Fields(1), _
rs.Fields(2), rs.Fields(3)

End Sub

Now I want to provide this information in a table or other kind of output, when the administrative user presses a button on a form.

What do I have to do with that code? :confused:

Can Anybody help me with that? :)

Thanks in advance...

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Determine Which Page Has Focus.

Feb 2, 2006

I have a form with 8 pages (tabs) on it. Each page has a Quit button which populates both a Form name variable and a Question name variable. When a user clicks the quit button the code forces the page name associated with the quit button. I would like to try and catch the same information if someone clicks the DB Close button(s) at the top of the screen. How can I programatically determine what page was/is open when the close db button was clicked? I guess I could create a switch that is populated when a page has focus and then call the last switch value. But I think that seems like extra programming, if I can just call the current page name/index. Is there something like the form name?

MyForm = Me.Form.Name

maybe an active page index or something? The problem is I won't know what page is opened at the time a close button is clicked unless I use a switch of some sort.


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How To Determine The Label Caption

Aug 25, 2006

On a form I have multiple labels. In the Click event of all these labels I would like to call a generic function for futher processing. For this processing however, I need the caption of the label the user clicked on. How do I determine this caption?

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How Do I Determine When A Recordset Was Last Updated ?

Dec 5, 2004

Hi Guys

This is an access question, but I am using ASP to manipulate access data.

Q: How do I determine when a recordset was last updated ? Ie a table within a database ?



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Determine The Next Latest Date

Jan 17, 2005

I am hoping someone may be able to help me with this one. I have a set of dates that I would like to query for the next latest date based on certain criteria. Not sure if I explain clearly, if more info is required, please advise. Thanks so much in advance for your help.

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How To Determine Table Sizes (in Mb)

Dec 4, 2012

I have a multiuser database back end with approximately 25 tables. The file size for the back end has recently jumped from approx. 50mb to 270mb, but I do not know where the data causing this increase is placed. Is it possible to measure the file space usage (in mb) that each table contributes so that I can determine the source of the increase.

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How To Determine Whether Or Not A Listbox Has Items Selected...?

Oct 6, 2006


As my title states, that is my problem! I'm building search criteria from a form and have multiple list boxes... I want to be able to determine whether or not a list box has items selected or not. I have tried as many things as i knew how to with no luck...

Also, i searched the forum but could not find what i was looking for -_-

Thanks for any and all aide!

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Using Country Field To Determine VAT Rate.

May 9, 2007


i have a customer form which includes a "Country" combo box.. the reason i did this is because i have a separate table with a list of countries and their VAT (Value Added Tax, you americans call it sales tax i think :)) rates.

i want this country saved in the customers table.. i need the country table to act merely as a source of data. Now ive spent a good hour tying to fix it messing around with the relationship between the two tables and the combo box itself.. but ive only been able to come to two end results

a) access tells me i cant save the new customer record cause a related record is required in the country table.

b) access enters a new line in my country table with the autonumber of the country selected on the add new customer form in the Country field.

im stumped as to where the problem is:// how can i fix it?

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Using Two Dates To Determine If Someones On Site...

May 3, 2007


I need a little help with my Query design.

I have an Arrival Date and a Departure Date for campers checking in on a campsite. I need to produce a report for the warden to have to check who's on site.

So far, the best way I though was using a new field in the query for "On Site" (which isnt in the control table) and then using an expression such as...

[Date of Departure] < Date()

However this isnt working, probably for some silly oversight on my behalf.

Any help?

Thanks, Adzi.

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Determine Start/end Day For A Week Number

Apr 24, 2008

I am trying to avoid the creation of a lookup table where I know I should be able to calculate this. I need to determine the start and end date of a week number. I did find this post from 2002: but it doesn't seem to work.

What I am trying to do is show all projects that were opened at the start of a week number. For example, week 2 is from 1/7/2008 and ends on 1/13/2008 (provided that your week starts in the week that 1/1 occurs and that your week starts on Monday). I need this start date so I can show all projects that started on or before 1/7/2008 and were in an open status.

If I can't calculate this then I will have to create a table and relate the query to it.

|Week Number | Start Date | End Date |

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Update/insert How To Determine Which In Code

Jul 13, 2005

Queries are run on a webpage:
The queries would be a little bit different – instead of just one operator, it would get all operators for each category and then either create a record in Access (if it didn’t already exist) or update a record (if it already existed). For example, the first query might get

Since these records don’t exist yet, we’d do an insert for each. If the next query (for a different entry/verify category) got

we would update JSMITH (since already inserted after first query) and insert VJONES. This has to be done since not everyone works in every category. Not sure if you can import different spreadsheets into Access and have it determine automatically for each row whether to do an insert or update (of course, we can do this in code in the web page).

Can you help?

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Use A Control To Determine How Other Controls Are Popluated

Aug 15, 2007

I have a list box on a form and right now the list box lets me scroll through the names of people in my database. What I want to be able to do is click on one of the names in the list box, and then a set of controls adjacent to the list will be populated with data for that person so that I can edit and view their data. Is there a tutorial or person that can tell me how to do this? Thanks!

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Modules & VBA :: Determine Day And Location Of Shift

Oct 1, 2013

I need a module but haven't got the foggiest on where to start. I have a query that works out whether a staff member has done a sleep in based on their clocking out time (TIME OUT). I also have a column for DAY IN which it stores the day they logged in and HOUSE which indicates which house they clocked in at. What I want to do is determine whether each 'sleep in' is a weekday or weekend shift and at which house. We have different rates of pay based on the houses and whether it is weekend or not.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Determine FlashDrive Letter

Apr 27, 2015

Is there anyway to determine the drive letter of a flashdrive inserted into a PC ? I have a backup routine that backs up a MS Access database to a flashdrive. I need to determine the flashdrive letter.

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