Difference Between Dates

Jan 18, 2006

I have a Transactoin Table that holds the following fields:

TransID (*Primary Key Numerical Value)
OrderID (Non Unique Number Value, One Order can have multiple Transactions attributed to it.
Status (Numerical Value ranging from 0 to 32, each is a different phase in the life of a transaction such as 0 means Transation Created, 1 through 31 are various actions with 32 beign the transaction closing)
Date (The date in which a particular phase of a particular transaction happened.)
Reason (The Description of a phase. This is the only text field whose contents are relative to the Status field in the same table.)

I need to find the amount of time passed from the first Transaction to the last transaction of each individual order, which will be displayed in a report. Unfortunately not every order goes through all 32 phases, in fact most dont. The individual orders have a random amount of phases that they go through but each have a starting one (which ranges from 0 onwards) and an ending one (once again it is not necessarily 32). The dates correspond to the numbers in an individual order which means that if an order has the following phases:

Then the dates of each phase will be one after the other like the Status Number as shown above. Anybody knows how to do this? I need to find how much time passed from the first transaction to the last for each individual order qand display it in a report.

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Calculating Difference Between Dates

Jun 27, 2005

In access in one field I have one date and in another field I have another date. I want to calculate the number of years.,months and days elapsed between these two date. e.g. suppose in one field I have 30.06.2005 and in other 20.04.2004 then it should show 1 year 2 months and 10 days.

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Difference Between Dates.. AAaarrgghhhh!

Jan 6, 2007

I have a table, and in the table I have an assesment date and date of receipt. I would like to have a field in this table which shows the difference between these 2 dates (in days). If this is possible?

Can anyone help me on this matter, I am pulling my hair out. Its most probably very simple for you mega experts.

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Minimum Difference Btwn. Dates

Nov 2, 2006

I have one table with dates (1) and object properties. Another table has dates (2) and other info. What I need is a query that selects the dates (1) closest to date (2) and lists the respective properties.

I figured all I needed to do is a WHERE MIN (dates(2)-dates(1)) query. The problem is that Access (2000) rejects this query b/c aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE statements.

Does anyone have an idea of how to work around this? The structure of the data is such that there will only be one minimum date > 0.

Looking forward to your ideas. THANKS !!

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Calculating Difference Between Dates In Different Rows

Nov 18, 2011

I currently have a table that has patient ID (unique record (SSN)) and a date of visit field. The SSN may have numerous rows with different dates of visits. What I am trying to do is a DateDiff function that will retrieve records that are 48 hours apart or 2 days apart. We are tracking patients that return within 48 hours of a previous visit.

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Difference Between Two Dates Into Years Months Days

Aug 31, 2006

Hello to everybody.

I have a problem in calculating the difference between two dates and displaying the output into Years Months Weeks Days. My problem is that dividing the number of days by 30 and requesting an integer is not accurate enough. I have looked at Pat and Jons examples shown in these threads



which either method would suit me as the accurate answer is what I am after.

My problem is that not all of my records would have a start and end date. Therefore both examples would result in an error.

Can anyone please give a hint on how to perform the calculations on those fields which have dates recording the results but ignoring those fileds which do not have a start / end date.

I am having a bad day and I'm sure the answer is so easy that I am going to kick myself but having played around with the modules by limited knowledge is not enough.

Many thanks in advance


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Queries :: Database Which Calculate Difference Between Dates

Sep 14, 2014

I have the attached database which calculate the Difference between dates.I have also two problems like i shown in the image

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub Recalculate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim dff As Long


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Queries :: Calculating Difference Between Dates In 2 Rows

Oct 25, 2013

I have a list of client activity - client name, loan ID and loan date. I would like to create a new field that shows the number of days between one loan and the next. If I was doing it in excel, I would need to sort the data by client name and loan date and then calculate the number of days between the loan date of one loan and the loan date of the loan immediately prior to this.

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Modules & VBA :: Calculate Integer Number Difference From Two Dates

Sep 20, 2014

Basically, I am trying to calculate a integer number difference from two dates (TAT = Due-Date - Result_Date). The number is calculated and excludes weekends and ideally holidays (for that I have a tblHoliday but not sure how to use it). The function below seems to calculate a number but doesn't exclude weekends.

For example, if Due_Date is 9/26/2014 and Result_Date is 9/30/2014, then TAT is calculated to be 5 (should be 2).Since 9/26/2014 is a Friday only Friday and Monday are used in the calculation.


Option Compare Database
Public Function WorkingDays(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date) As Long
Dim intCount As Long
intCount = 0


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Count Work Days - Calculate Difference Between Two Dates

Jun 8, 2015

How can I calculate the difference between two dates but I only want to count the work days? So if was today and I wanted to go until 6/15/2015 the difference would be 5 and not 7 because I do not want to count Saturday or Sunday. Is there a special %datediff function where I would only count work days?

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Access Rookie - Calculating Difference Between Dates In Format Mm/dd/yyyy Hh:mm

Jan 24, 2008

Hi, I am a longtime Excel user, and am now migrating some work to Access.

I have 2 fields dealing with dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm, OPEN and CLOSE

I'd like to get the difference between the two in hours, but I have no idea how or where to do this in Access. I'm assuming it is put into the queries, but it would be easier if I could just put it in the table.

Here is an example
1/1/2008 1:00 1/2/2008 2:00
I want the result to be "25"

Thanks in advance!

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Queries :: DateDiff Function - Calculate Difference In Dates Between Two Fields

Apr 22, 2013

I am trying to calculate the difference in dates between two fields. How do I find the difference in days between field one which contains the date 04/12/2011 and field two which contains the date 04/12/2013? I have tried to use the datediff function, but it keeps telling me it doesn't recognize the field name, even though the spellings correct.

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Queries :: Create A Query That Will Count The Days Difference Between Two Dates

Jul 3, 2015

I am using Access 2013.I am trying to create a query that will count the days difference between two dates. The dates are in the same field. I want to group by Region.So:

tblRegion = RegionID
tblStatus = StatusDate

I know how to use the DateDiff when it is two different fields, but I can't figure out how to do it from the same field.

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Queries :: Expression To Show Years And Month Difference Between 2 Dates?

May 6, 2014

I am wanting to get an expression that will return the difference in years and months between 2 dates. Specifically, I want to know peoples ages in years and months based on a person's D.O.B and todays date. I have managed to do it in years:

Expr1: DateDiff("yyyy",[TBL_EmployeeDetails]![D_O_B],Date())

and in months but I would like to know how to return the difference in years and months.

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Forms :: Dates As Column Headers To Update Table With Dates As Rows

May 12, 2014

Any way to have a form with Dates as column headers to update a table where the dates are stored in rows???

The table set up is like this:
DiaryID (PK) - OpDate (Date)

DiaryID (FK) - CostCode - MachineNumber - MachineHours - etc

I'm just wondering if there's any way I can do this with a datasheet or a crosstab type setup?

It's Access 2010.

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Queries :: Calculate Expiry Dates Of Training Courses - Due Dates Not Shown

Aug 28, 2013

I have built a query to calculate the expiry dates of training courses but I am trying to input a criteria so that only dates within 90 days of todays date show. I am using Date()<90 but it doesn't return the correct information. What the criteria should be for this?

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Select All Dates Between Two Dates?

Apr 9, 2015

I have a table of records, which has within it two date fields (effectively, a 'start' and 'end' date for that particular record)

I now need to create a query to perform a calculation for each date between the 'start' date and the 'end' date

So the first step (as I see it anyway) is to try to create a query which will give me each date between the two reference dates, in the hope that I can then JOIN that onto another query to perform the necessary calculation for each of the returned dates.

Is there a way to do this?

So basically, if for a particular record, the 'start' date is 01-Apr-2015 and the 'end' date is 09-Apr-2015, can I produce a dataset of 9 records as follows :01-Apr-2015


(The *obvious* solution would be to create a separate table of dates, from which I could just SELECT DISTINCT <Date> Between #04/01/2015# And #04/09/2015# - but that seems like a dreadful waste of space, if that table is only required to generate the above? And it would have to cover all possible options; so it would either have to be massive, and contain every possible date - ever! - or maintained, adding new dates as necessary when they are required. Seems horribly inefficient!)

Is it possible to just select each date between the two reference dates? Or can you only query something which exists somewhere in a table?

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Subtracting Dates From Adjacent Dates In Same Column

Sep 7, 2006


I have a database with 5000 entries, corresponding to about 10 entries for about 500 people. Each of the entries is dated, and I need to calculate the time intervals between each person's sequential entries in the table.

One way of doing this is to create another column that contains the date of the previous entry. I can then use DateDiff to subtract one date from the other and give me the difference in days.

This approach falls down if I then work with only a subset of the entries - I would have to re-enter the previous entry dates as the time intervals would have changed.

What I really need is a way of subtracting the date from the date in the cell directly above it. Will Access let me do this, or is there a better way?

Many thanks, Jules.

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Queries :: Count Dates Between Dates In Two Tables

Jul 8, 2014

I have two tables with dates. Between (!) every two following dates in table1, I want to know the number of dates in table2. How do I write an SQL query for this? The tables I have are up to a few hundred records in table 1 and a few thousand records in table2. So to prevent that this takes hours I need a fast query.

To explain the query I need, for example:


So the answer of the query would be 2,0,4.

Between 01/01/2014 and 15/01/2014 in table 1 there are 2 dates in table2 (01/01/2014 is not included between the dates)
Between 15/01/2014 and 17/01/2014 in table 1 there are 0 dates in table 2
Between 17/01/2014 and 30/01/2014 in table 1 there are 4 dates in table 2

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Summing Data Between Two Dates (When Dates Are Different Per Record)

Nov 15, 2011

I have a master table which shows all transactions per record (person) over a financial year.

Each record person has a seperate package period over which their spend needs to be measured. Therefore although I have all their transactions for the year, I only want to sum their transactions between their given [start date] and [end date] which are in columns.

I need to be able to create a field which sums all expenditure per record between the start and end dates

Name Start Date End Date Invoice Date Amount

Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 1/11/11 £100
Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 7/7/11 £200
Matt 15/5/11 15/9/11 12/12/11 £200

In this case I would only want to sum 7/7/11 as this is between the start and end dates

I want to write something like sumif([Invoice Date] is between [start date] and [end date] - not sure where or how exactly

(The start date and end date will always be the same per person)

Is this possible in access?

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Difference Between DAO And ADO

Apr 28, 2007

Could someone clarify the difference between DAO and ADO?

We migrated to Office 2003 last year - some large organizations move at the speed of continental drift. The database is written in Access 2002 (finally have most of it up and running - with thanks), but I need to really understand the difference for the documentation - to see if there are any issues that might undermine the database during the upgrade.

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Difference From Next Value

Feb 24, 2008


How can I calculate the difference between two rows like:



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Difference Between Two Tables ??

Jun 2, 2005

Hi, I have two tables, one being a subset of the other. What I want to do is write a query that lists data in the larger table that is not in the smaller one. In effect I want to subtract the data in the smaller table from the larger table and list the remainder.
I have tried something like:

Select a.oem from a,b where a.oem not in (select b.man from b);

This query does not complete and I get 100% CPU usage :( . The largest of the tables has roughly 4000 records in it. Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong?


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Time Difference

Jan 30, 2006

This has probably been raised before but here goes anyway.

I have two fields in a table: time_in and time_out, both as date/time fields and formatted for short time with a mask in the form.

I need to calculate the time spent, i.e. time_in 10.00, time_out 12.15 therefore 2hours 15minutes.

any help much appreciated.


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Difference In Numbers

Aug 17, 2007

How can we calculate a difference of column


when I have a table containing a single row i.e.


Now I required a query that must show a difference like this

Numbers ------------------ Difference
66 ------------------------ 0
45 ------------------------ -21----------- (45-66)
23 ------------------------ -22 ------------(23-45)
52 ------------------------ +29 ------------ (52-23)
523 ------------------------ +471----------- (523-52)
563 ------------------------ +40 ------------ (563-523)
452 ------------------------ -111 ----------- (452-563)
133 ------------------------ -319 ------------(133-452)

So it is possible or not
Please tell me
Waiting for reply


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Difference In Field

Mar 25, 2008

hey guys im not even sure if i have the heading right for this one.
I have a table example data attached,

what i would like to do is return all transfers from that table where all the item numbers in a batch dont equal each other i.e if you subtract them all in a batch it doesnt = 0

i have know idea how to do this and dont know if this is even the right way of doing what i need which is to show transfers where some1 has transferred a product to a different one which we do want to have happen we just need to know when it was done.

any suggestions?

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