Difficulty Creating Form – Possible Relationship Problems

Jul 26, 2005

Hi, I’m having a problem creating a form for easy data entry. Let me give you a little background. I have a database for a tutor program, students request a tutor for a class, and then I fill out a follow up report to find out if they are being tutored or changed their minds. Next I enter the contact information indicating the date and time of their tutoring session.

Students can be tutored in more than one class but they can only have one tutor for each class.

I have a form where I enter the tutor request info and sub forms for their classes, follow ups, and sessions. Ideally I would also like a form just to enter the session info. I want a combo box to select the tutor and then a sub form to select the tutee with a combo box which will auto fill the Subject, and Course fields, and field to enter the date and contact hrs.

I think the problem is with my relationships. I’m just kind of stuck. I think I need to create a form based on a query but I haven't done that before. Any help would be appreciated. Attached is a screen shot of my relationships and of my current form for your reference.


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Difficulty Creating Code

Apr 8, 2007

I am having difficulty creating code that will compare a date in one table (or query) in the [Expire] field and subtracting two months from the date and automatically placing the newly calculated date into the table (or query) in the [Notify Expiration] second field. For example:

Expire Notify Expiration

01/01/2007 11/01/2006
02/01/2007 12/01/2006
03/01/2007 01/01/2007
04/01/2007 02/01/2007
05/01/2007 03/01/2007
06/01/2007 04/01/2007
07/01/2007 05/01/2007
08/01/2007 06/01/2007
09/01/2007 07/01 2007
10/01/2007 08/01/2007
11/01/2007 09/01/2007
12/01/2007 10/01/2007

Please note that for the month of January and February, the subtraction is minus two for these two months and the subtraction is minus one for the year. All other subsequent months just subtracts two for the months leaving the year intact.
I would appreciate any help that will progmatically accomplish these calculations.


Charles Moery

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Forms :: Creating Parent / Child Relationship Within Form

Apr 3, 2013

I have a relationship between two tables; the parent table is "Client Information" with a primary key of "Client_ID", the child table is "Event Information" and the foreign key is "Client_ID".

I know that within the Event Information table I can select which Client_ID to use as the link. I want to have that done within a form, however. I have a form for Client Information with a subform for Event Information. If I go into the table and manually set the Client_ID then everything displays fine.

How can I set the Client_ID in the subform to automatically match the Client_ID in the main form? I can only assume that these solutions require the parent/child relationship to already have been established.

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Forms :: Creating A Form / Relationship Combo Box To Suit Tables

Jul 8, 2013

I've been tasked with creating an Access database..We have a main table that includes information found on every lease, however there are 3 leases types. Each which lead to another table or two. Basically, I want to create a form that allows me to link the main table with the corresponding variable tables.

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Difficulty In Opening An Existing Form

Sep 9, 2004

I am having trouble with opening an existing form in ms access. Any idea what could be the problem?
Even if I am not able to retieve the whole form is there a way I can retrieve all the event procedures associated with the form?

Would appreciate any pointers.

Thanks in advance.


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Help With Creating A Relationship

Jul 2, 2007

I have a table with all the job information for each of our jobs. I want to create another table with a job notes field that is linked to the job info table above. My main goal is to be able to make a query or report for the job notes on all our jobs on a specific date.

the query will look like this:

job # field, job name field, job notes (july 3) field.

Q1. Is there a way to link the job info field with the job notes field where the job # and job name information will automatically populate into the query?

Q2. How do I build a relationship between the job info field and the job notes field.
I tried to link them, but when I do the query the job # and job name fields aren't being populated, it only shows a single blank row for the whole query.


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Help Creating Relationship....

Dec 8, 2007


Can someone please help me take advantage of this handy piece of work I found on the forum?

I need to implement a picture management app for a database I am developing and this (Attached) app looks to be exactly what I am looking for.

Here is what I have been trying to do.

Use the attached tables, and forms to create a one to many relationship in my exisiting database.

I have a PK of OrderID in my existing database.

I have the table, form and mod in my existing database but I cannot seem to get the relationship down..

Any assistance is greatly apprecaited.

Fen How

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Creating One To Many And Not One To One Relationship?

Nov 1, 2014

I have a database assignment where I need to link some tables. One is a table with a composite primary key and the other is a table with a regular primary key. The composite key is already linked in a one-to-many relationship with the first of its two fields; the problem is the second field also needs to be in its own one-to-many relationship with a different table. Access keeps creating a one-to-one relationship. I need it to be a one-to-many relationship.why this might be happening?

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Forms :: Creating A Specific Relationship

Nov 18, 2014

I have started a new project where I have tables of people, organization, and roles, as well as one that is supposed to contain the relationships among them. In all four tables there is an AutoNumber ID field as the primary key. The fourth table, the relationship table, has as foreign keys, the primary keys from the first three.

I have created a form with a combo box for each of the three main tables. The intent is for the user to select a person, an organization, and a role, and then click on a button control that will create the relationship in the relationship table. What I am trying to do in the code is, using an AfterUpdate event procedure for each of the combo boxes, open the appropriate table as a recordset, find the selected record, and set a form-local variable to the value of the ID field for that record. So far, I can't get past the first combo box. Here is the code I have written, including both the form variable declarations and the AfterUpdate code:

Option Compare Database
Dim personID As Integer
Dim orgID As Integer
Dim roleID As Integer
Dim rsPerson As Recordset
Dim rsOrg As Recordset
Dim rsRole As Recordset
Dim rsRel As Recordset


The error message I get is Compile error: Object required, with the personID reference in the last statement highlighted. (qryPerson is a query based on tblPeople that combines first and last names into LNFN.)

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Populate Data After Creating Many To Many Relationship

Apr 17, 2014

I have about 600,000 records in an excel sheet and tried using the table analyzer but I run out of memory. Instead i have broken up my giant table into a few other tables with their own primary keys and have populated from a maketable query. I related the tables together in a 1 to many and many to many table and one of the subforms is working great. The problem i am having now is with the many to many table (WorkedJunctionTbl). I don't want to have to manually input thousands of lines of data, so is there a way i can populate the data from the original data correctly using the new autonumber primary keys?I can't seem to get an append query to work correctly.

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Need Some Tips In Creating Relationship Join Lines Between Tables

May 16, 2005

Hi, I am new here and need some help with MS Access97. I am looking for a more convenient way to join tables together. The usual way that I know is to drag the field(s) in one table and drop it in the other table (within the relationship window).

Is there any other way that I can do the same without drag and drop (keyboard instead of mouse)? This is real problem to me when I need to do some modification and have lots of tables scatter across few pages and the vertical scroll of the Relationship window is not working properly with drag & drop technique.

Please help. Many thanks! :)

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Tables :: Creating Relationship Table From Clients To Orders

Feb 4, 2014

I have a Client database table in Access. I now need to add a simple order table (related) to the client table. I have a client ID field set to autonumber in the client table. As I start to create the orders table I'm not sure how to link the two so that I'm not entering data twice and have assurance that they are tied together.

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Creating Relationship Based On Part Of A Text Field

Jan 27, 2014

Each each record in table1 has a unique four character (alpha-numeric) code to identify it. The first two numbers of this code represent the group it is in. (Ie. 15AB and 1502 are both grouped together) The second table stores values that apply to the entire group. I need to create a relationship between these two tables based on the first two characters in the ID field.

Things I've tried:
* Making a calculated field with left$() formula - Access doesn't allow relationships on calculated fields
* Create a new field for just the first two characters and create a data macro for after update and after insert to update that field with the expression - cannot edit the field the user is on

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Report Difficulty

May 9, 2007

I have a simple database that has in the same record in a table 3 fields of last names that are populated by entering the data in a form. There could be the same last names in each of the 3 fields. (ie; John Doe, Mary Doe, Little Doe) My problem is that I want to make a report by clicking on a button searching by the last name (Doe) and consider each of the 3 last names in my search criteria. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished as not to miss any of the (Doe's in this case)? Please help if you can I know it sounds confusing.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Difficulty Answering Questions

Jan 19, 2008

I am finding it more and more difficult to answer questions lately, is it just me or has the quality of the questions gone down?

In some cases it appears that the "question" is more of a request to have something done for them than actually trying to solve a problem that they are having with a learning process.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

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Difficulty Connecting ODBC Drivers

Mar 21, 2005

In the Access application that I have developed for a user, the application is supposed to establish the ODBC connection to an external database when the application is initiated. On my PC, the application works. On an older PC, the application works. However, on the User's PC and on the new one that we are building for her the linking to the external tables does not work. I have displays for the tables that she is to link to as the program is doing the linking. Sometimes, on the PC for her use, the first table will not link and the rest will. Sometimes, none of the tables will link. Sometimes, the first half will link and the second half won't. I am stymied. Below is the logic that I use to make the connections at the beginning of the process. Any suggestions?

Dim strTable As String

On Error GoTo Assign_Error

'MsgBox ("Click on OK and Please be Patient as the program links to PeopleSoft tables.")

' NOTE : Do not unlink the tables as you will have to manually relink the tables

strTable = "ps_comp_ratecd_tbl"
Call unlink_table(strTable)
Call link_table(strTable)
strTable = "ps_current_job"
Call unlink_table(strTable)
Call link_table(strTable)

strTable = "ps_names"
Call unlink_table(strTable)
Call link_table(strTable)
strTable = "ps_tl_compleav_tbl"
Call unlink_table(strTable)
Call link_table(strTable)

strTable = "ps_tl_empl_data"
Call unlink_table(strTable)
Call link_table(strTable)
strTable = "ps_tl_trc_tbl"
Call unlink_table(strTable)
Call link_table(strTable)

strTable = "ps_tl_tskprf_detl"
Call unlink_table(strTable)
Call link_table(strTable)

Exit Function

MsgBox Error$
MsgBox Err
Resume Assign_Exit

End Function
Function link_table(strTable As String)
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tdfLinked As TableDef
Dim strDatasource As String
Dim strDatabase As String

On Error GoTo Link_Error

DoCmd.OpenForm "Message"
[Forms]![Message]![Message] = "Linking Table " & strTable

strDatabase = "HR8PROD"
strDatasource = "PS_Payroll"
strTable = UCase(strTable)

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set tdfLinked = dbs.CreateTableDef(strTable)

' tdfLinked.Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD
' Check to see if table already exists and if it does then do nothing
' For Each tdfLinked In dbs.TableDefs
' If tdfLinked. = strTable Then
tdfLinked.Connect = "ODBC;UID=sysadm;PWD=sysadm;DSN=" & strDatasource & ";"
tdfLinked.SourceTableName = strTable
tdfLinked.Attributes = dbAttachSavePWD

dbs.TableDefs.Append tdfLinked
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Message"
' Exit Function
' End If
' Next
' [Forms]![Message].SetFocus
' [Forms]![Message]![Message] = strTable & " Not Found for Linking"
' [Forms]![Message].Repaint

' DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "ODBC Database", "ODBC;DSN=PS_Payroll;UID=sysadm;PWD=sysadm;DATABASE =HR8PROD", acTable, "SYSADM." & UCase(strTable), strTable

Exit Function

' if the error is simply that the item to delete isn't actually
' there to delete, we want to skip it.
If Err = 3265 Then
Resume Next
End If
' otherwise we want to show what the error is, and then exit.
MsgBox Error$
Resume Link_Exit

End Function

Function unlink_table(strTable As String)
Dim dbs As Database

On Error GoTo Unlink_table_Error

Set dbs = CurrentDb
dbs.TableDefs.Delete strTable

Exit Function

' if the error is simply that the item to delete isn't actually
' there to delete, we want to skip it.
If Err = 3265 Then
Resume Next
End If
' otherwise we want to show what the error is, and then exit.
MsgBox Error$
Resume Unlink_table_Exit

End Function

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Difficulty Getting External Data In Access 2007

Feb 2, 2007

Hi There,

I have recently upgraded from Office XP to Office 2007. I had an Access database which worked fine in Access XP. In it I had a table linked to an Excel spreadsheet. When I entered data on an access form, it updated the Excel spreadsheet [source document] accordingly. This does not seem to work in Access 2007. The linked table option now does not permit data entry or amendement. The other "Get external data" options create a table in Access which also does not update my source Excel document. The idea is to enter data in Access using a form. This data is placed in an excel spreadsheet. Excel gets some lookup values, and then enters these in a Word mail merge. Without the functionality of a linked table and data entry, I cannot produce new reports.

Can anybody help please?


Mark M.

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Difficulty Combining Insert Into Or Select Into With A Union, Please Help!

Jan 23, 2007

I am having difficulty getting a query to work, there's probably something really simple I'm missing. . . I can get the Union function to work but I can't get it to create a table for me. The basic query looks like this:

SELECT * FROM [Design] WHERE (Design.CID Not Like "*-*")
SELECT * FROM [Release] WHERE (Release.CID Not Like "*-*")

It works fine and shows me the table I want without the first line, but I would like it to input into a new or existing table. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Creating A "Many To One" Relationship?

Feb 22, 2006

I'm a bit unsure how to do this.

Currently, I have two tables as

blah blah
blah blah

ClientID (FK)
blah blah
blah blah

Clients may include those who needed advocacy services. Clients table counts by every visits, not by per person.

However, with advocacy, I need a mean of tracking actual person.

Right now, I have one to many relationship from client.clientid to advocacy.clientid, but seems to not be the right solution as I would get duplicate advocacy records when there should be only one advocacy record per person with many client records (as in visits).

The duplicates is created whenver a name is chosen in the combo box in the Advocacy form, to which a new AdvocacyID is assigned to the same person. It shouldn't have done that.

What I can do to ensure that there is only one unique Advocacy record that can be referenced by several Client records?

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Tables :: Creating Relationship Between Two Tables

Dec 11, 2012

I created two tables, but i don't know what kind of relationship i should create.

In the first table, i would like to put all different tests (medical tests, such as EMG test, and so on), in the second table, i want to add the settingup for each test, say, recording site, stimulating site et.al, then i want to use one form to populate data into these two tables, what should i do?

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Relationship Btw Form And Subform

Jan 25, 2008


I have a main form (stud_details) also I have a subform called (pay_det_sub).The subform is displayed on the main form.
I want to create a relationship between the stud_details and pay_det_sub, with the aid of a field on the stud_details called numhus (which is the primary key).

So that when a student with a specific numhus value is displayed it brings about the payers details on the subform.

What's the best way of doing it??? Is it necessary to have numhus value stored also in the subform table to create a relationship....


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Table Relationship Lookup In A Form

Oct 1, 2005

Hi all,

I am wandering if anyone can help me here. I have a form which is linked to a table called tbl_File. Within in this form & tbl_File there is a field called Country_Code. In the Country_Code field the user places a number that corresponds to their country they want.

Now Country_Code & the corresponding country is defined in a seperate table called tbl_CountryCodes.

What I would like to do is in my form once the user has inputed a number in the Country_Code field (it will be a combo box), a label or textbox in the SAME form will then do a search of the corresponding Country name in tbl_CountryCodes and then display it to the user.

Any ideas will be greatful :D


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Forms :: Implement Form For Many-to-many Relationship?

May 5, 2014

how to best implement a form for this very simple database (attached). I have a database that keeps track of just first names and colors. Not every first name needs a color assigned to it, and vice versa.

So, I have three tables:

First_ID (PK)
Color_ID (PK)
jctbFirstColor (Junction Table)
First_ID (FK)
Color_ID (FK)

I want my continuous form (fmFirstColor) to show all first name records and have a drop-down to assign a color for each record individually. That's it -- two fields. With this form, I want to be able to create new first name records with or without colors assigned to them, and I want to be able to edit first names and change what colors are assigned for each name.

Again, very simple and small database, but I'm not sure where to run with this. I want to keep everything normalized and within best practice procedures. Is the junction table necessary or can it even be used in this instance?

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How To Use Macro To Go To Next Record In A Form With One To Many Relationship

Dec 6, 2012

I used the Control Wizard to create a macro on a command button to do record navigation i.e. go to First, Next, Previous and last record. The macro code, in the macro editor, is inserted on a command button on the form, asks whether it is a table, query form etc. I chose form and entered the form name but the error says the form needs to be open before I can run the macro. This happens when I open the form from a Navigation Control and Click the button containing the Macro code on the form.

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Open Form On Close Of RelationShip Window

Aug 12, 2005

i open my relationship window from a form and i after hide its visibility using the code below.
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRelationships
Forms![frmRelations].Visible = False
I need to open the hidden form after clicking on the close(x) button of the relationship window.
Are there any ideas please.

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Table Design And Relationship And Data Form

Apr 28, 2005

First of all, I want to say Thank you to everyone in this forum I have been reading just about every question in each Topic and I have pick up a lot more than I tough I knew. [Thank you]! I not sure how to ask this question or better yet write it. Here is my Situation I work for the NAVY as an Enlisted Personnel station in (New Orleans, LA) I have created a few databases for my workcenter and were simple enough that I managed. Now, I been task to help create a Call Center DataBase to keep track of Phone Calls and Issues the Agents(Employer received Daily) As well run other reports.

I am Including a copy of what I done so far. Can someone advise me about my Database Design? Does it makes sense? Are the Relationship seen good?
my frmCustomer is based on query (qSupport) I would like to know if the form and the SubForm are set up ok where I can have the Agents input data.
And one more thing on the frmMenu I have a few Text Boxes where I would like to display the total Amouth of Phone Calls received - as well the ones pending and Close? Any Criticism or Suggestion are more than welcome.

I hope my Question / Request makes sense. Thank you ....


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