I want to try to restrict the user not always changing the record, so i need a Disable combo box command. And i did try it by using "Name.Enabled = False" after user select the value from the combo box, but the program won't let me do that because of the record is on focus. So what can i do? I only have an idea of after the user select the value from cbo then jump the cursor immediately to the second column, but anybody can tell me how to do that?
Thanks alot!
I have a subform containing a list of Funds and attributes such as Asset Type, Fund Manager, etc.
Currently, I have a textbox, where the the control source is set so that it will be updated with the Asset Type from the subform.
I also have an unbound combo box that contains a list of Asset Types queried from a table via row source, where user can select the Asset Type.
What I would like is when a record is selected from the subform, the Asset Type is selected on the combo box as a default value. User can select another Asset Type if required. How can I do this?
I have a form for entering property tax. The form is based on a table called investments. The form contains a combo box to select the appropriate property for data entry to the table. The two fields in the combo box are Property PIN and Property ID. The property ID is a combination of tax year+state+county+PIN. The same property can come up in more than one tax year so there are duplicate PINs but the Property ID is unique and is the key field. My problem is the combo box shows the duplicate PINs with their respective unique Property IDs as separate records but will only select the record for the earliest tax year regardless of which records I select on the combo box.
I have database of roughly 15000 records. The records have a unique number and the majority of searches etc work OK. The problem is with a form used to display record details with various sub forms embedded on the form. Scrolling through displays the correct details. Trying to use a combo box to determine the record selected does not work correctly. The combo box is made up of 4 columns of "NAME", "COUNTRY", "ROLE" and "UNIQUE NUMBER" Typing in the combo box auto fills in the NAME until the correct one is found. If the name is unique it opens on the form correctly. But if the name is not unique it does not always open the correct record. Is there any way of being able to use the NAME to search through the combo box entries but use their unique number to determine the record selected. A further problem arises as there are apostrophes in the NAME as well
I have a form that uses a combo box to select the record to edit which then opens the edit form... I keep getting a type mismatch error. The bound column is a text column and I'm wondering if that is the problem because this works perfectly everywhere else in the database. The primary key is the SKU of the product which is alphanumeric which is why I have it set to text...
I am attempting to create an attendance database that needs to be able to be updated if someone calls in sick.
I have created a cascading combo box where you can select a date up to 15 days into the past with the following code in the rowsource for cboDate
Code: SELECT DISTINCT tblAttendance.dataDate FROM tblAttendance WHERE (((tblAttendance.dataDate)>Date()-15)) ORDER BY tblAttendance.dataDate DESC;
an after update event has been coded to show only employees who have been scheduled for the day
Code: Private Sub cboDate_AfterUpdate() On Error Resume Next Me.cboAgentName.RowSource = "Select tblAttendance.agentName, tblAttendance.attendance,
So basically what i need to do is be able to use the cascading combo boxes to select the date and employee to go to that specific record so i can update the other fields. Currently when i attempt to do this with my current form, it automatically goes to a new record when i select a date and name and doesn't update the existing record.
I have a form that allows the user to select a record in a combo box. When this selection is made I want a 2nd form to open and give the user a place to enter additional info about that item selected. I have the forms working correctly but now I would really like to add the 2nd form to the first form as a subform but when I try this I get the message"The expressing is typed incorrectly or is too complex to be evaluated..." There are no fields on the first form that link directly to the 2nd form - because the combo box in an unbound combo (the selection in the combo box is what the 2nd form opens base on) I tried to add this as a subform with no parent/child info and I get the message stated.
I was hoping to make the 2nd form not visible until the selection was made in the combo box then make it visible for the info to be entered. Would really like it to be on the same form not as a separate form opening.I believe I just found that the reason for the message. It seems not to be a subform problem but is because the selection in the combo box needs to be made BEFORE the form can open. So now the question is - how can I make this a subform and avoid this error when the main form first opens. I will test the visibility and see if not visible until the selection clears this up.
I am looking to have a combobox on a unbound form to select a product code (this i can do). However I want a textbox to auto populate with the description as well - both in the same table tblproducts - product_id, pcode, pdesc....
I would like to have a combo box that doesn't show the drop-down arrow when the user selects it. You say, doesn't that defeat the purpose of the combo box?
Well, look. In a form I have a datasheet (in a subform) that only displays data, so it is locked from editing. Within the datasheet is a field that contains a combo box with a row source from a linked table, and the control source of that combo box is the primary key. Essentially I'm utilizing the combo box because it is smart, and allows me to display linked data: this combo box contains two columns, and I set the first column's width to "0" so that it would only display the field I want. I didn't use a subform because, in datasheet view, subform fields are not displayed in the linear fashion I need, but instead go hide under the "+" button for each record.
So, even though everything is locked from editing, the combo box arrow still appears when the user clicks on the combo box field, and I don't want it to. It's just misleading to the user. Anyone know how to disable the arrows? Or, if you catch my drift, do you know of another simple solution?
I'm not a keen programmer in case you couldn't figure that out. If you've got any VB tips then let me know.
I have a form called frmSearch with an option group called grpSearch ,a combobox called comboNyaba and subform called subform_CasesSearch has a checkbox called CaseClosed
The combobox filter the subform based on option group choice and value in textbox called NyID ... it works fine except that if the combobox is empty it give me error the code in main form i put it on Load and on current
Code: Private Sub Form_Load() With Me.subform_CasesSearch.Form If Me.grpSearch.Value = 1 Then .Filter = "NyID = " & Me.ComboNyaba
On a form, I want to disable the save button, 'cmdSave' whilst the form's mandatory fields have been left blank.
I've put in a smart tag, called, 'Req' against each required field and have used the following code on the forms current event.
Code: Private Sub Form_Current() Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In Me.Controls If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Or ctl.ControlType = acComboBox Or ctl.ControlType = acListBox Then
[Code] ....
The save button is disabled, but it won't enable again after each field has data entered against it.
I also have this code in the AfterUpdate event in each required field:
Code: Private Sub cboErrorID_AfterUpdate() Call Form_Current End Sub
I've inherited an Access 2003 database, a rather complex one. The database has a login, with the credentials stored in a table which I can view (minus the pass, which is masked). Of course, for security reasons, I shouldn't be able to just add a record and create a new ID, in essence bypassing all security. As such, the table with the user records does not permit new records to be added. What steps need I take to add new records, the option being greyed out in the interface, no new record bar available at the bottom of the table.
Hi there I found alot of nice tips here, thanks for that :) But I havent found exactly what I am looking for. I will keep searching but I thought I would post as well.
Here is my problem : I have to design a form that works like an old application form written in VFP7.
Basically a combo box chooses a customer, another combo box filtered by customer chooses a job. A third combo box filtered by Jobs chooses a stock.
There is a subform linked by Stock_ID that displays details of the stocks, amounts, locations, etc...
I want to limit record navigation to these combo boxes. Right now even with navigation buttons hidden and limiting tab cycle to current record; a user can use the mousewheel and page up / page down keys to change the current record in Stock table and thus changing the details in my sub form.
Does anyone know of a way to stop all record navigation unless I explicitly move the record pointer via code behind the combo boxes?
I will keep looking around here and will likely play with the Current event to reverse any changes made to the record pointer but it does not seem the best way to handle this.
im trying to enable/disable checkboxes based on a combobox selection for instance,
i make the selection in a combo box called terms and conditions. i want it then to only enable the business,domestic and summary check boxes for that type, with the onther check boxes staying disabled. is there a way this can be done through code like the statement "only enable if this letter type selection has been selected"
is there a way to disable the new record option (>*) at the bottom of the form...i want my users to be able to search all records through the form sometimes, but not add any new ones accidentally (or intentionally) while doing so. :confused:
Hello Everyone, Before I pose my question I would first like to applaud and thank this forum for the excellent and timely help it has provided me so far. The assistance I have received to date, from you as members, and via the search facility has been extremely helpful particularly as I am new to this type of stuff…
My question is this... I would like to disable users from selecting the 'Edit - Delete Record' facility from my main form upon its load. From searching the various forums I found a method upon which to disable the whole 'Edit' menu but not the specific 'Delete Record' function. Please accept my sincere apologies if this has already been posted but I simply cannot find it readily via a standard/refined 'search'. It might be the fact that I am phrasing the question incorrectly?? I don't want to severely restrict my users by disabling/hiding the whole menu but would rather limit them to accessing this option via a password protected command button?
What I have found so far. Private Sub Form_Load() CommandBars("Menu Bar").Controls("Edit").Visible = False End Sub
Any assistance/guidance would be very much appreciated
Kind Regards – Best wishes to all of the registered site members
I am currently working on a database and I'm using a form to view the records. A standard Access behavior is to show an empty record (new record) as the last one. is there a way to disable this "feature". I would like my form to display only the records, which are really filled with data and not show the blank one at the end??
I'm having difficulty controlling data entry to (disabling) a subform when a new record is being added to the parent form. I can set the subform to be disabled if there is no index value in the parent form (this allows the subform to function for existing records) but then the user has to create the parent record and move off of that record and then return to it in order to add child records to the subform. This is basically a create new records/data entry problem and I'm feeling pretty stupid. There must be a way to handle this...
I created a query that shows the Student ID, First Name, and Last Name.I then created a split form from the query.Finally I added an unbound text box called search with a button next to that has a macros within it:
Code: [LastName] Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchID]![Text14] & "*" Or [FirstName] Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchID]![Text14] & "*"
1. I love that it searches for the name you type in and displays the record 2. What I don't like is that you can edit the record.
I tried to set the AllowEdit in the form properties to no but that also took away the ability to type in the search text box. Is there a way to allow typing in the text box but not allow changes in the record?
I would like to disable the shortcut, CTRL - which allows a user to delete a record. A user accidentally deleted a record while typing in an email address that had an underscore in the email address. While trying to type it she must have hit the CTRL key instead of the Shift key follow by the -. She noticed the delete confirmation, but not thinking, pressed enter and thus confirmed the deletion of the record.
Other than telling her to pay more attention, how can I disable the shortcut in Access 2013?I tried using the Application.OnKey "^-", "" but I continue getting the error method or data member can not be found