Disabled Append Queries - Due Patch Update To Windows

Mar 28, 2008


I'm hoping someone might be able to help point in the right direction. Our IT department applied a patch update to windows 2000 overnight, which has had an impact on the Append queries in my DB.

Basically I have a number of append queries that use lookup tables to append the appropriate data from the underlaying table to the required table. They all have a relationship of "only include rows where the join fields from both tables are equal".

These were all working fine yesterday, but this morning, even though there is data in the underlaying table that meets the criteria, not data is being identified.

Has anyone any idea, as our IT department don't know and are not prepared to undo the patch update.

Your assistance would be most appreciated.


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Update/Append Queries

Sep 19, 2005

Just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction so that i can solve my problem?

Basically what i have is a select query that carries out some calculations based on data entered. These calculations are expressions as i am sure you guys know. what i want to do is put the value from the expression/calculation into my table in the correct fields made for these values. However i have tried everything i can think of to get this data into the tables fields but to no avail.

example. Expr1: [field1]*[field2] the answer created by [Expr1] is the value i want to be placed in [field3]

Can anyone help me on how i can do this

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Update Queries Vs Append Queries, Indexes?

Aug 7, 2007

This is a very simple problem most likely for the masses, but I am new to access. I have employees who enter will enter information about specific tests on electronics components into separate tables by a form. I know my method is poor, but this is how it works. I got assigned this database at my internship this summer because they ran out of thigns for me to do.....I've never even used access before, so as long as it works, they're happy. I have a form which which writes to a first table with 20 fields. I then have separate update queries which take the data in the first table and put it in all the other tables. Trust me, i know this is pretty much the opposite of the whole point of a relational database, but I am and was limited by time, for the size of the database they want, there was no time to learn about normalization etc etc. Sorry this is wordy, but THE QUESTION is......if they run multiple tests wtih the same information for some of the fields I have fields named "Run#, Unit#, Date" etc, even if there is records wtih the same information, hwo do i get it all to show. Right now, it seems to be rewriting over the same records. If they run 3 tests on unit 10 on August 1st, how do i get it so all those show up. I think its somethign wtih in the table, for the primary keys, changing the Index: No, Yes(Duplicates) Yes(No Duplicates) but I could be way off. Thanks, if the question doesnt make sense i'll try to rephrase it, I apologize I'm running on about 45 min of sleep:confused:

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Complex Queries (Append/Update/Delete?)

Sep 4, 2005

I am accessing an oracle database that has several thousand records in it. I am quering for specific requirements, but would like to save my query results in a local access database for faster searching capabilities. Is there a way for me to set up a query that will go out to my oracle table files, select the records that pertain to my search criteria, and add records to locally stored tables without duplicating itself each time that I run the query? I would appreciate any assistance in this matter. Thanks for your help!

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Queries :: Append And Update Simultaneously Within Same Table

Jul 25, 2015

I am using a DB to, among other things, calculate the monthly salary of my service users. Obviously, I have to do it every moth. Most of the data from the previous month will be the same in the next month, except date. Even if some of it is different, having the previous data on sight calculate the new salaries.

Every month I have to select all records with the month date (say 07/2015) I want to copy and

(1) copy paste the records into the salaries table, and
(2) search and replace the new records' dates.

For example, records with 07/2015 with say 08/2015 (I have to replace downwards to ensure I don't change the record of the month I need to keep).

It can't be that difficult, but I have tried append and update queries to make this automatically (say by clicking a button) but so far no luck.

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Queries :: Append Multiple Data With Update Query?

Aug 6, 2013

In access Im working with two tables, this is my setup



Both tables are filled with data, Table B contains the same kind of data as table A, But tableA has documentnumbers with different revisions (for example revision a,b,c, for each revision a seperate row). Table B might have an identical document, but just one revision (like revision a).

Now I like to append the data of tableA to tableB, except if a revision is similiar to a revision in table A. (There is more metadata involved, but I will do it step by step)

Im not working with primarykey data, becayse in the end result table B will also have multiple (identical)document numbers with different revisions on different rows.

I tried to use the update query but it doenst append the documentnumbers where the revision is not present in table B I attached a image of the tables.

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Queries :: Run Append Query And Update A Field At Same Time

Nov 7, 2013

is possible to run an Append Query and update a field at the sametime?

i.e. I would like the MealDate field to be incremented by 1, just not sure how to write the code within the query!!!

This is what I have so far!!! not working

MealDate: ([MealDate](Date()+1))

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Queries :: Update Or Insert / Append Record In Database

Jun 5, 2013

I have two tables "TABLEA" and "TEMP"

fields in both tables are
Cust ID (Primary key)
Cust Name
Cheque No

I need query when i click on command button on form

if "Cust ID" which is primary key in "TEMP" Table match with "Cust ID" from "TABLEA"

It will update the record in "TABLEA" if not then append the record

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Queries :: Append Query - Automatically Update Tables Depending On Value Of Yes / No Field

Feb 25, 2014

I am giving two tables and I need to create a macro that automatically updates these tables depending on the value of a Yes/No field. If it's No, it's in the 1st table TableOne, if it's Yes it automatically updates to TableTwo.

So, the best way I saw to go about is to set up an append query and then create a macro that runs it

So my tables have the values FirstName, LastName and isValid (more but keeping it short)

So for my append query, I put TableTwo in the pop up I get. Then, where it asks for the field I put it

Criteria:[TableOne].[isValid] = 1

I do this for all (it was autocompleted except the Criteria field). I tried to keep Criteria with data only for isValid but that didn't work. I wrote it for all the field names, still didn't work. Whenever I click run it says it'll append 0 rows.

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Disappearing Relationships Due To Windows Update?

Oct 21, 2005

Hi all,

I think I have this figured out, but wanted to see if anyone else had run into the same thing.

I keep each of my client's databases in separate folders named after their respective company. One of them has an apostrophe in the name and I have it named that way and have never had a problem with it. I had copied a front and back end mdb from their office and reloaded it on my computer to make some changes and got a strange error. When I went to check the relationships, there were none. I checked a previous copy of the program and the relationships were all showing correctly. I went back to their office and got another copy of the program, copied it back to a temp folder on their computer and found that the relationships were ok. But when I loaded the files here, they weren't there.

In the end, it was the apostrophe in the folder name that caused the problem and it occurred to me that Windows had updated the other day. Has anyone else had this happen? I guess I learned another lesson about naming anyway.

Tom W.

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Printing Error After Windows SP2 Update

Dec 18, 2006

Out IT department updated to SP2 this weekend and about half of my reports are no longer working. I cannot view, print or go into design mode. The error I am receiving is this:

There was a problem retrieving printer information for this object. The object may have been sent to a printer that is unavailable.

As soon as I change my default printer to a different one everything works normally. After talking to our IT department I received the helpful reply:

"Not at this time . This would take a lot of research to see why some reports print vs this one that will not."

After about three minutes of checking all of the affected reports are pointing to one printer. I found a way to manually fix an individual report by opening it up with a new printer set as default, saving the report and then changing the default back to the original printer. The problem is volume, this appears to be affecting about 50 or so reports.

It seems like a driver or network issue, these are network printers, but I do no have the access rights to try and fix this.

Any thoughts?

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Modules & VBA :: Storing Outlook Attachments And Patch In Table

Jun 13, 2015

Currently, I'm taking my unread emails, storing them in a table then sending any Excel files to a specified folder I've modified some code I found while surfing and it works great but I'd really like to send the attachment name and file path with the email recordset. It's been a long day so maybe it's super simple. Below is my code. Office 2010 Windows 8.1

PHP Code:

Function ReadInbox()
Dim TempRst As DAO.Recordset
Dim OlApp As Outlook.Application
Dim Inbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim Atmt As Outlook.Attachment
Dim InboxItems As Outlook.Items

[Code] ....

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Possible To Send Out A Patch / Better Way Of Updating Databases For Multiple Users?

Jan 21, 2015

I maintain a simple Access database which about 30 other users have open every day and use it solely as a reference book. It is simply a large reference 'toolbox' with one form and many many sub reports in the form with links to refference guides for my users. Very often I need to add new reports and just new content overall to the database. My current process is to

1) make a copy
2) modify the copy with all my new content
3) Send and email with the file attached telling all 30 users to delete their old database and use this updated version.

Of course we have many issues including:

1) The files are very large in Lotus notes (is there a way to make these files a lot smaller)
2) Seems like a waste to delete and replace an entire database when only 1 or 2 minor links need to be changed every time. Is there a macro or some code I can create that would act as a patch where the 30 users can run the code and it will change hyperlink paths that I needed changed, report content or anything that needs changing.

gets around having all my users copy and replacing their database toolbox on their desktop. We all work out of a shared network drive so I can have them use the database together in a shared drive but its litterally impossible to have every hand out of the database all at once so I can go in and update, it just does not happen so if there is a work around for getting all users out of the DB, it could avoid having to do anything else.

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Works On Windows 2000 Not Windows 2003

Sep 19, 2006

I have a website that is asp (not .net) based with an Access DB and I am in the process of replacing an old windows 2000 server with a much faster windows 2003 server. Here lies the problem I have a script as part of the admin that exports data to a csv file. The query joins 4 tables together to get the data needed for the export. On the windows 2000 server it takes 1-5 seconds to execute and have the csv file ready for download. On the window 2003 server it times out. I striped it down to use 2 joins and it worked although it took more like 10-20 seconds to export. This exports a specific range of ID's and the range is normally only 40-50 rows. If I put time stamps in the code the problem is in the query of the database, so I know its not in the file write etc.

I am going to rewrite it to use multible querys instead of one large query, but I have many other sites that I am moving to this server that would work better if I can figure out why it is so slow.

The windows 2000 is a 900 mhz server the windows 2003 is a 2.8GHZ server both have 1 GIG of ram. The database file is on the local drive on both servers. I am guessing it is a difference in the Jet version, I just haven't been able to find a solution to the problem. This uses a DSN connection, configured the same on both servers. I have also tried it as a DSN-less connection with the same result.

I have installed access on the server and to execute the command in access it is <2 sec.

I am not an access expert I normally program in .net and php and use MySQL and MsSQL for databases, we just have these legacy sites that use Access DB's

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Access And Windows 98 To Windows 2000

Nov 27, 2006

Hi All,

This is my problem -

My customer has Access programs that work on their Windows 98 OS PC's, but when they try to use them on Windows 2000 OS PC's they will not work.
The programs I believe were originally written in Access 97 and now they have Access 2000 on the PC's.

By not working I mean the following -

The Access program allows them to enter a document name and then the file opens in Word - BUT - when they use it in Windows 2000 it does not open the document at all. It says file not found in Windows 2000 and the file does exist.

** The reason they have Access opening files is that Access keeps track of them for auditing purposes.

Now here is something that I want to mention. On PC's that were upgraded from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 the programs work.

Can anyone here tell me what is missing from 98 to 2000 that would do this.

Thank you very much for your time.

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Update And Append

Jun 21, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to modify data in a querry befor appending the data to a new table


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Update/Append Query

Aug 12, 2005


Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong.

I'm trying to update my table called Portfolio with information sent to me via spreadsheet. I've been able to import the data from Excel into a table called PortfolioUpdate and the data types are all the same, but when i try to run the append query it keeps coming up with the message below

Switchboard can't append all the records in the append query.

Switchboard set 0 field(s) to Null due to a type conversion failure, and it didn't add 1889 record(s) to the table due to key violations, 0 record(s) due to lock violations, and 0 record(s) due to validation rule violations.

I've checked that all the data types are the same and I've also removed/added primary keys from the PortfolioUpdate table to see if that was the problem but to no avail.

Am I even doing this right?

If anyone could help that could be great


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After Append Update Query

Aug 15, 2006

I need an append query to also update a yes/no box or a text box with "yes" "no" in the field.
I don't know how to do this in SQL. Please help.
Query 1 is the name of the query I want updated from "yes" to "no"
Something like:
AFTER APPEND (I am not sure how to do the "after append" in sql)
UPDATE Query 1
SET Query 1.DueToday = "No"
Where DueToday = "Yes"

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Join On Update/Append

Nov 7, 2006

I am trying to create update and append queries that deal with multiple tables. I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.

The update query needs to reverse this select query:
SELECT tblPayment.AmountOfPmt, tblPayment.DueDate, tblPayment.DateIssued, tblPayment.CheckNumber, tblPayment.PaymentType
FROM tblPayment INNER JOIN (tblLease INNER JOIN tblCustomer ON tblLease.CustomerID = tblCustomer.CustomerID) ON tblPayment.LeaseID = tblLease.LeaseID
WHERE (((tblCustomer.CustomerID) Like [spCustomerID]));

The append query needs to insert CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, SecondaryCustomer, PhoneNumber, DOB, Email, Active into tblCustomer, but also DateSigned, DateEffective, DateExpire, CustomerID, LotID into tblLease.

I can't figure either of these two out. Any help would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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Mass Update Or Append

Jan 11, 2007

can any help : )
i am trying to mass update one field in a table.
Basically i have created a new check box (Yes/No Value) in my customers table.
Basically i will tick this box if a customers placed any order with our company.

At present all our existing customers have placed orders with us. and i want to add value Yes to this field.

What method can i use to make this Mass update all customers records.

thanks in advance

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Append Or Update Query

Feb 15, 2007

I am trying to develope a database that calculates and accrues vacation leave monthly.
I am trying to write a query that will add 2.5 days to each employee every month and I would like to automate this update process but I am not sure how can I get this query to know each beggining of the month and do the update. Does any body have a better understanding or suggestion of going about this issue
Your help is much appreciated

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Update Or Append Query - Help Me Please!

Mar 19, 2007

I am working on a scheduling database and have got stuck with what I thought would be a simple update or append query (It probably is very simple for non-newbies).
I am trying to create an update query to update the "Cell_ID" field in tbl_ScheduledAssays with the "Cell_ID" field from tbl_Machines.

The tbl_ScheduledAssays stores each assay that needs to be run. The tbl_Machines stores both the "Machine_ID" on which the assays are run and which "Cell_ID" that machine belongs to.

Some assays have a "Machine_ID" assigned up front as they have to be run on a certain machine, however other assays can be run on any machine so are assigned "Machine_ID" 51 which is a blank.

For all records in the tbl_ScheduledAssays table where the machine ID is <>51 I want the Query to check the "Machine_ID" and read from the tbl_Machines which "Cell_ID" that machine is in and then add that "Cell_ID" to the "Cell_ID" in the tbl_ScheduledAssays table.

I hope this makes sense! I have tried to search the forum but everthing I have tried so far has failed. Have also tried to do an append query to no avail.

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Insert, Append, Update?

Sep 3, 2007

Hey guys-
I have a 'Master Table' that holds all my imported records. After a few queries and whatnot- I need to break it down into specialized tables. For example- my Sales Associate info goes into one table (all their contact info, employee code, etc)- while the product info goes into another table.

As I import daily orders and whatnot- it also brings in the sales associates info. So, I want to have Access check the existing SalesEmployee Table for any existing records (by their employee code)- and if it doesn't exist, append it into the table. HOWEVER- if they are already showing in the SalesEmployee Table, I want it to check to see if their contact info is the same- if not, update it with the new info I am importing.

How do I go about doing this? Is this an update query all by itself? Or, do I need a more complex if/then statements and whatnot?

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Update And Append New Data

Apr 8, 2008

I have a table that I need to update existing data and append new data. All of the new data is in the same file. Is there a way I can update and append at the same time?

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Append, Union, Or Update??

Jan 25, 2005


I have some different fields (cell content) in the same tables that need to be joined or merged together. Then I also have several fields that need to be joined from several different tables. I need to add a prefix to everything I add.

Here is a sample of the join I need within one table:

What I have:

|__V.30 1998-_|________5______|

What I want:

|__V.30 1998-___|
|_____MW: 5_____|

Here's another sample of the join I need between two tables:

What I have:

Table 1: Super Table

|__This title comes in___|
|__microfilm and PM______|

Table 2: Project MUSE

|__This is a made-up_____|

What I want:

Table 1: Super Table

|__This title comes in___|
|__microfilm and PM______|
|__Project MUSE: This is_|
|_ a made-up note________|

Table 2: Project Muse

Stays the same.

I know how to move part of a cell to another blank cell, and I know how to delete part of a cell.. But I don't know how to move part of a cell to a cell that already has content.

If you search for my name and this post: Deleting Certain Text Between Character in a Cell, you'll see what I've learned already. I'm thinking maybe I just need to run the same sort of function/module, but append instead of update. Dunno.

Thanks in advance,

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How To Use An Append Query To Update A Table?

Jul 26, 2007

Could someone please try to give me a step by step method for using an append query to update a table. Gary gave me a ton of help before but im still a little stuck. Thanks in advance. :)

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