Disabling Buttons From Tab Controls

Mar 29, 2005

Hi there everyone,

I got the following Switchboard example somewhere else, and I do understand the code, up to the point where I want to make a change but can't :mad:

The Navi buttons on the right can be chosen by the user to display the different tabbed pages. However, I want sometimes that some of these buttons are disabled at runtime.

I cannot get the right syntax for doing this. I've tried Me.btnPage1.Enabled = False but that just does NOTHING!

Could someone please have a look at the attached DB (frmSwitchboard and the code behind it) and tell me where I am missing something? That would be great, thanks!


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Disabling ALL Controls On A Form Via A Combo Box

Aug 10, 2005

My database has a form with a combo box where the user can select whether the record displayed is "Current", "Sold", or "Withdrawn". I would like to set up the form so that when the user selects "Sold" or "Withdrawn" from the combo box, all other controls on the form are locked and disabled (ie. can't be changed).

What's the best way to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Disabling Auto-formatting Of Controls In A Form?

Jul 14, 2014

I have a problem with formating controls in a form. As a example, I inserted a tree view control and adobe reader control. After I've resized them manually in a design form, I switch into form view and they both resize automatically to their own size (don't know where it gets from).

In the result, I can't obtain the required width and height. How can I make them resizable to my own preference?

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Round Buttons Or Oval Buttons Instead Of The Normal Square Buttons

May 30, 2005

Hello everybody,

I’m new here and I have a question for you..

Is it possible to place round buttons or oval buttons on your forms instead of the normal square ones?



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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Change Colour Of Navigation Buttons And Command Buttons?

Mar 17, 2006

Is this possible? I can't seem to find this q anywhere here so I thought I'd post.

I changed the colour of my form to white, but the Navigation Buttons at the bottom and the command buttons that I 've added stay at the default grey.

Is there anyway to change this? I right-clicked and tried changing it to white through the properties but there's nothing there that does this.


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Disabling Navigation Bar

Mar 2, 2008

How can i disable the naviation i get on my form?
i have a form to add new records, if i accidently scroll the mouse i get previous records shown in the feild, so is it possible to disable the function?

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Disabling/enabling Help!

Mar 10, 2005

Working in the theatreworld, I'm trying to create something which will usefully combine my contacts and also a database of which shows we have done (dates, actors involved etc, etc) and what shows we have bought in.

So far, I have created my form which has the usual fields (name, address and so on) and also a field which asks users to describe what type of contact they are ie. are they an actor, or a director, or a theatre company.
There are also two command buttons, which will either open up another form which lists all the productions they have been in with us over the years (In-house productions), or one that opens up another form which lists what shows each theatre company has brought to us.

I would like to be able to select 'actor' in the category field which will then enable the command button for me to see what productions that person has been in. Or if I selected the 'theatre company' category then the other button becomes enabled.

Can anybody advise me on this please? Alternatively, if this all sounds far too convoluted, then I am open to suggestions!

Many thanks in advance,

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Disabling Subform

Aug 5, 2005

Is there any way I can disable a subform in my main form until the user has entered some data in the main form and thereby created a primary key?

If the user decides to enter data in the subform first it gives an error and obviously I don't want this!

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Disabling A Combobox

Aug 5, 2005

Just wondered if you might be able to help. I have a form on which I would like to disable some comboboxes until a date box is filled in. Is this possible?

Not too hot with coding - but I have been trying and If Then Else method.

Is this the right way to go?


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Disabling A Combobox

Aug 5, 2005

Just wondered if you might be able to help. I have a form on which I would like to disable some comboboxes until a date box is filled in. Is this possible?

Not too hot with coding - but I have been trying and If Then Else method.

Is this the right way to go?

Michelle :confused:

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Disabling Escape Key

Nov 16, 2005

Hi All,
I need some help. I want to disable the Escape key when users are entering data on a form. How can I do that?
Help apprecieted

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Disabling PrintScreen

Feb 23, 2005

We need a way to prevent confidential information from being printed.
We have secured the database application itself by disabling all print
commands except the ones we want, but PrintScreen still works fine.

We cannot use any system-wide disbaling of that key, because it is
the only way that users can print off screens from the BPCS terminal
program. We actually have a program that prints off a page directly
when the Print Screen button is pressed, and people have become
accustomed to using it.

I have searched this topic extensively and found nothing. The only
thing I can think of is to make a data access page and use
standard browser security code, but that would require an extensive
rewrite of our application.

Does anyone know how to disable the PrintScreen key from within the
database application? Thanks.

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Eabling Disabling Menus Etc

Oct 25, 2005

Hello i would like to ask if there is any way for me to enable the menus , the menu bar and the database window if i disable them from the startup options of my Db ?

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Disabling Parameter Dialog Box

Mar 17, 2006

I have an innoccuous problem with a report I run in Access. The record source for the report is a query that is pulls data from 6 tables. I have a table titled ARInfo that I have to return amost all the fields in the table (big table) so I used * and show all the fields. When I run the report from the button click event on my form, before the query runs that servers as the report's record source, a parameter dialog box pops up titled ARInfo (table name). You do not have to enter anything in the box for the report to run properly. I have only been with the company or 3 months, but we have used Aceess 97 and Access 2000 in the past and it is my understanding that in the old systems, this dialog would not pop up (The query, form, report, and code is unchanged0. Since we converted to Access 2002, this dialog pops up. The code behind the form, report, and in the associated modules is very immense (This report and form that drives it touches many diferent pieces of the system) so I'm not really about to inclued any code in this post. If anybody knows a quick and dirty trick to disable dialogs or any conceptual theories as to why this is occuring, please let me know.

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Disabling Command Button

Apr 14, 2005

Im new to this, and a beginner at database design, but I am currently stuck on disabling a command button.

Basically what happens is the form is loaded and there are two buttons (save and undo) both disabled:

Private Sub Form_Current()
Me!cmdSaveAddAd.Enabled = False
Me!cmdCancelAddNewAd.Enabled = False
End Sub

once a text box has been filled in the next occurance happens:

Private Sub Form_Dirty(Cancel As Integer)
Me!cmdCancelAddNewAd.Enabled = True
Me!cmdSaveAddAd.Enabled = True
End Sub

which enables both buttons. but the problem is when a user clicks the undo button i want both buttons to be disabled again, i cannot get the undo button disabled, the save button was easy enough:

Private Sub cmdCancelAddNewAd_Click()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
Me!cmdSaveAddAd.Enabled = False
End Sub

but if i put (Me!cmdCancelAddNewAd.Enabled = false) i get an error message saying 'you cannot disable a control that is in focus'.

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Enabling And Disabling Fields...

Nov 28, 2005

hi, there is this form i want to create which uses a drop down list.... i want to be able to auto enable and disable selective fields upon selecting one of the choices.

e.g. in a drop down list containing: choice 1, choice 2 and choice 3

and there are the fields field no. 1, field no. 2 and field no.3

If i select Choice 1 --> field no. 1 get enabled and the other 2 gets disable... so on and so forth....

How do i go about doing this?

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Disabling Combo Boxes

May 24, 2006

Hi people i once again need your help!

What I would like is for a combo box to disable if a certain vaule is entered into another combo box.

I have a combo box [FrontDoorType] and when the vaule is N/A or blank then the [FrontDoorColour] combo box is disabled.

Have tried using the conditional formatting tool but keep getting lost.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for all your help!

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Disabling A Command Button

Sep 4, 2004

I'm designing a database to do invoices.

Items_sub is a continuous form.

For an item being returned I've made a command button that brings up a "return" form which is related to the Items form with a one-one relationship, (so the two primary keys are linked). Obviously an item can only be returned once, (logically and because of duplicate primary keys), so i'd like to disable the command button once it's been clicked. At the moment i have:

Private Sub cmdReturn_Click()
Me.cmdReturn.Enabled = False
End Sub

This doesn't work because it disables the button for all the records (It's in a continuous form).

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Disabling Switchboard AFTER It's Been Set As The Default

Oct 20, 2004

How do I disable the switchboard after it's been set as the default. I want to get back into the native objects associated with the main database table. I want to design a new report and then re-enable the switchboard as the default method for users.

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Disabling Design View

Nov 23, 2004

This may be a very basic question, but I have to ask: how do I prevent the user from switching to design view and messing with tables and queries. Also, once I do that, how do I get to the design view to make changes if necessary?


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Disabling A 2 Fields On A Form

Jul 26, 2005

I would like to be able to disable 2 other fields on a form if a user selects a certain item from a drop down list on that same form....????


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Disabling Combo Boxes

May 24, 2006

Hi people i once again need your help!

What I would like is for a combo box to disable if a certain vaule is entered into another combo box.

I have a combo box [FrontDoorType] and when the vaule is N/A or blank then the [FrontDoorColour] combo box is disabled.

Have tried using the conditional formatting tool but keep getting lost.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for all your help!

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Disabling The Mouse Scroller

Jun 22, 2006

ok, might be a really silly question but is there anyway to stop your mouse scroller cycling the records on a form?

This is mainly a problem when in a sub form as when I use the scroller all the combo/text boxes go blank.

They dont lose this data but it's just annoying!

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Recovering From Disabling Startup Options

Aug 4, 2005

1. I disabled the tool bars for startup and hence not able to get back the tool bar again after i started the database. Can someone pls help me get back my tool bars again ?

2. How are we able to implement autocomplete in the forms?

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Disabling And Enabling A Button. PLEASE HELP, VERY IMPORTANT

Mar 14, 2007

Hi, I have a form called Product Details Display Form, which is for Product Details Display table. This form contains a button "Done" which saves everything into the table, or in other words, bounds the unbounded textboxes to the table. Basically, I want this button to be disabled at the begining, when the form loads, and when the user enters ALL the fields, it becomes enabled. Here is the code I have at the moment:
Private Sub Form_DataChange(ByVal Reason As Long)
If Me.Product_Brand = Null Or Me.Product_Code = Null Or Me.Product_Name = Null Or Me.List34 = Null Or Me.Price = Null Or Me.Details = Null Or Me.Discount = Null Or Me.Combo0 = Null Or Me.Combo2 = Null Then
Me.Command36.Enabled = False
Me.Command36.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

I also have Me.Command36.Enabled = False in the Form-Load. I dont really know if it has to be in Private Sub Form_DataChange or not.

Please help me ASAP

Thanx in Advance

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