Disappearing Relationships Due To Windows Update?

Oct 21, 2005

Hi all,

I think I have this figured out, but wanted to see if anyone else had run into the same thing.

I keep each of my client's databases in separate folders named after their respective company. One of them has an apostrophe in the name and I have it named that way and have never had a problem with it. I had copied a front and back end mdb from their office and reloaded it on my computer to make some changes and got a strange error. When I went to check the relationships, there were none. I checked a previous copy of the program and the relationships were all showing correctly. I went back to their office and got another copy of the program, copied it back to a temp folder on their computer and found that the relationships were ok. But when I loaded the files here, they weren't there.

In the end, it was the apostrophe in the folder name that caused the problem and it occurred to me that Windows had updated the other day. Has anyone else had this happen? I guess I learned another lesson about naming anyway.

Tom W.

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Printing Error After Windows SP2 Update

Dec 18, 2006

Out IT department updated to SP2 this weekend and about half of my reports are no longer working. I cannot view, print or go into design mode. The error I am receiving is this:

There was a problem retrieving printer information for this object. The object may have been sent to a printer that is unavailable.

As soon as I change my default printer to a different one everything works normally. After talking to our IT department I received the helpful reply:

"Not at this time . This would take a lot of research to see why some reports print vs this one that will not."

After about three minutes of checking all of the affected reports are pointing to one printer. I found a way to manually fix an individual report by opening it up with a new printer set as default, saving the report and then changing the default back to the original printer. The problem is volume, this appears to be affecting about 50 or so reports.

It seems like a driver or network issue, these are network printers, but I do no have the access rights to try and fix this.

Any thoughts?

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Disabled Append Queries - Due Patch Update To Windows

Mar 28, 2008


I'm hoping someone might be able to help point in the right direction. Our IT department applied a patch update to windows 2000 overnight, which has had an impact on the Append queries in my DB.

Basically I have a number of append queries that use lookup tables to append the appropriate data from the underlaying table to the required table. They all have a relationship of "only include rows where the join fields from both tables are equal".

These were all working fine yesterday, but this morning, even though there is data in the underlaying table that meets the criteria, not data is being identified.

Has anyone any idea, as our IT department don't know and are not prepared to undo the patch update.

Your assistance would be most appreciated.


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Works On Windows 2000 Not Windows 2003

Sep 19, 2006

I have a website that is asp (not .net) based with an Access DB and I am in the process of replacing an old windows 2000 server with a much faster windows 2003 server. Here lies the problem I have a script as part of the admin that exports data to a csv file. The query joins 4 tables together to get the data needed for the export. On the windows 2000 server it takes 1-5 seconds to execute and have the csv file ready for download. On the window 2003 server it times out. I striped it down to use 2 joins and it worked although it took more like 10-20 seconds to export. This exports a specific range of ID's and the range is normally only 40-50 rows. If I put time stamps in the code the problem is in the query of the database, so I know its not in the file write etc.

I am going to rewrite it to use multible querys instead of one large query, but I have many other sites that I am moving to this server that would work better if I can figure out why it is so slow.

The windows 2000 is a 900 mhz server the windows 2003 is a 2.8GHZ server both have 1 GIG of ram. The database file is on the local drive on both servers. I am guessing it is a difference in the Jet version, I just haven't been able to find a solution to the problem. This uses a DSN connection, configured the same on both servers. I have also tried it as a DSN-less connection with the same result.

I have installed access on the server and to execute the command in access it is <2 sec.

I am not an access expert I normally program in .net and php and use MySQL and MsSQL for databases, we just have these legacy sites that use Access DB's

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Relationships & Update Of Records

Apr 22, 2005

Hello all,

I am in the early stages of building my 1st relational database (see attached). Ones I have built in the past were built on a knowledge of the sample ones provided with A97. I have since realised (from this excellent site) everything I have done in the past was completely wrong! One big table to hold all info causing hundreds of duplicate records - Doh!

My Db is being designed to keep a record of all the refurbished dictation/transcription stock we hold.

I have a question or two (basic stuff but i'm learning (slowly)).

1. Do my relationships look ok so far?

2. I want user to simply select a model in "Tbl_UnitDetail", and some how automatically lookup the rest of the info such as make and type from "Tbl_unit"
New models will be added to "Tbl_unit" by administrators as and when they become available. How can this be done?

Any advise or comments on my limited knowledge would be greatly received. Many thanks.

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Access And Windows 98 To Windows 2000

Nov 27, 2006

Hi All,

This is my problem -

My customer has Access programs that work on their Windows 98 OS PC's, but when they try to use them on Windows 2000 OS PC's they will not work.
The programs I believe were originally written in Access 97 and now they have Access 2000 on the PC's.

By not working I mean the following -

The Access program allows them to enter a document name and then the file opens in Word - BUT - when they use it in Windows 2000 it does not open the document at all. It says file not found in Windows 2000 and the file does exist.

** The reason they have Access opening files is that Access keeps track of them for auditing purposes.

Now here is something that I want to mention. On PC's that were upgraded from Windows 98 to Windows 2000 the programs work.

Can anyone here tell me what is missing from 98 to 2000 that would do this.

Thank you very much for your time.

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Vista 3d Windows To Windows Xp

Oct 20, 2006

Does anyone know if there is some type of theme to make windows xp windows 3d like vista's windows. example below.


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Disappearing Records

Jul 19, 2005


I have read a couple of other queries about this problem, but none seem to help me.
I have a database, not too large (c.2000 records), not too complicated (very few macros, no referential integrity, no reports or subforms, mainly simple queries).
Over the past few weeks records have started disappearing. Vanishing, no trace. No pattern to the record numbers. About 220 in all have disappeared so far. There is a main table (manuscripts), with links to other tables (manuscript notes, manuscript decisions). The records disappear from the manuscripts table, but the related records are left in the other tables.
Only five people use the database, no one has deliberately deleted anything in fact as we keep all information.

Could this be a virus? I cannot believe that the database is too large.

any help really appreciated.



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Disappearing Forms...

Aug 17, 2005

Good Day Everyone :)

I am in a dilly of a pickle here: after i set up my form all nice nice, with cascading combo boxes, other random combo boxes, a search button, setting up the SQL, etc. I was so proud- thinking i've finally done it! :)
But then... as I reloaded the access form afterwards it only displayed in design views and SQL views, and not the other view. :eek: :confused:
So, this being my first ever database, I have no idea what the problem is.
I have checked the properties box, and it is not a problem with the settings -not - being on display always, nor with the other property settings. (I believe)

Any advice/input would be greatly appreciated into this matter :)
Thanks a million in advance!

~ N' Take Care ~

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Disappearing Records

Sep 4, 2006

I have a combo box on a form, this combo box by the use of a select query shows all the relevant values in the drop down box from a table:mad.

My major problem appears to be that records that are selected in the combo box by way of the slect query seem to be disappearing from the table or part of the record is lost.

ANY ideas??:mad:

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Disappearing SQL Statements

Feb 28, 2008

Hi All,

I have a large database with about 200 queries. I am having a problem with the last few I added. I run them from VB. When I run them the SQL statement disappears, sometimes. If I go to the SQL View instead of the Design veiw all that is left is Select;. I the Design View there is nothing.

Any suggestions?

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Disappearing Text

Mar 30, 2005

I have a form that has a memo field. If text in the memo field is highlighted and I press the enter key the text is deleted.

Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening?

I know it is easy enough to click off the text (deselect it) so that pressing the enter key will move me to the next field (as required) but I don't always remember to do this and Hey Presto I've lost my text and have to start again.

But why highlight the text in the first place I hear you say. Well I have just pasted it in from a different application and it comes in highlighted.

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Disappearing Fields

Aug 27, 2004

I created a new DB and there are times when I open my form that all of my entry fields have disappeared along with their captions. Sometimes I am able to advance through different records and get the fields to reappear, otherwise I have to close the form and reopen it. What causes this and is there something I can do to prevent it?

Thanks for your help!!!!

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Disappearing Data In Subform

Apr 9, 2006

I have a form with an unbound subform that was working quite nicely. The only change I made was changing the data source for the main form from a query to a static table; name of table same as the prior query. Now the subform appears but the data doesn't. The buttons in the subform header are visible and work but the detail is not visible when displayed as a subform, it is fine if I open the subform as a separate form, I see the correct records based on the main form's criteria.

I have searched for some property I may have accidentally changed but can't find anything. It isn't set in data entry mode, not even a blank line shows.

Has anyone had this happen?

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Disappearing Data - Switchboard

Dec 4, 2005

Hi peeps. I created a switchboard that opens a form in add mode. I click the button to open the form, it appears, but with no data - its blank.

If I open the form by itself (not via switchboard) its all there.

Whats up?

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Corruption, Ldb File Not Disappearing, Etc.

Jan 15, 2008

I have been experiencing some very strange symptoms over the past week or so, and am looking for ideas. I have a number of different frontends that link to one or more shared backends. A week or so ago, all the frontends were reporting that one of the backends, PCAMaster_be, was corrupt (ie, "not a recognizable database format). I repaired it, it worked ok, and then a few hours later it was corrupted again. After going through this a few times, I rebuilt the be (imported everything into a new, blank db). Same thing -- it was OK for awhile, then became re-corrupted.

So, my conclusion was that:
a) one of my frontends was corrupting it,or
b) my shared library.mde file was the culprit, or
c) my shared .mdw file was the culprit.

I have been meaning to unsecure my db's for awhile becuase I don't really use the security in any meaningful way. So, spent most of the day yesterday going through the steps to unsecure. So, I'm not using anything but the default .mdw file now. I also rebuilt every single FE, BE, and the library.mde.

Now, PCAMaster hasn't gone corrupt again (yet), but I'm noticing several other bothersome symptoms:

1. In one of my FE's, when I close it, the application closes but it leaves Access running. I have to use task manager to get access to close.

2. Some of my .ldb files seem to stick around when they're not supposed to. I am 100% certain that NO ONE is using the db. But the .ldb file is still there and I can't make it go away.

3. I open a FE with the /excl command line option. It opens OK, but when I try to repair/compact, it won't let me. ANd if I try to make design changes, it says I don't have exclusive access.

ANy ideas appreciated on any of this stuff

Using Access 2002 and Windows XP

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List Box Data Disappearing

Apr 16, 2005

I have a form called CreatePL which is made up solely on List Boxes that the user must choose from. After all the choices are made, I have a button to save the information to a table called PL.

I noticed that after clicking on this button, that record stays active so when you try to create the next record, it is actually changing the previous record. As I was testing this a bit further, I also noticed that the one of the names in one of the list boxes got erased (I'm not sure how yet).

Is there a way to lock the information but still be able to make selections and save it to a table? When I choose the properties so that you can't edit, I loose the ability to make choices also. All of the list boxes are set to "limittolist".

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Entered Data Keeps Disappearing

Mar 3, 2006

Hi All,

I've got a form with a series of combo boxes which are dependent on each other, however i keep finding that after ive entered some data and left a record, when i then return to the record, some of the information ive entered has been deleted and the combo box is blank.

I think it must be requerying the combo boxes everytime the record opens but i dont know why, i have only put requerys "OnChange" because that is the only time the dependent combo boxes should be requeried.

Once the info is entered and ive moved on to a new record, i need for it to stay that way when i return to the record and only change again when i edit it.

Help please anyone, its been doing my head in.



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Help With Entries On A Form Disappearing

Sep 6, 2004


i have tables called JobRecords and Customer, JobRecords contains 10,000 invoices (jobnumber 1-10000, but all are blank) these 2 tables are related by ContactRef. the idea is to select the ContactRef when entering an invoice and it will automatically fill in the address, phone number fields etc from the Customer table.

now since i need a VAT and Total values, i used a JobRecords Query, when creating the entries i had the default value for ContactRef set to (select) which in the Customer table has N/A values for all fields. my form shows all invoices with data from the jobRecords Query and Customer table, so when i added some new contacts into the Customer table, and then changed some of the invoices to show these addresses instead of (select) and N/A, they disappear.

i know that if some of the fields are null then it wont show the entire entry but even making sure all fields have data in it, it still doesnt appear in form view. it doesnt dissapear in the JobRecords Query either only the form.

my form is based on this

SELECT [JobRecords Query].JobReference, [JobRecords Query].InvoiceDate, [JobRecords Query].ContactRef, [JobRecords Query].JobDescription, [JobRecords Query].AuthNo, [JobRecords Query].AuthName, [JobRecords Query].OrderDate, [JobRecords Query].CompletionDate, [JobRecords Query].NettPayment, [JobRecords Query].VAT, [JobRecords Query].Total, [JobRecords Query].Invoiced, [JobRecords Query].Paid, [JobRecords Query].IncomeRef, Customer.DrawerRef, Customer.CustomerName, Customer.CustomerAddress, Customer.[CustomerPhone 1], Customer.[CustomerFax 1] FROM Customer INNER JOIN [JobRecords Query] ON Customer.ContactRef=[JobRecords Query].ContactRef;

can anyone help?


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Forms :: Disappearing Pop-up Form

Aug 28, 2014

I have a main form and on my main form i have a button to open a popup form. very simple docmd.openform statement. This is an unbound form that lets user filter and select some data to populate the main form.

My problem: When i update code in the form and reopen it (via button or navigation pane) i cant see it. I know its open but i cant see it. If i change popup-no then it opens and i can see it, if i change back to popup-yes, i cant see it again. The problem only happens after i open VBE for this form. I've been importing older versions of the form, opening VBE and the phenomenon occurs everytime.

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Disappearing Changes In Navigation Form

Jul 29, 2014

Today it seems that changes I am making to a form within a Navigation form are disappearing.

If I make the same changes to the underlying/original form, they are also disappearing.

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Corruption - Relationship & Primary Key Disappearing?!?

Nov 14, 2004

Hi, I've searched through the archives and cant seem to find an answer to my problem - hopefully someone may be able to shed some light on this for me as it is driving me mad!

One table in my database keeps getting corrupt records; I get various error messages when navigating a particular form - including 'Record is deleted' (when it hasnt been), 'The search key was not found in any record, 'Object invalid and no longer set' etc. After receiving one of these messages one or more records in my table corrupts (strange symbols and #Error# appears in the fields) - I have to compact and repair and delete the record.

I have imported everything into a new clean database several times but the same thing keeps happening.

Additionally the table that keeps corrupting is randomly 'losing' its primary key and relationships - they just simply dont exist anymore. I understand that importing into a new database could cause this - but they arent disappearing after I have imported; the database can be running fine and then after a few days I check the table again and the primary key is no longer set and the relationships to other tables have disappeared.

I am compacting and repairing every day and having to recreate a new clean database about once a week - and keep getting the same problems with the same table!!!

Has anyone seen this happen before and could anyone suggest where I would begin trying to resolve this. Any advice would be REALLY appreciated.

Many Thanks in advance

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Subform Data Disappearing On Entry

Oct 2, 2006

Hi all,

I apologize if I'm missing something terribly simple.

Here's the background: I have a set of 3 tables linked to a main table based on a field called SampleID. I then have one main form (SAMPLE) with the other 3 tables (INDIVIDUAL, LOCATION & ORGANISM) all as subforms within the main form.

everything seems to work well in terms of links and getting the data into the appropriate tables and retaining the SampleID link. However, during data entry using the tab key, I am unable to find an eloquent way to move from the main form to subform1, then from subform1 to subform2, from subform2 back to main etc. I have set the tab order, and used the afterupdate control to change the focus which works, however as soon as I move from subform1 to subform2, the data just entered disappears from subform1. The data makes it to the table without any problem, but just blanks out the form.

From what I can see, when the subform loses focus it automatically saves the edited record and inserts a new record, thereby blanking out the fields that were just entered. Is there a property that can be set so that a new record is not automatically entered when leaving a subform? Is there a method to do this through coding?

any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance.....

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Reports :: Disappearing Sub-report Header

Dec 9, 2013

I cant get the report the way i want it anyway but basically i have a subreport header embedded in the Page Header of my report.I can see it in Report view but not in Print preview and it does not print of course!?

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Older Record Disappearing When Filtered

Mar 24, 2012

My database contain these:

- Products Table = [ID].AutoNumber, [Product].Text, [Active].Yes/No
- Orders Table = [ID].AutoNumber, [Product].Number, [Date].Date/Time, [Payment].Text
- Orders Form = [ID], [Product], [Date], [Payment]

I have [Product] in Orders Table and Orders Form as Combo Box for showing Product from Products Table.

And within product field on Orders, I want to make 'Active' product only showing up when choosing from combo box.

I made some records to test in Orders Form. Then I filtered Product from Orders Form with query:

SELECT Products.ID, Products.Product, Products.Active
FROM Products
WHERE (((Products.Active) Like Yes));
Then I changed some product 'Active' to "No"
And the old record disappearing.

How to make older record not disappearing when I filter some of field not being available to choose (because Active product uncheck)

More in-depth, Attachment Database1.zip

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Very Strange Problem Of Disappearing And Reappearing Data...

Jul 19, 2006

Good morning, I am experiencing an extremely strange problem that I will try to explain here...

I have got a subform which goal is only to display a few fields from a database. Not any interaction is made from mother forms, it just displays data, and that's all. It is really simple, and has been created with a wizard.

One of the fields, that is named OrderPart, has got for values either True or False. Most of the times, I don't have any problem, but, only when all the OrderPart fields are set to false, nothing is displayed anymore on the form, like if everything were hidden.

And if I change only one of these values to true, all other rows reappear, including those with the OrderPart field set to false.

The query to get the data is: SELECT subparts.* FROM subparts WHERE (((subparts.repairno)=[forms]![subpart assignment]![reportno])); . Moreover, when I run it outside the form, it always displays all information.

I don't have any filter, my request selects all objects, and I don't have any code, so I absolutely don't understand how this may happen! So if somebody should have a little clue, it should be very nice, thank you very much :D !!!

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