Display Combo Box Before Running Query

Mar 14, 2008

Hello I have Supply order Database
I want to display combo box
after selecting the month the query will run

plz tell me how to do it.......

kindly reply

if any 1


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Forms :: Display Form Without Running Query

Mar 29, 2014

I have a form with a select query running as record source. Once the input for the select query is entered the form runs. Then after that there are some manipulations in the form and it is displayed. In this second phase the form must be displayed without running the same query again. How can I do this?

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Running A Query By A Selection From A Combo Box

Dec 10, 2007

I have a query that runs info selected from safety visits. I have made a form with an unbound combobox that selects the supervisors name and after the name is selected, I have a button to run the query. When a name is selected, the query comes up blank. When I do not select the name, the query is populated.

My criteria on the query is [forms]![personnel]![combo9]

Combo9 is the unbound dropdown menu with the supervisors name that is taken from a table of names.

Any help?

Thanks in advance.:(

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Running A Query Based On Item In Combo Box

Nov 12, 2004

I am trying to select the records I want displayed by what category is chosen in the combo box.

Say there are two fields in the combo box: Red / Blue

I want the query to only display the records associated with the Red Category.

If I set the criteria in the query to [Show only Red] and type in Red when the query is run I get blank lines.

Is there an issue when choosing a category from a combo box for the query to be specific on?

My other issue is.... does the problem originate because I am trying to run a query from a table that is being filled in by typing the
information into a form? I wouldn't think so, but I am not sure.


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Running A Query Based On A Combo Box Within A Form

Apr 6, 2012

how I can have a combo box on a form, and once a value is picked, return a query that displays all the data based on that value. I have tried using sub forms and the after update but I cant seem to figure it out.

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Queries- Running/Display Results?

Aug 30, 2007

Hey guys-
I have a database of properties for sale. I want to calculate the asking prices of each record (for sale) against the sold prices of all the houses in the same area. Area is defined as a numeric number, and each property has one assigned to it. My question is this-
I have a table of all the properties. Do I run the query and store the results in a specific cell in the table- and then use a form to display those results? Or do I run the query from a form and not store the calculated results at all? I will be adding/updating info on a daily basis, so these calculation results will also change daily. Obviously I am fairly new to Access and trying to figure out how to do this stuff. Using Access 2002. Either way, I assume i'll be using a form to display the results one way or another...

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How To Display Running Number In Form?

Jul 15, 2005

I have many records in 1 form, is it possible for me to display running number on that form? I can display running number in report by putting textbox and set its control source to =1. Is it possible to do that in form?

any idea? thanx in advance..;)

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Queries :: How Can Query Display Info Based On Cascading Combo Boxes When Box (isnull)

Nov 27, 2013

I have a form with cascading combo boxes pulling from a table. They work perfectly, no worries. My problem now is if I do not enter information in every combo box (i.e. only two out of four combo boxes), how can I still run the query and get the appropriate information?

For example (these are my combo box titles in order):

Contract #

I don't want to necessarily look by Contract # all the time, but sometimes just by the general Product and Type to get a larger view. How do I set up expressions/criteria in my query to accurately produce that information? Right now it just produces a blank query table if I don't fill out all the boxes.

I've tried a couple of expressions with "isnull" criteria, but I must be doing it incorrectly.

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Display Records Of Select Query After Selecting Desired Data From Single Combo Box

Nov 13, 2011

I created a subform that displays the records of a select query after selecting the desired data from a single combo box (for instructors name) and then using an OpenQuery macro attached to a button.

Only 1 record is displayed in the subform each time I hit the button. If I look at the query return there is no change. However, if I close the query and select a new instructors name, although I only get one record in the subform, the query when opened shows all the correct records.

What is wrong with my macro/subform?

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Auto-running Through Combo Box

Feb 8, 2006

When a Combo Box is first opened, the vertical slider doesn't quite sync up with the contents. The slider will move up and down, but the contents of the combo box won't automatically slide up and down with that slider until the slider has first gone to the bottom of the list.

I've sat here for 10 minutes and waited -- no difference. Unless I physically slide the slider all the way to the bottom of the list, the contents of the combo box will not slide with that slider.

How can I make the contents sync up with the slider right away so that I can more easily find things 1/3 of the way down without sliding the bar all the way to the bottom to sync it up then back up to slowly slide the slider until I see it?

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Forms :: Running SQL Statement With Combo Box Values

Apr 4, 2013

I have a form that has a combobox with table names in it. I want to execute a very complicated SQL statement but I want to put the table name (from the combobox) into the SQL statement. I'm planning on making a button to do this, but I don't know how to put the SQL statement in VBS which would use the combobox value as the table name in the SQL statement.

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Combo Box Display 0

Oct 1, 2004

I have combo box # 1 with value list of "OLD" and "NEW" and combo box # 2 with its row source coming from a query. Here's the scenario - A user chooses "OLD" on the first record from combo box # 1 and the code works fine. But when the user chooses "OLD" again on the next record, what code do I write so that combo box # 2 displays a 0?
So to re-itirate, please help me write the code if the item on the list is selected again, the value of the other combo box would display 0?

Please help. Thank you.

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Combo Box Will Not Display Selection

Dec 14, 2005

I have a form that calculates freight costs. I'm using a combo box for the user to select the route of the shipment from shipping port to destination port. The combo box has 2 fields. The index which is stored in the database and the description which is displayed to the user. I used the wizard to create the combo box and set the index to be saved in a table. Everything works fine, the freight cost is calculated correctly and the data is stored as designed.

The problem is when if the user goes back later and opens the screen to view the freight information, the combo box doesn't display what was selected previously. Therefore, no freight is calculated and the user has to reselect the combo box again. When I check the table, the index value of what was selected is in the table, but it will not display in the combo box.

. . . . Additional info to this post. . . . The combo box is set to use a data from a standard table. The user can only select what is displayed in the list. However, the index is then stored in another table after the selection is made. I want the combo box to do something like, if a selection was previously made then displayed what was select, if not, then display the data from the standard table.

What did I do wrong during the set up? Thanks for your help solving this problem.


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Help With Combo Box Display Problem

Jan 6, 2006

I need some help please
I have a db that has three forms (1 frmSearch, 1 frmFindCountyInfo and 1 subfrmFindCountyInfo (embedded in the frmFindCountyInfo)
I also have 2 tables (States and CountyInfo with StateID and CountyID set as PK in each).
Now I am trying to design it in such a way that when someone double clicks a State from the Mainform (FrmSearch), it should bring the frmFindCountyInfo with the corresponding state info for that State and this works fine.
Now in the subfrmFindCountyInfo, I want the user to be able to pick from a combobox a county within the Counties from the state selected and displayed in the frmFindCountyInfo
Data Source for FrmSearch: States
Data Source for FrmFindCountyInfo: States
Data Source for SubrmFindCountyInfo: CountyInfo
I also have a one to many relationship defined between StateID in States table and StateID in CountyInfo Table (I dunno if I am using it right though)

I have a query that works in Datasheet view but when I run the form, it picks just one county and there are non on the droplist.
Any help will be very much appreciated. Here are my queries…
Query to get State and Corresponding Info (works Fine)

SELECT States.StateID, [State] & " " & [Alias] AS StateFullName, States.Alias
FROM States;

Query to get County and corresponding data (seem to work in datasheetview but pulls up just first alphabetical county in combo box on form)

SELECT CountyInfo.County, CountyInfo.ReleaseFee, CountyInfo.ReleaseComment, CountyInfo.AssignmentFee, CountyInfo.AssignmentComment, CountyInfo.AdditionalInfo, CountyInfo.LastUpdated
FROM CountyInfo INNER JOIN States ON CountyInfo.StateID = States.StateID
WHERE ((([Forms]![FrmFindCountyInfo]![State])=[CountyInfo]![State]))
ORDER BY CountyInfo.County;

Also when I run subfrmFindCountyInfo alone ( I have to input State) it has the drop down with all the counties.
I dunno whatelse to do. Any help willbe very much appreciated.

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Combo Box Display Different Than What's Going In Record

Jan 24, 2006

I have created a combo box that simulates browsing, but limits it to a single filepath. I would like to store this file path along with the filename into my database in a field. There are two ways of doing this that I have found work, but i need a less cluttered way. 1) My rowsource string is created byrowString = rowString & filePath & fileName &";"fileName = dirthat's in a loop that reads all the files in the directory.... the problem with setting this rowsource to my combobox is that its very long and cluttered looking combo boxMy secont way is: rowString = rowString & fileName &";"fileName = dirThen i make a hidden text box whose value is filePath + Me!cboBox where the cboBox has the string value of the file (Sample1.jpg) In this instance i make the text box the control source instead of the combo box... but I'm pretty sure that's a bad way of doing what I want to doboth of these ways seem ... redundant, so i was wondering if there is a way to do this otherwise ?

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Combo Data Display

Feb 2, 2006

I am fairly new to VBA, having done no fromal training. I have taught myself quite alot and I am pleased with how i am progressing. I am stuck though!

I am building a booking system for a friends business, all free of charge as I believe it's a good project to get experience in VBA.

The booking form has a 'Date' Combo box, 'Name' Combo box and a 'Time' Combo box. The 'Time' Combo box displays times in 10min intervals from 0600 to 2100, and this data is stored in a table called 'tblTimes'. I need to build a query that checks the main table 'tblBooking', for a selected date chosen in the 'Date' Combo box by the user, to see what times have been used up and thus only display, in the 'Time' Combo box, those times not yet used for that particular datedate.

I am sure, to some of you experts out there, that this is quite a simple query. I looki forward to your input.

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Using A Combo Box To Display A Table

Jul 7, 2006

I'd like to be able to select a choice of printer manufacturer(as a combo box), which will then display all the printer cartridges made by that manufacturer in a table below the combo box. I have made the forms (with the relevent combo box looking up manufacturers) but am now sure how to relate the two so that the table updates, depending on which manufacturer is selected. Again this seems like a simple problem but I am new to access and sitll working my way around the program.

(Yes, I have tried goodle, but I can't seem to find quite what I'm looking for)

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Using A Combo Box To Display A Table

Jul 7, 2006

I'd like to be able to select a choice of printer manufacturer(as a combo box), which will then display all the printer cartridges made by that manufacturer in a table below the combo box. I have made the forms (with the relevent combo box looking up manufacturers) but am now sure how to relate the two so that the table updates, depending on which manufacturer is selected. Again this seems like a simple problem but I am new to access and sitll working my way around the program.

(Yes, I have tried goodle, but I can't seem to find quite what I'm looking for)

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Display Dat On Basis Of Combo Box Selected Value

May 31, 2006


I am posting this question again, as I think there was some miscommunication from my side. I sinccerely apologise.

Actually there are three fields on a form.

1. Combo Box : Label is Name
2. Text Box : Label is Code
3. Text Box : Label is Department.

These three fields are stored in the table.

I wants that when the form gets loaded, then in the combo box field all the names from the table should appear. When I select the particular name from the list and the focus is lost from the combo box then the two values from the table should show the corresponding text boxs.

Thanks in Advance

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Display Dat On Basis Of Combo Box Selected Value

May 31, 2006


I am posting this question again, as I think there was some miscommunication from my side. I sinccerely apologise.

Actually there are three fields on a form.

1. Combo Box : Label is Name
2. Text Box : Label is Code
3. Text Box : Label is Department.

These three fields are stored in the table.

I wants that when the form gets loaded, then in the combo box field all the names from the table should appear. When I select the particular name from the list and the focus is lost from the combo box then the two values from the table should show the corresponding text boxs.

Thanks in Advance

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Default Display On Combo Boxes

Aug 24, 2005

Is there a way to force a combo box to display the first value in the list as its default value?

To be more specific the combo box needs to display this value when the parent form is opened or when you use VBA to change or add the row source.

When ever I use a saved query as the row source the default value is always Null.

Thanks Everyone,

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Combo Box - Trying To Display Two Fields Unselected

Dec 28, 2005

I am trying to display two fields when the combo box is unselected.

Basically I have a table source manufacturer. This table has Manufacurer e.g. Nokia. Model No e.g. 3230.

So on the combo box i want it to show Nokia 3230. Saves me linking to a subform to show the information.

Can it be done???:)

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Choose In Combo Display In Field

Sep 1, 2006


Can anyone create a form with a combobox where you can select a form and this form will display in an static area.
Then you can choose another form in the combobox and it will display in the same spot.
the forms that will be displayed are exactly the same size.

This would help me very much



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Display Picture Depending On Combo Box.

Dec 14, 2006

Hi all! i am wanting to display a signature (jpeg image) when a combo box is displaying "Yes" and the picture to be hidden when the combo box is either empty or set as "No". i have before managed to change colours of other fields depending on combo boxes - but my coding isnt that great, so i dunno what code is req'd!all help much appriciated!thanksDave

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Combo Box Values Display Slowly

Sep 12, 2005

My Combo Box is tied to a table with many entries. When I click on it to display the table values it takes several seconds to display. Is there any way I can "pre-load" the Combo Box (such as on form load, etc.) so when I click on it it displays more quickly? Or is there another way to speed it up?

Thanks ...

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Basic Combo Box Display Question

Aug 2, 2006

I can't figure this out! My user wants a combo box with the Rec ID, Item Description, and Item Number. When she selects the Item Description, she wants only the Item Number to appear in the combo box, not the description.

This would be easy if she wanted the list to have the Item Number next to the rec ID, but that's not how she wants it to appear. Can you please help?

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