Display File Name In A Report

Jan 27, 2013

Is it possible to display / print the database filename (blah.accdb) in a Report in Access 2010?

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Display File Name Of Backend Mdb - How?

Sep 2, 2005

Quite often I'll make a "training" version of the backend database so that people can "play" (or should I say get training) on dummy data without them having to worry about ruining the live data.

If my real data is in a file called RealData.mdb and my dummy data is in a file called TrainingData.mdb, I want to display this name prominently on my menu form. Thus they can then change the link on the front end to the real or dummy data as required BUT have a reminder as to which they're on.

How can I do this? Further rather than using the file name, could I use one of the database properties (say Title) to display a more friendly text name?



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Display Database File Name On Form

Sep 4, 2006

I wish to display my database file name on a form.
Can someone please advise me.


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How To Display Attachment File Name In A Form

Jun 22, 2014

How to display attachment file name in a form? I have attachment field in my form and attached to 2 or more images. I put "Attachment.File Name" field under my attachment images. "Attachment.File Name" field displays the name of the first image of my attachment images like a "title". Whenever I click forward or backward arrow to see my attachment images, I want "Attachment.File Name" field also shows the correct name of the attachment image.

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PDF File Content Display On Access 2013 Form

Feb 7, 2014

I have an table with attachment field in which PDF files are attached.I need Access 2013 form to display PDF file content instead of PDF icon .While record changed should display PDF content for each record navigated

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Forms :: Filtering Records Which Form Will Initially Display From Header File

May 30, 2015

I have a header/detail form working well. I use a Dsum to update a TOTAL field in the header - based on all the detail records for that Header.

However, I want to 'filter' or condition the records which the form will initially display from the Header file. I have a conditioning field (Invoice date) in the header which should 'block' it from display on the form. I may also desire to SORT the selected Headers record into a different sequence before display...

Looks like any "filtering" I try on the header table makes it difficult to go back and update the TOTAL in the Header?

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How To Use Data From Uploaded Excel File And Display Chart Based On Query

Aug 12, 2015

I have a graph chart and my row source type is a Query. So I retrieved data from the Query that I built.

However , I want to get the data from the uploaded excel file.

I have a form that will prompt user in the beginning to upload the excel file and replaced the old table in Access- "CrossSystemData"

Basically , I want to pull data from Excel file , Run the query(Data from excel file) then excute to "display a chart based on my query" ... Is it possible ?

Query SQL: "PolyWrongRegInsCount"


My Chart SQL :

SELECT PolyWrongRegInsCount.[INSTITUTION], PolyWrongRegInsCount.[NO_OF_GROUP]
FROM PolyWrongRegInsCount;

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General :: Possible To Permanently Display File Path In Access 2003 Main Title Bar?

Nov 22, 2012

Is it possible to permanently display the file path in Access 2003 main title bar? I.e. whatever object is open the filepath is shown.

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Display Field In Report

Nov 4, 2004

How do I set a field to NOT display in a report if the field is empty? Thanks!

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How To Display A Message While Generating Report..

Jun 7, 2005

Hello guys,
I have created a form which generates the data into new access database,now I have to show a message "Processing" while data gets generated. And when its done this message should go away by itself,so any suggestion please let me know.

Hope to get answer..


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Display Text On Report From Form

Oct 17, 2005

Can anybody tell me this:

i want one textbox on form to be entered by user.When this form is submitted, enteredf text on form must be displayed in report.
How can i do this ?

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Display Members Picture In Report

Apr 30, 2005

i have a table calle "tstaff" and one of the fields in it is named "picture" which hold a link to the picture of the staff membe, the picture is stored on my pc, not in the database.

so in the picture field would be something like this...

c:documents and settingsall usersdocumentsmy picturessample pictureslue hills.jpg

what i am trying to do now is to create a report that displays all the patients data, including the actual picture that the link refers to...

how should i do this please



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Date Range Won't Display In Report

May 31, 2006

I created a query with: Between [Forms]![Dummy]![StartDate:] And [Forms]![Dummy]![EndDate:] in it.

I created a Form with two text boxes named StartDate and EndDate and appropriate labels and buttons.

I then Created a Report, which prompts for dates and finds the data between the given Dates correctly.

Now the problem: When I create a text box in the report of the following form, I get ?Name? error on the Report: =[Forms]![Form Name]![StartDate] This should work?
Can you help me solve this last problem and acheive a good working program?

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Reports :: Record Won't Display On Report

Mar 29, 2015

my ive made a query to base my report off the only issue is the ' timeslot' wont appear on the report.

the timeslot needs to be displayed on the time the customer booked their appointment...

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Reports :: Cannot Display Picture In Report

Jun 12, 2013

I've got a report/invoice that i want to print out with a simple header picture for the company. For reasons i cannot fathom the picture will not print. Print preview, Report view, print as PDF, XPS and even copy to a word doc all display the picture, but when i send it to any printer the header does not show.I have checked every setting i can find.

Visible = Yes
Display when = Always
deleted, save and closed, re-inputted, still nothing.
compact and repair after delete re-input after compact, still nothing.
Added the file to local directory, still not showing

I can even add a border around the picture which it will print but not the image itself.I've tried .png .jpg and .jpeg file types (Same image its just a logo).

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General :: How To Display A Report Within A Form

Jul 16, 2012

Iv added a 'subform/subreport' to one of my forms.I wanted to use this to display a report. Therefore i assumed that i would simply set the source object to my desired report and hey presto! But no, when i look in the source object drop down list, my report doesnt appear.how i can display a report within a form??

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Queries :: Display Last Record On A Report?

Jun 30, 2014

What I am trying to do is have the user click a button to open a report based on the current specification they are updating. Now for each specification there are multiple revisions so i added a 'revision history' table. When the user prints the specification, I only want the latest revision number, date, and rev descr to show. I tried using the following:

Private Sub Report_Load()
Dim db As Database
Dim Rev As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set Rev = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT tblRevisionHistory.revnum, tblRevisionHistory.revdate, tblRevisionHistory.revision FROM tblRevisionHistory;")
Me.Text23 = Rev.Fields("revnum")
Me.Text26 = Rev.Fields("revdate")
Me.Text28 = Rev.Fields("revision")
End Sub

The above only showed me the last record in the table regardless of the specification number filter.

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Filter A Report So It Doesn't Display Certain Records

Oct 18, 2005

hey everyone . .

i've got a report which pulls its data from a query. it pulls these fields:TestCode...Price...HID...Month...etc . . .

There are names of "TestCode" that we don't want to display, is there a way to filter certain "TestCodes" out? if so, how?

Here's my current SQL Code:
I have a query which pulls certain records from a table, here is my SQL statement:
SELECT [qryGroupByAMCount].[TestCode], [qryGroupByAMCount].[Price], [qryGroupByAMCount].[HID], [qryGroupByAMCount].[Month], [qryGroupByAMCount].[CountOfAutoNumber], IIf([TESTCODE]="PTCGCD",[CountOfAutonumber]*2,IIf([TESTCODE]="LSHABC",[CountofAutonumber]*4,IIf([TESTCODE]="HPVPNL",[CountOfAutonumber]*2,IIf([TESTCODE]="TOXOAB",[CountofAutonumber]*2,[CountofAutonumber])))) AS Extended
FROM qryGroupByAMCount

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Command Line To Display Access Report

Sep 19, 2004

I am looking for help to to generate a command line to automatically run a report within a windows program I am using. The program I use has command line fields to automatically open the access report when I complete my program session. I have tested the command line with a standard C:.... .exe to open Word, Access, etc.

I have tried using the create shortcut and snapshot methods without success and wondering if a macro is needed (havent a clue).

Hoping someone can help!

thanks... Keith

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Display Total Number Of Records On A Report

Oct 26, 2004

I'm sure this is a no brainer for those in the know - but I dont!
So how do I display the total number of records at the end of a report?

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Record-Dependent Field Display In Same Report

Nov 2, 2004

so i'm trying to create a report that only displays certain fields per record based on another field in that record. To clarify: [Type] is a numeric field holding either 1, 2, or 3. I have a function that is instructed to display (ie, change from not visible to visible) a certain combination of fields depending on the number in [Type] when the form is opened. I assume I would have to go through all the records individually (do loop until), but i'm not sure if this works in a report.

is there any way to have different fields displayed for different records within the same report??



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Combining Reports To 1 Report To Display Totals

Aug 29, 2005

I have monthly reports developed from various query's and what I want to do is have a single report that I can display my monthly totals from each monthly report without developing a whole new report. I want to use the existing totals from the monthlies and have them all on one report. Can anyone help me?

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Query/report To Display Most Recent Record

Jun 1, 2006

My database includes a Project table and a Status table. They are linked by the ProjectID. The status table contains records sorted by date pertaining to work accomplished on each project. I have created a report based upon a query to give me an update of the status of each project. I only want to see the most recent record for each project from the Status table in my report.

How can I accomplish this?

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Reports :: How To Get List From Form To Display In Report

Apr 7, 2014

I'm trying to get a list into a report, the specific list is build in a form.

How can i get this list displayed in a report ?

Can i load the list using vba code or is there an easy-er way of doing this ?

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Reports :: How To Display Table Field In Report

Sep 2, 2013

I'm using Access 2007.

I have a Customer table that has a field "PostalCode" that is numerical an is connected to a field called PostalID in a table called PostalCode and has the actual postal code stored in a field call Pcode.

I have everything working ok as far as displaying the correct Pcode on the various forms. eg: is the PostalID is 10, I want the form to display the Pcode of 2000.

I can't figure out how to display the Pcode in a report.....

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Reports :: Display Multiple Attachment In Report?

Aug 11, 2014

I would like to ask about on how to display my attached pictures to my report. I'm using MS Access 2007 and I have a table names:

Projects - ProjectID, ProjectName, StartDate, EndDate;

Task - TaskID, ProjectID, TaskName, Pictures;

Picture datatype is Attachment and it is multi-valued field so I created a query to extract picture per ProjectID and to be used as a Subreport. Query results shown below:

ProjectID Attachment
11 tulip.jpg
11 hill.jpg
10 panda.jpg
10 shark.jpg

Now, I have created the sub report and linked it Project table. Result is the pictures add up vertically or downward where there is a big space on the right side, I want to have it from left to right or horizontally.

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